15:07:22 RRSAgent has joined #coga 15:07:27 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/06/08-coga-irc 15:07:27 rashmi can you join my room 15:07:27 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:07:28 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 15:07:36 scribe: EA 15:07:46 topic, clear langauge 15:08:05 Julie away for one month so contact will be John Rochford. 15:08:05 topic: clear language 15:09:01 Clear Language will be pausing on work whilst the survey is sent out to AG in order to have feedback on approx 23 outcomes. Rachael and Jeanne have been asked when an update on the feedback will be happening. 15:10:05 Need to clear comments from Google doc in case the use that document as the link from the survey. Need to get a clearer sense in which direction we need to go in terms of the number of outcomes etc before going on to producing tests 15:10:42 Julie is sharing a link to a webinar from the Center for Plain Language getting ready to publish a plain language ISO standard 15:10:54 https://centerforplainlanguage.wildapricot.org/event-5258019 15:11:51 June 27th date of webinar - costs - need to make a connection - panelists not known to the Clear Language Team 15:12:29 John Rochford will attend webinar 15:14:03 John Kirkwood mentioned David Lipscomb - Plain language at Georgetown. 15:16:27 ISO available as a British standard https://standardsdevelopment.bsigroup.com/projects/2019-03497#/section 15:16:48 Just the outline of dates to give guidance as to when it is happening 15:18:32 ISO/DIS 24495-1(en) Plain language — Part 1: Governing principles and guidelines https://www.iso.org/obp/ui/#iso:std:iso:24495:-1:dis:ed-1:v1:en 15:19:39 John Kirwood will link up with David Lipscomb and John Rochford has signed up for the webinar and will pass on information about the meeting 15:20:26 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m-vnccylky4-jWxWGuw3_JZCSajWK-5WQu1CKdeGdG4/edit#heading=h.fhpy9q2kh91y 15:20:26 Lisa has requested that the Clear Language team link up with the 5 sprint teams 15:21:21 The link above is a document purpose is to share items from Content Usable that might be useful for the 5 sprint teams 15:22:38 Kate and Julie have already worked on this and started with an example of WCAG 3 guideline about flashing / motion links to the user needs, patterns and use cases or personas for each of the guidelines. 15:24:10 Julie asked if this made sense so went on to look at onscreen flashing/motion - and looked for the terms such as distractions for this guideline. Do not need to add anything new just use what is already existing in Content Usable. 15:26:13 Is there anything else that is needed when you look at what has been said already in the Google doc? 15:27:09 aaronchu has joined #coga 15:28:02 Discussion about holidays in the next few weeks. Several team members are on holiday so may not be able to make time for the work ahead 15:31:53 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG3/2020/how-tos/clear-words/ 15:36:14 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Clear_Language_Subgroup 15:39:50 John Rochford and John Kirkwood discussed whether it was too early to contact people working on the ISO/DIS 24495-1(en) as we do not have any published resources that focus just on Clear Language rather than looking at parts of Content Usable has other points of interest besides Clear Language. 15:40:30 John R asked if it was possible to update the Wiki page that has rather too many old links and not all the names in the group. 15:41:00 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Clear_Language_Subgroup 15:41:11 There is the thought that we should wait till we see a draft of the ISO standard and reach out later in the year. 15:41:45 Julie asked if it was wise to wait and asked the team to give their opinion 15:42:29 +1 to waiting till we have sorted out our wiki page and Julie is away and not happy with the content at the moment. 15:43:21 John Kirkwood pointed out that some of the information may be at a higher level on W3C pages. 15:44:03 Julie agreed that the wiki page is not suitable as a first impression of what Clear Language group is doing and who is involved. 15:44:43 Katy added that she felt that it would be helpful to decide what we could do to make the page a better introduction to the group. 15:45:41 Juie invited people to work on the page and would make it possible to edit content once given access. Needs more informative content. 15:46:36 Oops KLAARA is not 5-12th of July but 3rd to 7th of July https://sites.ipleiria.pt/congressoklaara/en/ 15:46:57 John K agreed that updates are required and would be useful for Katy when she goes to the conference linked above 15:48:06 John K said it might help to have a Google doc that could be worked on together and then copy it back into the Wiki page. 15:49:09 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/coga/wiki/Subgroups/WCAG_3_Coordination 15:49:38 Katy asked about the other page that Julie has been working on - called it a 'file drawer' see link above 15:51:31 Julie said this is a current document but it needs a high level summary and some additional sections to make it look more professional. 15:52:35 John R. asked what is the Clear Language a subgroup of? ... John K said subgroup of silver and coga. 15:53:25 Julie felt the wiki should become a more useful resource to allow external readers to understand the workings of the group 15:54:07 aaronchu_ has joined #coga 15:54:30 Julie suggested we need to explain what Silver is and how the subgroup links with the work - how the guidelines differ from previous work in this area. 15:59:41 Julie will set up the Google doc for us all to work on - high level summary etc. Suggested everyone adds suggestions by next week if possible. 16:00:03 John K mentioned the need for dates as to when comments have to be submitted. 16:00:22 aaronchu has joined #coga 16:00:24 Julie will be away but will connect by email in the next week. 16:00:26 rrsagent, make minutes 16:00:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/06/08-coga-minutes.html julierawe 16:00:44 present+ 16:17:47 aaronchu has joined #coga 16:43:02 aaronchu has joined #coga 17:30:21 aaronchu has joined #coga 17:44:01 aaronchu has joined #coga 18:04:32 aaronchu has joined #coga 19:04:38 aaronchu has joined #coga