11:14:09 RRSAgent has joined #coga 11:14:13 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/12/18-coga-irc 11:14:13 RRSAgent, make logs Public 11:14:14 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 11:14:14 q? 11:14:19 clear q 11:14:23 ack next 11:16:08 agenda+ ACtions at https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.h4l5bbbl6v8e and litary review at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Cu_qVP1WBz2TbsrAjLbbeb55RAlJmu9kfHamriL1Ocs/edit#gid=1686096268 11:16:59 agenda+ 2023 COGA Review of CTAUR - Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements 11:17:48 agenda+ mental health, How to put them in the document (branch etc) 11:18:18 agenda+ reviced proposals from mental health at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K4tI9SV4lsDXzCdaEAXExeL3f061__Sy06lfGV9mLvY/edit#heading=h.b3qyg4vvkf1 11:19:12 agenda order is 1, 3, 2, 4 12:28:59 Roy has joined #coga 12:49:03 Roy has joined #coga 13:09:05 Roy has joined #coga 13:20:46 Roy has joined #coga 15:00:41 lisa has joined #coga 15:00:53 agenda? 15:03:11 Rain has joined #coga 15:03:15 topic: stucture 15:04:02 RRSAgent, publish minutes 15:04:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/12/18-coga-minutes.html lisa 15:04:33 Version of the document the community group was adding notes to: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13mqcr4pNlhg-9jQ8gDX1b3KFFUCCq2xHe5Sq1sPeDFY/edit#heading=h.cusjdumtyv7i 15:13:49 bad storm 15:13:52 power just went out 15:13:55 i can hear u. can u hear me? 15:44:44 q? 15:44:56 agender? 15:45:20 agenda? 15:49:38 regrets: EA 15:57:04 Rashmi has joined #coga 15:58:11 present+ 15:59:14 present+ 16:00:20 present+ 16:02:18 Jennie has joined #coga 16:02:20 scribe+ Rashmi, lisa 16:02:26 present+ 16:02:40 * I can scribe if I can stop at 10 before the hour 16:02:56 scribe+ Jennie 16:02:56 scribe+ jenny, lisa, 16:03:05 Becca_Monteleone has joined #coga 16:03:05 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Scribe_list 16:03:07 present+ 16:03:22 Lisa: put your name down on weeks you are likely to be attending, and able to scribe 16:03:25 abbey has joined #coga 16:03:25 next item 16:03:47 Lisa: let's review what people may want to work on over the holidays and updates 16:04:05 ...let's talk about the research 16:04:37 julierawe has joined #coga 16:04:40 present+ 16:04:42 Rebecca: In mid-January having time on the agenda would be good to discuss final changes. 16:05:03 Lisa: Abbey was doing the lit review on ADHD. 16:05:14 DavidSwallow has joined #coga 16:05:24 Lisa: I started identifying papers. 16:05:29 present+ 16:05:34 ...Put your name next to one you find interesting. 16:05:55 ...I saw some that mentioned the topics people have selected. 16:06:11 ...Correction - it wasn't Abbey, it was Rebecca 16:06:37 kirkwood has joined #COGA 16:06:43 ...Becca - you could put your name next to those. That's why I am volunteering you. 16:06:59 ...The user group research sometimes had information on the same topics as you are doing for the issue paper. 16:07:39 Becca: that sounds great. Thank you for doing that. 16:07:50 Lisa: Abbey - can you add the papers that you are looking at into this database. 16:08:02 database at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Cu_qVP1WBz2TbsrAjLbbeb55RAlJmu9kfHamriL1Ocs/edit#gid=1686096268 16:08:19 Abbey: I will look at them. There may be a bit of a delay. 16:08:30 Lisa: OK. I did a search in Google Scholar. 16:08:41 ...I put it into the research plan 16:08:45 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wu0WYcvCpp-zIz2NzPk2AuTJOrzgh3T4sKQgzCa10ps/edit#heading=h.bls0z8ekj5k3 16:08:53 Lisa: there is an appendix. 16:09:07 ...We agreed on minimal outline of what needs to be done for a literary review. 16:09:16 ...And we are saving the search terms as we use them. 16:09:37 q+ 16:09:39 ...This information is included under Appendix 3. Search terms used 16:09:41 q? 16:10:00 search terms go to https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wu0WYcvCpp-zIz2NzPk2AuTJOrzgh3T4sKQgzCa10ps/edit#heading=h.tzwiganz83f7 16:10:02 Lisa: please add any search terms you use. 16:10:16 ...If anyone has questions during the holidays, I will be working. 16:10:18 q? 16:10:30 ack next 16:10:51 Becca: I have my search strategy for the 2 papers I was using. It is on the bottom of my drafts. Should I add it here? 16:10:58 Lisa: Yes, it is helpful if it is added here. 16:11:23 ...List which issue paper it is for. 16:11:43 ...The citation is really important. Then we can make the format of the citation consistent later if helpufl. 16:11:51 ...The key take aways is also important. 16:12:06 ...This should include what we need to remember. 16:12:27 tburtin has joined #coga 16:12:29 ...Some people will have no time over the next 2 weeks due to holidays. 