IRC log of wcag3-motion on 2023-07-31

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:58:34 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-motion
12:58:39 [RRSAgent]
logging to
12:58:39 [Zakim]
RRSAgent, make logs Public
12:58:40 [Zakim]
please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Rain
12:59:16 [Rain]
agenda+ Review of existing materials
12:59:26 [Rain]
agenda+ Determine the user stories and functional needs we intend to cover
12:59:27 [Eric_hind_]
Eric_hind_ has joined #wcag3-motion
12:59:32 [Rain]
agenda+ Preview what's next
12:59:35 [Rain]
12:59:56 [Rain]
13:00:02 [Rain]
chair: Rain
13:00:36 [Rain]
scribe+ Eric_hind
13:00:37 [Makoto]
Makoto has joined #wcag3-motion
13:01:08 [Eric_hind__]
Eric_hind__ has joined #wcag3-motion
13:01:09 [alastairc]
13:01:49 [Rain]
New scratchpad:
13:02:55 [Eric_hind__]
13:03:57 [Makoto]
13:06:19 [jedi]
13:06:33 [murray_moss]
murray_moss has joined #wcag3-motion
13:06:37 [murray_moss]
13:06:45 [Rain]
zakim, take up item 1
13:06:45 [Zakim]
agendum 1 -- Review of existing materials -- taken up [from Rain]
13:07:49 [Eric_hind]
Eric_hind has joined #wcag3-motion
13:12:13 [Eric_hind]
Rain: Reviewed existing Criteria 2.3.3 (Animation from Interactions) around Benefits
13:13:54 [alastairc]
q+ to say that this is from before the SC, around 2016
13:14:03 [Rain]
ack alastairc
13:14:03 [Zakim]
alastairc, you wanted to say that this is from before the SC, around 2016
13:14:33 [Eric_hind]
Rain: Reviewed Wiki page: prior research, relationship to SC 2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide, vestibular disorders, etc.
13:16:21 [Eric_hind]
Rain: Reviewed 2.2 to 3.0 Mapping document (2.3.3 Animations from Interactions) as well as Categorization Exercise 2 Aug XLSX sheet.
13:18:27 [alastairc]
q+ to ask if anyone found anything outside of flashing / vestibular / distraction scenarios that we should include?
13:18:40 [Eric_hind]
Rain: Reviewed COGA task force list, Making Content Usable. (also linked as resource from scratchpad). Includes some use case/personas
13:18:46 [Rain]
13:18:58 [Rain]
ack alastairc
13:18:58 [Zakim]
alastairc, you wanted to ask if anyone found anything outside of flashing / vestibular / distraction scenarios that we should include?
13:20:37 [Eric_hind]
Alastair asks: Are there core issues outside of main three? (Pause, Animation, 3 flashes)?
13:21:50 [Eric_hind]
Rain: Add Proposal: Overwhelm, EF (Executive Function) shut-down
13:22:15 [Eric_hind]
13:22:25 [Rain]
ack Eric_hind
13:22:55 [alastairc]
q+ to ask how to differentiate from the pause/stop/hide?
13:23:08 [Rain]
ack alastairc
13:23:08 [Zakim]
alastairc, you wanted to ask how to differentiate from the pause/stop/hide?
13:23:55 [murray_moss]
13:24:51 [Rain]
ack murray_moss
13:26:34 [Eric_hind]
Murray: we should also consider other sensory kinds of overload; audio?
13:27:20 [Rain]
13:27:41 [Rain]
zakim, take up item 2
13:27:41 [Zakim]
agendum 2 -- Determine the user stories and functional needs we intend to cover -- taken up [from Rain]
13:31:14 [alastairc]
13:31:23 [Rain]
ack alastairc
13:31:23 [Eric_hind]
Rain: Add proposal: Distraction; including list of contributing components (such as working memory), user flow and outcomes. Should Working memory be a thing unto itself?
13:32:16 [jedi]
q+ to suggest WHO ICF (maybe?)
13:32:34 [Rain]
ack jedi
13:32:34 [Zakim]
jedi, you wanted to suggest WHO ICF (maybe?)
13:33:42 [alastairc]
q+ to mention
13:35:26 [Eric_hind]
Jedi: Fatigue, Vestibular Disorders are unique items in WHO ICF. ICF could be a reference
13:35:55 [Rain]
ack alastairc
13:35:55 [Zakim]
alastairc, you wanted to mention
13:36:55 [alastairc]
But I haven't seen anything else to bring in scope, which is good :-)
13:37:16 [Eric_hind]
Alastair: W3C has '' in digital technology as a complimentary reference to WHO ICF as well
13:39:32 [alastairc]
13:39:39 [Eric_hind]
Rain: reviewed Jedi's motion-induced (human motion) triggers, should these be triggers?
13:41:03 [Rain]
ack alastairc
13:43:09 [Eric_hind]
Rain: What would triggers look like? (discussion)
13:45:25 [murray_moss]
13:46:12 [Rain]
ack murray_moss
13:48:30 [Eric_hind]
Rain: Updated "What might the various triggers look like?" in scratchpad
13:51:04 [Rain]
Task 1: review WHO ICF & W3C FAST to make sure that we haven't missed any categorizations, functional needs, and triggers identified in those documents
13:51:51 [Rain]
Task 2: review Categorization mapping exercise with WC2.xSC to make sure we have missed any ... (see above) ....
13:51:53 [jedi]
q+ on take task 1
13:52:03 [Rain]
ack Jedi
13:52:03 [Zakim]
jedi, you wanted to comment on take task 1
13:52:39 [Rain]
Task four: take our brainstorm and turn it into a nice list of functional needs
13:52:57 [Rain]
Task three: take on our brainstorm and turn it into user stories
13:53:21 [Makoto]
Let me take Task 2
13:53:38 [Eric_hind]
Eric will take any task?
13:55:36 [Eric_hind]
Rain: Will do a bit of reorg of the scratchpad to allow the tasks to be clearly marked.
13:56:16 [Rain]
13:56:21 [Rain]
zakim, take up item 3
13:56:21 [Zakim]
agendum 3 -- Preview what's next -- taken up [from Rain]
13:56:30 [Rain]
We split up tasks above, took up item late
13:57:32 [alastairc]
Is it the user-needs that I should be doing? (Rather than user-stories?)
13:58:11 [Rain]
Those are the functional needs
13:58:33 [Rain]
I'll send user story examples (more related to trigger) -- "person with doing x experiences y"
13:59:08 [Rain]
RRSAgent: generate minutes
13:59:09 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Rain
13:59:17 [Rain]
RRSAgent, generate minutes
13:59:18 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Rain
13:59:59 [Rain]
zakim, end meeting
13:59:59 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been Rain, alastairc, Eric_hind__, Makoto, jedi, murray_moss
14:00:01 [Zakim]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
14:00:02 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Zakim
14:00:07 [Zakim]
I am happy to have been of service, Rain; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye
14:00:08 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #wcag3-motion
14:06:48 [jedi]
jedi has joined #wcag3-motion