11:47:24 RRSAgent has joined #coga 11:47:28 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/11/13-coga-irc 11:47:28 RRSAgent, make logs Public 11:47:29 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 11:47:55 regrets+ EA, julie 11:48:01 agenda? 11:48:09 clear agenda 11:48:26 agenda+ updates and actions https://docs.google.com/document/d/15HtPkkYx1CIl6bAwP2nsSZKhqTVbqcuMDRz5RmtmvXg/edit#heading=h.ka7r1m4q5vkc 11:48:50 AG update including o Recharter of AG AND.. Permissions to github via their profile 11:49:07 agenda+ AG update including o Recharter of AG AND.. Permissions to github via their profile 11:49:50 agenda+ github issues at: https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-user-research/ 11:50:31 agenda+ Abbys review of user reaserch at: https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-user-research/ 11:52:06 Roy has joined #coga 11:58:41 Roy has joined #coga 12:59:33 Roy has joined #coga 13:32:54 Roy has joined #coga 13:48:57 Roy_ has joined #coga 14:55:49 Roy_ has joined #coga 15:10:58 lisa has joined #coga 15:11:02 agenda? 15:11:34 agenda+ Cautar 15:12:28 agenda+ (if time) New versions of issue papers (by Becca) on wayfinding (see https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1TDtuC_iMyS_X6nXwyEEAu4Abp2tXHb86/edit ) 15:29:55 Q? 15:30:02 ack next 15:47:01 Q? 16:00:56 Albert has joined #coga 16:01:48 abbey has joined #coga 16:02:31 present+ 16:03:11 scribe: kirkwood 16:03:41 close item 1 16:03:46 next item 16:04:15 present+ 16:05:45 ag members: https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/ag/participants/ 16:06:00 DavidSwallow has joined #COGA 16:06:08 present+ 16:06:09 niamh has joined #coga 16:06:51 od: https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/ag/join/ 16:06:51 [11:05am] kirkwood: LS: rejoining AG. might be a bit slow, having given us time. 16:06:52 [11:06am] kirkwood: LS: link to AG partipants can check if you are a member or inited expert. 16:07:00 so you can see if you are an invited extert there 16:07:36 organisations that are members: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.w3.org/membership/list/__;!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!ezCV3sdi4TJU9O1iCtIMWeiN81PuesYt0PA4J5uIH3tX8XcMtLdNUO64bz5h4G69EYWYZkJV9z3DYK2HA0woL6aI$ 16:07:36 kirkwood: LS: rejoining AG. might be a bit slow, having given us time. 16:07:37 [11:06am] kirkwood: LS: link to AG partipants can check if you are a member or inited expert. 16:08:18 Reach out to the Advisory Committee (AC) representative for your organization. Your organization's AC representative needs to approve and submit you as a representative to the new group. Note: This can occasionally take time (particularly when an organization has a new AC representative), so we suggest starting the conversation with your AC representative sooner rather than later. 16:08:38 LS: this is if you are a member, you write to the person from you company that represents you 16:10:22 LS: invited experts me, john, abby, albert? not sure 16:10:31 q+ 16:10:36 invited exerts https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/ag/__;!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!ezCV3sdi4TJU9O1iCtIMWeiN81PuesYt0PA4J5uIH3tX8XcMtLdNUO64bz5h4G69EYWYZkJV9z3DYK2HA1sW4krP$ 16:10:43 LS: first go to this link; 16:10:56 https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/ag/join/ 16:10:56 q+ 16:11:19 ack next 16:11:47 ack next 16:12:02 Abbey: i’m good don’t need to do it 16:12:27 Rachael: went through who we are comfortable approvin 16:13:02 Rachael: wait need database to catch up 16:13:34 Rachael: need to have github updated 16:15:33 LS: we have been asked to update github to make sure its there. go to your account on W3C and add github 16:16:02 Racheal: go to edit profiles, connected accounts 16:17:20 LS: go to ‘my account’ , edit profiles, connected accounts : add your github account 16:18:13 LS: i well add to orintation 16:18:18 Q? 16:18:34 next item 16:18:47 close item 3 16:18:53 next item 16:18:55 LS: eric couldn’t come 16:19:18 LS: Abby you looked at user research 16:19:23 … we did a survey 16:19:30 … we can update the whole thing? 