13:20:07 RRSAgent has joined #coga 13:20:11 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/02/05-coga-irc 13:20:11 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:20:12 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 13:26:25 agendaag / newd draft. see https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RUiKsY_WUaFJFvdR6ezFJ8Jx35JkHssy+ testing subgroup and 13:27:09 agenda+ Testingand new draft. Should we link to a wiki? see https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RUiKsY_WUaFJFvdR6ezFJ8Jx35JkHssy+ testing subgroup and 13:28:33 agenda+ Breakout sessions in March 13:29:27 agenda+ Wayfinding issue paper 13:31:55 agenda+ conversational interfaces paper. See https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B1vCqlU1IF5UmqxhJAy8Khdi-kRQNPalVX8f3lCMr7w/edit#heading=h.9j8rnhzb9sv8 13:33:30 Agenda+ ag summary 13:33:45 Agenda+ Analisis document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nT-JXKeJBkn20btGX75BBmcjtTSX6CGE9YL2j-ZHQqc/edit?usp=sharing 13:40:41 RRSAgent, publish minutes 13:40:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/05-coga-minutes.html lisa_ 15:37:15 agenda? 15:37:28 RRSAgent, publish minutes 15:37:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/05-coga-minutes.html lisa_ 15:38:24 Regrets+ David, Jennie, Rachael 15:39:49 scribe list. please sign up https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Scribe_list 15:52:35 Q? 15:58:58 abbey has joined #coga 16:00:41 JustineP has joined #coga 16:01:06 julierawe has joined #coga 16:01:11 present+ 16:01:38 scribe: Julieraw 16:01:59 next item 16:02:19 take up item 2 16:02:20 Becca_Monteleone has joined #Coga 16:02:21 Lisa: We need Rain for 1st agenda item 16:02:21 present+ 16:02:29 present+ 16:02:40 I am having difficulty logging onto the zoom, and hope to join shortly! 16:02:48 agenda? 16:03:02 take up item 6 16:03:43 priortisation call tomorow 16:03:49 scribe+ lisa 16:03:51 priortisation call tomorow 16:04:20 lisa: have we done what you need from us 16:04:47 tburtin has joined #coga 16:04:50 RAin has joined #coga 16:04:53 present+ 16:04:54 julie: crd sort may come first, and Im not sure if we need support for voting 16:05:00 present+ 16:05:18 close item 6 16:05:26 present+ 16:05:43 take up item 1 16:05:53 Rain is seeking early feedback before subgroup meeting on Thursday 16:06:32 Q= to say how can we fit in testing (no hurry) 16:07:02 Rain: This is not high-fidelity, it's simple "grey boxing" to give idea of what the layout will be 16:07:39 Rain: The publication details will be hidden with a dropdown so the first thing you see is introduction 16:07:57 Rain: Design and Build shows 5 main sections 16:08:28 Rain: "How to use this document" has accordions so you can expand each section 16:08:45 Rain: Gives you a step-by-step recommendation on how to use this document 16:09:21 Rain: "Design and Build" section is collapsed with short description of the 5 sections and they are also zippes 16:09:23 zippies 16:09:41 Rain: Can use "expand" option or click on the link 16:09:51 q+ to ask if we have a signal doc on what you have followed 16:10:31 Rain: If click into a section, will get tags for roles typically responsible. Tapping on these would take you to info that is relevant for that role 16:10:44 q+ to add tags on media/modality 16:10:56 Rain: Also includes at top of the section when these actions typically happen 16:11:24 Rain: Then patterns are presented in buckets (Informative, Logical, Safeguarded) 16:11:46 Rain: I've started going through what would be in a specific pattern, including visualized examples 16:12:16 q+ 16:12:21 q+ on form look that isnt a form 16:12:32 Rain: Seeking early feedback now so we can address it when we meet on Thursday 16:12:59 ack t 16:13:25 Tiffany: Small request to give heads-up when moving the screen 16:13:29 Leandro has joined #COGA 16:13:37 present+ 16:13:54 Tiffany: How will this work for screenreaders? 16:14:01 Rain: It will be in HTML 16:14:08 q+ 16:14:15 ack next 16:14:16 lisa_, you wanted to ask if we have a signal doc on what you have followed and to add tags on media/modality and to comment on form look that isnt a form 16:14:44 Tiffany: Need to make sure labels are clear and tie together so no one gets lost 16:15:13 Lisa: We seem to have missed out on testing as an objective as well as general information 16:15:57 Lisa: Include findings from the work Shawn and Jennie did as a testing subgroup last year 16:16:08 Lisa: Include advice on user testing 16:16:32 Lisa: Sometimes there are 3 to 5 things you should test together 16:16:47 Lisa: The user testing might be better to have in a wiki format? 