13:48:56 RRSAgent has joined #vcwg 13:49:00 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-vcwg-irc 13:49:00 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:49:01 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 13:49:13 Meeting: Verifiable Credentials Working Group F2F, 3rd day 13:49:13 Date: 2023-02-16 13:49:13 Agenda: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/128DHWSzVxPgAhB0mq-h23_iATnbVeA4Y-JhNLjpcXJE/edit#slide=id.g2061a1a64f4_0_51 13:49:13 chair: kristina, brent 13:49:13 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2023-02-16: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/128DHWSzVxPgAhB0mq-h23_iATnbVeA4Y-JhNLjpcXJE/edit#slide=id.g2061a1a64f4_0_51 13:51:51 TallTed has joined #vcwg 13:54:23 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 13:55:38 tzviya has joined #vcwg 13:57:12 Phil_ASU has joined #vcwg 13:57:20 Present+ 13:58:22 present+ 13:58:33 ChristopherA has joined #vcwg 13:58:45 present+ 13:59:21 present+ 13:59:30 present+ markus 13:59:45 present+ identitywoman 13:59:58 present+ dmitriz 14:01:01 present+ campbell 14:01:01 present+ dlongley 14:02:04 present+ 14:02:19 for folks not in Miami - seems like we'll have a late start today. only 4 of us here so far 14:04:05 Well, we west-coasters got up ;-) 14:04:22 present+ andres 14:04:44 GeunHyung_Kim has joined #vcwg 14:04:49 present+ 14:05:15 Paul_Dietrich_GS1 has joined #vcwg 14:05:15 booze cruises will do that... 14:07:49 manu_ has joined #vcwg 14:08:20 BC has joined #vcwg 14:08:36 Identitywoman has joined #vcwg 14:09:28 present+ 14:10:22 dmitriz has joined #vcwg 14:10:29 present+ 14:11:19 mprorock has joined #vcwg 14:12:31 zakim, who is here? 14:12:31 Present: Phil_ASU, TallTed, ChristopherA, ivan, markus, identitywoman, dmitriz, campbell, dlongley, decentralgabe, andres, GeunHyung_Kim, manu_ 14:12:33 On IRC I see mprorock, dmitriz, Identitywoman, BC, manu_, Paul_Dietrich_GS1, GeunHyung_Kim, ChristopherA, Phil_ASU, tzviya, decentralgabe, TallTed, RRSAgent, Zakim, ivan, dlongley, 14:12:33 ... cel, saysaywhat, csarven, shigeya, hadleybeeman, bigbluehat, Dongwoo, stonematt, dlehn, npd, w3c_modbot, stenr_, cel[h], ounfacdo, manu, bumblefudge, cel[m], rhiaro 14:13:08 samsmith has joined #vcwg 14:13:13 present+ 14:13:17 zakim, pick a victim 14:13:18 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose campbell 14:13:19 brent has joined #vcwg 14:13:46 present+ 14:14:01 Will has joined #vcwg 14:14:04 present+ 14:14:20 Phil_F has joined #vcwg 14:14:22 Present+ 14:14:43 kristina has joined #vcwg 14:14:46 mkhraisha has joined #vcwg 14:14:52 dwaite has joined #vcwg 14:14:58 present+ 14:15:01 present+ kristina, orie, selfissued 14:15:23 present+ 14:15:28 present+ 14:15:45 selfissued has joined #vcwg 14:15:53 present+ 14:16:02 present+ 14:16:24 Orie has joined #vcwg 14:16:25 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 14:16:30 andres has joined #vcwg 14:16:35 present+ 14:16:39 present+ 14:16:40 present+ 14:17:02 markus_sabadello has joined #vcwg 14:17:16 scribe+ 14:17:38 present+ 14:18:00 oliver has joined #vcwg 14:18:04 present+ oliver 14:18:10 brentz: welcome, thanks for joining, day 3 f2f meetings, meetings fantastic so far, excellent job on coming together. 14:18:43 ... main topic is @context and wether we should make it optional, after lunch is an off record conversation on industry affairs 14:19:13 ... immediately after lunch is use cases then gossip session. time at end of day is issue triage. 14:19:48 ... budget 30 min to airport atleast 14:19:49 Topic: `@context` optional or not 14:20:07 manjaroi3 has joined #vcwg 14:20:10 slide set starting at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/128DHWSzVxPgAhB0mq-h23_iATnbVeA4Y-JhNLjpcXJE/edit#slide=id.g208ba739a3c_1_437 14:20:38 Gabe: this should be a friendly conversation 14:20:52 ... 30+ participants and 127 days, and 290 comments! 14:21:12 ... is the VCDM a JSON-LD data model? if yes keep @context otherwise make it optional. 14:21:24 ... second question is what type of interop are we supporting? 14:21:27 q? 14:21:40 ... last question does the future of VCs look brighter if we compromise? 14:22:13 ... hard to summarize, we've had special topic calls and months of discussion. There have been a few concrete proposals which we'll walk through. 14:22:47 ... on slides are some arguments for removing context, we don't want to mandate interop but rather enable it. JSONLD has a lot of footguns and we should provide a way to not do that. 14:23:10 ... a lot of the market has moved to non-ld credentials and we should recognize that, and lets think of other representations. 14:24:03 ... arguments for keeping status quo. not ideal for inteorp, well need registries, versioning is an important thing if we make @context optional. @vocab being in the base context means you can just ignore hte context property 14:24:37 q? 14:24:37 ... there is a large burden on implementers and verifiers, fewer options make it easier to adopt. extensibility is tricky 14:24:38 q+ to propose compact terminology (still a VC, but possibly a subset of features, but has all required terms/fields - still a context, but may not be embedded in the doc, identified and implied by a discrete media type) 14:24:43 ack mprorock 14:24:43 mprorock, you wanted to propose compact terminology (still a VC, but possibly a subset of features, but has all required terms/fields - still a context, but may not be embedded in 14:24:47 ... the doc, identified and implied by a discrete media type) 14:25:00 q+ 14:25:03 q+ 14:25:25 mprorock: noting from yesterday, we discussed that vc jwts are a different thing, weve had this notion of a compact credential, where it is still a vc that has an implied context that is identified via the media type. 14:25:42 q+ to talk about definitions 14:25:49 ... the interesting case is going to the compact form from the non-compact one, and is that desireable 14:26:01 s/vc jwts/VC JWTs/ 14:26:12 ... this was implicit in the vc jwt discussion, with a fully expanded model. 14:26:12 s/weve/we've/ 14:26:15 guest+ kgriffin 14:26:52 ... the number 1 potential problem is the versioning problem, if we think we have years between adjusting the core data model terms, versioning is less of a problem. 14:27:17 q? 14:27:27 ... we could potentially have a v-code or similar, or vc.v for version that has a string that gives programmatic rules to how to handle the versioning problem should this be an issue past v2 14:27:31 q+ to note versioning problems when you depend on media type 14:27:36 q+ to say Mike just reinvented contexts as "versionCode" 14:27:37 ... not sure we need to solve in v2 but we might have it after v2 14:28:00 brentz: the session lead has requested to keep it to pros/cons 14:28:07 kristina: suggest to keep queue till the end 14:28:51 q? 14:28:51 gabe: first possible solution adding @vocab to @context in v2. already merged. lowers the barrier to interop, you basically have a "default namespace". context isnt optional but it makes it easy for you to just pretend 14:28:53 q 14:29:54 Orie: one of the things that is helpful is to make the proposals clear before picking a winner. media types help clarify that. some of the media types have ld+json in them with the assumption that context is mandatory. some don't have them, so the ld specific syntax would not be required 14:30:09 ... it could have some additional rules and constraints for processing 14:30:30 gabe: the media type would then allow you to have/not have context even if the core model requires it 14:30:47 important to note that every new media type further splits the ecosystem by requiring another item software providers for every party must implement (issuer, verifier, holder), so dragons there. 14:30:56 ... next proposal is layering, if the semantic layer is present then you have @context if it doesn't it wouldnt be required 14:31:03 q 14:31:46 sam: a big part of our proofs conversation is about the authn layer. a JWT or ACDC would be at the authn layer. this allows people to have authz or authn without impinging on the other layers. 