15:00:42 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 15:00:46 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/04/12-maturity-irc 15:01:01 present+ 15:01:20 zakim, who's here? 15:01:20 Present: CharlesL 15:01:22 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, Sheri_B-H, CharlesL, janina, Mark, jspellman 15:01:26 SusanaPallero has joined #maturity 15:01:34 present+ 15:01:37 present+ 15:01:43 present+ 15:02:11 nadine has joined #maturity 15:02:31 present+ 15:03:57 Agenda+ Review Sheri’s Updates To Spreadsheet 15:03:57 Agenda + Confirm TLDR document completed from feedback & Next Steps 15:03:57 Agenda + Continuation of Maturity Model review discussion with Stacey: 15:03:57 Agenda + New business 15:04:51 Agenda+ Confirm TLDR document completed from feedback & Next Steps 15:05:02 Agenda+ Continuation of Maturity Model review discussion with Stacey: 15:05:11 Agenda+ New business 15:05:24 agenda? 15:06:16 agenda- item2 15:06:50 agenda- item 2 15:07:50 scribe+ 15:08:01 agenda? 15:08:38 zakim, drop item 2 15:08:38 agendum 2, Confirm TLDR document completed from feedback & Next Steps, dropped 15:08:42 agenda? 15:09:15 zakim, take up next item 15:09:15 agendum 1 --  Review Sheri’s Updates To Spreadsheet -- taken up [from CharlesL] 15:10:15 sheri: no access to file right now. 15:10:49 … last weeks email has a link to the new excel spreadsheet 15:11:28 … new members are getting the emails. 15:12:19 Just to make sure, the document we are talking about is "updated MM spreadsheet", right? 15:12:59 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2023Apr/0004.html 15:13:09 charles: increased font size and froze top section after row 5. 15:13:31 scribe+ Charles has suggestions ... 15:13:55 CharlesL: communications, row 14 -- consistent use of a11y template for 15:14:01 CharlesL: also row 15 ... 15:15:02 Sheri_B-H: suggesting two ways to handle the confusion 15:15:31 CharlesL: thnk it helps to disallow values and make things clearer 15:16:09 Sheri_B-H: We goofed in our early days by not agreeing first on a structure; we're now revisiting that 15:16:38 Sheri_B-H: Notes also that person working on "support" had to leave some time ago; we need someone to pick that up 15:17:02 sheri: Can zero out rows that are just informative 15:17:15 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-maturity/2023Apr/0004.html 15:18:36 CharlesL: weill send sheri my suggestions on this ... perhaps i don't have all the right spots, but it seems we agree on how to proceed? 15:19:06 Sheri_B-H: a good starting point and we're open for further ideas 15:19:58 Followup Actions: Charles will send Sheri the updated spreadsheet 15:20:15 subtopic: Any volunteers for Support sections? 15:20:31 Sheri_B-H: is actually pretty straight forward 15:20:40 SusanaPallero: I can try 15:20:47 Sheri_B-H: can help if you like 15:21:17 CharlesL: will susi also update? 15:21:47 Sheri_B-H: this is the problem working from a spreadsheet -- need to coordinate to avoid clashes 15:22:45 janina; Prefer we stay with Excel for a11y 15:22:57 Sheri_B-H: OK, I can maintain the main ss 15:23:25 CharlesL: where does Susi get those additional proof points? 15:23:41 Sheri_B-H: the Ontarians with Disabilities has outstanding ideas we can just take 15:24:19 agenda? 15:25:00 SusanaPallero: Will give proof points to Sheri for the Support sheet. 15:27:34 Sheri_B-H: currently you can have 1 state, to prevent mistakes if you put something in it blocks the rest for totally. if you optimized for a proof point you can't adjust previous states. ie. put data in Integration stage then you can't adjust launch or inactive stage. 15:33:03 q+ 15:33:25 …, For inactive stage we will have "no activity". We will remove "partially implemented", and perhaps "started", we don't have to bother with "complete" because it will be covered in later stage. 15:35:12 Mark: inactive should be binary. 15:35:23 q+ 15:35:29 ack SusanaPallero 15:36:08 SusanaPallero: reactive position, some remediation got sued for example didn't maintain it. 15:36:25 Sheri_B-H: they may never get to launch. 15:37:11 They will never get *past* launch 15:37:15 s/ may never get to launch/will get to launch, but not to integrate 15:37:21 ackme 15:37:24 ack me 15:38:09 Charles: what about Not Applicable? 