11:01:06 RRSAgent has joined #wot-uc 11:01:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/03/13-wot-uc-irc 11:06:29 meeting: WoT Use Cases 11:06:43 McCool has joined #wot-uc 11:06:48 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Ege_Korkan, Michael_McCool 11:06:57 Ege has joined #wot-uc 11:07:38 q+ 11:08:12 topic: agenda and minutes 11:08:14 ack k 11:08:30 agenda: https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/TODO/20240313.md 11:08:41 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/TODO/20240313.md agenda for today 11:08:52 https://www.w3.org/2024/03/06-wot-uc-minutes.html previous minutes 11:09:38 mz: for today, will do logistics, updated plan, then minutes, then uc template, then input from WoT JP CG security seminar 11:09:49 topic: logistics 11:10:10 mz: have some holidays and cancellations 11:10:23 ... march 20 and april 10 will be cancelled 11:10:53 ... and also daylight savings time started, please check schedule 11:11:05 topic: Proposed Plan 11:11:36 mz: last week, wanted to work on templates for func req and tech req 11:11:48 ... after looking at a concrete example 11:12:14 ... however, we did not complete that, so this week we will continue 11:13:01 ... but work on use case template, then do func and tech requirements on some future dates 11:13:43 ... we also need to look at the publication schedule, and relationship with work items 11:13:51 https://www.w3.org/2024/03/06-wot-uc-minutes.html 11:13:59 topic: minutes 11:14:08 s|https://www.w3.org/2024/03/06-wot-uc-minutes.html|| 11:14:11 -> https://www.w3.org/2024/03/06-wot-uc-minutes.html Mar-6 11:14:20 mz: last minutes are at the above url 11:14:31 ... (review minutes) 11:15:52 mz: approve minutes and discussion points? 11:16:05 ... (no objections, approved) 11:16:09 topic: Use Case Template 11:17:08 mz: need to clarify what we mean by "gaps", relationships between proposed use case and existing use cases 11:17:26 ... as well as gaps in standards, WoT's and other SDOs 11:17:34 q+ 11:17:47 q+ 11:18:22 ack e 11:18:35 ege: prepared PR https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/pull/277 11:18:40 ack k 11:18:47 kz: mz prepared an updated template, would like to show it 11:18:54 https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/USE-CASES/example-template.md 11:19:43 q+ 11:20:07 s|https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/USE-CASES/example-template.md|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/main/USE-CASES/example-template.md updated Use Case Template 11:20:57 mz: first part is the same as previous calls 11:21:59 ... but added part about gaps and relationships 11:22:10 q? 11:22:14 ack mc 11:22:46 q+ 11:22:50 q+ 11:23:27 mm: I still feel gaps should go last, may need to consider e.g. security requirements 11:23:48 ege: agree gaps should be at the end 11:23:49 ack e 11:24:05 ... other point, this specific example of gaps is not concrete enough 11:24:31 ... and should possibly be written by working group 11:24:39 ... not clear what needs to be done by TF 11:25:40 kz: should first acknowledge updates based on last week 11:26:02 q+ 11:26:06 ack k 11:27:15 mm: to summarize the changes, relationships were moved out of gaps, and a better definition of gaps 11:27:24 ... I am fine with those changes 11:28:10 kz: we also should talk about the security considerations etc. 11:28:33 mm: I was going to bring that up, but wanted to address moving gaps to the end first, as it is a higher priority 11:28:53 kz: let's take three step approach 11:29:41 ... mz's changes, moving gaps, updating the security section 11:29:52 mm: concur with first two, let's do that 11:30:00 ... then discuss the last point when we get there 11:30:14 s/changes/changes based on the previous discussion themselves/ 11:30:25 q? 11:30:33 ege: agree 11:31:26 kz: ok, mz, since people agree, let's edit the markdown to move the gaps section 11:31:41 mz: (moves gaps section) 11:31:42 q+ 11:32:02 ack m 11:32:46 ktoumura has joined #wot-uc 11:33:17 q+ 11:33:38 present+ Kunihiko_Toumura 11:33:44 mm: for wide review sections, first, it would be good to link to the existing questionnaires for these sections 11:33:54 ... even though they are not especially relevant 11:34:16 ... second, for security and privacy, we have already defined a set of broad categories 11:34:31 ... and it would be good for use cases to identify which categories they belong to 11:34:43 ... (may be more than one) 11:35:27 ack k 11:36:13 q+ 11:37:03 https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/blob/main/publication/ver11/security_and_privacy.md 11:37:44 ack k 11:38:38 -> https://github.com/w3ctag/design-reviews/issues/736 design-reviews issue 11:40:58 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/blob/main/publication/ver11/accessibility.md accessibility review 11:41:33 s|security_and_privacy.md|security_and_privacy.md security and privacy review| 11:41:51 q+ 11:42:07 mm: these questions are not perfect, but are a starting point 11:42:16 ... and then I would like to see the categories 11:42:38 i|these|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-architecture/blob/main/publication/ver11/internationalization.md internationalization review| 11:43:31 ... which is basically a set of five yes/no questions 11:44:01 brb 11:48:24 kz: two steps then - let's add link to our versions of the questionnaires, then think about security TF (can make PR) 11:48:58 s/link/links/ 11:49:01 q? 11:49:10 s/security TF/security categories based on the feedback from the Security TF/ 11:49:11 ack k 11:50:17 ege: agree 11:50:27 scribe+ 11:50:36 miz: agree 11:50:38 scribe- 11:50:52 s/miz/mz/ 11:50:57 mz: use case template should not be complicated however 11:51:08 q+ 11:52:08 q+ 11:52:11 mm: true, and questionnaires we link to are a bit off-target 11:52:22 ack k 11:52:30 ... but the five questions are proposing are very simple and valuable 11:52:40 kz: rather, it should be as simple as possible 11:53:15 s/possible/possible, and also it should include enough information for requirement extraction/ 11:53:21 q+ 11:53:24 ege: regarding simplicity, if it is simple but not useful, then we are wasting our time 11:53:28 ack e 11:53:31 ... we need actionable input 11:53:55 ... would rather balance it more towards getting more information from use cases 11:54:02 ack k 11:54:30 q+ 11:54:42 mm: ok, let's work on a PR for these proposed changes in the Security TF 11:54:46 ack k 11:54:54 ... then discuss next week 11:55:36 i/ok/kaz: that's why we're holding discussion to see the well-balance :)/ 11:55:46 s/that's/scribenick: kaz/ 11:55:56 i/ok/scribenick: McCool/ 11:56:06 [adjourned] 11:56:13 rrsagent, make log public 11:56:22 rrsagent, draft minutes 11:56:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/13-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 12:01:28 Tomo has left #wot-uc 14:05:32 Zakim has left #wot-uc 15:26:18 kaz has joined #wot-uc 17:28:45 kaz has joined #wot-uc