14:32:16 ... this means we don't have to specify in this data model how to construct the payload. the entire idea behind holder binding is sometimes things mean the same things and sometimes they don't 14:32:28 Identitywoman has joined #vcwg 14:32:29 For the record, here is an example of a versioned media type: https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/vnd.cncf.helm.chart.content.v1.tar+gzip 14:33:18 Here is another example of a versioned media type: https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/application/vnd.ims.lti.v2.toolsettings.simple+json 14:33:22 ... authenticator proofing would be in the authentication layer and semantic proofing would be in the semantic layer, separating these concerns allow us to innovate as we would now support more use cases atleast on the auth-n layer 14:33:56 ... we would then have hard choices on the semantic layer, but that gives us the trade off: wide-adoption vs narrow adoption with greater interop. and i don't think we can get wider adoption wihtout separating the layers 14:34:30 i'm hearing people say "there is more than one concept of interop" ... and "interop goes up when we add more ways to do things" ... my "concept of interop" says just the opposite ... the more things every one must implement the less interop. 14:34:33 gabe: last option is transformation option, transform and get dressed for the right occasion 14:35:06 ... if we can't agree to any of these 4 options i believe we will end up with FO and in the pit of death 14:35:13 q 14:35:14 ... lets just pick one or come up with something else. 14:35:43 Queue a re-read of the mission of the WG 14:36:11 kristina: going down queue please argue for option you prefer, to find something concrete. lets try not to rerun the old comments 14:36:13 ack ChristopherA 14:36:41 q+ 14:36:46 How the translation option handles proof? 14:36:58 christopherA: Thanks everyone. im in a future proofing mode, these standards take a long time to ratify etc, i'm looking at a number of different emerging areas in security. my biggest issue is the layers problem. 14:37:43 also SHOULD vs MUST with carve out for cases in another WG that is seeing high levels of adoption https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#obj 14:37:49 ... I agree with Sam there are real issues with the current proposals, that aren't future proofed against a variety of future auth-n methods, looking at things like escrow encryption or access to encrypted data. 14:37:51 kristina nvm I was just remembering the mission of the WG: "The mission of the Verifiable Credentials Working Group is to make expressing, exchanging, and verifying credentials easier and more secure on the web" 14:38:30 ... looking at herd privacy concerns, for e.g. harvard issues a single credential for all graduates of a year this allows for herd privacy etc. 14:39:20 ... also looking at future graph models, JSON-ld really focuses on node graphs, I see some real merit to edge graphs. I think some of these are hard to do in the working group timeline. I would love to do this work on layering but I doubt it won't be done in this timeframe. 14:39:21 +1 to ChristopherA on time constraints 14:39:36 q+ 14:39:49 +1 christopher - also some items may not be in scope and would possibly need a re-charter 14:40:03 +1 to focusing on the options we have documented, and if they can work. 14:40:09 q? 14:40:15 ... I would vote for 3, but I think we don't have the time for it so I would vote for option 2 as a way to read profiles. so with the profile that is VCLD we can work to make it as locked down as possible and allow people who don't want to use it not to 14:40:17 q+ to state that option 2 is not in conflict with option 4 14:40:25 ack kgriffin 14:40:54 ack Orie 14:40:54 Orie, you wanted to talk about definitions 14:40:55 I've been doing a lot with CBOR 14:41:02 I'm not seeing how XML is a 'pro' column item.. 14:41:09 kgriffin: going back to pros slide, one that is missing is XML. one of the things we have found missing is the XPRS standards group, and they have expressed desire to express vcs in that format 14:41:27 Identitywoman has joined #vcwg 14:41:43 Orie: no surprise here im a strong supporter of option 2. there is a world where we only define media types in the core data model and option 2 gives us that. 14:41:46 XBRL -https://www.xbrl.org/the-standard/ 14:42:04 big +1 orie 14:42:24 ... the reason I queued is because we keep mentioning verifiable credential but its a non-normative description. I like the idea of media types and concrete description of media types and their restrictions 14:42:25 massive +1 as well 14:42:37 selfissued has joined #vcwg 14:42:47 present+ 14:42:57 +1 on versioning in the content-type 14:43:05 @Orie - do you mind explaining Option 2? What does media type do to context? 14:43:09 ... speaking to versioning consideration is media types have been versioned before, and we can version at that layer, and it can have constraints at the content it is referring to. digging in to the content to find version is something im opposed to. 14:43:24 +! (can i have a stronger ++1) to orie 14:43:52 +1 to explaining the relationship between media types and it's impact on context 14:43:55 ... option 3 im super against. layering is a consideration for media types. if we decide as a group that we will do layering across media types, I think option 3 might be a path forward, but if we try to do layering in one media type it will be problematic 14:43:55 -1 to thinking media types "solve the problem" ... because they don't help with the interop issue, the more media types there are, the less interop; media types can only help so much, mixing with option 4 would help 14:43:55 observing that option 4 does not have to happen after option 3? 14:44:28 ... option 4 transformations is a subset of media types. you start with 1 media type transform to a second one, which is a valid approach. It has a problem with the definition problem. 14:44:48 q+ 14:44:53 ... CBOR-LD is a transport format, it is a transformation from a JSON-LD VC to a CBOR-LD "VC" 14:45:25 Option 4 Transformation = new name for Abstract Data Model :) 14:45:25 q? 14:45:25 ... I see options 3/4 as a subset of option 2 and option 1 is insufficient 14:45:25 ack manu_ 14:45:25 manu_, you wanted to note versioning problems when you depend on media type 14:45:31 can somebody explain option 2? 14:45:34 Q+ 14:46:05 q+ to ask how option 2 works with embedded proof creds 14:46:08 q+ 14:46:14 q+ to ask if option 2 is compatible with `ld+json` and `.jsonld` 14:46:29 q+ to "the problem to be solved" should not be to create small islands of different types of content where there is no interop 14:46:31 manu: I don't think option 2 solves the problem. We are talking about an outer format that specifies the media type and an inner format. those two will get separated from each other. the inner document will not have versioning information or context which is the biggest issue with option 2. 14:47:09 q+ to ask if somebody can expand Option 2 (what does it mean exactly)? 14:47:33 ... option 2 splits the two things apart and they cannot be reconstituted together. Option 2 also makes it such that we agree on non-interop, one subset will go do things without @context, and another groups will do it with @context 14:47:39 +1 that option 2 as a general "solution" is the opposite of a solution, it just creates divergence. 14:48:01 ... we are going to see divergence and we have agreed that we are making it less interop as a group will be going one way and another group going the other. 14:48:13 +1 to the importance of preserving decentralized extension abilities. That's key in ed/training/workforce dev areas. 14:48:16 +1 option 2 is capitulation... it is "give up on interop and everyone go to your own corner" 14:49:00 ... i agree that option 4 is hand wavy. There is a subset that we have no idea how to solve a number of transformations, and I don't know how to do those. if we do option 4 we will need a registry and I'm concerned about option 4. 14:49:39 ... option 3 takes too much time, but we already have a layered solution. I'm not hearing is what technical reason why option 1 does not work for you 14:49:48 ... what is the tech burden on your interop 14:49:57 q? 14:50:03 q+ 14:50:13 ... option 1 is a compromise and it I believe addresses all the tech concerns that were raised. 