14:37:58 RRSAgent has joined #i18n 14:38:02 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/03/09-i18n-irc 14:38:02 Zakim has joined #i18n 14:38:06 trackbot, prepare teleconference 14:38:09 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:38:12 Meeting: Internationalization Working Group Teleconference 14:38:12 Date: 09 March 2023 14:38:16 agendabot, find agenda 14:38:16 addison, OK. This may take a minute... 14:38:16 agenda: https://www.w3.org/events/meetings/dcb21af5-6796-49aa-9a5c-88b2454316a3/20230309T150000 14:38:16 clear agenda 14:38:16 agenda+ Agenda Review 14:38:16 agenda+ Action Items 14:38:19 agenda+ Info Share 14:38:21 agenda+ RADAR Review 14:38:23 agenda+ Pending Issue Review 14:38:26 agenda+ Group Meeting at TPAC 14:38:27 ghurlbot has joined #i18n 14:38:28 agenda+ IRIs and the URL spec: what's our policy here? 14:38:31 agenda+ Update the W3C style guide I18N section? 14:38:33 agenda+ Review proposed changes to accept-language 14:38:36 agenda+ I18N Glossary references 14:38:38 agenda+ AOB? 14:39:12 agenda+ SecurePaymentRequest update 14:48:25 present+ Addison 14:48:29 Chair: Addison Phillips 14:48:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/09-i18n-minutes.html addison 14:58:57 JcK has joined #i18n 14:59:00 present+ Atsushi 14:59:21 xfq_ has joined #i18n 14:59:42 present+ Richard, JcK 15:02:37 present+ 15:03:05 scribe: xfq_ 15:03:09 agenda? 15:03:18 zakim, take up agendum 1 15:03:18 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:03:57 JcK has joined #i18n 15:03:57 addison has joined #i18n 15:03:57 Mek has joined #i18n 15:03:57 clafase has joined #i18n 15:03:57 eemeli has joined #i18n 15:03:57 csarven has joined #i18n 15:03:57 cwilso has joined #i18n 15:03:57 hadleybeeman has joined #i18n 15:03:57 astearns has joined #i18n 15:03:57 bigbluehat has joined #i18n 15:03:57 koji has joined #i18n 15:03:57 sangwhan has joined #i18n 15:03:57 fantasai has joined #i18n 15:03:57 florian has joined #i18n 15:04:09 zakim, take up agendum 2 15:04:10 agendum 2 -- Action Items -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:04:23 Najib has joined #i18n 15:04:29 https://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/open 15:05:40 addison: i've been working on the explainer 15:05:47 ... thanks r12a for the suggestion 15:06:23 r12a: glossary is in progress 15:07:31 xfq: ACTION-1248, still pending 15:07:32 w3c/i18n-glossary#22? 15:07:32 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-glossary/issues/22 -> Issue 22 Items from lreq that could be added to Glossary (r12a) 15:08:53 r12a: ACTION-1251, in progress 15:08:56 zakim, take up agendum 3 15:08:56 agendum 3 -- Info Share -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:09:30 addison: DST change 15:10:01 https://beta.w3.org/ 15:10:02 Fuqiao: w3c released a beta version of a new website 15:10:07 ... feedback is welcome 15:10:08 https://github.com/w3c/w3c-website/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Ainternationalization 15:10:16 ... a few i18n related issues tracked here ^^ 15:10:24 scribe+ addison 15:11:15 JcK: maybe late next week 15:11:30 zakim, take up agendum 4 15:11:30 agendum 4 -- RADAR Review -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:11:40 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-request/projects/1 15:12:19 Bert: started reading css-text-3 15:12:26 ... from top to bottom 15:12:44 ... you have to read the text from top to bottom to understand 15:13:18 atsushi: WoT Profile in discussion 15:13:31 ... can move it to Awaiting comment resolution 15:14:23 agenda+ Trace Context 15:14:30 agenda? 15:15:04 zakim, take up agendum 6 15:15:04 agendum 6 -- Group Meeting at TPAC -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:15:42 addison: TPAC 2023 will be held from 11 to 15 September 2023, with a main in-person hub in Sevilla, Spain. 15:16:24 r12a: I'd like to go, depending on the covid situation 15:16:47 Bert: would like to go 15:16:57 xfq_: would like to go, not 100% sure yet 15:17:01 atsushi: me too 15:17:20 addison: it seems we will have one to half a dozen 15:17:30 action: addison: request physical meeting at tpac 15:17:38 Created ACTION-1252 - Request physical meeting at tpac [on Addison Phillips - due 2023-03-16]. 15:17:38 agenda? 15:17:39 s/half a dozen/half a dozen participants/ 15:17:59 zakim, take up agendum 12 15:17:59 agendum 12 -- SecurePaymentRequest update -- taken up [from addison] 15:18:32 addison: I had an interchange with Ian Jacobs about our open issue with them regarding their note in the text 15:18:39 ... "we don't have metadata yet, see this issue" 15:18:47 ... I made some text proposals to him 15:18:55 ... additions to the i18n considerations section 15:19:02 https://github.com/w3c/secure-payment-confirmation/pull/232/files 15:21:09 addison: any thoughts? 15:22:04 xfq_: they talk about both localization and string metadata 15:22:07 addison: right 15:22:18 ... and linked to qa-bidi-unicode-controls 15:23:20 Bert: maybe there's a way to rewrite the last paragraph to make it clearer 15:23:30 agenda? 