16:19:53 … we can update parts? with link to wikipage showing things not updated 16:20:21 … this is highly used, in meetings all over the place 16:20:31 … out of date since 2015 16:21:11 Abbey: it’s not very current, even type of users, lot in aging and dimentia since 2015, ADHD in adults 16:21:40 Abbey: 3.6 is def ADHD, autism there is new language 16:22:10 … dysgraphia is not in inere 16:22:22 … is not in there 16:22:38 … there is stuff with user groups needs to be updated 16:22:54 … apheesia, and down syndorme nothing since 2015 16:23:03 … might want to look into Long Covid 16:23:13 … worth a deeper dive impact user groups 16:23:54 LS: your feeling is we should add some 16:24:14 LS: think we can lose some 16:24:28 Abbey: not sure 16:24:47 LS: can put on wki page to be available, without going through review 16:25:02 … same with reserach and cognitive function on a wiki page 16:25:09 Abbey: i think so too 16:25:31 Abbey: companies worked for user groups are most important 16:25:53 LS: proposal to add a module of mental health 16:26:08 LS: we had suggestion for general cognitive function 16:26:39 LS: what we’ve found so far can only do it with volunteers to do work 16:27:28 LS: we need to updte introduction and summary but thats just editorial 16:27:28 LS: but if we need to add sections we need volunteers 16:27:57 LS: don’t need to do all at once, collect research and write 16:29:16 upadete the user section, adding mental health, long covid and health , genral LD and coga .. but we have people to look the reaserch 16:29:16 LS: proposal is to update user sections adding mental health, long covid and health (name tbd), inections, brain fog, chemo, general learning disabilities, cognitive disabilities 16:29:30 … with cavaat we have people to look into research 16:29:59 LS: what kind of research is acceptable? 16:30:26 LS: proposal add update user sections adding mental health long covid and brain fog, chemo etc. 16:30:52 +1 16:30:53 +1 16:30:57 +1 16:31:00 +1 16:31:02 +1 16:31:05 any objections? 16:31:44 Lisa: do we have volunteer to take new user groups? 16:32:07 … anyone volunteering to do update? 16:32:46 LS: maybe three months to read over my guess is 10 documents 16:32:56 Abbey: happy start on ADHD stuff 16:33:00 abby: update on adhd 16:33:56 Niamh: rather not commit think about it 16:34:17 LS: Davic mental health one 16:34:25 davic/David 16:34:59 LS: if exists already do we thing 10 papers is enough, 5 papers? 16:35:09 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wu0WYcvCpp-zIz2NzPk2AuTJOrzgh3T4sKQgzCa10ps/edit#heading=h.jhgeh79yam7t 16:35:20 LS: literary review process is the link 16:35:40 for an update on out date reasrch is 10 papers enough? 16:35:45 LS: going to propose 10 papers? 16:35:58 q+ 16:35:59 LS: are we comforable with that? 16:36:03 how to do a lit review ? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wu0WYcvCpp-zIz2NzPk2AuTJOrzgh3T4sKQgzCa10ps/edit#heading=h.jhgeh79yam7t 16:36:18 next item 16:36:39 Abbey: think 10 is good, aiming for 10, epecially if its going to be updated 16:37:19 LS: aim is 10 if haven’t done 10 come back to group 16:37:46 aim for ten. of cource fgo over if you feel it is useful, come back to the group if less then 10 16:37:49 +1 16:37:53 +1 16:37:55 +1 16:37:57 +1 16:38:05 any objections ? 16:38:12 LS: objecions? 16:38:34 seems none 16:38:54 next item 16:39:00 LS: Abbey thank you 16:39:09 ack next 16:39:16 next item 16:40:20 LS: David did you look at CTAUR? 