13:25:32 RRSAgent has joined #coga 13:25:36 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/04/03-coga-irc 13:25:36 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:25:37 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 13:25:52 lisa_ has joined #coga 13:26:06 zakim, start meeting 13:26:06 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:26:08 Meeting: Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 13:26:19 RRSAgent, publish minutes 13:26:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/03-coga-minutes.html lisa_ 13:26:48 agenda+ Collaboration Tool Accessibility Feedback next steps 13:27:05 agenda+ Collaboration Tool Accessibility Feedback next steps 13:27:16 agenda+ Fast task force 13:27:37 agenda+ subgroups 13:27:51 regrets, EA RAIN 13:28:11 agenda+ reminder no meeting next week 13:57:56 Roy_ has joined #coga 14:59:03 David-Swallow has joined #COGA 14:59:37 lisa has joined #coga 14:59:45 agenda? 15:00:07 Becca_Monteleone has joined #COGA 15:01:11 Eric_Hind has joined #coga 15:01:17 kimberly_sarabia has joined #coga 15:01:45 Jan_ has joined #coga 15:01:57 present+ 15:04:01 Kiki has joined #coga 15:04:18 scribe: becca 15:04:20 present+ 15:05:22 zakim, next item 15:05:22 agendum 1 -- Collaboration Tool Accessibility Feedback next steps -- 15:05:24 ... taken up [from lisa_] 15:05:49 present+ 15:06:52 Lisa: New members - reach out to Lisa for orientation calls if you need one. 15:07:33 Jan: Please invite Jan to next orientation meeting in order to develop a "cheat sheet" for new COGA members. 15:08:19 Lisa: we could also add this info as a page on our Wiki once complete 15:08:46 present+ 15:09:15 Lisa: collaboration tool accessibility feedback given at the end of last year, noting that more work was needed. Jennie was editing the document 15:10:37 John: Shawn and John tried to collaborate on a document but ran into licensing issues and other problems that made it impossible. Good anecdote for collaboration tool feedback. 15:12:23 present+ 15:12:37 Lisa: APA research questions group is making a document on accessibility of collaboration tools (e.g. Github, Google Docs, Microsoft suite). They gave COGA 1 month to add comments last year. APA did not have time to address comments last year, so added a note with summary of COGA comments 15:13:42 David: Did we get any feedback from APA re: issues with sharing our feedback? 15:14:32 Lisa: Janina wanted every issue as a separate link, but compromised on a single Github issue with a link to the Google docs 15:16:42 Lisa: APA has not looked at our extensive feedback yet. Two ways to give feedback: 1) give each issue as a separate issue in Github, or 2) copy their document into Google doc, add our comments, and then they have to reply to each comment in Google 15:20:27 Lisa: first question - do we have everything that we need? I think we need new next steps. First, can members review it again to see if any notes are missing? 15:20:50 Lisa: Next question - should we put it in Github or Google? 15:20:57 q? 15:21:08 Lisa: Third - we need someone to edit our comments to make them understandable to APA 15:21:49 Lisa: Can John and Shawn capture the issues they encountered with the collaborative doc? 15:22:02 John: John and Shawn will work on doing this. 15:22:22 Lisa: Does any else have a strong preference for Google v. Github? 15:23:03 David: David can be the person who transfers between Google docs and Github 15:23:27 Lisa: Is that something that you can do quickly? 15:23:39 David: will need to think about timeline he can work on. 15:25:00 Lisa: Recommends a COGA call to go through the document together 15:25:34 Lisa: Call should include Shawn, John, David, Jennie, and Lisa 15:25:47 Eric: Also interested in joining call 15:27:18 next item 15:27:36 topic: tpac 15:28:32 Lisa: TPAC scheduled for sept 11-sept 15 in Seville, Spain 15:29:25 Lisa: Travel may be complicated. There is not a direct flight from most places to Seville. Would likely involve taking a train from Madrid. 15:30:12 Lisa: provisional schedule - group meetings Monday and Tuesday. Tech plenary on Wednesday. group meetings Thursday and Friday 15:31:09 Lisa: Need to leave before Friday. COGA could meet on Monday + Tuesday and Lisa could meet virtually once she leaves. This year hoping for a stronger in-person presence from COGA 15:32:49 Lisa: do people want to have a face-to-face in Seville? 15:33:02 jeanne has joined #coga 15:33:38 John: Do we know if AG or APA or EO have schedules for TPAC yet? 15:33:56 I will not be able to attend TPAC because I will still be in the middle of my front end dev program. 15:34:43 Lisa: not yet. Guessing that APA will be meeting. And guessing it will be closer to the beginning of the week because of the Friday conflict with Jewish new year 15:35:33 lisa has joined #coga 15:35:44 John: unlikely to be able to attend, but does not know yet. 15:36:36 Lisa: Even if COGA does not meet, anyone is able to attend other meetings 15:37:39 next item 15:38:31 Lisa: FAST is a document started by Michael Cooper about functional needs for accessibility 15:38:40 Lisa: Includes functional need and user needs 15:39:21 Lisa: First draft re: COGA needed substantial edits. COGA worked to create "buckets" of categories related to COGA. 15:40:48 Lisa: Made a strong recommendation that co-morbidity needs to be accounted for. E.g. people with motor issues may also have COGA issues. Functional needs solutions often assume only one need 15:41:33 Lisa: E.g. screenreaders like JAWS may be very difficult/impossible to use for some people with intellectual disabilities who also are blind 15:42:38 Lisa: COGA feedback did not get fully integrated into FAST. 15:43:08 Lisa: Now starting FAST task force. Task force should have COGA representation 15:44:22 John: Interested, but does not want to overextend 15:44:51 If it starts meeting after the middle of November, I could possibly join, but my time is going to be very limited from May 8 - mid November. 15:46:22 next item 15:47:24 Lisa: Thursday is test plan and strategy subgroup 15:48:06 Lisa: Mental health subgroup has updated action items. 15:48:58 Lisa: Aiming to have 2 issue papers publish-ready and adding a new persona 15:51:31 Lisa: No meeting next week. 15:51:46 Becca: Will have publish-ready paper drafts for April 17 for review 15:54:02 Lisa: We have many issues on Github. Can someone go through and tag them correctly? 15:54:20 next item 15:54:33 close item 5 15:56:00 RRSAgent, publish minutes 15:56:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/04/03-coga-minutes.html lisa