15:24:16 r12a: it's quite difficult to parse that sentence 15:25:06 ... "If displayable strings contain or might contain bidirectional text" 15:25:33 addison: suppose you have a field, if they have metadata, you have bidi isolation, and all will be well 15:26:03 ... from the point of view of spillover effect 15:26:50 This specification does not (yet) include mechanisms for callers to 15:26:50 associate language or direction metadata with the displayable strings 15:26:50 they provide as input to the API (e.g., {{PaymentCredentialInstrument/displayName}}). 15:27:02 addison: this talks about the base direction ^ 15:27:21 r12a: I didn't know what you mean by "bidirectional text" 15:27:46 ... it wasn't entirely sure what "the application" is 15:27:54 addison: it's the receiver, the consumer 15:28:26 r12a: "the consuming application needs to ensure that they correctly process bidi text" 15:28:39 addison: two parts 15:28:46 ... I will request these changes 15:28:58 ... and update our guidance in specdev to match 15:29:13 r12a: I'll finish the revision of qa-bidi-unicode-controls 15:29:21 action: addison: propose changes to the bidi recommendation text and update spc pr 232 with that 15:29:23 Sorry, I don't know what repository to use. 15:29:23 Created ACTION-1253 - Propose changes to the bidi recommendation text and update spc pr 232 with that [on Addison Phillips - due 2023-03-16]. 15:29:33 agenda? 15:29:36 addison: thank you 15:29:48 zakim, take up agendum 9 15:29:48 agendum 9 -- Review proposed changes to accept-language -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:30:04 https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/g/blink-dev/c/yAOfFp7elrw 15:30:15 https://github.com/Tanych/accept-language 15:31:00 r12a: basically, Google is saying all this stuff after the first entry of the AL header is not necessary 15:31:15 ... which sounds drastic to me 15:32:07 xfq_: they won't send more than one language in the header 15:32:29 r12a: they're talking about reducing Navigator.languages as well 15:33:12 ... I assume this is security related 15:33:17 addison: it's fingerprinting 15:33:47 r12a: it's also possible not to get anything out of the web that you would actually want to get out of it 15:34:17 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RkPDf7DNtcOj4KXeW8wNCuYfto-drnGYST_NvZe3GoY/edit 15:34:58 "Our proposal is to only send the user’s most preferred language (for previous example is en-US) in the Accept-Language header instead of sending all languages in the Accept-Language header." 15:36:36 xfq_: we should think about how we strike a balance between privacy and features users need 15:37:16 I wonder how this proposal differs from the existing (experimental) -> RFC 2295 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2295 15:37:57 atsushi: the number of people using more than two languages might be small 15:38:28 addison: the numbers are probably reasonably small 15:38:40 ... most browsers use the system locale as AL 15:39:00 ... minority language speakers may not run their OS in that language 15:39:36 ... it's probably a small number of people relative to the total web population of the web 15:39:47 ... these are the people who are disadvantaged the most 15:39:58 ... they might be tracked 15:40:31 atsushi: make it behind a permission prompt? 15:40:40 addison: maybe they should have a warning or something 15:41:15 ... as a WG, it is not our responsibility to champion security stuff, it is our responsibility to champion global users 15:41:36 ... should we take a position say that "don't forget these use cases" 15:41:50 https://github.com/Tanych/accept-language/issues 15:43:18 action: addison: add issue to the accept-language repo with sense of WG 15:43:18 Sorry, I don't know what repository to use. 15:43:19 Created ACTION-1254 - Add issue to the accept-language repo with sense of wg [on Addison Phillips - due 2023-03-16]. 15:43:24 agenda? 15:43:29 addison: should I take an action to start a conversation with Victor Tan? 15:43:32 xfq_: I think so 15:43:37 zakim, take up agendum 10 15:43:37 agendum 10 -- I18N Glossary references -- taken up [from agendabot] 15:44:12 w3c/i18n-glossary#21 15:44:12 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-glossary/issues/21 -> Pull Request 21 Address #19 (instructions for using) (aphillips) 15:44:33 https://deploy-preview-21--i18n-glossary.netlify.app/ 15:44:43 addison: instructions for use 15:45:01 https://deploy-preview-21--i18n-glossary.netlify.app/#howto 15:45:13 addison: the Bikeshed section is super new 15:45:27 ... they're based on conversation with @@ I had 15:46:23 r12a: "the definitions in the glossary are defined to be informative rather than normative", and may change from time to time 15:46:58 ... what I've been wondering is to what extent we expect