16:12:36 present+ 16:12:57 ...But if you do, please mark your name in, and fill out whatever you can 16:13:10 database at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Cu_qVP1WBz2TbsrAjLbbeb55RAlJmu9kfHamriL1Ocs/edit#gid=1686096268 16:13:11 ...That is an action item for all of us 16:13:32 ...I can meet on Monday or Tuesday if someone needs a bit of help getting information into the spreadsheet. 16:13:50 ...If the spreadsheet is daunting, you can do the review, put it in an email, send it to the list. 16:13:59 ...Someone else can enter it into the spreadsheet. 16:14:18 ...Mental health we will discuss as part of the agenda. 16:14:32 ...Color items are on the agenda. 16:14:44 ...Rashmi is nearly finished the item in table 1. 16:14:58 ...She is also working on a paper related to triggers and the research we have. 16:15:12 ...We need someone to take the lead on the social media algorthym issues. 16:15:50 Rain: We are working on the feedback from the Community group. We are doing the user testing in January and February of 2024. 16:16:17 Lisa: the session we had before is looking really good for the Structure and Content group! 16:16:38 ...I should take an action to make sure we show it to Roy. 16:17:01 ...Roy can say if it can be as a publication. The sooner we ask the better. 16:17:05 Rain: that makes sense. 16:17:18 ...Images is on hold until we get the structure figured out. 16:17:28 Lisa: There is a working session on Thursday. 16:17:33 Rain: yes, for an hour and a half. 16:17:43 ...sorry, Wednesday. 16:17:58 Lisa: and after that we are starting the holiday break. 16:18:05 Julie: regarding WCAG 3 16:18:14 https://github.com/w3c/wcag3/discussions/34 16:18:16 ...On January 16th there will be a discussion 16:18:30 ...Do we have the right set of criteria to evaluate conformance models. 16:18:36 present+ 16:18:48 ...There are 22 conformance models proposed - we are not evaluating them yet. 16:19:01 ...We are looking at do we have the right criteria to evaluate them. 16:19:16 ...7 criteria (reads from the github issue) 16:19:31 ...Question: is there anything missing? Anything that should be revised or removed. 16:19:45 ...My proposal to the task force is to put a comment on this github thread 16:20:18 ...We could add the equity one we have discussed - to support equity 16:20:35 ...If there is anything else that is essential to include, I can send it to the group 16:20:52 ...Then, we can have the group go and thumbs up the comment to show how important it is 16:21:01 Lisa: It is probably also important that we attend. 16:21:07 Julie: What is most important 16:21:29 ...preferably well before January 16th, we have a comment about "this is what COGA thinks" then we get lots of thumbs up 16:21:44 ...It is a show of support, and leads up to that January 16th discussion 16:21:55 ...It is far better for us to get out in front of the conversation 16:22:15 ...Then, as many COGA members as can, go in to github and thumbs up our comment 16:22:34 Q? 16:22:46 ...I think we want equity to stay in the list. 16:22:58 ...There is one about complexity that is a bit worrisome to me 16:23:07 ...What if user testing is important for some aspects? 16:23:20 ...If you can't quickly to an automated test, we want to make sure there is equity 16:23:33 Lisa: My take is that we should put in both of those comments 16:23:42 ...1 with the validity that we need equity separately. 16:23:57 ...Because some people think it valid for it not to be equitable (in the past) 16:24:07 ...Then either separately, or thumbs up your comment. 16:24:15 ...I agree, the complexity is very worrying 16:24:35 ...For things that don't belong in a checklist 16:24:50 Julie: Keep in mind: what are the big things for evaluating 16:25:30 ...We could add a comment stating we would like to know more about complexity, so it doesn't favor only automated testing 16:25:54 ...We want it to be different from previous versions of WCAG 2 because we do want complexity as an option sometimes 16:26:02 Lisa: Yes, let's put them in as separate comments. 16:26:16 ...People can always comment on your comment, or just thumbs up it 16:26:23 ...And please send to the list. 16:26:33 ...Then people can take a moment to participate. 16:26:43 Julie: I will send that to the list, including instructions. 16:27:01 ...If there is other information that others on the call feel we should comment on, then please let me know. 16:27:11 Lisa: Our next meeting is January 8th - is that too late? 16:27:34 Julie: we can talk about it on January 8th, and add a 3rd comment at that time. Yes, please put time on the agenda for it. 16:27:55 Lisa: I also think that members can also comment, without waiting for consensus. Is that correct? 