17:59:38 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:59:42 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/15-aria-irc 17:59:42 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:59:43 Meeting: ARIA WG 17:59:45 agendabot, find agenda 17:59:45 jamesn, OK. This may take a minute... 18:00:13 StefanS has joined #aria 18:00:36 Sorry, I did not find an agenda. 18:01:23 pkra has joined #aria 18:01:25 present+ 18:02:14 scotto has joined #aria 18:02:20 present+ 18:02:42 agendabot, agenda is https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2024Feb/0009.html 18:02:43 jamesn, sorry, I don't understand "agenda is https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2024Feb/0009.html". Try "agendabot, help". 18:03:17 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2024Feb/0009.html 18:03:17 clear agenda 18:03:17 agenda+ [New Issue Triage](https://bit.ly/3uo02dv) 18:03:17 agenda+ [New PR Triage](https://bit.ly/3OHXBcv) 18:03:17 agenda+ [WPT Open PRs](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests) 18:03:18 agenda+ [Deep Dive planning](https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates) 18:03:21 agenda+ [Callout element feedback](https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10100) 18:03:24 agenda+ [Add steps for shadow roots and slots](https://github.com/w3c/accname/pull/167) 18:03:26 agenda+ [Consider a mechanism to associate controls without an explicit grouping](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1721) 18:03:30 agenda+ [ARIAMixin has many integer attributes with string types and uses DOMString? incorrectly](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1110) 18:03:33 agenda+ [ARIA Spec could be more flexible when elements with "nameFrom:author" are left unlabeled by the author](https://github.com/w3c/accname/issues/138) 18:03:36 agenda+ [Consider providing a way for authors to customize the announcement of state](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/2085) 18:03:39 agenda+ [Align ARIAMixin with changes in HTML](https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1876) 18:03:42 agenda+ [Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/aria/) ([View Calendar](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/aria/calendar/)) 18:04:29 siri_ has joined #aria 18:04:30 present+ Daniel 18:04:36 agenda? 18:05:04 zakim, drop item 12 18:05:04 agendum 12, [Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/aria/) ([View Calendar](https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/aria/calendar/)), dropped 18:07:39 sarah_h has joined #aria 18:07:42 present+ 18:07:47 present+ 18:07:47 scribe+ 18:07:54 chair: spectranaut_ 18:08:19 Zakim, next item 18:08:19 agendum 1 -- [New Issue Triage](https://bit.ly/3uo02dv) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:08:23 BGaraventa has joined #aria 18:08:31 TheoHale has joined #Aria 18:08:38 present+ 18:08:58 present+ 18:09:00 present+ 18:09:09 present+ 18:09:12 present+ bgaraventa 18:09:16 Present+ 18:09:57 spectranaut_: issue triage, need to audit rule for role none and presentation on a table and list element 18:10:56 spectranaut_: ARIA issue 2123, concerning pubcg, anyone know about this? 18:11:34 pkra: it has something to do with reading systems, would be beneficial to standardize, but I haven't been involved in recent discussions 18:11:46 spectranaut_: is there any ask from this WG? 18:11:59 pkra: i don't think so it seems like it's just for awareness 18:12:10 jamesn: agree, seems like an FYI but if someone wants to review it they can 18:13:17 Zakim, next item 18:13:17 agendum 2 -- [New PR Triage](https://bit.ly/3OHXBcv) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:13:54 Zakim, close this item 18:13:54 agendum 2 closed 18:13:55 I see 9 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 18:13:55 3. [WPT Open PRs](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests) [from agendabot] 18:13:58 Zakim, next item 18:13:58 agendum 3 -- [WPT Open PRs](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Aweb-platform-tests%2Fwpt+is%3Aopen+label%3Awai-aria%2Caccname&type=pullrequests) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:14:33 spectranaut_: looks like there's one new PR, looks like melanie already looked at it 18:14:51 spectranaut_: maybe a few other folks could look at it and then we can get it merged 18:15:09 scotto: let's look at the other one there are open questions 18:15:45 spectranaut_: ok new namefrom: heading tests for accname 18:16:20 scotto: I've already provided a lot of feedback on this general topic due to all the different PRs that have to be opened 18:16:49 scotto: there are like five open PRs about the issue so it's kind of confusing to keep track, I suggest folks check their notifications and provide feedback 18:17:18 spectranaut_: so noting that nothing is passing from those tests 18:17:38 spectranaut_: seems like he's documenting a direction that he wants the browsers to go 18:17:50 present+ 18:19:22 jamesn: can someone explain in plain language what IDDFS and DFS differences are? 18:20:13 scotto: name from heading could either go down the DOM and get the name from that, or do something different and only look for heading in certain contexts 18:20:57 yes, I think the motivation is performance. The downside is it doesn't work for valid HTML. 18:20:58 jamesn: does this mean it will check all the immediate children and then if it doesn't find it, go looking elsewhere? 