IRC log of adapt on 2023-04-24

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:27:19 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #adapt
13:27:24 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:27:24 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
13:27:55 [trackbot]
Meeting: WAI Adapt Task Force Teleconference
13:27:55 [trackbot]
Date: 24 April 2023
13:27:55 [Sharon]
13:27:55 [Sharon]
chair: Sharon
13:28:06 [Sharon]
zakim, clear agenda
13:28:06 [Zakim]
agenda cleared
13:28:20 [Sharon]
agenda+ A11y4Children ontology follow-ups
13:28:35 [Sharon]
agenda+ Gap Analysis,
13:28:46 [Sharon]
agenda+ Issue 240,
13:28:56 [Sharon]
agenda+ Review open issues
13:29:06 [Sharon]
agenda+ Test to show rendering symbols do not 'break' existing pages
13:29:19 [Sharon]
agenda+ Recruiting
13:29:28 [Sharon]
agenda+ Registry update
13:29:41 [Sharon]
agenda+ Symbol Module Implementations
13:29:57 [Sharon]
agenda+ User Agents and Symbols (e.g. Immersive Reader)
13:30:54 [Sharon]
13:55:21 [Roy_]
Roy_ has joined #adapt
13:59:48 [matatk]
matatk has joined #adapt
14:00:00 [matatk]
14:00:01 [mike_beganyi]
mike_beganyi has joined #adapt
14:00:06 [mike_beganyi]
14:00:10 [Lionel]
Lionel has joined #adapt
14:00:22 [Lionel]
14:01:00 [mike_beganyi]
14:01:19 [mike_beganyi]
topic: TPAC
14:01:47 [Roy]
14:01:59 [janina]
janina has joined #adapt
14:02:02 [janina]
14:02:08 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: coordinate meetings between APA and its TFs
14:02:36 [janina]
14:02:36 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: submit list to TPAC organizers, more info about meetings the better
14:03:22 [Sharon]
ack janina
14:04:13 [mike_beganyi]
janina: have a list and it's expandable. able to add navigation points to media content. would like that to support markup. we have a powerful use case in symbols. creating a table of contents for media shouldn't be a time offset and words. it should be also symbols
14:04:50 [mike_beganyi]
janina: we need to ask for markup in that part of the spec. ongoing agenda we started last year and we have the request for the "adapt-" prefix and we may have others
14:05:28 [mike_beganyi]
janina: solid reception last year. a lot of the former concern from years ago is less relevant now
14:06:07 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: it's not exactly the depth. it's not like we have a set of useful symbols. it's more a general request to have symbols
14:07:40 [mike_beganyi]
janina: no sense of anything nest-able here currently. DAISY navigation was excellent and it's a pity it didn't have any recognition at the time
14:08:00 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: this sounds like more of an APA issue as opposed to specifically Adapt
14:08:04 [matatk]
14:08:31 [Sharon]
ack matatk
14:08:32 [mike_beganyi]
janina: we're all part of APA, so it's possible to be part of many meetings without being part of all
14:08:54 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: this is between WGs, we also have specific TFs that tackle TF-specific things. I agree with previous comments
14:09:28 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: one idea is that we may have started by TPAC making our own versions of well-known URI specs. if we make one fully, we should make one that specifies which ones are supported
14:09:51 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: should meet with the original group who authored the first so that we can collaborate on optimal process for implementation
14:10:15 [mike_beganyi]
janina: strong Adapt interest in that. whether that's nesting in global accessibility architecture or something else
14:10:27 [mike_beganyi]
janina: what level do we bring in Adapt-specific tree?
14:10:53 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: these are so important. help me understand that as chairs of Adapt we are responsible for these things.
14:11:17 [matatk]
14:11:27 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: markup for rich media, but lack the tools at the moment.
14:11:28 [janina]
14:11:51 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: finish gap analysis, then we can determine who (CSS, for example) to determine what markup can be
14:11:58 [Sharon]
ack matatk
14:12:19 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: almost certainly would have a meeting with CSS
14:12:56 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: don't want to talk architecture deeply, but I feel the common destinations COGA identified shouldn't be underneath accessibility
14:13:49 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: would advise against over-scoping
14:14:07 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: suggesting changing direction, then?