14:50:17 q? 14:50:21 ack JoeAndrieu 14:50:21 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say Mike just reinvented contexts as "versionCode" 14:51:02 joe: the primary value of @context is the decentralized disambiguation i dont care about the graph model n-quads etc. All i care about is the decentralized disambiguation. 14:51:27 We solved for this in did core, with by using media types. 14:51:46 ... not a new debate, we had this debate in DID WG. I don't understand these two camps, JSON-LD is JSON, I don't understand why this one property is called out other than for commercial/political reason. 14:51:47 q? 14:52:05 technical reason, as stated before, is prevention of reuse of terms/data and deviation/conflict from registered claims - cty would be a MUST so not being able to know what an object is when you get it is a non-argument 14:52:12 ... I think option 1 is a sufficient compromise. but I haven't yet seen compromise from the pure json crowd of how to do decentralized disambiguation. 14:52:16 +1 Joe, vocab has been an improvement.. but imo, it was fixing a bug, not a compromise on a feature. 14:52:20 markus_sabadello has joined #vcwg 14:52:22 q? 14:52:30 ... I want to respond to mike's comment about version code, you recreated context. 14:52:34 mike: in a shorter way 14:53:11 joe: decentralized disambiguation allows any community in the world to define the vocab that matters to them and allows them to use it as an equal peer. similar to how any css on a page is treated the same 14:53:31 ... people processing VCs should have a first class mechanism to process semantics around VCs 14:54:28 ... responding to lets interop with credentials that are worth interoping with. but that is the top down authoritarian view, we should not be the org that judges which vocabulary is worth anything. 14:54:47 Gabe: my understanding of that is that each implementer should say which credentials they interop with. 14:55:02 @gabe - it's also up to implementers whether to conform to the VC spec, too. that's a valid choice 14:55:21 +1 to decentralized communities defining their own vocabs and supporting the communities they serve. 14:55:25 +1 to Joe 14:55:25 We are chartered to make breaking changes... we can change the normative requirements. 14:55:29 +1 Joe 14:55:29 Joe: pushing back on framing that VCs are ambigous, this group formally defined VCs. you can in other context other than W3C but in the W3C we formally defined a consensus driven spec about what VCs are 14:55:38 +1 Joe 14:55:42 +1 to the value of shared, decentralized vocabs 14:55:53 kristina: timebox for 20m then run poll then argue about poll results 14:56:03 kristina: running poll at 10:15 14:56:05 ack Phil_F 14:56:07 q? 14:56:31 Does Option 2 explicitly mean - "@context is optional for some media types"? 14:56:35 q- 14:56:52 ack markus_sabadello 14:56:55 phil_f: I agree with option 2/4, but with an eye towards approaching option 3 in the long view. One of the reasons I like it is because the VC JWT presentation opened the door to a VC ACDC 14:57:12 You will need a media type for ACDCs, if you want browsers and software to handle them. 14:57:53 +1 Orie 14:58:05 dropping form q since i must hop on a call - poll wise, i intend support JWTs, i am happy with option 2, and would contribute work towards 4 in conjunction with option 2 to promote semantic mapping to the VCDM 14:58:21 markus: to me option 2 is the really big tent where VCs are a high level generic term that can mean anything, wondering if I don't understand it correctly. If i look at the VC JWT v2 violates the core VCDM in certain ways, it does not have an @context and no issuer/credential subject and don't know how that fits in together. the freedom in option 2 leads to very little technical similarity. 14:58:31 ... I think option 2 is problematic. 14:58:44 ack Paul_Dietrich_GS 14:58:48 q 14:59:37 markus_sabadello has joined #vcwg 14:59:45 paul: to weigh in from GS1 world, we're here because we want trust about the product to move with the data, and unless it travels over a secure network it is hard to trust the data. if the package size is wrong and i'm doing shelf planning then i'll get things wrong 14:59:45 I asked ChatGPT, here is our answer: https://pasteboard.co/N9ODQkg7nS6r.png 15:00:18 ... if they will share that data through w3c VC, I see option 2 is that every retailer has to define their own version. 15:00:18 +1 to Paul 15:00:22 ... verifiers will need to implement it all, so i see option 2 as problematic in that sense. I don't know enough at option 4 is that it is not easy. I don't know whats wrong with option 1. 15:00:57 ... when you see the product weight on a brand on a retailers website and I see option 1 is not trusted because we haven't found a way to sign it. I don't know enough about option 2/3. 15:01:04 https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld11/#interpreting-json-as-json-ld 15:01:10 ack Identitywoman 15:02:29 Agree JSON-LD is in market, disagree that its the only media type in market. 15:03:04 identitywoman: I just joined an advisory group in higher education and the call this week we're trying to align the vocabs of a million credentials and 60,0000 institutions. and its all going to align because we have RDF and JSON-LD, and the people who are saying that format doesn't matter feel out of touch. because its in market for atleast higher ed, so i wanted to name that, and wanted to know that reality and wanted to add support to Joe'[CUT] 15:03:12 ... I support option 1 15:03:19 ack decentralgabe 15:03:19 decentralgabe, you wanted to ask how option 2 works with embedded proof creds 15:03:51 Gabe: No one is saying JSONLD is not useful in many cases but it si jsut not useful in some, and in those cases it shouldn't be used. I think you can imagine an embedded proof credential that is not a JWT so i think option 4 tries to address that. 15:04:13 q+ to say media type layering is necessary (and so the set of 4 is not quite the right categories) 15:04:15 ack selfissued 15:04:42 q+ 15:04:58 selfissued: Some reactions to things peoples have said: to manu's point about separating media types from content, if the content type is in the cty field it is part of the signed data, so unless you will pass the credential without it being verifiable. it is always part of the secured content 15:05:46 ... decentralized disambiguation is not always necessary. I support your goal but I'm saying its not always necessary is because from the real world application context you will know what kind of things you are willing to receive. 15:06:02 @selfissued - but for those narrow real-world use cases, one doesn't need to conform to any spec, either. 15:06:30 ... these are usually specified in the application context, if you will receive a covid credential, there are a few formats that are innumerable, but some jurisdictions you will specify which ones you are willing to accept 15:07:14 ... what you need is to read the specification to write the code to use it, which might be a binary blob and only when you read the spec you will know that it is a picture of a person, you will need to read the spec to understand it 15:07:50 ... i understand the value of runtime typing. using the specs that define application data, that does not go away if theres a context or not which is why im repeating the point that real world application context tells you what you will receive 15:08:40 ... trying to answer manu's question about what is the requirement that is met by making @context optional. it is listening to developers. some of them support it and some of them find it unnecessary. there are many thigns that are VCs that are not spec compliant that are deployed 15:08:56 q? 15:09:01 "Developers want X" is not a technical requirement -- what problem are they trying to solve and how does @context prevent them from achieving their technical goals? 15:09:05 ... developers have voted with their feet that they consider linked data a tax, and many of them have voted to not pay it if it is not necessary. 