W3C Members have access to many valuable benefits: The opportunity to interact, and work directly with leading companies and individuals from around the world and who impact the web, and to explore synergies in business. Participation in W3C Working Groups, Interest Groups, and Business Groups. Because that work shapes the technologies that enable businesses on the web and empower web users; The ability to provide the Consortium with strategic direction through review of work proposals and W3C Workshops. The opportunities to help shape the core interoperable technologies of the web. Technical leadership through a commitment to developing web standards. Because this is what fosters the vitality of the web and strengthens its future. The Advisory Committee Representative: First of all, a new W3C Member must designate its Advisory Committee representative, called AC Rep. The AC Rep is the interface between the Member and W3C. That person carries out the Member’s actions at the Consortium. The person filling the W3C Membership Application is the default AC Rep. Changes can be made at any time. The AC Rep may appoint an alternate AC Rep to divide the work. W3C Members have many important roles: There are multiple ways to become involved, and so much to learn. W3C work areas are crucial, varied and so numerous that it might seem overwhelming to start! The international W3C Team is available to guide new members. The AC Reps may participate in work groups directly and they are the one to assign and change as many other employees of their organizations to any W3C groups. The AC Rep is both the organization representative at W3C as the W3C messenger for the Member organization. Information is disseminated and flows in both directions. There are frequent opportunities to take part in web standardization. Let’s focus on the four typical cases where W3C provides information to its Members. AC Reps are notified when specifications are ready for implementations. AC Reps are prompted to perform reviews to vote on new work, extended work, evolution of the Process Document. AC Reps approve the progression of specifications as they go from Proposed Recommendations to W3C Recommendations. Every year the AC Reps nominate and elect representatives to the Advisory Board and Technical Architecture Group which advise W3C respectively on business and technical directions. Every two years, the AC Reps also vote to elect the W3C Board of Directors. Lastly, W3C packages comprehensive updates for the AC Reps at the Spring and Fall W3C Advisory Committee Meetings. These meetings are for Members to set our strategic direction and for robust technical discussions.