IRC log of rqtf on 2023-07-19

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:23:27 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #rqtf
12:23:31 [RRSAgent]
logging to
12:23:31 [Zakim]
RRSAgent, make logs Public
12:23:32 [Zakim]
please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jasonjgw
12:23:42 [jasonjgw]
chair: jasonjgw
12:23:44 [jasonjgw]
12:23:47 [jasonjgw]
12:24:01 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Artificial Intelligence and Accessibility Research Symposium report.
12:24:01 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements.
12:24:01 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Media accessibility: update and planning.
12:24:01 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Miscellaneous updates and topics.
12:58:40 [JPaton]
JPaton has joined #rqtf
13:00:40 [SteveNoble]
SteveNoble has joined #rqtf
13:00:56 [SteveNoble]
13:01:41 [scott_h]
scott_h has joined #rqtf
13:02:32 [scott_h]
13:02:59 [Roy]
Roy has joined #rqtf
13:08:19 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:08:19 [Zakim]
agendum 1 -- Artificial Intelligence and Accessibility Research Symposium report. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:08:27 [Roy]
13:08:34 [SteveNoble]
scribe: SteveNoble
13:09:30 [SteveNoble]
jasonjgw: Suggest we endorse the report
13:11:28 [jasonjgw]
13:12:58 [SteveNoble]
RESOLUTION: RQTF recommends that APA approve and recommend the Artificial Intelligence and Accessibility Research Symposium report at for publication
13:13:20 [SteveNoble]
13:13:33 [janina]
janina has joined #rqtf
13:13:38 [janina]
13:13:41 [janina]
13:13:48 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:13:48 [Zakim]
agendum 2 -- Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:13:48 [Roy]
13:13:51 [scott_h]
13:14:07 [JPaton]
13:14:07 [JPaton]
present+ John_Paton
13:15:39 [SteveNoble]
janina: Still awaiting review from COGA; still being worked on
13:15:57 [SteveNoble]
scott_h: No problems on waiting
13:16:58 [SteveNoble]
jasonjgw: Correction: there was a link sent to a review document
13:17:27 [SteveNoble]
jasonjgw: We don't have GitHub issues yet, however
13:18:08 [SteveNoble]
janina: We should be able to work with whatever format they have submitted
13:18:51 [jasonjgw]
13:21:01 [SteveNoble]
scott_h: Will be able to go through as an initial pass and comment on some of the recommendations
13:26:55 [SteveNoble]
janina: One example issue is the use of strikethrough text, which isn't made known to screen readers; but there is work towards making this information available using annotation; these are the sorts of things CTAUR can address
13:27:56 [SteveNoble]
jasonjgw: Should bring this back next week
13:28:43 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:28:43 [Zakim]
agendum 3 -- Media accessibility: update and planning. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:29:44 [SteveNoble]
jasonjgw: List of additional issues was sent
13:30:15 [SteveNoble]
scott_h: Don't remember seeing it
13:32:51 [SteveNoble]
One is
13:33:19 [SteveNoble]
The other is
13:35:20 [SteveNoble]
janina: Accessibility meetup NYC is having a presentation on using AI to provide accessibility to Canvas
13:35:36 [SteveNoble]
janina: The date is August 1
13:36:02 [SteveNoble]
jasonjgw: A link to the meeting recording will be very useful
13:39:46 [SteveNoble]
janina: One rationale given for Canvas as opposed to HTML was for faster animation; but as a result, accessibility support becomes extrememly problematic
13:40:29 [SteveNoble]
jasonjgw: We should begin discussing these issues next week
13:40:56 [SteveNoble]
janina: That all relates to updating the MAUR
13:40:58 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:40:58 [Zakim]
agendum 4 -- Miscellaneous updates and topics. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:41:19 [SteveNoble]
Subtopic: Janina
13:42:12 [SteveNoble]
janina: Expect to be here next week, while managing issues around the move
13:43:35 [SteveNoble]
janina: Moving day is August 2, so that day will be questionable
13:45:32 [SteveNoble]
jasonjgw: Will decide on possible meeting postponement as needed
13:50:03 [SteveNoble]
jasonjgw: Have seen a lot of communications of concerns around generative AI and copyright infringement.
13:50:25 [jasonjgw]
zakim, end meeting
13:50:25 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, SteveNoble, scott_h, Roy, janina, John_Paton
13:50:27 [Zakim]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
13:50:28 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Zakim
13:50:35 [Zakim]
I am happy to have been of service, jasonjgw; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye
13:50:35 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #rqtf
13:53:30 [janina]
janina has left #rqtf
16:01:09 [kirkwood]
kirkwood has joined #rqtf