14:05:30 RRSAgent has joined #coga 14:05:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/12-coga-irc 14:05:35 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:05:36 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 14:05:54 regrets+ Rebecca 14:06:18 scribe list https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Scribe_list 14:33:28 agenda+ scheduling literary review working meeting https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ky5QsMkKJKy977XwH5_MKCammJs7xj35jO7zHETV0o8/edit#gid=0 14:33:49 RRSAgent, publish minutes 14:33:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/12-coga-minutes.html lisa_ 14:34:30 Q? 14:52:22 agenda? 14:52:56 agenda order 1,2,3,10,4,5,6,7,8,9, 14:54:13 regrets+ rain 15:15:38 New item:- following affects on metal health and inclusion And - following saftey best practices 15:23:45 kirkwood has joined #COGA 15:35:06 kirkwood has joined #COGA 15:45:50 q? 15:46:16 present+ 15:59:27 regrets+ rain, becca, rachel 16:01:20 rashmi has joined #coga 16:01:33 Jennie has joined #coga 16:01:57 present+ 16:02:02 JMcSorley has joined #coga 16:02:02 present+ 16:02:17 scribe: Jennie 16:02:25 present+ Jan 16:02:30 next item 16:02:41 agenda? 16:02:51 take up item 2 16:02:52 Lisa: We will come back to item 1 16:03:07 Lisa: Do we have a meeting next week? 16:03:10 jeanne has joined #coga 16:03:23 p+ 16:03:32 abbey has joined #coga 16:03:37 * I am not working on Monday due to the holiday 16:03:40 present+ 16:04:03 tburtin has joined #coga 16:04:28 Lisa: We have scheduled some mental health proposals for the next meeting. 16:04:58 take up item 3 16:05:00 ...We will have a quorum so we will have next week's meeting. 16:05:04 julierawe has joined #coga 16:05:07 present+ 16:05:09 ...We will also do some things through the list. 16:05:16 present+ 16:05:47 David S: Over the last few months I have been communicating COGA's feedback 16:05:57 ...On the Collaborative Tools document 16:06:18 ...To the group who originated it: the Research Questions task force 16:06:32 ...They have welcomed the feedback, but pushed back on some of it. 16:06:43 ...Especially where they consider the feedback to be out of scope. 16:06:53 ...Some they felt was more about software in general. 16:07:28 ...They don't tend to explain for particular users so feel it is difficult to do it for cognitive but not others 16:07:41 ...They have agreed to have a meeting for members of COGA and RTQF 16:07:54 ...This will allow an opportunity to discuss those issues. 16:08:27 ...I will put the issues together, and circulate that to COGA. 16:08:42 ...Anyone who originated the issue or wants to discuss could attend the joint meeting. 16:09:08 Lisa: We have to understand if our comments are out of scope, or they are misunderstood 16:09:34 ...John K is not on the call. I know some issues are from him. 16:09:44 ...Jennie also put together a lot of the comments. 16:09:52 ...It is hard sometimes to determine who originated each comment. 16:10:01 ...We thought it included Github, Google Docs, etc. 16:10:13 take up item 4 16:10:13 ...Can you send an email with a few alternative weeks? 16:10:24 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ky5QsMkKJKy977XwH5_MKCammJs7xj35jO7zHETV0o8/edit#gid=0 16:10:33 Lisa: (still on the previous topic) 16:10:36 DavidSwallow has joined #coga 16:10:39 present+ 16:10:48 ...I have done a spreadsheet for a call on literary review - maybe copy that format 16:11:14 David S: I agree. I will send around a summary of the issues. 16:11:16 take up item 1 16:11:30 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ky5QsMkKJKy977XwH5_MKCammJs7xj35jO7zHETV0o8/edit#gid=0 16:11:35 Lisa: Let's finish all the schedule/reminders 16:11:52 ...This is for finding a good time - working meeting to go through the papers we have agreed to review. 16:12:02 ...A lot of people want to do at least one together. 