14:29:16 RRSAgent has joined #coga 14:29:20 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/11/27-coga-irc 14:29:20 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:29:25 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 14:31:23 agenda? 14:31:33 clear agenda 14:31:52 agenda+ updates and actions https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m4q5vkc 14:33:27 agenda+ github issues. see https://github.com/w3c/coga/issues 14:34:19 agenda+ user module update do we want to do it as a subgroup. see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PrlyRHkxQKdiIZDQwsgbfchNgY14o0vRT3f_L7fXlxo/edit#gid=0 14:34:41 agenda+ user module next steps 15:35:17 Lisa has joined #coga 15:35:43 agenda+ non pere reviewed research (Abis email - https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-cognitive-a11y-tf/2023Nov/0024.html 15:53:07 agenda? 15:54:42 RRSAgent, publish minutes 15:54:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/27-coga-minutes.html Lisa 15:58:21 Eric_hind has joined #coga 15:59:30 JustineP has joined #coga 16:01:11 Becca_Monteleone has joined #coga 16:01:12 Rain has joined #coga 16:01:14 present+ 16:01:16 present+ 16:01:19 present+ 16:01:21 scribe: becca 16:01:30 scribe: Becca_Monteleone 16:01:45 next item 16:02:01 katyb has joined #coga 16:02:13 julierawe has joined #coga 16:02:18 present+ 16:02:27 tburtin has joined #coga 16:02:28 present+ 16:02:33 Lisa: Mental health meeting on Thursday 16:02:35 present+ 16:02:57 Jennie has joined #coga 16:03:02 present+ 16:03:14 present+ 16:03:46 Rain: structure update - received a lot of feedback from community group on design draft. Will compile it and bring it back to the group. Engineer had to pause on prototype but will continue building out next week. Expect to complete by end of year and qual testing in early 2024 16:03:54 Rain: images subgroup is on pause 16:04:35 DavidSwallow has joined #coga 16:04:40 present+ 16:04:53 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k8Z2DFd5HNCxNuw94izHfuS8RQBvAda1yC7yiLc3eVc/edit#heading=h.xh5qrkgp6x1d 16:05:21 Julie: WCAG 3 updates shared in google doc 16:07:25 q+ 16:07:56 ack next 16:08:01 Julie: Attempting to finish exploratory drafts of WCAG 3 outcomes by end of 2023 to be compiled by AG in early 2024 and sent to COGA for review. AG will prioritize outcomes on selection criteria, including what kind of research supports this outcome. Once list of outcomes is complete, guidelines will be refined over several years 16:08:36 Rachael: outcomes without research won't be removed, they will be prioritized to have research done first 16:09:45 Julie: There will be plenty of time for COGA to provide input and refining. 16:10:40 Julie: Five drafts nearly ready that COGA will have chance to review in January - listed in Google doc 16:10:47 q? 16:12:09 q+ 16:12:10 Julie: Several drafts could use more COGA input - Consistent Design (meets Fridays); Control Semantics (meets Mondays); Non-Visual Alternatives 16:12:30 Lisa: Someone from ADAPT would be good for control semantics as well 16:12:58 q+ 16:13:19 Lisa: listed as belonging to Cognitive Load group, but has not received emails about it - how do we know when our group is meeting or if we're missing communication? 16:13:49 ack next 16:13:54 q- 16:14:44 Tiffany: Been a part of prevent harm; could join consistent design too, but I need to be careful about the number of hours. 16:16:52 q+ 16:17:56 q+ 16:18:15 Lisa: the reason non-visual alternatives needs COGA rep is because, for example, COGA users who use screen readers or other assistive tech use them very differently than other users with sensory disabilities 16:18:55 katyb_ has joined #coga 16:18:56 ack next 16:18:58 ack next 16:19:43 Rachael: Non-vis alt is also pretty far along as well - COGA perspective might be limited to just reviewing the outcomes and providing feedback. Rachael can meet and walk through 16:20:01 Tiffany was active in non-vis alt as well 16:20:35 Tiffany, Lisa, and Rachael can meet on this. Perhaps include EA as well 16:21:18 Julie reviewing teams that have COGA members 16:21:45 q+ 16:23:25 EA has joined #coga 16:23:29 ack next 16:23:36 kirkwood has joined #COGA 16:23:42 Present + 16:24:13 Document with WCAG 3 updates: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1k8Z2DFd5HNCxNuw94izHfuS8RQBvAda1yC7yiLc3eVc/edit#heading=h.xh5qrkgp6x1d 16:24:43 Lisa: Internationalization meeting on Wednesday 16:24:58 q? 16:25:26 David: no immediate APA updates but will have updates on Github issues next week 16:25:29 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wu0WYcvCpp-zIz2NzPk2AuTJOrzgh3T4sKQgzCa10ps/edit#heading=h.jhgeh79yam7t 16:25:57 next item 16:26:21 present+ 16:26:28 present+ 16:26:46 https://github.com/w3c/coga/issues?page=1&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen 16:27:27 https://github.com/w3c/coga/issues/305 16:27:31 Eric: Issues to address: 305; 303, and 302 16:28:39 Eric: Issue 305 - use of term "high potential" in content usable 16:29:45 Eric: does this refer to high-level person or anyone in a company/customer? 