17:00:45 RRSAgent has joined #webdriver 17:00:49 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/03/13-webdriver-irc 17:00:49 Zakim has joined #webdriver 17:01:20 Meeting: WebDriver 17:01:47 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/wiki/WebDriver/2024-03-BiDi#Agenda 17:01:53 Chair: AutomatedTester 17:02:20 present+ 17:02:34 RRSAgent: make logs public 17:02:37 present+ 17:02:42 RRSAgent: make minutes 17:02:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/13-webdriver-minutes.html jgraham 17:02:50 present+ 17:02:50 Scribe: David Burns 17:02:50 present+ 17:02:55 present+ 17:02:56 present+ 17:02:57 ScribeNick: AutomatedTester 17:03:00 present+ 17:03:39 present+ 17:04:17 I have to leave in 30 minutes 17:04:34 present+ 17:04:42 present+ 17:05:17 topic: Support for unloaded tabs 17:05:29 github: https://github.com/w3c/webdriver-bidi/issues/656 17:05:58 whimboo: This isnt a blocking topic at the moment but we will need to think about it in the future 17:06:22 ... there could be cases where a tab doesnt have content window attached to it 17:06:56 ... a lot of events will not be sent out if nthere isn't a content window attached 17:07:12 ... so I wanted to see if there is a similar issue with chromium folks 17:07:20 q? 17:07:32 q+ 17:08:32 whimboo: this will be an issue with bidi as we can access tabs that are not currently focused. It's not an issue with webdriver classic 17:08:40 ack next 17:08:56 q+ 17:09:05 q+ 17:09:13 Maksim Sadym: we have a more or less similar issue when we do print or screenshot when the tab is not in focus 17:09:21 ... I will try look at this in the next week 17:09:25 ack next 17:09:55 jgraham: spec wise HTML doesn't have anything for this situation. We shoiuld probably raise an issue on that spec 17:10:35 howard-e has joined #webdriver 17:10:39 ... as it's not really discribed 17:10:44 ack next 17:11:18 jrandolf: could you precisely define unloaded 17:11:30 howard-e has left #webdriver 17:11:51 q+ 17:11:58 whimboo: in our case with a tab when a content process in a tab. When the tab is unloaded there will not be a content process attached 17:12:05 ack next 17:12:07 q+ 17:12:38 jrandolf: could you hellp me understand when this occurs 17:12:40 ack next 17:13:13 jgraham (IRC): in Firefox if you reload a session you will have tabs but they won't load any content until somene clicks on it 17:13:21 q+ 17:13:38 ... but there are times where you want to tell a tab in automation to start loading by clicking on it 17:14:28 ... there are some properties that are associated with the traversable from cache and other properties 17:14:51 q+ 17:14:56 ... I think we need to file an issue on HTML and go speak to that group 17:15:02 ack next 17:15:40 A related situation is mobile when background tabs might be automatically unloaded 17:15:48 jrandolf: for context in chromium there are specific commands that don't work if the tab doesn't have focus 17:15:55 ... but the tree is fully loaded 17:15:59 q+ 17:16:15 q? 17:16:35 ack next 17:17:16 jdescottes: in CHromium there is memory saver which is very similar to what Firefox does in this case 17:17:29 q+ 17:17:36 ack next 17:18:37 jrandolf: that's good to know. I can see what you are after and we will look into this and get back to you. I agree with jgraham (IRC) we should raise an HTML Spec issue 17:19:10 action: Raise issue against HTML for Support for unloaded tabs 17:19:26 topic: RFC 182: Add WebDriver BiDi support to testdriver.js 17:19:35 github: https://github.com/web-platform-tests/rfcs/pull/182 17:20:46 sadym (IRC): we have started putting webdriver bidi into testdriver.js. Apologies to jgraham (IRC) for how we started it but we encourage everyone to have a look 17:22:30 Topic: Clarify when files set with "input.setFiles" command should be considered equal to the selected files 17:22:41 github: https://github.com/w3c/webdriver-bidi/issues/678 17:23:05 sasha: The first thing is when we should fire the cancel event 17:24:25 q+ 17:25:46 ... there are also cases where we are putting info into in and when we try retrieve it we don't get the same information and there are cases where we cant get this info from the HTML spec as it forbids it 17:25:53 ack next 17:26:35 q+ 17:27:17 jrandolf: I created the spec the way it is as it is for what the user would expected. I am not so picky in how we do this by adding a flag. I don't think an empty file list makes sense 17:27:37 ... in the CDDL we have have it cancel