people to refer to the document 15:47:19 ... I think our consensus was to take our definition and maintain it in their spec 15:47:53 addison: two use cases here 15:48:13 ... associates with comments we made on some spec 15:48:24 ... an example in SPC, we talked about locale 15:48:33 ... rather than adding one sentence in their spec 15:48:43 ... they can just refer to ours 15:48:55 r12a: that's informative reference 15:49:03 ... as opposed to normative reference 15:49:16 ... "we're defining locale, with these parameters" 15:49:35 addison: if css defines code point/unit, grapheme etc. 15:49:41 ... you want to be specific on what you mean 15:49:48 ... we have a lot of jargons 15:50:17 r12a: I would think that it might be useful to extend your second paragraph a bit more 15:50:51 ... "if you want normative definition, define it in your document ,if you want informative def, refer to our doc" 15:51:03 addison: what about our relationship with Infra 15:51:11 ... are we happy with that relationship? 15:51:35 r12a: expectation is that we're happy with it until we find something we're not happy with 15:53:27 xfq_: in Infra they define string as a sequence of unsigned 16-bit integers 15:53:38 ... which might not apply to all W3C specs 15:53:54 ... if we define string, we might want to define abstract string 15:54:04 addison: we don't define string 15:54:13 ... but we have recommendation in specdev 15:54:35 rrsagent, make minutes 15:54:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/09-i18n-minutes.html xfq_ 15:55:04 r12a: I'm rewriting the glossary 15:55:37 export 15:57:22 r12a: when other specs import it, do they import the text, or a link? 15:57:25 addison: link 15:57:50 https://github.com/w3c/PNG-spec/issues/270 15:57:53 addison: PNG issue ^ 15:58:39 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-glossary/issues/20 16:00:11 https://w3c.github.io/PNG-spec/#13Text-chunk-processing 16:00:22 "Decoders running on systems with a non-Latin-1 legacy character encoding should remap character codes so that Latin-1 characters are displayed correctly." 16:01:34 addison: the use I recommended in PNG, is it appropriate? 16:02:11 r12a: Chris asked it because it's in a normative statement 16:02:34 addison: that normative statement contains a link to our informative document 16:02:56 ... is that the right thing for us to recommend to people? 16:03:31 ... if that normative statement requires a normative def, I would say you should import it in the spec 16:03:35 r12a: import the link? 16:03:40 addison: import the text 16:03:54 r12a: we should make that clear 16:04:17 ... when going through the entries 16:04:41 ... we don't need any ids because respec adds it automatically 16:05:05 ... I can't find lint-ignore in the latest respec docs 16:06:16 addison: I think you can make it a global config 16:06:24 ... instead of adding it to all of our dfns 16:06:47 https://github.com/w3c/i18n-glossary/issues/25 16:07:14 r12a: we don't need plural forms because respec recognizes that 16:08:01 ... data-lt captures the alternatives 16:09:33 data-lt="localization|localized|L10N|Localization" can be reduced to data-lt="localized|L10N" 16:09:46 addison: let's test it 16:09:57 ... when we're sure I'll clean it 16:10:24 r12a: Unicode code point is not in the right section 16:10:59 ... wonder we should post a version it part way through 16:11:16 addison: if you make a PR you can continue working on it 16:11:31 addison: I usually use my fork 16:12:01 r12a: I've done half of these 16:12:35 ... is there a benefit in making a PR? 16:12:48 ... the way I usually do a PR is to do it on a website 16:13:01 ... capture all in dreamweaver and past all on github 16:13:36 addison: if you use github branch you can sync your branch 16:14:03 r12a: when I edit it in github it creates a branch for you 16:14:15 ... no need to maintain a branch in my own computer 16:15:10 ... I have too many repos 16:15:24 zakim, take up agendum 11 16:15:24 agendum 11 -- AOB? -- taken up [from agendabot] 16:15:57 rrsagent, make minutes 16:15:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/09-i18n-minutes.html xfq_ 16:16:41 r12a: I'm rewriting pretty much the whole glossary 16:16:57 ... watch out for conflicts 16:17:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/09-i18n-minutes.html addison 16:18:03 present+ Bert 16:19:04 close action-1249 16:19:05 Closed action-1249. 16:19:29 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/09-i18n-minutes.html addison 16:19:56 s/SecurePaymentRequest/SecurePaymentConfirmation/ 16:20:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/09-i18n-minutes.html addison 16:20:49 ghurlbot, bye 16:20:49 ghurlbot has left #i18n 16:20:57 zakim, bye 16:20:57 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Addison, Atsushi, Richard, JcK, xfq_, Bert 16:20:57 Zakim has left #i18n 16:21:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/03/09-i18n-minutes.html addison