IRC log of rqtf on 2023-08-16
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 11:55:46 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #rqtf
- 11:55:51 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 11:55:51 [Zakim]
- RRSAgent, make logs Public
- 11:55:52 [Zakim]
- please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jasonjgw
- 11:56:04 [jasonjgw]
- chair: jasonjgw
- 11:56:10 [jasonjgw]
- scribe+
- 11:56:12 [jasonjgw]
- present+
- 11:56:23 [jasonjgw]
- agenda+ Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements.
- 11:56:23 [jasonjgw]
- agenda+ Media accessibility: update and planning.
- 11:56:23 [jasonjgw]
- agenda+ Miscellaneous updates and topics.
- 12:45:11 [scott_h]
- scott_h has joined #rqtf
- 12:58:07 [janina]
- janina has joined #rqtf
- 12:58:33 [janina]
- present+
- 12:58:39 [janina]
- scribe+
- 12:58:41 [Rachael]
- present+
- 12:58:44 [scott_h]
- present+
- 12:58:57 [Rachael]
- scribe+
- 13:01:18 [jasonjgw]
- zakim, next item
- 13:01:18 [Zakim]
- agendum 1 -- Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
- 13:01:31 [lisa__]
- lisa__ has joined #rqtf
- 13:01:35 [lisa__]
- present+
- 13:02:48 [janina]
- jasonjgw: Notes inprocess comments from COGA and thanks the TF for them
- 13:03:12 [janina]
- jasonjgw: Notes Scott went through them and generated our questions and responses
- 13:04:14 [janina]
- jasonjgw: One challenge that came up relates to scope
- 13:04:39 [janina]
- jasonjgw: Collaborative editing scenarios, also revision control, change tracking, etc
- 13:05:12 [janina]
- jasonjgw: May not be an editor, and so far has been text editing, but could be more--just not yet addressed, e.g. media editing
- 13:05:37 [lisa__]
- q+ to ask for the link to scotts work (i have the google doc)
- 13:05:52 [janina]
- jasonjgw: We're mindful of not expanding scope significantly, esp. to not range into other groups' remits
- 13:06:23 [janina]
- jasonjgw: We could take on tooling, for example, but we should discuss scope
- 13:06:27 [janina]
- jasonjgw:
- 13:06:41 [janina]
- We also have some process issues to touch on
- 13:06:59 [janina]
- jasonjgw: So, re scope, which in, which out, and which can we rework to bring into scope
- 13:07:43 [janina]
- scott_h: Thanks everyone for the time and the overview from Jason
- 13:08:07 [Rachael]
- janina: I want to suggest we can likely dispense with our process questions and focus on scope.
- 13:08:16 [Rachael]
- ...Lisa may have questions after she gets a sense of where and how
- 13:08:26 [janina]
- scott_h: q?
- 13:09:09 [janina]
- lisa__: Wasn't aware there was now an issue from our doc; can we get a link?
- 13:10:06 [janina]
- lisa__: Notes Janina, Rachael, Roy, and I have weekly planning; we should use that to stay coordinated
- 13:10:10 [jasonjgw]
- 13:11:03 [lisa__]
- our google doc is at
- 13:11:06 [janina]
- jasonjgw: Notes link above to Scott's summary; clarifies that it will become a multiplicity of issues on github, but we haven't done that yet
- 13:13:33 [lisa__]
- q+ to say we have probems with the comments, and can put in end of comment marks
- 13:14:02 [Rachael]
- Roger: asked about apps
- 13:14:29 [Rachael]
- Janina: Yes. Some tools like MS docs do a good job about that.
- 13:14:36 [Rachael]
- Roger: I'm not sure how many people know about that.
- 13:14:52 [Rachael]
- ....If you don't. know, then the publication would have to be converted to MS word.
- 13:15:30 [Rachael]
- janina: That's right. The feature broke a few times a few months ago. Working now. It used to be called "download". It prompts you for what format you want to download into.
- 13:17:04 [janina]
- rajAsks scott_h Explains his experience using high contrast; had to get help knowing where comments ended
- 13:17:18 [janina]
- ack l
- 13:17:18 [Zakim]
- lisa__, you wanted to ask for the link to scotts work (i have the google doc) and to say we have probems with the comments, and can put in end of comment marks
- 13:17:37 [janina]
- lisa__: Would "End Comment" help?