14:14:23 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: most of those destinations would be what people want to do on a site. nothing preventing relation to an attribute.
14:14:38 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: lots to do on that, but seems beyond the scope of this topic
14:15:04 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: not sure we will need to talk to i18n about issues around symbols attribute
14:15:11 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: if we have concerns, we can certainly meet with them
14:15:41 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: great resource and very much into a11y
14:15:49 [Sharon]
ack janina
14:16:06 [mike_beganyi]
janina: just in queue to agree with you, Mat. up-levelling for the sake of curb cut effect
14:16:50 [mike_beganyi]
janina: meeting with i18n still possible, depending
14:17:08 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: agree
14:19:06 [mike_beganyi]
Russell: specifically for YouTube chaptering, would be relatively easy coding-wise. Google could champion this idea of chaptering and would provide a lot of encouragement for our proposals
14:20:16 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: captions derive from SRT standard. powerful idea but could be a deep-rooted issue that involves a lot of consideration for backwards-compatibility
14:20:57 [mike_beganyi]
janina: it is manageable but has to be verified. if an old browser interacts, then issues could ensue if issues are not compatible
14:21:46 [mike_beganyi]
zakim, take up item 1
14:21:46 [Zakim]
agendum 1 -- A11y4Children ontology follow-ups -- taken up [from Sharon]
14:22:06 [mike_beganyi]
Sharon: any follow-up to discuss?
14:22:22 [mike_beganyi]
Sharon: any activities that need to occur
14:23:01 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: sent notes. there are many follow-ups. identified another research paper that had a lot of headings that we are interested in. found a similar and sympathetic ontology
14:23:12 [matatk]
14:23:30 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: determine next step. could be gap analysis, moving to Research Questions, etc.
14:23:41 [janina]
14:23:49 [Sharon]
ack matatk
14:24:30 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: felt that there is a lot of useful reading material. user profiles and simplification aspect are interesting for our purposes.
14:24:58 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: two things I think we should do: 1) as we determine mainstream simplification, Bob's work will help
14:25:33 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: and 2) it turns out two other people are very familiar with UDL , mike_beganyi and Paul
14:25:57 [Sharon]
ack janina
14:25:59 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: Mike has good experience with this
14:26:13 [mike_beganyi]
janina: there is a research question here we could review in that TF. we should structure it as a question
14:26:52 [mike_beganyi]
janina: what kind of output are we looking for? members of the RQTF can get access to those vital research papers
14:27:27 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: acknowledge that UDL is well-regarded as a set of practices, but the semantics are curated by CLIPPS and NSF
14:28:00 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: suggest the question to RQTF is something like "we have this citation, is it sufficient?"
14:28:02 [matatk]
14:28:16 [Sharon]
ack matatk
14:28:25 [mike_beganyi]
matatk: forgot to acknowledge Lionel's experience. slipped my mind earlier, so apologies
14:29:59 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: would like to peek at Gap Analysis, please
14:30:05 [mike_beganyi]
zakim, next item
14:30:05 [Zakim]
agendum 2 -- Gap Analysis, -- taken up [from Sharon]
14:30:57 [Lionel]
Lionel has joined #adapt
14:32:06 [Sharon],-WAI-Adapt-Content-Attributes
14:33:21 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: assess heading structure and determine if anything is missing
14:33:58 [mike_beganyi]
janina: Charles may be able to offer assistance on defining scope for DPUB section
14:34:24 [mike_beganyi]
janina: would suggest assistance regarding that specific question as we do a gap analysis what we should look at in DPUB
14:34:42 [mike_beganyi]
Sharon: Lionel can you do that?
14:34:46 [mike_beganyi]
Lionel: yes, will do
14:38:46 [mike_beganyi]
zakim, close this item
14:38:46 [Zakim]
agendum 2 closed
14:38:47 [Zakim]
I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
14:38:47 [Zakim]
3. Issue 240, [from Sharon]
14:38:53 [mike_beganyi]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:38:54 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate mike_beganyi
14:42:16 [mike_beganyi]
zakim, bye
14:42:16 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees have been mike_beganyi, janina, Lionel_Wolberger, Sharon, matatk, Roy, EA, Lionel
14:42:16 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #adapt
15:31:58 [janina]
janina has left #adapt