16:17:25 Lisa: Some people find it much easier to have a single document that they expand and print or that they expand and listen to 16:18:31 Lisa: People could get lost because you've done 5 clicks and you might have lost where it fits in the whole thing 16:18:47 Rain: There will be a lefthand column to help you see where you are — I haven't mocked that piece up yet 16:19:32 Rain: The side navigation will be always available 16:20:10 Lisa: We may want tags on the media modality, like some are specifically for speech 16:20:52 ack next 16:20:55 Rain_ has joined #coga 16:21:23 Lisa: Where the pattern screen is, it looks like a form, but that's probably a prototyping thing 16:21:53 julie: it looks amazing 16:22:21 zoom into patterns screen 16:22:40 will the buckets be diffrent per objective 16:22:46 https://docs.google.com/document/d/13mqcr4pNlhg-9jQ8gDX1b3KFFUCCq2xHe5Sq1sPeDFY/edit 16:22:56 rain: the bucket is diffrent for each one 16:23:19 (each bucket had the patterns grouped in a phrase) 16:24:01 julie:loves the buckets. caughtion with these terms so that the phrases invite people in and they nknow what it is 16:24:22 +1 to buckets meeting 16:24:25 q+ 16:24:35 ack next 16:25:16 Tiffany: I could help make the buckets more pronounced and easier to notice and understand 16:25:42 next item 16:25:51 Lisa: Can we move on to the next item? Fantastic job, Rain 16:26:17 Lisa: WCAG will come out later than our next version 16:26:28 close item 2 16:26:30 Lisa: Having a wiki might be the best way. 16:26:41 Lisa: We might need to publish as an editor's note 16:26:42 next item 16:27:19 Julie asked if other folks were getting an error when trying to open the doc Lisa shared 16:27:23 Becca said yes 16:28:09 Lisa: TPAC is when all the W3C gets together and there's an opportunity to give a presentation or have a breakoutsession 16:28:30 Lisa: TPAC is in September but they're also having breakout sessions in March 16:28:42 Lisa: These sessions will be at most 50 minutes 16:28:56 Lisa: Plenary is for raising awareness, at most 10 minutes 16:29:07 q+ 16:29:27 Lisa: People who have something they want all of W3C to be aware of 16:29:27 To propose a session: https://github.com/w3c/breakouts-day-2024/issues/new?assignees=&labels=session&projects=&template=session.yml For more information about W3C Breakouts Day 2024 (including who may propose a session, time slots, etc.), see: https://github.com/w3c/breakouts-day-2024/ 16:29:52 Calendar 29 February: Deadline for proposals 1 March: Draft schedule announced 8 March: Stable schedule announced 12 March: W3C Breakouts Day 2024 16:29:56 Lisa: The deadline for proposals is the end of this month 16:30:46 Lisa: This is something new, that they're doing midway through the year to do TPAC-ish things 16:31:07 Lisa: Breakouts are parallel sessions that some groups might be interested in 16:31:16 TPAC 2024 Will be held on 23-27 September 2024 in Anaheim, CA, USA & online. Source: https://www.w3.org/news-events/w3c-tpac/#upcoming-tpac-2024 16:31:22 Lisa: Internationalization might be good, Mental Health might be good 16:31:38 Lisa: Part of the agenda could be do we want to do breakout 16:31:54 Lisa: The problem is it's in a month, on the 12th of March. Do we have time? 16:32:46 Lisa: These can take a lot of work so know your goal 16:32:56 Sessions For this W3C Breakouts Day experiment we are soliciting two kinds of session proposals: Breakout (for deep dives, smaller group, at most 50 minutes). We plan to schedule breakout sessions in parallel (ideally, no more than 5 in parallel). Plenary (for raising awareness, large group, at most 10 minutes). We plan to schedule plenary sessions back to back within a single hour, with no other sessions in parallel. (If we receive many plenary pro[CUT] 16:33:28 Lisa: Internationalization might be perfect for plenary 16:33:34 q+ 16:34:07 Lisa: Rain, do you want to share new structure at a breakout? 16:34:09 +1 but I need to see if it's possible for me to do that timing wise 16:34:21 ack next 16:35:10 Lisa: Internationalization could be recruiting opportunity 16:35:28 next item 16:35:28 Lisa: And if we can't do March, there's also September 16:35:46 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TDtuC_iMyS_X6nXwyEEAu4Abp2tXHb86/edit 16:36:12 drive for testing subgroups work: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RUiKsY_WUaFJFvdR6ezFJ8Jx35JkHssy 16:36:46 Becca: I have taken these two issues papers as far as I can take them. Need robust review. 16:37:20 q+ to say do we need a new patern or change to content useable 16:37:42 Becca: We could build user stories around these three use cases: hospital, airport, grocery store 16:38:08 Lisa: Content Usable is where we have these use cases and scenarios. It doesn't have to go in this paper. 