- 13:18:07 [janina]
- lisa__: Fpound it hard to tell where comments were
- 13:18:09 [janina]
- q+
- 13:18:40 [janina]
- lisa__: Comments take up relatively little space, it's hard to know what's in it, what's added
- 13:19:05 [janina]
- lisa__: We focussed on the process that helped us collect comments
- 13:20:47 [Rachael]
- janina: End comment would be helpful. I think you just raised the point that the comment feature is difficult for coga as well as screen readers. If using that feature is a problem, then that needs to be written up.
- 13:20:57 [Rachael]
- ...that is extremely important because of the industry development.
- 13:21:30 [Rachael]
- ...this document then becomes more important. IF scrolling to a box on the side is a challenge. We need to capture those.
- 13:22:19 [janina]
- scott_h: End comment is good, something consistent that jumps out could work
- 13:22:38 [janina]
- lisa: Think it's worth figuring out what's relevantly easy for each our groups
- 13:22:49 [janina]
- lisa__: Will do, and ask for your response?
- 13:23:05 [janina]
- scott_h: Yes, happy todo this
- 13:24:05 [janina]
- jasonjgw: Returning to the more substantive point, a more detailed comment on the user interface withcomment feature should be captured
- 13:25:30 [Rachael]
- janina: Might be helpful to talk scoping
- 13:25:35 [janina]
- janina: Suggests scoping example for COGA benefits
- 13:25:46 [janina]
- jasonjgw: e.g. summary of doc
- 13:26:02 [janina]
- jasonjgw: Providing summary would be out of scope
- 13:26:14 [janina]
- jasonjgw: Change tracking summary would be within scope
- 13:26:36 [janina]
- q+
- 13:27:14 [janina]
- ack jan
- 13:27:45 [janina]
- jasonjgw: point is general editing is not what we're working on; rather the collaborative aspects
- 13:27:58 [janina]
- lisa__: We did see that
- 13:28:21 [janina]
- lisa__: We did get summary, and easy lang reqs, but also change log
- 13:28:57 [janina]
- lisa__: Recalls we had collab env could be more supportavie to authors to achieve this
- 13:30:40 [janina]
- lisa__: would be helpful to have a tag that enables help on demand
- 13:31:26 [janina]
- lisa__: Concerned to support author contributors to get these things done properly
- 13:32:36 [janina]
- lisa__: analogy of alt text; one searches for image and checks for the alt and its quality
- 13:33:30 [janina]
- jasonjgw: suggests a11y info; any update of what it applies to triggers prompting that a11y info is still correct
- 13:33:45 [janina]
- jasonjgw: could be one way to integrate
- 13:34:17 [janina]
- q?
- 13:35:18 [Rachael]
- janina: I'm a little hesitatant. I'd like to hear from Lisa. This is still in process.
- 13:36:04 [Rachael]
- Matt: Will the existing comments change?
- 13:36:40 [janina]
- jasonjgw: Asks whether existing received comments are ready for github
- 13:37:01 [janina]
- lisa__: Have at least 3 more to add; should do that and resend with "end comment"
- 13:37:24 [janina]
- lisa__: What we sent is approved by COGA, though; should be ready for github
- 13:37:35 [janina]
- lisa__: But would that be confusing?
- 13:37:52 [janina]
- jasonjgw: Email would be easier for us
- 13:38:17 [janina]
- lisa__: Think I should but the "close comment" in the existing; then send the additionals via email
- 13:38:24 [janina]
- jasonjgw: Any concerns on the strategy
- 13:38:27 [janina]
- raja: Not here
- 13:39:06 [janina]
- jasonjgw: Notes there are quite a few, and we'll need to make decisions on each once we have them in github
- 13:39:48 [janina]
- jasonjgw: We'll communicate per comment once we're ready with a disposition proposal
- 13:40:27 [Rachael]
- janina: This has been a very helpful conversation
- 13:40:56 [Rachael]
- janina: Early days. COGA will want to weigh in eventually.
