15:44:55 RRSAgent has joined #voiceinteraction 15:44:59 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/10/04-voiceinteraction-irc 15:46:02 meeting: Voice Interaction 15:46:26 chair: debbie 15:46:34 scribe: ddahl 15:46:40 rrsagent, formatminutes 15:46:40 I'm logging. I don't understand 'formatminutes', ddahl. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:46:47 rrsagent, format minutes 15:46:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/04-voiceinteraction-minutes.html ddahl 15:47:04 regrets:bev 15:47:21 rrsagent, make logs public 15:48:11 present:debbie,gerard,jon,dirk,noreen 15:48:43 gerard: interested in embedding conversational AI in mobile devices 15:48:53 dirk: interested in standardizing voice interaction 15:49:03 ..curious to learn from Gerard about security 15:49:12 topic: github issues 15:49:25 dirk: close issue #5 15:49:35 ... in the architecture document 15:49:42 rrsagent, format minutes 15:49:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/04-voiceinteraction-minutes.html ddahl 15:50:22 dirk: description of Russian doll principle (#40) 15:54:59 noreen: looking at Russian doll in Wikipedia 15:55:09 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matryoshka_doll 15:55:17 noreen: it would be interesting to find a reference to that metaphor 15:55:39 s/reference/stable reference 15:55:46 noreen: will look for a reference 15:55:56 debbie: we agree to include a reference if noreen can find something appropriate 15:56:04 rrsagent,format minutes 15:56:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/04-voiceinteraction-minutes.html ddahl 15:56:41 dirk: will add noreen to github (nwhysel) 15:56:42 irk: roles and responsibilities (issue #36) 15:56:50 dirk: (reviews roles and responsibilities) 15:57:00 debbie: what about the provider of the IPA? 15:57:07 noreen: could be integrator 15:57:15 jon: this participant has multiple roles, e.g. designer and integrator 15:57:24 noreen: should disambiguate owner and user 15:57:35 dirk: user owns speaker, but someone in the house might be using it 15:57:44 noreen: two potential owners, bank and user 15:57:54 dirk: replace owner by platform provider? 15:58:05 ...should not mix up hardware device vs something that provider provides 15:58:14 jon: platform, enterprise owner, user 15:58:22 ... Amazon has multiple roles in this scheme 15:58:32 jon: if we envision this architecture as a guide for independent IPAs we have three roles 15:58:40 ... if it's a consumer-facing IPA (like an app) there would be two 15:58:49 debbie: should we add examples? 15:58:55 dirk: that would help 15:59:04 dirk: will revise list with examples 15:59:14 jon: will add examples from enterprise provider (3 roles) 15:59:27 debbie: revisit this next time 15:59:34 topic: compare OVON and voice interaction work 16:00:06 debbie: looks at OVON clusters and focus items https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-voiceinteraction/2023Jul/att-0001/overlapOvonClusters.pdf 16:00:19 debbie: the most mature OVON specs are dialog events and interagent protocols 16:00:30 ...let's compare dialog events and interfaces 16:00:46 ...there is a spec for dialog events but examples would be better to look at https://github.com/open-voice-network/lib-interop/blob/main/python/sample-json/example-ovon-user-input-minimal.json 16:01:01 ...for OVON, vs. interfaces document https://w3c.github.io/voiceinteraction/voice%20interaction%20drafts/paInterfaces/paInterfaces.htm (section 4.1) 16:01:12 ...OVON has speaker id for either user or system 16:01:19 dirk: should add that to VI 16:01:27 topic: sending audio data 16:01:38 dirk: two cases, one instance is sending user started speaking and finished utterance (endpointed) or streaming, audio is sent by some other means 16:01:53 ...either sender or receiver could endpoint 16:02:06 ...message says "user has started speaking, look here for the audio" 16:02:13 debbie: will compare and contrast dialog events and interfaces 16:02:25 dirk: will review 16:02:34 dirk: suggest putting use case task force on the agenda 16:02:48 debbie: agrees 16:02:53 rrsagent, format minutes 16:02:54 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/10/04-voiceinteraction-minutes.html ddahl 17:11:22 ddahl has left #voiceinteraction