16:30:38 should we simply add aging? 16:31:23 Lisa: Could refer to both; trying to deconstruct the stereotype that people with LD/ID are everywhere, including high value customers, decision-makers, etc. 16:31:44 Eric: Julie's suggested wording on Github seems to address this 16:32:31 CORRECTION: Lisa: Could refer to both; trying to deconstruct the stereotype that people with LD/ID are NOT everywhere, including high value customers, decision-makers, etc. 16:32:59 Lisa: Other bullet point in this section addresses aging. 16:33:09 Julies wording +1 16:33:10 +1 16:33:16 +1 16:33:16 +1 16:33:16 +1 16:33:17 +1 16:33:19 +1 16:33:20 +1 16:33:20 +1 16:33:24 +1 16:33:27 +1 16:34:04 Eric: next item is Issue 303 on Github 16:34:43 Eric: Correction, Issue 304 16:35:40 q+ 16:35:44 Eric: issue - The last bullet reads "Confirm that when feedback is given, a process is in place for acting on it!" Could you please give us concrete example of "a process is in place for acting on it"? 16:36:01 ack next 16:36:42 Rain: Agree that language is hard to understand. Suggests adding "and document the steps that will be taken on the feedback" 16:37:19 +1 16:37:21 +1 16:37:22 +1 16:37:22 +1 16:37:22 +1 16:37:23 +1 16:37:25 +1 to add example and reword 16:37:28 ? 16:37:30 +1 16:37:33 q+ 16:37:33 +1 16:37:40 ack next 16:38:15 agree with julie. the point is to deal with it! 16:38:41 Julie: is the goal to let the person submitting the feedback know that someone has viewed that feedback or is "documenting the steps" referring to what the organization will do internally about the feedback? 16:38:52 Should it be both? 16:39:24 Lisa: suggest documenting internally next steps and making publicly available? 16:39:37 John K: so it's about accountability on acting on feedback? 16:40:00 Lisa: Yes, we want to know that something happens with feedback and what happens next is publicly available 16:40:07 Both need help and needs to be accountable +1 16:40:08 +1 16:40:16 +1 16:40:16 +1 16:40:16 +1 16:40:17 +1 16:40:18 +1 16:40:19 +1 16:42:05 Eric: Issue 302 - use of term "general population;" seems to exclude people with cognitive disabilities are not part of the general population 16:42:21 q+ 16:43:11 Rain: I'd recommend not using neurotypical because of feedback from community groups; many people with cognitive and learning disabilities also might consider themselves "general population" 16:43:30 q+ 16:43:48 +1 to Rain 16:44:32 Julie: What is the context for this statement? 16:44:57 Julie: Could we reword that header? 16:45:12 +1 to Julie's suggestion 16:45:16 +1 julie 16:45:22 +1 16:45:23 +1 16:45:24 Julie: "Additional Consideration for User Testing with People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities" 16:45:35 +1to “considerations” per Julie 16:45:39 +1 16:45:44 +11 16:45:47 "Additional Considerations for User Testing with People with Cognitive and Learning Disabilities" 16:45:49 oops, +1 16:45:50 +1 16:45:52 +1 16:46:30 +1 to conitnuing 16:48:44 Eric: Issue closed and moved to "review for next version" - issue 237 16:48:59 https://github.com/w3c/coga/labels/review%20for%20next%20version 16:51:54 Eric: will review the 14 open issues tagged "review for next version" and will bring for discussion in December 16:52:44 next item 16:52:49 ack next 16:52:53 ack next 16:53:02 ack Rain 16:53:06 next item 16:54:34 Lisa: Need to update research on user groups and functional needs; would it be better to create a subgroup than to assign individuals? 16:56:26 Lisa: Abbi James has asked about including papers without peer review, such as an organization's internal review 16:57:02 Lisa: Would be helpful to include, but taffed as non-peer reviewed 16:57:07 *tagged 16:57:08 +1 16:57:13 +1 16:57:15 +1 16:57:19 +1 16:57:20 +1 16:57:34 +1 with very clear labeling 16:57:40 Abi has a very good point but need to know how to reference these papers or articles 16:58:34 Lisa: Does anyone want to take on one of these user groups? 16:58:53 q+ 16:59:18 Lisa: Will create a subgroup to better divide up this labor 16:59:44 Lisa: Will need at least 5 people in this subgroup 17:00:11 Tiffany: Coworker interested in assisting with this as a guest to COGA 17:00:55 Rachael: Should join COGA to contribute to it 17:02:13 * Have to drop. Have a good week! 17:02:33 Can we finish our issue paper and then take the research around Aphasia or Dyslexia later next year... bit much on at the moment 17:02:43 RRSAgent, publish minutes 17:02:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/27-coga-minutes.html Lisa 17:10:58 jamesn has joined #COGA