15:09:23 ... yes we have defined the requirements on jwt vc v2. so i support option 2 15:09:24 ack Orie 15:09:24 Orie, you wanted to ask if option 2 is compatible with `ld+json` and `.jsonld` 15:09:42 q+ to request that PR#44 is reverted given that it was merged without consensus and people are starting to cite it as having consensus. 15:10:18 Orie: the jsonld spec uses media types to describe its normative requirements, thats how you know it has to have a context. in the VC DM 1.1 spec it says the @context is a member of the VC's it does not have a media type 15:10:56 ... in 2.0 vc+ld+json will bring these requirements and option 1 implicitly admits media types to explain atleast 1 media type. the question is can VCs only be expressed as LD+json 15:11:52 ... if that is true the core data model should explicitely say that. if it is false the data model can only admit media types that accept it with extensions being done by the working group. in my view option 2 is consistent with the reality that different content on the internet must have different media types 15:12:01 q 15:12:03 q? 15:12:05 brentz has joined #vcwg 15:12:17 q 15:12:18 ... it is wrong in my opinion to mandate that interop can only be done on media types that are ld+json media types 15:12:19 ack dlongley 15:12:22 dlongley, you wanted to "the problem to be solved" should not be to create small islands of different types of content where there is no interop 15:12:57 q+ 15:13:09 dlongely: mine is a combination of options. first i want to speak to the issues with option 2, creating many media types increases the problem. having too many formats is the problem, identifying them better doesnt solve it it highlights it. I don't think we should have many small islands with different content. the three party model 15:13:23 q 15:13:41 q+ 15:13:49 I don't consider the interoperability supported by media type registries a failure, I consider it a success, and JSON-LD relies on it, search "ld+json": https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml 15:13:58 ... creates an open model that allows three parties that allow you to create and consume vcs in an open world model. there are many solutions for a closed world model, VCs were created for an open world model. 15:14:27 ... the more people create and reuse shared vocab the better things will be and @context is the mechanism to make it happen. 15:14:56 there are other ways to convey context than @context. 15:15:02 ... option 1 makes it easier for developers to create context. option 2 is great if it is a small number of media types but is not generalized solution 15:15:36 q? 15:15:38 @context is RDF/JSON-LD specific way of conveying semantic context. 15:15:59 ... option 3 has parts that can be pulled in, layers are great but every different type of tech used at different layers can be harmful to interop. option 4 if we combine with option 2 with limited media types can be helpful 15:16:23 ... as we can always translate to a common format, allows different software that only needs one format can use just that one format 15:16:41 -1, the options are not sufficiently well defined 15:16:58 +1 dmitriz 15:17:01 Identitywoman has joined #vcwg 15:17:13 Option 1 15:17:15 Option 4++ would be Abstract Data Model with deterministic transformation between all media types 15:17:23 Paul_Dietrich_GS1 has joined #vcwg 15:17:34 brent: i think that although there is some overlap with each of these options suggesting there is enough clarity for you to say I like 1 and 2 15:17:56 option 2, to me, says "create as many formats as you want, just make a new media type" 15:18:00 Dimitry: option two says context is optional for some media types? 15:18:07 Orie: that is already true for some media types 15:18:08 My poll answer: Options 1 or 2 are acceptable compromizes, I wish for 3 but we should be separate track. 15:18:10 option 2 is "do whatever you want as long as you tag it with an identifier" 15:18:11 q+ 15:18:25 please put your preference 15:18:29 Option 1 15:18:31 2 15:18:34 Option 1 15:18:34 2 15:18:34 1 15:18:37 1 15:18:44 4 15:18:54 Option 2, 4 15:18:56 1 15:18:57 2,4 15:18:57 1 15:18:58 Option 1 15:19:01 1 15:19:02 1, 2, 4 15:19:06 1,2,4 15:19:06 1,4 (the two are equivalent) 15:19:13 2,4 15:19:17 1, 2 15:19:20 4,2,1 15:19:21 2 15:19:22 2,4 15:19:23 2, 4 (4 only if clarification on proof. I don't understand about proof) 15:19:28 Option 2/4 with eventual consideration of 3 15:19:43 3 is just a tautology -- layering's good, so what 15:19:45 1, 2, 3, 4 15:19:54 no on 3 ... yes on mostly 1 with 4 and a small dose of 2 15:19:59 My proposal for option 3 is that we admit it should be done, but in in immediate. 15:20:08 q 15:20:25 Sam and I (and others) need ability to work on 3 15:20:28 +1 ChrisopherA 15:20:49 kristina: looking at the poll can you gray out option 3, as there is interest to explore in the future but not right now. 15:20:54 (and don't sabotage I it ;-) ) 15:21:15 decentra_ has joined #vcwg 15:21:17 q+ 15:21:18 Option 3 sound like it could fit well in a V3 15:21:22 3 requires application of the others, so a vote for 3 is a vote for the others, imo 15:21:24 q? 15:21:29 +1 to don't sabotage it. 15:22:18 q+ to ask option 1 says nothing more, the others are doing more, how can we do both? 15:23:00 joe: i think these things are interestin gto consider, the question is, is context optional or not. 15:23:40 dimitry: option 4 makes it so that it is required but mitigates some of the costs 15:23:40 +1 to dmitri's description 15:23:40 q? 15:23:40 s/ interstin gto/ interesting to/ 15:23:44 decentr__ has joined #vcwg 15:24:06 kristina: i think people are trying to elevate it beyond making it optional, its one property. 15:24:16 q+ to suggest @context is mandatory, but you can transform to formats that don't have it, as long as you can get it back to its original form. 15:24:19 ... we now know that option 3 is not achievalbe in this charter 15:24:52 option 1 and 4 are exactly the same 15:25:11 brent: if context is optional what can you do that you cannot make before 15:25:54 kristina: lets go down the queue for 10 mins before the break. 15:25:58 ack dmitriz 15:25:58 dmitriz, you wanted to ask if somebody can expand Option 2 (what does it mean exactly)? 15:26:33 oh, option 2, 4 for mprorock 15:26:37 q+ to what problems does making @context optional create 15:26:39 dimitriz: i feel the options are somewhat misleading because 1/4 are equivalent. options 1 and four have no loss of info between converting between media types. it is saying when converting from one media type to another we will lose information 15:26:40 he put in the chat earlier 15:26:44 q? 15:26:48 ack dwaite 15:26:50 thats not correct, you don't loose information when a server sends you text/html. 15:27:13 @Orie - should the various representations of VC be losslessly transformable between? 15:27:15 q+ to XML-LD -- no, refer to the XML file 15:27:35 dwaite: somone asked what are the limitations of having @context, we had people want to do XML, there is no XML-LD. CBOR-LD you can say a 4 byte context without transformation is not a VC because it does not have a literal @context field 15:27:43 -1 to any argument that says "people can't define whatever they want and have it be a v2 VC" ... that's what v3 is for. 15:28:09 ... thinking of the market people have adopted broad strokes of open id, but we have seen independent effort including some work at ISO, compared to what we have produced it looks alien. 15:29:01 ... my concern is if people do other formats to do their own needs, it will make interop harder, which is why im in favour of option 4. 15:29:01 interoperability is a *technical* consideration, it is not about branding. 15:29:01 I can't +1 "xml-ld is not valid vc, has no context." enough 15:29:01 Its as if the working group wants to make Verifiable Credentials exclusively defined in RDF... perhaps thats a way of tackling this. 15:29:03 ... it gives people clear guidance saying. This does not make us hostile to those other credentials. 