16:38:23 q+ 16:38:28 Lisa: We want to build out personas, but we don't have to do that in these issues papers. Can do in Making Content Usable 16:38:37 ack J 16:39:18 John K: Should we have aging as part of wayfinding? Does that go outside our range of thinking? 16:39:20 ack k 16:39:40 q+ 16:40:03 Lisa: I don't know if that's a separate paper 16:40:57 Becca: In the previous draft, we added a sentence that some people may experience temporary cognitive issues. 16:41:14 Becca: Maybe we add another sentence that this requires more evidence or guidance? 16:42:22 issue of “Wandering in People/ Patients with Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia” may be a topic to have awareness of 16:42:32 Lisa: Being able to track where you are gives people freedom 16:42:50 Becca: Maybe it will be clearer next week what the additional sentence is 16:42:59 note on informed concent 16:43:07 potentiallly; Wandering in People or Patients with Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia 16:43:41 Lisa: Supported decision making and consent. Issue paper might be the right place to do that. 16:44:15 ack next 16:44:16 lisa_, you wanted to say do we need a new patern or change to content useable 16:44:24 ack next 16:44:38 q+ 16:45:18 julie: can we do in door navigation as it is not online? do we need a comment on scope 16:46:02 Julie: Suggest adding a note at the top of the paper that this issue paper is not about digital accessibility. 16:46:07 john: +1 more real world, and it makes a missunderstanding 16:46:21 Julie: That this is about wayfinding in physical spaces, not digital wayfinding 16:46:29 lets and a sentence on scope so people dont get confuced 16:47:01 John K: Two different kinds of topics. Let's make sure we don't create confusion. 16:47:30 Becca: Could we say this document is about technology-assisted navigation through indoor spaces? 16:47:42 John K: Geolocation is a potential word to use 16:48:07 Lisa: It's very similar to online wayfinding 16:48:32 John K: Geolocation and directions from place to place 16:49:32 Julie: Suggest adding "technology-assisted" to the title 16:50:29 John K: Or should it be split? This is about navigation in the physical world. 16:50:45 Becca: My focus is on navigating in physical space using technology. 16:50:55 Lisa: Do we have one on digital wayfinding? 16:51:06 John K: I seem to remember we did? 16:51:14 Lisa: I thought we'd combined them? 16:51:34 Becca: The Github/original version was just focused on indoor navigation. 16:52:10 Lisa: I'll doublecheck if we have separate paper on digital wayfinding 16:52:30 Lisa: Next steps. I think we're ready to move this into Github as an issue paper. 16:52:53 Lisa: The next step after that is seeing what we want to add to the next version of Making Content Usable 16:53:02 Lisa: What could we change? What should we change? 16:53:25 Lisa: Becca, because this is all in your head right now, can you look at Making Content Usable? 16:53:31 https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/ 16:53:49 Lisa: The patterns are going to port and we're going to rework them a bit. 16:54:14 Lisa: Can we look at whether one of the personas have that already and we just need to do a tweak? 16:54:18 Becca: Yes 16:54:31 next item 16:54:37 ack next 16:55:01 Leandro: It's my first meeting with COGA. I started in December with Adapt. 16:55:11 Leandro: I met Rain a year and a half ago. 16:55:27 Leandro: I'm working on my PhD on people with intellectual disabilities. 16:55:49 Lisa: Tomorrow I'm having an orientation call with a new member on my personal zoom. 16:56:27 next item 16:56:55 Lisa: We've got 5 minutes left. Should we add conversational interfaces to a future meeting? 16:57:06 Becca: Yes. I will not be here next week. 16:57:19 Lisa: The week after is Presidents Day so maybe March 4? 16:57:40 March 4 for conversational interfaces issue paper works! 16:58:08 Lisa: Lots of us are doing literary reviews. I was going to do a follow-on call so we could review together 16:58:29 Lisa: But now there are AG calls that conflict, so I'll send a spreadsheet asking for a good time to do this follow-on call 16:58:34 Lisa: I'll do that in the next few days 16:58:50 rrsagent, make minutes 16:58:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/05-coga-minutes.html julierawe 16:59:02 Lisa: Is there anything else people want to touch on? 16:59:37 Leandro: Nice to meet you all 16:59:43 rrsagent, make minutes 16:59:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/02/05-coga-minutes.html julierawe 17:56:37 kirkwood has joined #COGA 18:17:07 kirkwood has joined #COGA 18:53:43 roy__ has joined #coga