16:12:17 ...This is about updating our research documents, reviewing the literature to see what has changed. 16:12:34 ...We need people to do the literary reviews. If you are unsure how to do it, then it might help to do them together. 16:12:41 ...Then you can ask questions as you are doing it 16:13:00 ...Please put yes if there are times where you can attend. 16:13:09 ...I will try to send the responses tomorrow. 16:13:13 ...Do people need more time? 16:13:30 ...(moving to AG summary) 16:13:52 https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/49 16:14:02 Julie: Welcome to the new member! 16:14:10 ...This link is a discussion thread in Github 16:14:21 ...This is about outcomes - what should they look like in WCAG 3. 16:14:29 ...There is not a "must" to do this 16:14:36 ...This is an interesting discussion 16:14:54 ...Example: users with limited memory will be able to complete a certain tasks 16:15:05 ...Or, should it be written in first person? "I need..." 16:15:13 ...Another example: where, what, why 16:15:23 ...When you do something, what you do 16:15:35 ...Some are getting thumbs up and thumbs down 16:16:03 ...What if the same outcome also works for someone with both a visual impairment and people with cognitive disability 16:16:14 ...At what point does it become cumbersome to list them all? 16:16:36 ...This will be discussed more tomorrow in the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group discussion, item 3 16:16:58 ...That's my update 16:17:16 take up item 4 16:17:22 q? 16:17:45 Lisa: This is a link to the paper 16:18:37 ...The email was sent shortly before the meeting. Hopefully that is ok. 16:18:51 ...We had an issue paper on safety. 16:19:14 ...We were not too specific because we didn't want to give people ideas. 16:19:26 ...We wanted to alert people to be careful, and do more research. 16:19:40 ...We did not want to detail the criminal activities. 16:19:49 ...With the mental health review, we expanded it. 16:20:22 ...This now includes how this impacts mental health. 16:20:37 ...There was also the inclusion of social media apps. 16:21:01 ...This can be used both in a supportive way, and can be used in a detrimental way to mental health 16:21:19 ...We discuss privacy in a bit more detail. 16:21:25 ...A bit on social media. 16:21:35 ...And a warning that these studies are correlations at best. 16:22:13 ...We do know there is curated content due to the algorythm 16:22:54 ...If you are more likely to click on things that make you anxious, then your feed is more likely to show you things that may make you anxious 16:23:21 ...Emotional regulation and impaired decision making - sometimes gatekeeping is good, sometimes it is not 16:23:36 ...Certain addictions, like gambling, can be made more difficult 16:24:04 ...The normal things people may have done to restrict certain issues may not be possible. 16:24:32 ..."Gaming addiction" is not something some agree on as a diagnosis is included, and noted. 16:25:03 ...Sometimes use of particular apps, like those for parking, may not be used by this group. 16:25:22 ...Then, this group's data may not be included when decisions are being made (based on data from those apps). 16:25:52 ...Section 3: Proposed Solutions 16:26:06 ...Includes giving the user control of their data; and how easy is it 16:26:17 ...Example: cookies 16:26:56 ...There are different styles of asking the questions about cookies 16:27:21 ...We may want a pattern for this. 16:27:43 ...Another one is on Supported decision making 16:27:50 ...We may want this to be a separate paper. 16:28:03 Q? 16:28:17 ...This is about when a person has a guardian, and sometimes just a helper 16:28:24 ...To maximize a person's independence. 16:28:32 ...This can be to enable autonomy 16:28:48 ...Example: if a person's memory is declining and they are afraid of using a credit card. 16:29:15 ...If unusual patterns can go to a care giver, or they get an email requiring them to wait for 15 minutes before completing. 