15:30:05 This whole discussion, all these 4 options, all boils down to "Should implementers and consumers be able to convert between media types / representations losslessly?" That's the key. option 1 & 4 says "yes". Option 2 says "nope, information loss is ok" 15:30:09 ... i know customers of mine want to do straight json, they will get value of JSON-LD. I will say in the question of retailers and shelving it allows people to define them in other ways. in jwts you can create collision resistance identifiers, you still need a group to get together. 15:30:15 q+ to speak to limiting options 15:30:52 ... JSON-LD does not solve that problem, you can do that with any flexible format that does not require registration. I'm in favor of transformations. 15:30:53 Phil_F has joined #vcwg 15:30:54 "you can do that with any flexible format" => "we have to make choices, we're a standards group" 15:31:02 q? 15:31:03 ... if we draw a hard line in the sand then what we want the market to embrace may not happen 15:31:13 ack JoeAndrieu 15:31:13 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say media type layering is necessary (and so the set of 4 is not quite the right categories) 15:31:43 q+ 15:31:58 joe: we're going to need multiple media types, the right way is through layering, i was confused why they were separated. we do not want multiple independent serialization. we should have a base media type, such as credential+ld+mediatype 15:32:00 +1 to JoeAndrieu 15:32:05 +1 to Joe 15:32:29 yes, media types aren't "bad", but using them as a solution where we just name every different format and accept them all is "bad" 15:32:31 ... we need media types and if we have a cbor-ld representation of json-ld we need to indicate what it is. 15:32:47 ... lets be clear adding xml is not additional interop. 15:32:56 +1 to Joe about increasing interop and not decreasing it. 15:33:25 q+ to speak to DID spec and why it didn't work out well. 15:33:42 I think there are two ideas of "interop" - global interop and interop within a certain trust framework / ecosystem. 15:33:42 We don't need `credential+ld+json` if we can just say `ld+json` is sufficient... thats equivalent to agreeing we have only 1 base serialization. 15:33:42 ... i want to speak a bit to mikes comment, this argument only works if the power dynamic is that the recipient restricts what the issuer says. I don't think the two power party dynamic works in a 3 party model. I think the power dynamic that scales beyond big players that control the pot 15:33:54 +1 to Joe, two party power dynamics don't work, three party model governs this -- and neutrality + layer of indirection on vocabularies important. 15:34:17 ... context was optional in option 2, so they are not compatible with option 1 15:34:27 can't agree any more with Joe, well said. 15:34:38 manu: all of us want media types, with a disagreement on the base media types 15:35:01 q? 15:35:11 ack Phil_ASU 15:35:58 phil: to clarify coming from the education space, various players don't know who they are. allowing them to explain their intent, so i'm much more leaning towards the option 1 description of things. 15:35:59 +1 to Phil_ASU 15:36:02 +1 to kristina, use the interop model that fits your use case 15:36:10 ... still not clear what option 2 solves that 1 does not. 15:36:44 @decentr__ - what's the point of a spec? To enable interop. If your use case doesn't need interop, why are you using the spec? 15:36:49 ... the various communities that care about vocab's that they use are the only ones that will keep them up to date, we have lots of examples in education space. the terms that are needed to describe them are terms that only the people invovled in them know. 15:36:53 +1 to Phil 15:37:00 q+ 15:37:08 ... decentralized maintenance of their integrity is crucial 15:37:13 VC interop isn't about working with people you know, it's about working with people you don't -- you can either rely on the "bigness" of the issuer or you can rely on shared, decentralized vocabularies that are independent from any issuer 15:37:22 kristina: lets break now. 15:37:34 @decentr__ you don't need the spec to interop within your island. 15:37:39 ... 15 min, 10:55 ish to resume 15:37:44 we resume 10:55 ish 15:38:08 +1 to dmitriz, don't need the VC spec to interop in your own island 15:38:37 we're discussing interoping between islands as an *option* 15:38:47 I seriously don't understand why we're arguing. Specifically, why so many people are ok with information loss, in conversion. 15:38:54 it's automatically an option if you have interop across islands 15:39:06 but unnecessary in many use cases 15:39:08 decentr__: but if you don't make that work, then it doesn't matter 15:39:18 decentr__: yeah, don't use the VC spec for that, it's the wrong tech choice. 15:39:29 to be seen if your opinion is consensus 15:39:33 decentr__: if you want to use the VC spec, make sure your VCs will work beyond your island 15:39:37 that's what it's for 15:40:09 scribejs, set decentr Gabe Cohen 15:40:46 +1 to dlongley's comment - interop extends to islands not in view today or which are a part of your 'map' 15:41:24 that is are not a part of your map. 15:42:37 re interop - my point was that we do not agree on what kind of interop we want - and we clearly do not. 15:42:42 decentr__: when you use the VC spec, you're making a commitment to create VCs that will go into the wallet that someone you don't know made 15:42:51 I was not trying to convince anyone that one is better than the other 15:43:03 so if anyone is asking "why do i have to do this 'extra' work to use VCs" ... that's the answer 15:43:24 @kristina - I'm not fully understanding your point. what do you mean what kind of interop? Interop is kind of binary -- implementers either interop, or they dont 15:43:25 and if you don't want to do the 'extra' work because you don't plan on ever having anyone you don't know use the tech -- you're using the wrong tech. 15:43:34 you don't have to do the 'extra' work, just use a JWT. 15:44:20 but it makes no sense to do something that harms a spec that is for interop across islands because you only ever want to use that tech in your own island... you're just using the wrong tech. 15:44:58 @kristina - or, to put it another way -- if one option enables lossless conversion between formats, and the other does not, why would you choose the latter? 15:45:31 I'm very vary of the term 'lossless conversion' 15:45:31 dmitriz: i think the answer is "because i don't care about the transformations" ... but that means there's no interop :) 15:45:53 no interop "across islands" ... it means you can just agree on your own thing to use in your own corner. 15:45:59 lossy conversion == dead stop. lossless conversion == the way, the truth, and the light. 15:46:01 @brentz - why is that? 15:46:08 that's not what the VC spec is about -- there are plenty of technologies out there to do that already. 15:46:41 @brentz - lossless conversion vs information loss on transformation, that's a very clearly defined (in the information theory sense) concept. 15:47:30 s/dead stop/Pit of Death/ 15:47:32 :-) 15:48:12 will has joined #vcwg 15:51:16 Phil_F has joined #vcwg 15:51:47 @brentz @kristina - current slide is not accurate. Option 1 includes Transformation option, Option 2 is separate. 15:52:13 an analogy: there are literally millions of webpages today that mark up their data using the schema.org vocabulary... any webpage can do this, it doesn't have to be authored by Google. ... if you don't want to share that information with people you don't know, you can mark up your information with whatever else you want to. 15:53:11 you can also do that with just text/html ... but most browsers won't render it 15:53:23 q 15:53:47 q- 15:55:22 "Option 1: @context required" -> "The @vocab compromise is sufficient" and allows for LOSSLESS Transformation == the way, the truth, and the light 15:55:22 "Option 2: context optional" -> "Media types = freedom with possibly LOSSY Transformation" == Pit of Death 15:56:02 +1 TallTed !!! 