19:02:40 RRSAgent has joined #aria-apg 19:02:45 logging to https://www.w3.org/2024/01/16-aria-apg-irc 19:02:45 RRSAgent, make logs Public 19:02:46 Meeting: ARIA Authoring Practices Task Force 19:05:06 Jem has joined #aria-apg 19:05:24 rrsagent, make minutes 19:05:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/16-aria-apg-minutes.html Jem 19:05:59 scribe: dmontalvo 19:07:14 zakim, take up next 19:07:14 I see nothing on the agenda 19:07:49 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/January-16%2C-2024-Agenda 19:12:01 Topic: Status of Site Updates 19:12:14 Jemma: 2 issues. 19:12:31 ... 2775 for Feed example. Good work Ari 19:13:00 Ari: Jemma comment there's a color contrast issue in the Hight of a button, I need to fix this 19:13:12 Jemma: In TalkBack, each restaurant was read twice 19:14:02 Daniel: Not as serious as I was anticipating based on what you said 19:14:26 Matt: That sounds like a TalkBack issue 19:15:08 ... I don't see anything obvious in the coding that suggests there is a problem with the Feed code 19:15:17 ... I think we are safe to merge 19:15:38 ... Are the visual design issues addressed? 19:15:48 Jemma: I approved the color contrast fixes 19:15:59 ... These are done 19:16:16 s/I need to fix/I fixed/ 19:16:42 Ari: There is a check that keeps failing that is not related to this PR 19:17:00 Jemma: Link checker 19:17:04 ARI: In the contributing page 19:17:30 https://deploy-preview-248--aria-practices.netlify.app/aria/apg/patterns/feed/examples/feed/ 19:17:50 Matt: That's weird, there is no change on that file 19:18:01 Arie did great job on updating two things - color contrast and target size minimum 19:18:17 ... Last time we had a link checker failure that was on a wiki link 19:18:42 s/color contrast issue in the Hight of a button,/color contrast issue And the Hight of a button, touch target size/ 19:19:26 Matt: We fixed the wiki ones 19:19:31 present+ 19:19:36 present +ari 19:19:41 present+ andrea 19:19:51 present+ jon 19:20:37 https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/about/contributing/ 19:20:58 above is correct ulr. 19:21:05 s/ulr/url/ 19:21:17 Jemma: We need to get rid of the last references 19:21:21 we need to remove https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/apg/about/contributing/contributing.html 19:23:21 Ari: I don't have that contributing folder locally 19:23:53 Matt: You may want to merge main in to your branch 19:24:22 Topic: 2023 retroperspective 19:24:48 Matt: First acknowledge the progress during 2023 19:25:03 ... Then figure out what went well and what did not go so well 19:25:29 ... I made a changelog for 2023 and I have it in the wiki 19:25:30 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/wiki/APG-Website-Change-Log 19:26:02 ... In that there were 61 commits that we made to the repo last year that were not infrastructure 19:26:25 ... Big changes to examples 19:26:36 present+ Cory 19:26:36 ... Datepicker 19:26:41 ... Changes for aria-expanded 19:26:54 s/expanded/expanded=false/ 19:27:13 ... Added AT support tables last year 19:27:23 ... We added the new contributors page 19:27:55 ... Overall there were 11 changes to guidance 19:28:20 ... The biggest bucket here is 202 general quality improvements 19:28:38 ... Mainly bug fixes 19:29:15 ... Thanks to everyone in this meeting, all of you have contributed to this plus others who are not here today 19:30:13 Matt: We need to talk about what did not go so well 19:30:49 ... For a few years now we've been focused on testing changes 19:31:01 ... So that we can move as quickly as we want on PRs 19:32:06 ... We said we'd do some work on prioritizing better 19:33:27 Jemma: We can celebrate that we have new two members, Andrea and ARI, and also Cory who have been contributing to the resource. Good that we have two female developers 19:33:43 Ari: Glad to be part of the team, looking forward to 2024 19:33:52 Andrea: Cool to be working with you 19:34:12 Matt: What did you learn during 2023? 19:34:41 Andrea: I was not very familiar with these committees, different processes, documentation, releases, etc 19:35:40 ... The nuances between changing "might" to "may" and how that works in the context of screen readers and other ATs 19:37:51 Ari: We've learned a lot about how important language is. Also it's great to work on these things after having visited thesse pagesas a contributor 19:38:27 Jemma: I appreciate your patience 19:38:42 Ari: Thanks for your help 19:39:30 Matt: I am curious about the tone of this group. How does it feel? Any ideas to make it feel better? 19:39:59 Cory: I feel like It is a very welcoming environment 19:40:27 ... You all have fantastic patience for newcomers 19:41:34 Ari: Everyone has been very positive, and you do have to be nit-picky 19:41:46 Cory: Sometimes it's just taking care of the details 19:42:39 Matt: This work is mainly to help engineers who work on their own silos but also to help people who work for big companies 19:43:21 ... For example, I wasn't aware of the preference for the `for` attribute for labling 19:44:21 Matt: I wonder if people have ideas to shorten the time it takes to move things forward 19:44:46 Jemma: Everyone has a fulltime job 19:49:59 Matt: It is improtant to explain why sometimes we cannot get to things that people comment 19:50:49 John: A big addition is the work of the ARIA-AT CG 19:51:16 ... We have a human resource issue in the group 19:52:01 ... It take some time to figure out W3C frameworks and processes 19:52:33 ... Maybe we can do a social event to recruit more people 19:52:50 Matt: I think we need to make it easier for people to contribute 19:53:23 John: And maybe put it in the About page 19:53:53 Matt: It would be cool to put together a list of name 19:54:30 Jemma: I am glad about the idea of the handles 19:54:53 Topic: Defining APG bug severity framework 19:55:17 https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2901 19:55:27 Matt: I put two questions. One is how many levels of severity we want to have. Second is what the severity factors are 19:55:51 ... Whenever we get a bug report and is acknowledged as a bug, we label it as severe, and we prioritize based on most visited pages 19:56:06 ... We should be able to make these severity jugments easily 19:56:37 ... My intuition is 2 - 3 levels 19:57:18 Jemma: For example, how would we prioritize the bug with TalkBack with combo box? 19:57:48 Matt: If we have three levels of severity there is always the debate between 1 or 2, or between 2 or 3 19:57:55 ... Two levels will simplify 19:58:05 Cory: I think for the amount of editorial, 3 makes sense 19:58:15 Daniel: +1 to Cory 19:58:50 Matt: Then if we have a high trafic page we can consider the moderates as highs 19:59:08 q+ 20:00:38 got to go 20:00:52 Cory: P3: Editorial, P2: non-breaking functionality, P1: serious funcionality issues 20:01:07 Cory: I like the ambiguity of P1 - P3 20:02:32 Matt: Do we have consensus on P1 P2 P3? 20:03:12 Matt: I'd say P1 is bugs that block users 20:03:40 ... P2 non-blocking functionality defects 20:03:54 ... P3 bugs that are cosmetic/annoyances 20:04:33 Matt: I think there is consensus on the P1 - P3 measurement, we may need to tweak the wording 20:04:37 rrsagent, make minutes 20:04:38 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2024/01/16-aria-apg-minutes.html dmontalvo 22:01:14 Zakim has left #aria-apg