13:15:25 RRSAgent has joined #coga 13:15:29 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/01/29-coga-irc 13:15:29 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:15:30 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 13:15:35 scribe: Becca 13:17:11 RRSAgent, publish minutes 13:17:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/29-coga-minutes.html lisa 13:19:39 original : Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities W3C Working Group Note 29 April 2021 see https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#abstract 13:20:41 Regrets+ tiffany 14:05:32 lisa has joined #coga 14:05:36 agenda? 14:31:45 Roy has joined #coga 15:35:35 lisa has joined #coga 15:35:57 RRSAgent, publish minutes 15:35:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/29-coga-minutes.html lisa 15:36:08 שעקמגש? 15:36:19 agenda? 15:36:38 original : Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities W3C Working Group Note 29 April 2021 see https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#abstract 15:36:56 zakim, start meeting 15:36:56 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:36:58 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 15:37:11 scribe+ Becca 15:37:50 regrets+ David Swallow, Tiffany 15:42:18 Q? 15:45:20 kirkwood has joined #COGA 15:58:54 Becca_Monteleone has joined #coga 15:59:37 scribe+ Becca_Monteleone 15:59:51 abbey has joined #coga 16:00:13 kevin has joined #coga 16:00:19 Jennie has joined #coga 16:00:27 present+ 16:00:38 present+ 16:00:58 next item 16:01:08 present+ 16:01:08 Rain has joined #coga 16:01:57 JustineP has joined #coga 16:01:57 Lisa: goal of meeting to discuss how WCAG 3 and COGA can integrate better. 16:02:03 present+ 16:02:03 present+ 16:02:13 JMcSorley has joined #coga 16:02:38 present+ Jan 16:03:07 Eric_hind has joined #coga 16:03:25 Lisa: AG is currently working on WCAG 3 draft; COGA is drafting new version of Making Content Usable. 16:03:44 next item 16:03:51 present+ 16:04:09 original : Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities W3C Working Group Note 29 April 2021 see https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#abstract 16:04:11 present+ 16:04:47 Lisa: Making Content Usable update is largely about restructuring 16:05:47 present+ 16:06:06 Rain: COGA completed card sorts and discussions with users, such as community group, designers, engineers, educational and advocacy professionals to understand how people use Making Content Usable. 16:07:20 Rain: Sharing restructured draft that she will link in the Google Doc in the future. Separated into 1) Understand the User, 2) Design and Build, and 3) How to Use This Document 16:07:50 julierawe has joined #coga 16:07:54 present+ 16:08:46 Rain: How to Use This Document section broken down by the type of user. Each section provides a pathway with steps that directly link into the document. 16:09:02 present+ 16:09:12 Rain: Plan to also utilize tags within the patterns themselves. 16:10:15 Rain: Design and Build section would utilize an Easy Read layout with expanding sections. 16:12:20 Lisa: Organized patterns into 5 new categories/buckets; each broken into subcategories. [Titles not finalized] 1) Logical Design (visual design/language), 2) Clear Interactions, 3) Supportive Functionality, 4) Understandable Content, and 5) Backup Help 16:13:06 Rain: Each section also has information on who typically manages these patterns, when these things are typically done, and which phrase can break this? 16:13:24 See [18:03] * Zakim ... https://docs.google.com/document/d/13mqcr4pNlhg-9jQ8gDX1b3KFFUCCq2xHe5Sq1sPeDFY/edit#heading=h.scqltz3rntje -- 16:14:13 original : Making Content Usable for People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities W3C Working Group Note 29 April 2021 see https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#abstract 16:14:30 https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/#make-the-purpose-of-your-page-clear-pattern 16:15:24 next item 16:15:59 Rachael: Current status of WCAG 3 16:16:00 Q? 16:16:10 https://www.w3.org/TR/wcag-3.0/#aid-navigation 16:16:50 List of outcomes: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fw0-q4_iZPZ44_PmvUbJBH8CtQtxwXEXlJ3jac1T5JY/edit#gid=0 16:17:51 Rachael: Reviewed and discussed WCAG 2. Yielded 211 draft outcomes. Currently doing a card sort to organize into the next phase. 16:18:12 Writing testable outcomes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sugAtqie_x1XqHDZo1Im7ftDNllWeRV_ty4PULeoTV0/edit?pli=1#heading=h.q6kvhdps0qv4 16:18:37 Rachael: Next step to take a few outcomes to take through a full write up using Writing Testable WCAG 3 Outcomes 16:18:53 Formating outcomes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uNJ2riUQjP1FOei5HJvZmIlIXbYYQZaTQJ01hb4zFtk/edit#heading=h.p0vw6nnp7d6p 16:19:11 Rachael: AG currently discussing the format for outcomes for WCAG 3. 16:20:05 Q? 16:20:09 Rachael: Will share new COGA categories with chairs. 