15:57:15 decentr__ has left #vcwg 15:57:17 decentr__ has joined #vcwg 15:57:30 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 15:58:05 dwaite has joined #vcwg 15:58:09 present+ 15:58:10 Paul_Dietrich_GS1 has joined #vcwg 15:59:34 mprorock has joined #vcwg 15:59:35 manu_ has joined #vcwg 15:59:50 q- 16:01:11 q 16:01:13 scribe+ 16:01:37 brentz: We have a queue and I do want to respect the queue, but... 16:01:42 Orie has joined #vcwg 16:01:53 q- 16:01:53 ... I have 6 questions: 16:01:58 markus_sabadello has joined #vcwg 16:02:23 ... the questions are not rhetoricalbut don't want immediate answers 16:02:24 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 16:02:38 Q? 16:02:39 s/rhetoricalbut/rhetorical but/ 16:02:41 Is the VC Data Model strictly an RDF data model? 16:02:43 ... hoping that the answers will help clarify what we are arguing about 16:03:26 Beyond 'semantic interoprability', what does `@context` provide? 16:03:39 manjaroi3 has joined #vcwg 16:03:52 If we keep a single base media type of `credential+ld+json`, what can you not do? 16:04:00 oliver has joined #vcwg 16:04:12 Must all VC-associated media types include ld+json? 16:05:11 Struggling here.. Without semantic interoperability, what differentiates a VC from a token? 16:05:19 Are there constraints that could be added to the media types option that would make it palatable? 16:05:51 If `@context` is made optional, what can you not do? 16:05:53 @brentz - I think you're missing a key question of "Should we require lossless transformation between VC media types / representations?" 16:06:23 Identitywoman has joined #vcwg 16:06:31 brentz: not going to talk lossless transformation, I'll go eat tacos 16:06:42 at least that last question, "what can you not do" has a simple answer. 16:06:43 ack manu_ 16:06:43 manu_, you wanted to request that PR#44 is reverted given that it was merged without consensus and people are starting to cite it as having consensus. and to suggest @context is 16:06:45 Can u write the question on a slide please 16:06:46 ... mandatory, but you can transform to formats that don't have it, as long as you can get it back to its original form. and to what problems does making @context optional create 16:06:46 ... and to XML-LD -- no, refer to the XML file and to speak to limiting options and to speak to DID spec and why it didn't work out well. 16:07:26 manu: 1 request, PR 44 merged without consensus. Many of us missed the change that made a JWT a valid credential. 16:07:26 q+ 16:07:36 ... that PR needs to be reverted 16:08:03 +1 revert #44 (irrespective of whether it was merged with consensus) 16:08:12 -1 - additional items could be added (e.g. semantic linkage) without a merge 16:08:39 s/a merge/a revert/ 16:09:18 +1 to reverting PR#44 16:09:31 q- 16:09:37 ... in an attempt to get the options aligned, as long as you can get to a DM we can all agree to. We have an example in CBOR-LD you can to go it and come back, almost lossless. Using that mechanism we don't care what that representation means as long as we can get back and forth. 16:09:56 ... maybe we can pick at the edges of that approach to bring the options together. 16:10:05 brent has joined #vcwg 16:10:19 ack selfissued 16:10:41 +1 to focusing on lossless conversion for media types that don't directly use credential+ld+json internally 16:10:54 q+ 16:11:38 selfissued: There is a demonstrated appetite for using JWTs as VCs. vc-jwt 1.1 was an attempt at that but was messy. We are explicitly chartered to clean things up and make things simpler 16:12:41 ... vc-jwt 2.0 is already cleaner in its current state. To dlongley point about convergence, 1.1 are already going to be different and we are trying to make things simpler for the developers 16:12:45 "for developers to use" => "for some subset of developers to use" 16:13:19 ... on lossless transformation, trying to convert between the formats was the problem. vc-jwt 2.0 performs no conversion which is a substantial improvement 16:13:51 ... Nothing in 2.0 would prevent someone from doing the conversion to other VC formats but its not required in the sepc 16:14:01 q+ to pontificate about brent's questions. 16:14:11 PROPOSAL: Close issue https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/947 because @context is already optional 16:14:11 +1 to revert #44 right away 16:14:23 +1 selfissued - note that we can also add semantics for vc-jwt that map to the vcdm that enhance interop 16:14:32 -1 16:14:37 +1 to the proposal 16:14:37 -1 to closing 947 unless we are closing it to say `@context` is mandatory 16:14:42 ... Issue 947: issue 44 on vc-jwt already made @context optional. 16:14:48 -1 to proposal, objection to context being already optional 16:14:49 q+ to say this is a huge violation 16:14:51 +1 16:14:55 +1 16:15:01 +1 16:15:02 +1 16:15:05 -1 16:15:12 -1 16:15:15 -1 16:15:33 q- 16:16:11 The queue is already long and should be heard before any proposals are made. I share the process objection. 16:17:06 q+ 16:20:13 Propsal was not ENDORSED. It has been SUFFERED. which is problematic, but not the same problem 16:20:37 s/Propsal/Proposal/ 16:22:54 q? 16:23:00 brent: Proposal did not pass 16:23:00 dwaite_ has joined #vcwg 16:26:15 oliver_ has joined #vcwg 16:26:45 q? 16:26:57 brent: Lets jump back in and get back to the queue 16:26:58 ack samsmith 16:27:17 q- 16:27:20 q+ 16:28:10 samsmith: 3 observations: To interop, we have 2 types. Semantic and Security interop and they are not on the same axis. Interop for security is a bad idea, if you have a high level and a low level, you do not want to interop 16:28:24 Questions 4, 5 and 6 at least have fairly easy answers, from my perspective. 4: no, of course not. 5: Yes - the constraint for lossless conversion between media types. 6: What can you not do? Convert. 16:28:35 personally, I agree with Sam's first observation. 16:28:58 ... to lump interop into the same pot without defining what the axis are we are making a mistake. If the goal is make credentials more verifiable and not more interoperable, we have accomplished something 16:29:24 ... the verifiable part is about verifying the authenticity of who said what was sent to me. 16:30:05 ... 2nd observation. 2 choices, very narrow scope of interop which will make the size of the pie that this group can reach is smaller 16:30:31 +1 to adoptability 16:30:40 ... protocols that optimize adaptability over interop win in the market place 16:31:02 +1 to adoptability. -1 to any sort of implications that allowing lossy conversion somehow aids adoptability. 16:31:13 ... we need the flexibility to allow the pie to grow as large as possible 16:31:45 "just make a new media type" means there's a new pie for every media type. 16:31:51 ... we run the risk of fracture and having multiple pies instead of one big pie for this working group 16:33:10 ... third observation: when a community wants to have interop, they have organizational controls that limits their slice of the pie. and they need flexibility to increase their size of the pie 16:33:28 q+ 16:33:37 ... layered approach being explained that is a very good security approach 16:33:46 notes: the pie has been "growing" for over a decade without interoperability, we're here to consolidate pies by making choices that better enable it 16:34:21 +1 to dlongley's comment that it's not growing the pies. They'll be different pies 16:34:25 ... better to have weaker interop as long as the pie grows bigger for all of us. 16:34:33 ack Orie 16:34:34 +1 to sam 16:34:38 brent: please queue to make comments instead of chat 16:34:48 Ack Orie 16:35:03 Is this a 'deregulation' argument with the goal to have a larger pie at the expense of the inability to actually exchange things among the slices reliably? 16:35:09 That slide does not represent the options accurately. 16:35:47 Orie: Wants clarity of the options to make the arguments clearer and continue that approach until we narrow in on the best option 16:36:44 ... @context being required is not clear enough. we need to state where it will be required in order make that option clearer. wants the exact working of the spec for the MUST statement on @context 16:37:14 ... the point is that VCs and VPs must contain @context. In 1.1 there are chunks of JSON that do not include an @context 16:37:40 +1 to Orie's point re precision. 16:37:48 ... several sections of JWTs, headers etc that do not include @context. We have to be very precise when we say where it is required when we say it is required 16:38:36 This is another question I had, must a VC have a `@context`, or a credential, or neither? 