16:29:40 ...How this is done to optimize a person's ability, but also maintain its safety for them. 16:29:58 ...There are some items in the legal area we may want to remove, or put in an appendix. 16:30:11 ...In the algorithm section 16:30:28 ...There could be the right to delete content 16:30:49 ...Example: a post was made during a time when treatment was needed 16:31:08 ...Supported decision making: how long has a person been on social media 16:31:21 ...Section 3x: A process of safety 16:31:43 ...In the design team and process: put well-being at the forefront. 16:32:31 ...The changes are going to be coming even faster 16:32:48 ...Ensuring people are aware of the risks, the problems are identified 16:33:00 ...Integrating care givers and helpers 16:33:11 ...And includes the hacker information that was previously included 16:33:38 ...Ongoing analytics - it may be that the data collection is excluding them 16:33:43 ...The review of this is important. 16:33:44 Q? 16:33:49 ...Any questions? 16:33:59 next item 16:34:05 close item 1 16:34:14 close item 2 16:34:23 close item 3 16:34:37 close item 10 16:34:48 Lisa: Do we need a pattern? 16:34:55 take up next item 16:35:14 Lisa: Here's what we have in Making Content Usable 16:35:26 ...The user need is pretty good for 4.5.11 16:35:32 ...We could add a bit about mental health 16:35:43 ..."Help the user stay safe (Pattern)" 16:35:54 ...(reads from the document) 16:36:02 New item:- following affects on metal health and inclusion And - following saftey best practices 16:36:08 ...I think there are 2 new ones 16:36:18 ongoing alasis 16:36:29 ...1. Follow or ongoing analysis of mental health inclusion 16:36:38 ...2. Following safety best practices 16:36:46 ...This may be part of it 16:36:57 ...And adding advice into the "How it helps" where you have more detail 16:37:04 ...Or recommending people look at the issue paper 16:37:19 ...Proposal is to add these 16:37:32 ...Maybe changing "risks" to "potential risks" 16:37:39 add potential risks not just known risks 16:37:40 ...Not just known risks 16:37:49 +1 16:37:55 q? 16:38:23 Rashmi: I think this is good 16:38:41 Lisa: Do you like the proposal - adding to 4.5.11? 16:38:48 Rashmi: Yes. 16:39:05 Lisa: I think we can add other information to the how it helps section. 16:39:12 ...Does anyone want more time to think about it? 16:39:19 David S: I am happy with what I heard so far. 16:39:23 Lisa: Any objections? 16:39:37 bkardell_ has joined #coga 16:39:41 +1 16:39:44 +1 16:39:45 +1 16:39:47 +1 16:39:48 +1 16:39:50 +1 16:39:52 +1 16:39:56 take up next item 16:40:11 Lisa: There are breakout sessions in March 16:40:15 ...March 12 16:40:23 ...There will be other opportunities in September 16:40:28 ...These are on Zoom 16:40:34 ...They are across the W3C 16:41:10 ...I wrote an email about it 16:41:20 ...A proposal is lets start a new task force, or community, to review algorithms and best practices 16:41:52 ...Is it something we would like to bring? 16:42:03 ...If so, we need to work on the presentation in the next 3 weeks? 16:42:46 ...+ 1 if you can help get the presentation together 16:43:05 * changing the poll 16:43:25 +1 ia yes doit 16:43:39 +1 and i want help - is you can give some time 16:43:44 _1 - bad idea 16:43:49 0 - neutral 16:43:58 0 16:44:01 0 16:44:12 0 (a lot of work to get ready in short amount of time) 16:44:17 0 Due to other commitments at work 16:44:23 0 16:44:37 0 (would be good to have the presence, but a lot to do) 16:44:45 Lisa: We will leave it, and maybe we will aim for September as a break out session 16:45:15 ...Another question to Jennie - should informed consent and guided decision making - should we do those as separate issue papers? 