IRC log of rqtf on 2023-05-31

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:19:53 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #rqtf
12:19:58 [RRSAgent]
logging to
12:19:58 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
12:19:59 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #rqtf
12:19:59 [trackbot]
Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference
12:19:59 [trackbot]
Date: 31 May 2023
12:20:24 [jasonjgw]
chair: jasonjgw
12:20:27 [jasonjgw]
12:20:29 [jasonjgw]
12:20:35 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements.
12:20:35 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Media Accessibility User Requirements.
12:20:35 [jasonjgw]
agenda+ Miscellaneous updates and topics.
12:59:18 [JPaton]
JPaton has joined #rqtf
13:00:31 [Roy]
13:02:05 [jasonjgw]
I'm on the Zoom meeting, but most participants aren't here for some reason. Is there an issue?
13:09:00 [janina]
janina has joined #rqtf
13:09:00 [JPaton]
present+ John_Paton
13:09:04 [janina]
13:09:25 [janina]
scribe+ John
13:09:43 [JPaton]
scribe+ JPaton
13:09:46 [janina]
regrets: Steve, Scott
13:09:59 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:09:59 [Zakim]
agendum 1 -- Collaboration Tools Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:12:16 [Raja_Kushalnagar]
Raja_Kushalnagar has joined #rqtf
13:15:14 [JPaton]
janina: I have some points from Scott to add to CTAU
13:16:31 [janina]
ghurlhub: janina to update CTAUR with Scott's suggestions
13:17:05 [Roy]
trackbot, bye
13:17:05 [trackbot]
trackbot has left #rqtf
13:17:35 [janina]
action: janina to update CTAUR with Scott's suggestions
13:17:42 [ghurlbot]
Created -> action #3
13:18:53 [JPaton]
janina: The ghurlhub bot can now add actions to github respositories
13:19:06 [Roy]
Manual ->
13:19:36 [JPaton]
Roy: The command is aliases to action so type "action:" to add Action points
13:22:29 [JPaton]
janina: intention to move forward with updated working draft raised with Lisa
13:23:11 [janina]
FAST Call for Consensus:
13:23:22 [janina]
Closes midnight tonight Boston time. Please vote!
13:23:57 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:23:57 [Zakim]
agendum 2 -- Media Accessibility User Requirements. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:24:54 [Roy]
13:25:36 [Roy]
13:26:07 [JPaton]
Roy: can we confirm if any resources need to be carried across from the older repository?
13:26:25 [Roy]
13:28:51 [Roy]
13:29:19 [JPaton]
Anything from current repository should be carried to the new one.
13:30:04 [JPaton]
Roy: I'll let people know when the new repository is set up so that can be done.
13:32:16 [JPaton]
Janina: Aiming to have a first working draft by TPAC
13:34:48 [jasonjgw]
zakim, next item
13:34:48 [Zakim]
agendum 3 -- Miscellaneous updates and topics. -- taken up [from jasonjgw]
13:35:37 [JPaton]
jasonjgw: noting open call for consensus
13:37:01 [JPaton]
janina: FAST are working on a huge database of user needs and functional user needs
13:39:00 [JPaton]
janina: Looks like WCAG are getting the CR so may be able to move to WCAG 3 soon.
13:44:03 [JPaton]
Raja_Kushalnagar: I'll have a look at the user needs list to see if there are any that can be added.
13:46:17 [Roy]
maur repo ->
13:47:00 [JPaton]
Roy: MAUR repository is now set up and should be ready to use.
13:47:46 [jasonjgw]
zakim, end meeting
13:47:46 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, Roy, John_Paton, janina
13:47:48 [Zakim]
RRSAgent, please draft minutes
13:47:50 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Zakim
13:47:57 [Zakim]
I am happy to have been of service, jasonjgw; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye
13:47:57 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #rqtf
13:48:24 [janina]
janina has left #rqtf