16:39:05 ... What we meant by saying @context is required we are really saying that VCs are a subtype of the ld+json media type. 16:39:15 q+ 16:39:21 ... argument is still not clear 16:39:27 ack mprorock 16:39:33 dmitriz has joined #vcwg 16:40:09 notes that the VC data model spec 1.1 describes a VC as "being encoded as a JWT" as opposed to "a JWT *is* a verifiable credential", but +1 to being more precise. 16:40:29 mprorock: Feels the questions are helpful in framing the discussion we are having. ActivityPub is a good example of working code in the wild with successful interop 16:40:43 https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#obj 16:40:53 q+ to note activity pub discussion 16:40:58 "ActivityPub defines some terms in addition to those provided by ActivityStreams. These terms are provided in the ActivityPub JSON-LD context at https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams. Implementers SHOULD include the ActivityPub context in their object definitions. Implementers MAY include additional context as appropriate." 16:41:05 Orie has joined #vcwg 16:41:06 dwaite has joined #vcwg 16:42:00 ... definition of SHOULD from RFC 2019, "may exist valid reasons ... to ignore certain options..." 16:42:08 "3. SHOULD This word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", mean that there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course." 16:44:06 ... believes in the value of semantic data. Would love to have semantic definition of the standard claim names in JWTs. However, given the nature of JWTs in general if there is a way to say that we can make an implicit @context without having it in the JWT because there is a strong technical to make JWTs look like JWTs. 16:44:22 ... RATs comes to mind as a good example. 16:44:26 ack manu_ 16:44:26 manu_, you wanted to pontificate about brent's questions. and to note activity pub discussion 16:44:28 ... officially ends his rant 16:44:33 ack manu_ 16:44:44 oliver has joined #vcwg 16:44:59 Here is a relevant work item from RATs: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-rats-eat/ 16:45:05 manu_: Hears Sam and Mike but it does not resonate because its not where the problem lies 16:45:46 ... To Brent's questions: 16:46:34 Perhaps we should ask, if the VCDM is a JSON-LD data model? 16:46:35 ... 1. VC Data Model is not an RDF Data Model, because today it is the only concrete want tor realize the features. In the future in might be opened up, but we don't have normative specs to point to right now 16:47:34 ... 2. It was originally meant as an easy versioning mechanism. Without @context we need some other versioning mechanism. Need concrete proposal for that. 16:48:08 ... 3. Can't think of anything that can not be done. Still not heard of technical reasons 16:48:50 is ld+cbor a valid VC media type? 16:48:55 ... 4. No, not all media types need to include ld+json. CBOR-LD is one example 16:49:14 q? 16:49:44 ... 5. Possibility, but we haven't really explored that option. Should address more 16:50:29 sounds like 5 is mostly a description of the way the internet works today. 16:50:33 ... 6. This is terrifying. Have to deal with incoming objects without visibility into version or semantics. Getting XML credentials is an example. 16:50:39 q+ 16:50:43 sry, meant 6. 16:50:55 ack markus_sabadello 16:51:00 Orie: and standards get created to help address that problem on the Internet :) 16:51:02 ack markus_sabadello 16:51:31 markus_sabadello: Would propose adding a note to the section changed in PR 44 because it currently is confusing 16:51:59 ... need to call out that the discussion is still on going 16:52:01 dlongley: standards also cause that problem, thats why browsers warn about mishandling media types. 16:52:04 ack dwaite 16:52:07 ack dwaite 16:52:18 dwaite: Answers to questions: 16:52:23 +1 to add an issue on the VC JWT spec related to PR #44 that the WG does not have consensus on it 16:53:15 ... 1. Once the data is mapped into RDF, the mapping is gone and you need to restore that to get back to JSON 16:53:44 ...2. @context does not provide semantic interop it allows you to express it. 16:54:35 "Libraries or processors that support JSON-LD can process the @context property using full JSON-LD processing as expected." https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/#contexts 16:54:45 ... 3. We don't have that media type today, but wants people to handle JSON-LD when that media type shows up but also allows those to ignore it when they don't want to use it 16:55:01 ... 4. Kind of, but kind of not. Doesn't want this to be the case. 16:55:16 ... this would be overly restrictive. 16:55:37 I think question 4 is better phased as "Can be converted to LD" 16:55:38 brent: Change 4 to reqord 16:55:43 reword 16:56:39 dwaite: Don't want groups like CBOR to go create their own type of VC because they feel excluded by LD inclusion. That will make interop harder with those groups. 16:57:23 ld+cbor is not a registered media type: https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml 16:57:25 ,,, 6. It doesn't change anything. But changes what I can do with VCs. 16:57:31 ack JoeAndrieu 16:57:54 JoeAndrieu: Going through the questions: apologies in advance for feather ruffling 16:58:28 ... 1. No, it is enough to understand the data model if you ignore @context 16:58:48 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 16:59:04 ... 2. Likes the middle ground, versioning == semantic operability over time. 16:59:21 ... 3. You can't have a representation that can't map back to the base. That is what we are trying to avoid 16:59:38 ... 4. No, but that need to be able to map back to that base type 16:59:43 smccown has joined #vcwg 16:59:51 ... 5. Keep lossless transformation 17:00:03 I think we should focus on the "mapping" concept. 17:00:09 @Orie +1 17:00:18 -1 media types handle versioning fine 17:00:27 ... 6. You can't manage version without a new property (unknown dragons). You can expect implementers to support @context. Lose the ability to automate disambiguation 17:00:31 and we have `typ` and `cty` 17:00:34 +1 to JoeAndrieu's answers 17:00:44 Can't manage version without introducing a new property that effectively recreates the functionality of @context in a restricted way with unknown dragons You also can't expect implementers to support @context, thus disenfranshising communities uninvolved in shaping the default context Can't automate disambiguation Can't escape large players defining what is allowed to be represented in VCs, thanks to two party power dynamics where indiv[CUT] 17:01:22 +1 to Joe's concerns about making @context optional (versioning and equity) 17:01:25 +1 to Joe 17:01:29 ... to sam's pie point: IP4 datagram is the biggest interop on the planet. 17:01:46 Can't escape large players defining what is allowed to be represented in VCs, thanks to two party power dynamics where individuals face the power of the worlds largest corporations 17:01:49 +1 Joe for "finding the anchor" similar to IPv4 17:02:48 ... Agreement that vc-jwt is not a VC. Maybe they won't need an @context but they need to transform back to base type. Doesn't think that having JWTs adopt VC standards is our scope 17:02:51 "This family of specifications consists of documents that each define how to express and associate proofs of integrity for Verifiable Credentials and concrete serializations for each of the defined syntaxes." 17:02:59 ... it is the scope of the IETF working group for JWT 17:03:34 q? 17:03:35 +1 to Joe 17:03:35 ... as constituted he believes the vc-jwt is out of scope 17:03:35 ack dmitriz 17:03:39 ack dmitriz 17:04:16 dmitriz: Questions: 1. No absolutely not, you can't losslessly go from RDF to VCDM JSON-LD without out of band knowledge 17:04:38 gkellogg has left #vcwg 17:04:44 ... 2. @context Provides global disambiguation. 17:05:02 ... 3. This is not a helpful question. No one is arguing for that. 17:05:32 .... 3. Misunderstood, but I am not arguing for this media type. 17:05:52 re charter scope: the verbiage where jwt is listed uses the term "concrete serializations" which implies a different representation (e.g. it is a serialization of a vc) 17:05:55 ... 