16:40:20 DS: Yeah 16:40:45 LS: going through CTAUR 16:41:05 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CJhBYRI-zk2rl_mohHZ63xAGZxzpDMxhHhXT66bjFBI/edit 16:41:33 Collabortion Tools Accessibility User Requirments 16:41:58 LS: devid taking over liaison to check loads of comments got into github 16:42:14 DS: going to do for meeting Wednesday 16:42:33 LS: trying to make it easy to find. 16:43:00 DS: yeah inline comments and put in 16:43:13 LS: bienig the sort of interpretor 16:43:42 LS: really good for communication, don’t think we are tagged on any of these issues or that you are tagged at least 16:44:22 LS: vert hard to track, conversation in github we don’t know about it 16:44:41 LS: are the comments in there, want to make sure? 16:44:52 DS: ok 16:45:09 next item 16:45:15 LS: we need to learn to get it right from each other 16:45:33 DS: will go to rqtf and APA and will report back 16:45:55 LS sounds good 16:46:25 agenda+ ,emta; hea;th https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K4tI9SV4lsDXzCdaEAXExeL3f061__Sy06lfGV9mLvY/edit#heading=h.qn1vctt0b01p 16:46:31 LS: we can carry on going through proposals for mental health 16:47:01 LS: current poposal for COGA link 16:47:57 q? 16:47:58 LS: we talked about COGA not sure how to handle, too many colors for example in a pattern to look at it more. what would be a good pattern about it 16:48:21 DS: need guidance for use of color rather than specific colors 16:49:59 DS: for example suggesting red for example is difficult 16:50:22 JK: i’m unsure about color in mental health bucket 16:52:42 LS: research stage working memory , doesn’t matter, only use hwo help making real, this will help people with these functional imparisment, then we give an example 16:53:02 … how it helps we first talk about impairments 16:53:28 … David do you want to help 16:53:45 JK; put together a google doc share between david 16:54:53 DS: next proposal is tricky, recognition this and proposal 6 presentaion of seach results, limit links displayed, customize presentation of links including foun size, specific use case for these 16:55:14 … think suggestion was to add as an example. is that going too far? 16:55:52 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eKNrofGubnpQE6mO-vxmI-1MW5nA2LDj0LxebREPRGA/edit?resourcekey#gid=1686096268 16:56:01 LS: i go back to the research document. 11-50 partiipants 16:56:37 [link to research document above] 16:57:57 LS: going through reseach document saying that less links was better in proposal said could be new pattern or support simplification. allow less items on page. 16:58:13 … but we also have provide search 16:58:54 DS: it seems niche because we already have something related to seach 16:59:10 DS: except maybe shopping limit to 30 results etc 16:59:41 LS: think it was proble not knowing how to do search terms. 17:01:59 add to 4.3.6 Provide Search (Pattern) including boolian instuctions, , reducing itmes, or catagrins, foging terms 17:04:04 +1 17:04:35 +1 17:04:35 +1 17:04:52 LS: with 5, 6 and 7 we’d like to add to 4.6.3 provide serahc instruction reduce number of items, f 17:04:56 albert +1, but needs more discusion 17:05:45 Abbey: navigatin ecommertcce. ocd is about completion, have to scroll for all options before purchase. i open 50 tabs for one term search 17:06:09 Albert: what help is to have a filter based on price, reviews, that actually works 17:06:25 Albert: those kind of things help me 17:06:49 Albert: can give guidance for accessibile serach pattern 17:07:28 LS: also to find 17:07:37 JK: to reduce number of results 17:07:43 Alberty: yes 17:08:40 Albert: also reduce results if you put in quotes get exact result for example, a lot more filters help narrow down faster, more efficiently 17:10:01 Albert: in search, it will search in accordance it filters and give suggestions to help narrow down, which is very helpful to narrow down 17:11:08 Albert: not knowing term exactly, assisted search to help find, really helps. if term without much background knowledge 17:12:07 LS: assist user to find what want, with new ranges, options, etc. put into propsed pattern changes 17:12:11 +1 17:12:16 +1 17:12:55 RRSAgent, publish minutes 17:12:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/11/13-coga-minutes.html lisa