16:20:09 next item 16:22:02 q+ 16:22:14 ack next 16:23:09 Rachael: Do not suggest changing what COGA is doing to match WCAG 3. Continue working and WCAG 3 can learn from COGA. 16:23:15 Q? 16:23:47 next item 16:24:30 Lisa: Should COGA add testing section at the pattern level, for example? 16:24:42 q+ 16:25:04 ack next 16:26:17 Kevin: Aligning things like testing may be difficult because WCAG 3 is too early in the process. That's something to monitor as AG moves forward. 16:27:16 Kevin: Some of COGA's material likely fits very well into WCAG 3; e.g., Content Usable may inform the groupings and language of WCAG 3 16:28:24 +1 to COGA focusing on guidance over testing 16:28:50 Lisa: How can we possibly use the differential? For example, binary tests in WCAG 3, guidance in Content Usable. Would not want to limit either group based on alignment 16:29:01 q+ 16:29:07 Q? 16:29:12 q+ 16:29:36 ack next 16:29:39 ack next 16:29:40 Rachael: Tests will likely be in WCAG 3, guidance as its own standalone document in Content Usable is a good idea 16:30:52 Q+ 16:31:04 Kevin: Broader conversation right now about how all of WAI's resources fit together. 16:31:04 ack next 16:32:50 Lisa: COGA has paid a lot of attention to user testing, specifically, especially with people with cognitive disabilities. We have also had many conversations about process as important, in addition to any specific checklist of outcomes. 16:32:55 q+ regard testing - consulting role 16:33:14 q+ 16:33:16 test https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RUiKsY_WUaFJFvdR6ezFJ8Jx35JkHssy 16:33:19 ack regard 16:33:21 ack testing 16:33:24 ack - 16:33:27 ack next 16:33:38 ack role 16:35:44 Jennie: Something that came out of testing subgroup was that there is an information architecture for testing that overlaps with WAI's work generally, AG, and COGA. There is a difference in the approach and hierarchy of importance between AG and COGA's attention to testing. Should COGA be acting as consultant? 16:35:51 +1 to Jennie's comments 16:36:08 ack next 16:36:28 next item 16:36:43 I'm in a noisy airport so mainly just listening in today :) 16:38:48 Lisa: Concerns in past from AG that people may read COGA documents and assume that they are following WCAG. Has influenced structure, language, etc. of COGA documents. 16:39:26 Lisa: Is this still the approach we should be taking? Or should we be using the same language across all docs? 16:39:38 q+ 16:39:41 take up item 7 16:39:47 ack next 16:40:02 q+ 16:40:36 Rachael: Good to maintain separate terminology for now until we do the work to integrate these documents. 16:41:24 q+ 16:41:32 ack next 16:41:37 Lisa: Should we continue to avoid certain terminology then? Or to use what feels most appropriate and then align or diverge later? 16:44:09 Kevin: There are probably certain terms to avoid that are part of the standards (e.g. "success criteria"). This seems related to also making sure that documents connect readers to other resources (for example, Content Usable referring readers to WCAG). 16:44:42 ack next 16:45:06 Kevin: Also thinking about how to present requirements, process, user stories, etc. 16:45:35 next item 16:45:49 Rachael: Suggest continue to avoid terms of concern, especially since COGA already has a control vocabulary. Can review and update 16:45:55 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XBu9OhGoMG4lLDBRaRFZZxGoNWW-aDkKkVKrypfPvVc/edit#heading=h.ykqwx9vsxdya 16:47:03 Lisa: Aiming for editor's draft by April, working draft by August, wide review draft of Content Usable v. 2 by end of 2024, publish by March 2025. 16:47:12 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/wiki/WCAG_3_Timeline 16:48:41 Rachael: Expect 4-6 year timeframe. If COGA pubs overlap with WCAG modules being published, need to discuss integration. 16:50:54 Lisa: COGA may need to update/republish once WCAG publishes structure and explainer in 2025. 16:51:24 Agenda? 16:51:26 q+ 16:51:57 close item 6 16:52:17 Rachael: Encourage COGA to keep going and to iterate with AG as WCAG 3 materials come out. 16:52:23 ack next 16:52:30 close item 6 16:52:38 +1 16:52:49 q+ 16:52:53 September 16:52:59 TPAC session 16:53:31 ack next 16:54:53 Kevin: Agree that TPAC is a good time to review; encourage to keep Kevin involved to ensure that it will work in TR space. 16:55:23 s/in TR space/in TR and\/or WAI space/ 16:55:45 Current plans make sense to me 16:57:39 Rain: Goal is to have designs in feedback document by end of this week, so designs can be shared at Feb 5 meeting. Then protoyping and testing. 16:57:48 *It is great work, Rain and group! Love the way this is looking. 16:59:52 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Subgroups 16:59:55 Justine: can structure subgroup meetings be shared? 16:59:58 (has the scedule 17:00:23 RRSAgent, publish minutes 17:00:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/29-coga-minutes.html lisa 17:00:37 Thanks everyone! 17:01:13 Q? 18:32:56 kirkwood has joined #COGA 19:34:16 kirkwood has joined #COGA