16:28:08 Julie: I agree. And, it is great to have others reviewing. 16:28:27 ...If someone has an idea, please add it to github, or email me. 16:29:21 Lisa: there can be an institutional type of exclusion, because some user testing is not reliable. 16:29:31 ...We have to be careful about that 16:29:39 ...Reliability and complexity. 16:29:53 ...These need to be tested to make sure they don't exclude some user groups. 16:30:05 Julie: great. I will add those into the comments I add into github. 16:30:06 next item 16:30:37 Lisa: We have changes that the mental health group would like into the content. 16:30:49 ...I think Eric has made a branch where he is putting in the corrections from an issue. 16:30:58 ...Where do we want to put in the changes from the mental health group? 16:31:07 ...Same branch? Will that get complex? 16:31:18 ...Any github experts here? 16:31:31 ...So, we don't know. We will need Eric here, so we know what he has done. 16:31:37 ...Rashmi - do you have a preference? 16:31:54 Rashmi: this is new for me. 16:32:06 Lisa: We have the latest version of Making Content Usable in github. 16:32:15 ...Different branches work on different sections. 16:32:25 ...When multiple people are working, there can be conflicts. 16:32:38 ...We may need to accept Eric's pieces, then start a new branch. 16:32:49 ...I think the next thing to do is to speak to Eric. 16:32:56 ...He is not on the call. 16:33:20 ...I think we also want to check with Roy. 16:33:34 ...I think the secret is regular "commits" but I will need to check with Eric and Roy. 16:33:48 ...I will put this on the agenda for January 8th, but it may get pushed to the following meeting. 16:33:51 ...Is that ok? 16:34:02 ...I can also ask Roy tomorrow. 16:34:10 next item 16:34:40 David S: I will show you the document that COGA produced. 16:35:16 ...Over the last year or more, COGA has reviewed the Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements 16:35:22 ...We refer to this a CTAUR 16:35:33 ...This is looked at by RTF - another task force 16:35:53 ...I have been taking COGA's comments and suggestions and adding the to RTQF's github 16:36:05 ...Then, I have been in liaison with them as they review. 16:36:15 ...I have some feedback on what they have found so far. 16:36:24 ...I am just the message here, relaying their comments 16:36:31 gogle doc is at Where do we want to put in the changes from the mental health group new brach. New branch, regular comits 16:36:33 ...I will take any feedback and comments back to them 16:36:49 David S: Issue 59: introducing a new section called "Common Pitfalls" 16:36:58 sorry . google doc is at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CJhBYRI-zk2rl_mohHZ63xAGZxzpDMxhHhXT66bjFBI/edit#heading=h.k68hk35zpgfq 16:37:05 ...This is a proposal for an entirely new section 16:37:31 ...This was rejected by RTQF because they felt it is too generic, and they feel it is already in CTAUR as part of a later version 16:37:44 q? 16:37:49 ...Janina took an action to find where they have already covered this content, then will close the comment. 16:38:04 Lisa: Can we have the link to where it was closed? 16:38:09 ...the github issue? 16:38:59 Lisa: She is going to demonstrate that everything we wanted here is in here? 16:39:01 David S: Yes 16:39:10 Lisa: do you have a link to the latest version of CTAUR as well? 16:39:12 David S: Yes 16:39:13 https://github.com/w3c/ctaur/issues/59 16:39:21 Lisa: David, do you think it is in there? 16:39:29 David S: I am not sure. It is dotted about. 16:39:45 ...I get what they are saying about it being general advice. 16:39:58 https://www.w3.org/TR/ctaur/ 16:40:36 David S: Janina has summarized it in the github thread 16:40:54 ...specific enhancements would be appreciated. 16:40:59 Lisa: We did, though 16:41:04 ...We made the bullet points 16:41:19 ...They have user needs and requirements. 16:41:39 ...We have made it very specific, going through Content Usable, things that fail 16:41:50 ...Use familiar terms, avoid making the user learn new terms 16:42:19 ...Don't make the user learn new terms for editing 16:42:27 ...These are specific examples 16:42:37 ...These are not just generic comments. 16:42:55 ...I don't think saying "have a clear interface" in the introduction is similar. 16:42:59 Q? 16:43:02 ...What do other people think? 16:43:15 This document outlines various accessibility-related user needs, requirements and scenarios for web-based collaboration tools. These typically include one or more specific collaborative features such as real-time content editing by multiple authors, support for comments annotations, and revision control. The Cloud-based office application suites from Google and Microsoft are well-known examples of such collaboration tools. The accessibility user needs[CUT] 16:44:18 Lisa: Who thinks that Janina's point is correct - that it is already discussed and this is already addressed? 