18:56:03 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 18:56:07 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/08/24-aria-at-irc 18:56:07 RRSAgent, make logs Public 18:56:08 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Matt_King 18:57:42 MEETING: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group 18:57:50 present+ 18:57:57 CHAIR: Matt King 18:58:03 rrsagent, make minutes 18:58:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/24-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 18:58:39 TOPIC: Review Agenda and Next Meeting Dates 18:59:58 View agenda at https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/wiki/August-24%2C-2023-Agenda 19:00:00 Next CG Meeting: August 30 19:00:01 • Next automation meeting: August 28 19:00:12 rrsagent, make minutes 19:00:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/24-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 19:01:38 jugglinmike has joined #aria-at 19:01:42 murray_moss has joined #aria-at 19:02:01 JoeHumbert has joined #aria-at 19:02:13 +present 19:02:49 michael_fairchild has joined #aria-at 19:02:59 Sam_Shaw has joined #aria-at 19:06:26 present+ 19:08:01 howard-e has joined #aria-at 19:08:07 present+ 19:08:15 present+ 19:08:26 present+ Isa 19:08:37 present+ Hadi 19:09:26 present+ 19:10:10 scribe+ 19:10:39 present+ James Scholes 19:10:48 TOPIC: Check in on current testing work 19:11:09 Matt_King: It looks like we can get down to 1 test plan run 19:11:26 Matt_King: Lets talk about the current test plans 19:12:04 Matt_King: For VO Action Menu Button Example Using aria-activedescendant, two testers have completed their tests there are 5 conflicts 19:12:33 Isa: Joe and I got very different output 19:12:43 Matt_King: Is there a potential version conflict? 19:12:57 Joe: I updated everything to the latest OS and Safari version 19:14:20 Matt_King: Issue Related to Test 16 19:15:24 Joe: I'm on 13.5 19:15:34 Isa: I'm on one version older 19:16:08 Matt_King: We should improve the conflict layout so you can compare users version numbers 19:18:32 James: To be clear, the output for both users fails 19:29:10 Matt_King: If the menu script clicked the button 19:29:26 Matt_King: If the script did that then maybe it would work the same as the user doing it 19:29:45 James: I wonder how I can test that 19:30:28 Matt_King: Here are the paths forward. 1. remove the conflicts so we can publish report. Generate new version of test plan, which we are doing any way, wait to talk about this with Apple until we verify our new results 19:30:57 JoeHumbert: Is there a similar test for another screen reader? 19:30:59 James: Yes 19:31:11 JoeHumbert: Do the other SR have the same issue? 19:31:14 James: No 19:31:34 Matt_King: There could be something with how VO and Safari are interacting 19:31:55 Matt_King: I have a feeling its related to how VO process event chagnes 19:32:26 JoeHumbert: I'm fine with altering the test results with the correct output 19:32:51 Matt_King: I think we should report how the output is with 13.5. Lets keep Joes results and change Isa's 19:33:02 Matt_King: Is that discussion complete? 19:33:05 James: Yes 19:33:18 Matt_King: We may have a future change to how this test runs 19:34:23 Matt_King: The other test we have is Disclosure Navigation Menu Example 19:34:39 murray_moss: I performed my testing however I didn't click save and close 19:34:56 James: There is a next button that doesn't save your results 19:35:04 murray_moss: Yes thats what I did and I lost everything 19:35:13 James: This is a long standing issue 19:35:22 Matt_King: This is a pretty serious issue 19:35:35 Matt_King: I will add this issue 19:36:10 James: I will create an issue for Next and Previous button not saving data 19:36:30 Matt_King: Isa and Murray can you work together offline to resolve the conflicts? 19:36:33 Isa: Yes! 19:37:29 Matt_King: For Hadi's test is there any conflicts to resolve? 19:37:50 James: We just lost Hadi 19:37:59 Isa: I didn't see any conflicts 19:38:06 Matt_King: Test 41 has conflicts 19:38:21 Matt_King: Activate a link in reading mode 19:39:31 Matt_King: So Isa you didn't record excessive verbosity but Hadi did 19:39:50 Matt_King: If you mark your results Isa as excessive verbosity that will resolve it 19:39:57 Isa: Great I will publish this one today! 19:41:29 TOPIC: Check in on test plan prioritization 19:41:38 Findings related to collection of APG visits data. 19:42:04 Matt_King: We were looking for visit data from the APG. Lola was working on gathering this from the metrics system at W3C 19:42:18 Matt_King: I saw some conversation over email about this over the past week 19:42:27 Matt_King: I don't know that we have any updates on that 19:43:29 James: The oustanding question is there are several pages with the same title, but with different numbers of view. My hypothesis was that maybe it collects URLs with #, but the overall question is do we add up these views or disguard them 19:44:23 Matt_King: They are small enough numbers that they would be lost in any rounding we performed 19:46:29 Matt_King: When we prioritize patterns, should we consider all examples of a pattern vs another? Some plans have multiple examples, others don't 19:46:46 Matt_King: I think we should prioritize patterns first, then use examples as a secondary measure 19:46:53 michael_fairchild: Thats a fair approach 19:47:11 James: so you proposal is to focus on the pattern data over the example data? 19:47:49 Matt_King: Yes 19:48:20 James: If one plan has five examples and another has 1 that not a equal comparison 19:48:47 michael_fairchild: I think the pattern with the most overall views, including examples, that deserves priority 19:48:59 Matt_King: Sometimes people just view the examples, and those are the ones that get passed around 19:49:04 James: That is very true 19:50:29 Matt_King: I think if we use examples and patterns, that is reflective of the impact on the world 19:51:30 Matt_King: If we compare unique user data, it will help 19:51:44 James: I think that would over complicate things 19:51:55 James: I think we should take non unique visits to patterns 19:53:41 Matt_King: We will review this data as a group 19:54:19 TOPIC: Update on coming app changes 19:55:44 James: Just a note, when I approved a PR it didn't create a preview correctly 19:55:59 Matt_King: We are hoping to perform a deployment next week 19:56:09 Howard: We are targeting Mid week 19:56:32 Howard: Anything that was in the MVP board is included 20:00:50 rrsagent, make minutes 20:00:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/24-aria-at-minutes.html Sam_Shaw 20:02:06 <\join_subline> \join_subline has joined #aria-at