18:21:10 jamesn: this needs to be an agenda item for next week, I really don't understand this 18:21:14 (general agreement) 18:21:42 Zakim, next item 18:21:42 agendum 4 -- [Deep Dive planning](https://bit.ly/aria-meaty-topic-candidates) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:24:15 spectranaut_: let's have some notes first before we schedule the deepdive, do you have those mel? 18:24:29 I can have them by next week 18:24:44 jamesn: who _needs_ to attend? 18:25:08 BGaraventa: james C, is pretty important as an implementor 18:25:18 jamesn: week after next should probably be okay 18:25:41 spectranaut_: okay (commented in issue); tentatively scheduled it for the 29th 18:26:21 spectranaut_: ok these other deep dive issues, "title should not contribute to accName for generic elements" 18:27:47 I don't remember what I was thinking about it in November so I'll have to re-visit before we schedule a deepdive on it, it seems reasonable and we should just do it 18:28:07 scotto: different opinions on it, that's probably why 18:28:18 spectranaut_: ok let's look at this aria-hidden updates one 18:28:34 scotto: some of this has been superceded by other work, but it could still be valuable to have more discussion on it 18:28:56 jamesn: we don't need a deepdive probably we could do it as an agenda topic 18:29:25 spectranaut_: we have one other deepdive pending, accname issue about name traversal 18:29:45 scotto: I did a write-up on it and put in a proposal, sorta don't want to do a deepdive on it bc I'm not sure a re-hash would be helpful 18:30:09 spectranaut_: I agree, the summary is good and perhaps it just needs WG consensus 18:30:18 spectranaut_: we'll agenda it, maybe that's all we need 18:30:24 this one? https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1821 18:31:11 spectranaut_: yes this is the one 18:31:19 spectranaut_: please everyone, read this 18:31:19 please read scott and jame craig's proposal: https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1821#issuecomment-1946338425 18:31:33 Zakim, next item 18:31:33 agendum 5 -- [Callout element feedback](https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/10100) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:33:15 q+ 18:33:46 scotto: Need other folks to read through this and provide feedback, it would be good to have a unified response based on past experiences 18:34:04 giacomo-petri has joined #aria 18:34:08 present+ 18:34:13 aardrian: I have opinions 18:34:34 q? 18:34:34 q+\ 18:34:36 q+ 18:34:40 Q+ 18:35:05 I have opinions on a personal level, I don't really understand what we are doing and why. 18:35:19 jamesn: the reason I haven't given feedback on this is that I don't find it particularly useful. It seems like one of these things that someone wants a new element for a reason, but I can't figure out what problem they're trying to solve 18:35:35 jamesn: I don't think it will help accessibility adding it but I don't think it will harm it either. seems like a noop for us 18:35:37 ack jamesn 18:35:37 q+ 18:35:42 ack \ 18:35:43 Matt_King has joined #aria 18:35:50 jamesn: seems like not an important a11y problem 18:35:53 present+ 18:35:55 ack pkra 18:36:03 q+ 18:36:56 pkra: when I looked at this previously, i felt like the discussion around types and yet-another-dictionary with semantic implications seems not useful when we already have roles 18:37:24 pkra: sorta reminds me of issues with roledescription, so it just seems odd 18:38:10 Q+ 18:38:11 pkra: from the dpub side there are already several ways that we can handle this issue, seems like it would be "yet-another-section-element" 18:38:18 ack aardrian 18:38:55 aardrian: broadly I think this is poorly specified and doesn't provide an AT user use-case and is conflating concepts. It's also relying on pattern libs that often have conflicting approaches to this. 18:39:29 aardrian: needs to evaluate what already exists, where there is overlap, etc. My inclination would be to discuss different types of sections but probably kick this one out 18:39:33 ack TheoHale 18:40:01 TheoHale: it isn't clear to me how this would be useful to users with AT but I was hesitant to give an opinion because I wasn't sure if I was missing something 18:40:39 TheoHale: if I understood the case maybe I could be swayed but I just don't from what I read 18:40:39 ack Matt_King 18:41:02 Matt King: +1 to everything aardrian said. If they want to do