16:44:32 https://www.w3.org/TR/ctaur/#collaboration-tools 16:44:36 ...Who thinks it was not already addressed? 16:45:26 Lisa: I am not hearing any comments. 16:45:35 David S: There is a lot to process. 16:46:04 Julie: I am trying to understand. We raised concerns that we feel were not adequately covered. And Janina thinks they were adequately covered? 16:46:14 Lisa: this is in reference to a specific section. 16:46:30 ...We suggested adding a section (Common pitfalls). 16:46:42 ...It could be called something else. 16:46:59 ...It is about what things are and how to use them. 16:47:09 ...Then we have information about what this includes 16:47:22 ...Example: not requiring multiple tabs and windows to complete a task. 16:47:50 ...Other examples are around language specific to an interface that are not commonly used. 16:48:22 ...And makes suggestions when new processes are required, how to handle this 16:49:34 q+ 16:49:36 ...We have had examples in our work where after instructional sessions, a few weeks later, many in our group had difficulty participating in those processes 16:50:16 Julie: Thank you for the background, Lisa. 16:50:36 ...As I look at the current draft, it has 20 things, and broken into different sections. 16:50:48 ...I am not seeing how those common pitfalls map to the current draft. 16:51:14 ...Could we ask for a "map" of where they feel they are already addressing these points because at this time it is not apparent to us. 16:51:21 ...I find this a difficult document to look at 16:51:29 ...What we have raised are the "big picture" things 16:51:43 *Note: can someone take over scribing now? I need to leave 16:52:03 Julie: Is Janina asking for new user needs and design patterns? 16:52:13 David S: I think that is what Janina took an action to do. 16:52:26 ...So I think that is fine to ask for that. 16:53:20 lisa: we added the section becuse we didnt see where it fits. 16:55:22 david: no 58: use of the case of wisigig. we sugested explaining it. THey felt it was clear to the target adence. 16:55:32 it’s a very old term 16:56:00 FYO coment was maid by Rain, because it is such an outdated term 16:56:05 I just asked my dev husband if he knows it, and he has not idea what it means. He has been in the industry 5yrs 16:56:08 Rain: not widely used anymore 16:56:46 no longer commenly understood by designers unless you are old and used to use dos 16:57:13 John. agrees 16:57:23 Abby has no idea what it meens. old term 16:57:32 Lisa doesnt realy care 16:57:56 q+ 16:58:03 ack next 16:58:07 WYSWYG is a meaningless term now 16:58:07 ack next 16:58:43 rain: i am very concern that the audence is only people who have been in the indistry a long time 16:58:45 +1 to Rain 16:59:26 david: issue 57 and 56: clarify the scope and update the tech 17:00:10 they dont want to discus specific products. but they may include white bourd 17:00:14 q+ 17:01:05 lisa: clarfy will they calrify what is included. becuse we wernt sure what to include 17:01:22 collaborative design tools? 17:01:30 what type of thing is included? 17:02:15 is slack inclded? that type thing? 17:03:19 I have to drop — have a good weekend, everybody! 17:03:56 John: eveything is a colabritive tool. how is this a defined. 17:04:27 lisa: genral comment on their document. 17:05:39 people did not know if gihub was included. 17:06:04 john colaberation functionalion and assisted support is realy importent with a helper 17:06:20 very much part of the combination needed. that might be why we care 17:06:59 RRSAgent, publish minutes 17:07:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/12/18-coga-minutes.html lisa 18:07:42 kirkwood has joined #COGA 19:11:36 kirkwood has joined #COGA 19:27:16 kirkwood has joined #COGA 19:57:09 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 19:57:19 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 20:19:36 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 20:29:50 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 20:40:52 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 21:01:14 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 21:19:43 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 21:31:04 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 22:20:19 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 22:20:46 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 22:31:59 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 23:00:08 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 23:11:36 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 23:24:24 Kirkwood has joined #COGA 23:48:19 Kirkwood has joined #COGA