or files 17:27:58 ... we don';t want to influence the HTML spec here too much 17:28:02 q? 17:28:05 ack next 17:28:36 jgraham (IRC): I think the actual behaviour here is different between gecko/webkit/chromium 17:28:58 ... a cancel event isn't fired in gecko but it does in chromium/webkit 17:29:12 ... and a flag seems a natural way to do it 17:30:02 ... we can have type attribute where it is a type cancel and type files but I haven't thought about it much 17:30:08 q? 17:30:43 topic: Add a step to validate if the files which a client tries to set with input.setFiles command exist 17:30:53 github: https://github.com/w3c/webdriver-bidi/issues/677 17:31:21 sasha: the question is should we error like webdriver classic if the file doesn't exist 17:32:15 ... on the platform side we snapshot the file and then send it across and this can error 17:32:15 q+ 17:32:24 ... does this make sense for everyone? 17:32:30 ack next 17:32:53 jrandolf: On chromium we don't do validation until the file is read 17:33:35 ... it is probably fine to write a normative note as it is platform specific to say this could throw an error 17:34:46 ... in chromium we take a more relaxed sense since we don't expect people to send fake files and I know this came from wpt that was sending fake files 17:34:50 q+ 17:34:58 q? 17:35:22 ack next 17:35:52 jgraham (IRC): I think there are definitely loads of situations where it could throw an error 17:36:26 ... for most people they won't be sending fake files but we need to do it for testing the browser 17:36:46 ... and appreciate it's a bit of a footgun but we can see if we can relax the requirement on our side 17:36:55 q? 17:37:10 q+ 17:37:37 ack next 17:38:13 sasha: we have fixed wpt tests to make temporary files and we won't have to create any spec changes? 17:38:47 jgraham (IRC): I think we should have the spec updated to say it's an invalid argument like classic 17:39:08 topic: User prompt handlers 17:39:18 github: https://github.com/w3c/webdriver/pull/1791 17:39:18 I note that is a position on whether Invalid Argument is only for things that can be detected from the schema; if we reject files for not existing then it isn't. So if we want that property we should invent a new error. 17:40:16 jgraham (IRC): after working through handlers for user prompts in classic which shoulnd't change how we do things 17:40:31 ... and now have something up for bidi 17:41:19 ... in bidi we want to be notified before unload where in classic it was automatically handled 17:42:20 ... whimboo has looked at this and since it's a new feature it would be good if other vendors can have a look 17:42:55 ... one of the future items is that we can have the file dialog is handled this way 17:43:39 ... as well as the classic PR there are also draft PRs on HTML and WebDriver Bidi 17:43:51 q? 17:44:46 topic: Better pointer events 17:44:53 github: https://github.com/w3c/webdriver/pull/1800 17:45:09 RRSAgent: make minutes 17:45:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/13-webdriver-minutes.html jgraham 17:45:27 jrandolf: I brought up the issue as I was working on the tests in this section 17:45:56 ... there are even some items that are not used by any browser 17:46:08 q+ 17:47:00 ... I think we're waiting on webkit for review here 17:47:21 automatedtester: shs96c could you help find someone to review 17:47:25 shs96c: will do 17:47:26 ack next 17:48:04 jgraham (IRC): I think it is ok. It is technically a backwards incompatible change in our tests 17:48:21 ... I think it's minor and hopefully a relatively safe change to make 17:48:23 q+ 17:48:40 ... but it should be reviewed properly 17:49:45 automatedtester: if I remember correctly this was originally done by microsoft so will reach out make make sure they are aware and will review 17:50:00 q- 17:51:19 RRSAgent: make minutes 17:51:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/03/13-webdriver-minutes.html jgraham 17:51:27 zakim, bye 17:51:27 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been JimEvans, AutomatedTester, sasha, whimboo, jrandolf, jgraham, lightning00blade, MaksimSadym, shs96c, jdescottes 17:51:27 Zakim has left #webdriver 17:51:58 RRSAgent, bye 17:51:58 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2024/03/13-webdriver-actions.rdf : 17:51:58 ACTION: Raise issue against HTML for Support for unloaded tabs [1] 17:51:58 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2024/03/13-webdriver-irc#T17-19-10