IRC log of maturity on 2023-03-01
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:52:40 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #maturity
- 15:52:44 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:52:44 [Zakim]
- RRSAgent, make logs Public
- 15:52:45 [Zakim]
- please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio
- 15:53:18 [Fazio]
- meeting: Maturity Model Task Force
- 15:53:33 [Fazio]
- Chair: Fazio, SBH
- 15:54:59 [Fazio]
- Agenda+ New member introductions
- 15:55:11 [Fazio]
- zakim, clear agenda
- 15:55:11 [Zakim]
- agenda cleared
- 15:55:15 [Fazio]
- Agenda+ New member introductions
- 15:55:34 [Fazio]
- Agenda+ Check in with Josh about Github Issues
- 15:55:55 [Fazio]
- Agenda + Maturity Model review discussion with Stacey
- 15:56:09 [Fazio]
- Agenda + New business
- 15:56:19 [Fazio]
- present+
- 15:58:21 [janina]
- janina has joined #maturity
- 16:01:22 [CharlesL]
- CharlesL has joined #maturity
- 16:01:28 [CharlesL]
- present+
- 16:02:11 [IrfanAli]
- IrfanAli has joined #maturity
- 16:02:41 [IrfanAli]
- present+
- 16:02:59 [IrfanAli]
- regrets: Lionel, Nadine
- 16:03:02 [janina]
- zakim, who's here?
- 16:03:02 [Zakim]
- Present: Fazio, Joshue, nadine, janina, Lionel, Fazio_, CharlesL, Mark_Miller, IrfanAli, Sheri_B-H, jlkline
- 16:03:05 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see IrfanAli, CharlesL, janina, RRSAgent, Fazio, Zakim, jspellman
- 16:03:14 [IrfanAli]
- agenda?
- 16:03:22 [IrfanAli]
- scribe: Irfan Ali
- 16:03:35 [IrfanAli]
- zakim, next item
- 16:03:36 [Zakim]
- agendum 1 -- New member introductions -- taken up [from Fazio]
- 16:03:39 [jlkline]
- jlkline has joined #maturity
- 16:03:45 [Sheri_BH]
- Sheri_BH has joined #Maturity
- 16:03:58 [Sheri_BH]
- Present +
- 16:04:14 [Sheri_BH]
- present+
- 16:04:14 [jlkline]
- present+
- 16:04:24 [IrfanAli]
- Chair: David Fazio
- 16:06:05 [Lionel_Wolberger_]
- Lionel_Wolberger_ has joined #maturity
- 16:06:10 [Lionel_Wolberger_]
- present+
- 16:06:38 [Joshue108]
- Joshue108 has joined #maturity
- 16:06:48 [janina]
- zakim, who's here?
- 16:06:48 [Zakim]
- Present: Fazio, Joshue, nadine, janina, Lionel, Fazio_, CharlesL, Mark_Miller, IrfanAli, Sheri_B-H, jlkline, Sheri_BH, Lionel_Wolberger_
- 16:06:48 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see Joshue108, Lionel_Wolberger_, Sheri_BH, jlkline, IrfanAli, CharlesL, janina, RRSAgent, Fazio, Zakim, jspellman
- 16:06:48 [Joshue108]
- present+
- 16:07:18 [stacey]
- stacey has joined #maturity
- 16:07:28 [janina]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 16:07:29 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate janina
- 16:08:05 [janina]
- present+
- 16:08:07 [stacey]
- present+
- 16:08:19 [Lionel_Wolberger_]
- present+
- 16:13:05 [IrfanAli]
- Inroduction
- 16:16:30 [IrfanAli]
- zakim, next item
- 16:16:31 [Zakim]
- agendum 2 -- Check in with Josh about Github Issues -- taken up [from Fazio]
- 16:16:31 [Lionel_Wolberger_]
- s/Inroduction/Introductions
- 16:19:10 [IrfanAli]
- jspellman: most of the issues are minor and dealt on different layer. if there is something that you want me to look into, I will check it out.
- 16:19:32 [Joshue108]
- Joshue108 has joined #maturity
- 16:20:15 [IrfanAli]
- Fazio: we have asked Josh to cleanup the queue in github
- 16:20:49 [IrfanAli]
- janina: this is useful to have fresh overview especially for the people who come with fresh perspective.
- 16:21:44 [Fazio]
- When would they start using this model? Where do they start/What initial steps would they take? What happens if they have one person with 8 hours per week or less available to be documenting (and doing the due diligence with others that they work with to get that data)? Is this model still a feasible option for them?
- 16:22:21 [Joshue108]
- q+
- 16:22:38 [IrfanAli]
- stacey: I would like to hear from you all. How do you envision to use this model?
- 16:23:17 [IrfanAli]
- stacey: if I am a brand new person in my org, I would not know how to use it and I would like to have this info
- 16:23:40 [IrfanAli]
- Fazio: we get similar questions and need to work on the case studies.