16:45:25 ...Or reference them here? 16:46:34 Jennie: I recommend reaching out to John Rochford and John Kirkwood given some of the changes happening in terms of "Guardianship" in some groups 16:46:46 Lisa: I think Rain and Kiki would be other good contacts 16:46:53 ...And Jamie 16:47:09 ...And guided decision making 16:47:32 ...And, the question is, is anyone prepared to do it. 16:47:41 next item 16:47:58 Lisa: Next steps for this issue paper is to get more feedback. 16:48:07 ...I am assuming people want to read it, and put in comments. 16:48:11 ...Is that correct? 16:48:27 I would like to read through it. 16:48:37 I would like to read, as well. 16:48:58 Lisa: I will put the question to the list. 16:49:19 ...Ok, I won't put it to the list, but will give people 2 weeks to review 16:49:29 ...It may be longer 16:49:32 next item 16:50:24 Lisa: Rashmi - please add the new pattern we suggested 16:50:29 Rashmi: Yes, I will 16:50:41 Lisa: There were comments that people were feeling overwhelmed. 16:50:48 ...Here is the timeline we have 16:51:00 ...Until April - we are focusing on getting changes into the new draft 16:51:14 ...We only need to do the literary reviews for the next phase - the issue papers 16:51:22 ...I think we are looking pretty good for that. 16:51:35 ...May through August we do the literary reviews for the user research 16:51:38 ...It is staggered 16:51:49 ...We don't have to do all the literary reviews at the same time 16:52:06 Q? 16:52:13 ...Any questions? Does this help? 16:52:24 Julie: For phase 1 (up to April) 16:52:30 ...For the internal draft 16:52:37 ...For each section of Making Content Usable 16:52:51 ...We will take what is in version 1, and adjust as much as is needed for the new structure 16:52:54 ...Section by section? 16:53:16 Lisa: Phase 1 we are going to make an editor's draft - internal draft 16:53:23 ...With a mock up of the new structure in it 16:53:27 ...We may run a bit late 16:53:40 ...The main thing is the new structure 16:53:57 ...We have to get it out of PowerPoint presentation and into a draft to see how it works, what has disappeared, etc. 16:54:08 ...Another thing: Erik's been going through issues. 16:54:14 ...Those will be in a group in the new draft. 16:54:28 ...Changes suggested by the mental health group - hopefully all of them will be in the draft. 16:54:40 ...Then, what's our suggestion for how we want to put testing in? 16:54:55 ...Have some kind of editor's note, so we can imagine it 16:55:02 ...And having images 16:55:08 ...We may not have all of it done 16:55:20 ...And at the same time, doing the literary reviews necessary for the next phase. 16:55:29 ...The next phase is issue papers editors draft 16:55:38 q+ 16:55:39 ...Becca or Abbey is reviewing papers. 16:55:47 ...David is working on one. 16:55:57 ...Tiffany and EA are working on one 16:56:11 ...Getting whatever issue papers we wanted to do ready for an editor's draft. 16:56:22 ...Before May we need to be sure we have the literary reviews done. 16:56:36 Julie: For getting an editor's draft - internal, with the new structure. 16:56:44 ...Will we divide up that work? 16:57:01 ...Rain says "Here is the new structure" then Julie and John add in the plain language section? 16:57:08 ...Or does it happen a different way? 16:57:22 Lisa: The new structure will be 1-2 people, probably Rain leads, and then adds me. 16:57:36 ...It won't be "now put in all the plain language" 16:57:57 ...We might do it for one, but it will mainly be taking what we have and reorganize it based on Rain's proposal 16:58:06 Julie: Then there will be feedback. 16:58:23 Lisa: Yes. And we will send it to EO. This way we do it and send to a small number of people 16:58:23 Q? 16:58:28 ...Before we put too much work into it. 16:58:29 ack next 16:58:35 next item 16:58:54 * Apologies - scribe has to drop in 1 minute 16:59:34 q+ 17:00:54 ack next 17:00:55 Gotta drop, thanks 17:01:31 ack next 17:01:48 RRSAgent, publish minutes 17:01:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/12-coga-minutes.html lisa_ 17:18:21 kirkwood has joined #COGA 18:37:36 kirkwood has joined #COGA 20:40:43 kirkwood has joined #COGA