this, map it to a generic IMO. 18:41:42 Matt King: an issue I see is that the SR user wouldn't know where the callout content ends but that could be an author issue 18:42:16 Matt King: it's conflating concepts that are not semantically equal so I just can't see a strong case for this 18:42:23 ack CoryJoseph 18:42:46 CoryJoseph: echoing the group mind at this point, this is overly-broad at best and potentially dangerous at worst due to lack of definition 18:43:01 CoryJoseph: too much room for interpretation 18:43:10 spectranaut_: sounds like we have some group consensus here 18:43:42 Q+ 18:43:45 scotto: this is validating. follow-up question, do we want to counter propose a note element to compliment the note role? 18:43:46 q+ 18:43:51 q+ 18:43:56 ack aardrian 18:43:59 aardrian: no. 18:44:05 A+ 18:44:16 Q+ 18:44:31 ack Matt_King 18:44:35 aardrian: authors already have section-itis and this will confuse them even more 18:45:09 Matt_King: wait do we need to counter propose? I thought this element was already happening and we were just being asked to weigh in? 18:45:37 q+ 18:45:38 qv? 18:46:14 scotto: I can take the feedback and let them know, we just don't think this element is necessary 18:46:38 ack me 18:46:42 Matt_King: my worry is that they will then say "oh let's just make it a note element then" and it will annoy us and not help us 18:47:10 ack CoryJoseph 18:47:12 jamesn: +1 to what everyone has said, we don't need it, not a good idea 18:48:00 CoryJoseph: as a generic it's too broad, but in the last few months my team has been doing research on handling footnotes (e.g., modal? list at the bottom of the page?) 18:48:09 couldn't that be noted inline via the annotation stuff from aaron? 18:48:22 CoryJoseph: is there room for some kind of simple, attached, note kind of element? maybe if it's very very strict 18:48:46 ack pkra 18:49:12 pkra: I would like to stress that we could point to the existing dpub work that has done a lot of creation of roles that didn't end up helping users as a cautionary tale, to help explain why we would push back on this approach 18:49:52 pkra: we don't even have time to make existing dpub roles useful (via working with AT), would like to see that happen 18:50:41 agenda? 18:50:58 spectranaut_: so to reiterate, it seems like we have working group consensus; scotto do you have what you need? 18:51:07 scotto: I have what I need 18:51:21 dpub discussions / changs: https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1643 https://github.com/w3c/dpub-aam/pull/15 18:51:44 Zakim, next item 18:51:44 agendum 6 -- [Add steps for shadow roots and slots](https://github.com/w3c/accname/pull/167) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:52:37 spectranaut_: are we ready to land this? 18:52:44 jamesn: does it have wpt tests? 18:52:59 spectranaut_: yes it has tests, and there are a couple of implementations so I think it can land 18:53:10 spectranaut_: there's a merge conflict but I think it can be resolved 18:53:52 jamesn: I can look at the merge conflicts unless Melanie wants to do it 18:54:34 I wouldn't be able to get to it until next week so if you can before then please do 18:54:36 (agreement) 18:54:38 Zakim, next item 18:54:38 agendum 7 -- [Consider a mechanism to associate controls without an explicit grouping](https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1721) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:55:28 spectranaut_: what needs to be done here? 18:55:43 scotto: I didn't come away from this thinking that ARIA needs to do more here, so I think it's okay 18:56:01 jamesn: do we just close it if there is nothing more for us to do? 18:56:13 Matt_King: I don't see links to the minutes from the last discussion on this 18:56:33 jamesn: a couple comments up there's a link to the meeting notes 18:57:14 Matt_King: k I remember the conversation about it and I felt like this would promote things that are really bad for accessibility. 18:57:39 spectranaut_: ok well, scotto if you can read through it and determine if it's closeable please 18:58:10 Zakim, take up item 11 18:58:10 agendum 11 -- [Align ARIAMixin with changes in HTML](https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/1876) -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:58:21 spectranaut_: I think this one is mergeable 18:58:57 spectranaut_: I think we can land the suggested changes and I will resolve the merge conflicts and get this PR merged 18:59:43 Zakim, end meeting 18:59:43 As of this point the attendees have been pkra, StefanS, Daniel, sarah_h, jamesn, TheoHale, Francis_Storr, siri_, scotto, bgaraventa, CoryJoseph, Adam_Page, giacomo-petri, Matt_King 18:59:46 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 18:59:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/15-aria-minutes.html Zakim 18:59:55 I am happy to have been of service, melsumner; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 18:59:55 Zakim has left #aria