- 16:24:33 [IrfanAli]
- janina: we regard the click-ability of this model for all. therefore the case studies is required.
- 16:25:11 [Joshue108]
- ack me
- 16:25:52 [IrfanAli]
- Joshue108: I did some search in github. I want to ask you about the priority. There are tons of stuff out there
- 16:26:30 [IrfanAli]
- janina: let me suggest if there are editorials to validate and they are substantive please focus on them
- 16:26:42 [IrfanAli]
- Joshue108: before the call next week I will update about the progress
- 16:26:49 [janina]
- q?
- 16:28:10 [IrfanAli]
- sheri: some use cases - Large organization, Equity, consulting model. we can put anything which is going to be helpful to explain people about the usage
- 16:29:40 [IrfanAli]
- Lionel_Wolberger_: size is not everything. because in some huge compnies have only one digital asset and some that are not big they may have multiple products
- 16:30:34 [IrfanAli]
- sheri: informed and un-informed model
- 16:31:06 [Lionel_Wolberger_]
- q+
- 16:32:53 [IrfanAli]
- q+
- 16:34:58 [IrfanAli]
- Brian: mistake that we made was that we took this template, I would stay on first step whether it is one person or group of people are spending time on the template, we found that that we all had different interpretation.
- 16:36:00 [IrfanAli]
- Lionel_Wolberger_: we talk about different personas, but the person who is running the model is responsible for the progress. there is a huge difference between a typical case that we see very often.
- 16:36:59 [IrfanAli]
- Lionel_Wolberger_: you might be a beginner and you are in this org and working on multiple products. or other way around
- 16:37:07 [IrfanAli]
- ack, lionel
- 16:37:13 [IrfanAli]
- q?
- 16:37:18 [IrfanAli]
- ack Lionel
- 16:37:19 [CharlesL]
- q+
- 16:37:59 [IrfanAli]
- janina: we can form a subgroup if people are interested
- 16:38:18 [IrfanAli]
- janina: once we have something in writing we can add it in our document
- 16:38:41 [IrfanAli]
- stacey: I am willing to help
- 16:38:51 [IrfanAli]
- ack charles
- 16:40:14 [IrfanAli]
- CharlesL: with these personas, I am wondring about the different dimentions sheets in excel e.g knowledge, skills, support.. would we also define the role of organization departments
- 16:40:57 [IrfanAli]
- sheri: whoever has data has to be involved
- 16:41:44 [IrfanAli]
- CharlesL: I am trying to see how these dimensions are going to be assigned in organizational structure
- 16:42:31 [IrfanAli]
- jeff: it depends on the scale of the company
- 16:44:07 [IrfanAli]
- q-
- 16:44:08 [Fazio]
- Is the model only for SDLC/external-facing products? Or, does it encompass internal products, experiences, processes? This isn’t clear, but at first read of the introduction it seems external facing products only.
- 16:45:09 [IrfanAli]
- sheri: intent was to cover if you are external facing app includes 3rd party then they become important for the assessment
- 16:47:18 [CharlesL]
- q+
- 16:48:10 [IrfanAli]
- stacey: just in case if we are using any internal tool for external users like customer support which is not accessible, I believe it will be included in this model to assessment
- 16:48:44 [IrfanAli]
- ack charles
- 16:49:30 [IrfanAli]
- CharlesL: this is what I was wondering about whole personas and knowing what dimension each company want to consider. I wasnt considering engineering procurement.
- 16:49:46 [IrfanAli]
- it might be good to point out
- 16:50:05 [IrfanAli]
- +1
- 16:50:28 [Fazio]
- Integrate stage - who’s creating the roadmap? Or is this meaning it’s baked into the roadmap for various teams? Part of OKRs?
- 16:51:13 [IrfanAli]
- stacey: Objective and Key results for quantitate goal settings
- 16:51:27 [Fazio]
- OKR = Objectives, Key Results
- 16:53:05 [IrfanAli]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 16:53:06 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate IrfanAli
- 16:53:38 [IrfanAli]
- Fazio: do we want to create any github issue to address some of the points and to update SDLC documentation
- 16:53:55 [IrfanAli]
- Sheri: we already ahve github issues for usecases including personas
- 16:55:20 [IrfanAli]
- zakim, next item
- 16:55:20 [Zakim]
- agendum 3 -- Maturity Model review discussion with Stacey -- taken up [from Fazio]
- 16:55:29 [IrfanAli]
- zakim, close this item
- 16:55:29 [Zakim]
- agendum 3 closed
- 16:55:30 [Zakim]
- I see 1 item remaining on the agenda:
- 16:55:30 [Zakim]
- 4. New business [from Fazio]
- 16:55:33 [IrfanAli]
- zakim, next item
- 16:55:33 [Zakim]
- agendum 4 -- New business -- taken up [from Fazio]
- 16:56:19 [CharlesL]
- CharlesL has left #maturity
- 17:15:53 [janina]
- janina has left #maturity