- 13:41:38 [Rachael]
- ...accessibility user requirements started as how can we handle html? How do we make sure everything we need for accessibility in html5? Has several sections.
- 13:42:18 [Rachael]
- ....kinds of issues, general neeeds. ..We have been asked for a 2.0 of MAUR (sp?) because the document was so successful.
- 13:42:50 [Rachael]
- ...lots of problems with htmls but one area that had no issues was media.
- 13:42:52 [Rachael]
- ...time to update.
- 13:43:22 [Rachael]
- ...we have a laundry list. I know COGA has issues like keywords. The ability to support that in educational environments would get used.
- 13:43:47 [Rachael]
- ...I think you'll want to get involved at some point. It will be a TPAC conversation w/ media and entertainment interest group.
- 13:45:12 [Rachael]
- [discussion about getting link]
- 13:45:23 [Rachael]
- ...I will share link.
- 13:45:54 [Rachael]
- ...APA is now looking at charters and those conversations led to wanting to update the MAUR.
- 13:46:35 [Rachael]
- ...APA in blue sky mode. A lot of groups have come to conclusion so APA is thinking about how to change the web world in 5-10 years.
- 13:46:51 [Rachael]
- ...ADAPT and AAC will be part of that.
- 13:47:20 [Rachael]
- ...A lot of things lined up for creative thinking.
- 13:47:39 [jasonjgw]
- zakim, next item
- 13:47:39 [Zakim]
- agendum 2 -- Media accessibility: update and planning. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
- 13:47:46 [Rachael]
- s/Matt/jasonjgw
- 13:47:49 [jasonjgw]
- 13:49:05 [janina]
- jasonjgw: We're already in discussions with MEIG and APA that will influence MAUR 2.0
- 13:49:19 [janina]
- jasonjgw: We have a list from MEIG--some of which are very challenging
- 13:49:33 [janina]
- jasonjgw: We've started collecting our list of items to address
- 13:49:54 [janina]
- jasonjgw: We've moved MEIG's issues into github, but haven't worked on them yet
- 13:50:11 [janina]
- jasonjgw: Next step is to get ours into github; then start working on the text
- 13:51:18 [Rachael]
- Janina: Some preference for CANVA because they can create livelier animations. Finally got CSS ways to control it and now preferences are changing
- 13:51:33 [Rachael]
- s/CANVA/Canvas
- 13:52:07 [janina]
- jasonjgw: Notes multiple a11y issues crop up when you change the platform
- 13:52:29 [janina]
- jasonjgw: It came up for TV based environments
- 13:53:10 [Rachael]
- janina: Underlying principle is if you create a new platform you also have to reinvent the accessibility support
- 13:53:14 [Rachael]
- ..regulators care
- 13:55:10 [Rachael]
- janina: I am hesitant but believe I should be the one to do it
- 13:55:39 [Rachael]
- ...TPAC timing is difficult
- 13:56:03 [janina]
- [Janina and Scott volunteer to work on media post TPAC]
- 13:56:18 [janina]
- jasonjgw: notes we have wiki; phps we can come back to it post TPAC
- 13:57:03 [Rachael]
- janina: Try to get Raja involved around the hard of hearing and Deaf
- 13:57:21 [lisa__]
- q+
- 13:58:27 [janina]
- lisa__: wants to note comorbidity; when there are multiple issues; cause of one issue lends to other issues
- 13:59:03 [janina]
- lisa__: Notes several COGA members who's first issue is COGA, but now also vision or hearing
- 13:59:43 [janina]
- jasonjgw: So we'll focus on media for TPAC planning, then working on issues and the doc post TPAC
- 14:00:40 [lisa__]
- thanks everyone
- 14:00:47 [jasonjgw]
- zakim, end meeting
- 14:00:47 [Zakim]
- As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, janina, Rachael, scott_h, lisa__
- 14:00:49 [Zakim]
- RRSAgent, please draft minutes
- 14:00:50 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Zakim
- 14:00:57 [Zakim]
- I am happy to have been of service, jasonjgw; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye
- 14:00:57 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #rqtf
- 14:00:57 [janina]
- janina has left #rqtf