15:38:24 Sheri_B-H: I will add that, was a mistake. 15:39:51 …, Charles will send the updated spreadsheet, susana will send the proofpoints for CS. Sheri will fix the N/A and add the new proof points and disable the sub headers from the calculations. 15:39:53 regrets: Irfan_Ali, David_Fazio 15:40:09 zakim, take up next item 15:40:09 agendum 3 -- Confirm TLDR document completed from feedback & Next Steps -- taken up [from CharlesL] 15:40:19 regrets+ Lionel_Wolberger 15:41:13 Mark: Stacy sent this out on Monday with a draft summary 15:41:28 s/Stacy/Stacey 15:41:58 Email: 15:42:01 Summary 15:42:01 1 in 6 people in the world live with a disability. Providing accessible digital products and services is the right thing to do–it’s also required by law in many countries.  15:42:01 15:42:01 Whether your company is just starting its cultural transformation on disability inclusion or looking to improve existing processes, the W3C Accessibility Maturity Model can help.  15:42:03 15:42:03 The model is designed to work for any size of organization. From large enterprises, to nonprofit/NGOs or government agencies, it provides actionable guides for establishing or improving policies, employee-communication, training, and tools. It also includes a way to measure and document organizational, cultural and technical capabilities.  15:42:03 15:42:04 The model is intended to be independent of the requirements in relevant technical accessibility standards, such as Aria and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). 15:43:10 Charles: ARIA needs to be in all Caps. 15:43:39 Sheri_B-H: I like it. need to add small consulting organization, since that comes up frequently. small service org. 15:43:51 Janina: good generalization. 15:44:14 q+ 15:44:20 Sheri_B-H: So this would replace the current introduction? 15:44:35 janina: Yes but may be tweaked in the future. 15:44:51 Mark: One in Six, 15:45:04 Sheri_B-H: World Health quote should be inlcuded. 15:45:21 citation, not quote (cite the one in six) 15:45:28 q+ 15:45:40 Mark: opening paragraph "right thing to do" "req. by law" should we have something on return on investment? or just stick with those two points? 15:45:49 Sheri_B-H: Do we have data on ROI? 15:46:11 Mark: could vary depending on the org. commercial vs. NP. 15:46:30 … moving a11y effort shifting left. 15:46:53 Sheri_B-H: cite study good a11y have higher profits. Acsenture study? 15:47:34 … hard RIO #'s out of Norway good paper. not on RIO of a11y but on inclusive design $1 spent on Inclusive Design you save $4 15:48:19 … Stacey will see the minutes and can update her draft and we can edit it next time she is here. 15:48:47 janina: Legal requirements may need to be made clearer. 15:49:06 Sheri_B-H: not Maturity Model is required but a11y is required. 15:49:12 ack Mark 15:49:16 ack janina 15:49:30 zakim, next item 15:49:30 agendum 4 -- Continuation of Maturity Model review discussion with Stacey: -- taken up [from CharlesL] 15:49:43 zakim, close item 4 15:49:43 agendum 4, Continuation of Maturity Model review discussion with Stacey:, closed 15:49:45 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 15:49:45 5.  New business [from CharlesL] 15:49:52 zakim, take up next item 15:49:52 agendum 5 --  New business -- taken up [from CharlesL] 15:49:54 q+ 15:50:00 ack Sheri_B-H 15:50:22 Sheri_B-H: We should start to talk about a public update. been six months since our last 15:50:52 janina: I been meaning to bring this up. I strongly agree to publish often. 15:51:43 Charles: I agree, but getting to that spreadsheet needs to be made easier in our doc. 15:51:59 Sheri_B-H: Do we need to do a CFC? 15:52:04 janina: No. 15:53:03 … would be good to do some planning on this and the future. 15:53:50 … publication schedule, maybe a grant application. 15:54:15 s/… publlication/Sheri: Publication 15:55:58 rrsagent, make logs public 15:56:04 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:56:06 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/12-maturity-minutes.html CharlesL 16:00:13 s/scribe+ Charles has suggestions …/scribe+ 16:00:25 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:00:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/12-maturity-minutes.html CharlesL 16:01:47 CharlesL has left #maturity