16:54:14 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 16:54:18 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/08/16-aria-at-irc 16:54:18 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:54:19 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Matt_King 16:54:37 MEETING: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group 16:54:43 present+ 16:54:53 CHAIR: Matt King 16:55:19 TOPIC: Review agenda and future meeting dates 16:57:00 View today's agenda at https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/wiki/August-16%2C-2023-Agenda 16:57:02 Next community group meeting is August 24 (Thursday). 16:57:03 Next automation meeting is Monday August 28. 16:57:10 rrsagent, make minutes 16:57:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/16-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 17:03:12 Sam_Shaw has joined #aria-at 17:07:02 scribe+ 17:07:13 TOPIC: Check in on current testing work 17:08:52 Matt_King: We are working on getting Action Menu Button Example Using aria-activedescendant 17:09:18 Matt_King: James it looks like Isa has completed her tests, Joe has not 17:09:54 Matt_King: Joe is not here today, this is stuck until we hear from JOe 17:10:13 PAC will reach out to Joe to check the status of his testing 17:11:20 For the test Disclosure Navigation Menu Example, Hadi has completed his testing and we now only have 4 conflicts remaining 17:11:55 Isa: These are new conflicts, we resolved all of the ones we discussed last week 17:12:25 present+ Hadi 17:12:46 Hadi: Hello! I had some trouble getting into the meeting 17:14:12 Matt_King: I will look into the email to see why the login button wasn't included 17:15:01 Lola: It looks like two emails were sent today, the first one included the link 17:15:14 present+ James Scholes 17:15:20 present+ Isa 17:15:31 present+ Howard Edwards 17:15:49 present+ Alyssa 17:18:25 Hadi: For the last two conflicts I'm not sure what Isa was doing. I marked the last two assertions as failing because part of the naming its "University sample page content" I didn't hear the words "sample page" 17:18:41 James: It is included in your output tho 17:18:51 Hadi: Hmm maybe because I'm blind I didn't see it! 17:19:06 (group chuckles) 17:19:31 Hadi: Okay good, do you want me to change it? 17:19:39 James: No I just changed it 17:19:51 Isa: Okay we have one conflict remaining 17:20:04 James: Hadi you may need to rerun test 42 17:21:07 Hadi: Let me tell you what happend, I had to completely exit from my browser, because JAWS was reading the entire page to me. I re ran the test multiple test, then exited, resigned in and ran the test again. The output I collected is in the test 17:21:28 Isa: Okay yes well I tested it twice and confirmed I got the same results both times. 17:21:48 Hadi: Should 42 and 43 produce similar output? 17:22:14 James: Yes for the interactive mode you seem to be getting the correct output, but for the reading mode test its reading the link which doesn't make sense 17:23:29 Matt_King: I'm trying to run the test now 17:26:00 James: Yes this is a mess 17:26:58 James: I have a bad feeling that they way we are opening this test is causing the page to reload. I'm going to test the same page in the APG 17:29:43 Matt_King: So what do we need to do to capture the speech output, there is some excess verbosity here 17:30:39 James: As of now both outputs are correct, can Isa and Hadi please rerun the test 17:31:49 Matt_King: Great thank you Hadi! 17:32:46 Matt_King: After this test we will have almost cleared out test queue! We can discuss next week whether or not to start more tests before the app updates are complete 17:33:29 TOPIC: Test plan prioritization 17:33:44 Matt_King: We have some progress on collecting APG visit data 17:34:28 Lola: I have updated the data in the test prioritization test sheet from data from January to today. 17:34:31 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9PI7wXjfBvnsl2-_56-HEYpGB36JJxjKPOytldeyYI/edit?usp=sharing 17:34:52 Lola: There are also about 10 plans that are not in there 17:35:21 James: I don't think the spreadsheet was fully exhaustive 17:36:21 Lola: For the Meter page there isn't much data which is confusing 17:36:44 Matt_King: That is weird, because I personally have been to the Meter Page 17:37:48 Lola: James I will send you the missing plans via email 17:37:54 Matt_King: These numbers seem low 17:38:04 Lola: It does seem a little off to me aswell 17:38:16 Lola: This is my first foray into data analytics 17:38:34 Matt_King: We may need some help from Shawn Henry 17:39:26 Matt_King: The popular pages get 8 to 10 thousand visits a month 17:39:36 Matt_King: Something must be off 17:40:38 Matt_King: Lola can you reach out to Shawn Henry and go through how to use the analytics site? OR Kevin White? 17:41:02 Lola: I can do that, but Shawn is very busy now, it took a month to even get access to this data 17:41:12 Matt_King: If you can resolve this in the next month that would be great 17:41:25 Lola: Okay I can do that, I may have just debugged the issue 17:41:49 Lola: does this sound right, for Combo box it would have 39,000 visits 17:41:53 Matt_King: Yes that sounds right 17:43:53 James: For new examples or patterns they will have less visits 17:44:07 Matt_King: Yes we will need to consider that, we only have new examples 17:44:44 Matt_King: Thank you for your work on this Lola 17:45:01 Lola: Quick update the AT Driver spec is being add to the BTT Working Group! 17:45:07 Matt_King: Awesome! 17:45:22 TOPIC: Review mockup of new test format 17:46:01 Matt_King: James and I have finalized the new test format 17:46:15 https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/wiki/Test-Format-Definition-V2 17:46:52 https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/978 17:49:15 Matt_King: I will point out a few additions 17:49:46 Matt_King: Notice in Test one it doesn't mention anything about mode 17:52:14 The biggest difference is the list of commands 17:52:39 James: I think we should add an instruction that tells the tester to refresh the page after they run each command 17:52:59 James: We may need to provide instruction on how to navigate with virtual cursor 17:53:28 Matt_King: Okay I think we can add those as disclosures 18:01:28 Matt_King: I'm going to add a setting columns for specific required settings 18:01:37 Matt_King: Sometime in the future, we don't need it now 18:02:48 rrsagent, make minutes 18:02:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/08/16-aria-at-minutes.html Sam_Shaw 19:36:31 Zakim has left #aria-at