4. No they should not include LD. But requirement it MUST be transformed to LD 17:06:06 ... 5. yes, transformation constraints 17:06:17 ... 6. Losslessly convert between representations 17:06:20 ack samsmith 17:06:26 @Orie - how is that not true? 17:06:44 q+ 17:07:34 samsmith: Addressing question for 6. IPv4 is a spanning layer because it is the weakest layer that everyone could agree to. Making the layer weak grows the pie the biggest. Anonlogy to JSON-LD being HTTP instead of IP 17:08:48 ack dwaite 17:08:57 ... I can't expand the version mechanism to avoid malleability attacks that can occur. So better to define a narrowly constrained versioning mechanism that is harder to attack 17:09:03 q+ to say danger of a nirvana fallacy here ... saying `X` has problems so make it optional doesn't address `Y` ... it inverts the purpose of the question and commits a fallacy. 17:09:10 q+ 17:09:14 ack dlongley 17:09:14 dlongley, you wanted to say danger of a nirvana fallacy here ... saying `X` has problems so make it optional doesn't address `Y` ... it inverts the purpose of the question and 17:09:17 ... commits a fallacy. 17:09:40 dlongley: When we invert the question we create a nirvana fallacy. 17:09:48 q+ 17:10:07 brent: Gabe wants to discuss a possible proposal with the group. 17:10:12 ack dwaite 17:10:48 ack decentralgabe 17:10:51 PROPOSAL: 17:10:51 - @context is optional - change to SUGGESTED 17:10:51 - Base media type is `credential+ld+json` 17:10:53 - Utilize parameterized media types to create lossless translations to/from the base media type 17:10:53 dwaite: when we do talk about a transformation layer, we should talk about a VC to JSON-LD VC but not proof types because it may not be viable across proof types 17:10:55 - add a required version property 17:11:07 q+ 17:11:15 q+ to provide feedback on the proposal. 17:11:19 btw, simplest example of what happens when you don't have `@context` is the introduction of ambiguous terms and confusion 17:11:21 q+ 17:11:22 q+ 17:11:26 ack manu_ 17:11:26 manu_, you wanted to provide feedback on the proposal. 17:11:31 s/JSON-LD VC/JSON-LD credential/ 17:11:34 brentz has joined #vcwg 17:11:51 @decentralgabe - can you give an example of how it's possible to use media types for lossless translation? 17:12:01 manu_: Would not run the proposal as is. Thinks some version of the proposal may be workable. +1 to one base media type 17:12:06 q+ 17:12:16 ... still @context is mandatory in that media type 17:12:22 perhaps - - @context is required in the base media type; SUGGESTED in other media types 17:12:38 decentralgabe: ^maybe that could work 17:12:40 ... agrees that parameterized media types may be a a way to avoid proliferation 17:13:09 ... JSON-LD @context versions everything in the graph 17:13:42 ... last item doesn't address the issue. 17:14:16 ... we are not just talking about versioning one thing so that's why adding one version property works 17:14:23 ack mprorock 17:14:53 mprorock: We should not have the version language in the proposal 17:14:58 q+ to clarify versioning 17:15:20 ... in the case of JWTs we have typ to specify as a JWT with ways to provide version 17:15:30 In vcdm 1.1, typ is JWT for vc-jwt. 17:15:58 ... could handle addition versioning with cty for example. Should be applicable to serialization format. 17:16:08 q+ on activity pub format 17:16:15 q+ on activity pub format (because I was there) :) 17:16:17 ... Modified proposal: Adopt the ActivityPub paragraph as a starting point. 17:17:00 as a reminder, the paragraph mike is referring to: "ActivityPub defines some terms in addition to those provided by ActivityStreams. These terms are provided in the ActivityPub JSON-LD context at https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams. Implementers SHOULD include the ActivityPub context in their object definitions. Implementers MAY include additional context as appropriate." 17:17:07 ack Orie 17:17:08 ... if you don't use @context you better provide a mechanism for the semantics 17:17:08 @orie "typ" is not normatively defined in the VCDM 17:17:10 ack Orie 17:17:12 q+ 17:17:32 +1 to Orie for focusing on where there's agreement 17:17:53 Orie: One of the areas of agreement: There are compact serializations that you can map to JSON-LD version of VCs. The question is how much of that mapping must be normatively defined in the spec? 17:18:37 q- 17:18:41 +1 to Orie for focusing o n agreement 17:18:56 q+ 17:19:34 ... For example: Injecting @context in various data formats to create graphs. Access tokens, identity tokens, random JSON objects. NPM package.json for example. Adding @context enables importing package.json into a graph database. 17:20:31 ... changing the @context can change the shape of the graph. We have protected terms so they can't be redefined but with another @context added you can change the shape and will that still be a verifiable credential? 17:21:08 ... do we have to define rules around how different those graphs are allowed to be. 17:22:26 ack selfissued 17:22:28 q+ to focus on mapping. 17:22:33 ... Using additional @context you can change the shape of the graph for other formats to the same n-quads you get from the current VC 17:23:21 lossly mappings and mappings (plural) for the same media type are a problem 17:23:52 @selfissued - re using media types for lossless mapping, are you suggesting something like "application/credential+jwt+json;context=default" ? 17:24:08 updated proposal: 17:24:09 selfissued: About proposal for parameterizing media-type... mappings are part of the problem with 1.1. Lossless translation from VC to vc-jwt implies that everyone is using JSON-LD. We don't need a base media type but there need not be lossless transfromation 17:24:11 PROPOSAL: 17:24:11 - @context is required (MUST) in the base media type; SUGGESTED in other media types 17:24:11 - Base media type is `credential+ld+json` 17:24:12 zakim, close the queue 17:24:12 ok, brentz, the speaker queue is closed 17:24:13 - Utilize parameterized media types to create transformations to/from the base media type; the transformations SHOULD be lossless 17:24:14 q? 17:24:15 - add "Verifiable credentials define terms in a JSON-LD context at https://www.w3.org/ns/credentials/v2. Implementers SHOULD include the verifiable credential context in their object definitions. Implementers MAY include additional context as appropriate." 17:24:17 - all representations of the VCDM MUST have a property that conveys versioning information 17:24:40 brentz: queue closed, we will go through the existing queue and run Gabe's proposal 17:24:51 ack decentralgabe 17:24:51 decentralgabe, you wanted to clarify versioning 17:25:15 I'm confused, what is after break/lunch? More on this? And when is break over? 17:25:16 decentralgabe: Clarify versioning. You must always include a version indicator in all representations. 17:25:59 ... updated proposal to include that. Also included transformation to SHOULD 17:26:12 q? 17:26:18 ack manu_ 17:26:18 manu_, you wanted to comment on activity pub format and to comment on activity pub format (because I was there) :) and to focus on mapping. 17:27:17 manu_: re ActivityPub: That text ended up because the group was in the same deadlock we are in right now. Hoping that text would get them passed deadlock. After years of examples, we have a bunch of non-interoperable implementations. 17:27:22 Do we have any "interoperable ones", because... that seems to be the success criteria. 17:27:29 ... ended up with islands of interoperability 17:27:49 There are always examples of "non interop". 17:28:11 my server seems to be federating across a log of stuff quite well with thousands of users - with multiple implementations on other servers 17:28:20 ack dwaite 17:28:31 @mprorock - and is your server using @contexts? 17:29:26 @dwaite - versioning mechanism AND global disambiguation. 17:29:54 dwaite: Speaking to Brent question #2. The reason @context is there is to provide a versioning mechanism with a clear upgrade path to JSON-LD. THE URI are providing a bit of a semantic versioning contract. 17:30:36 ... If it turns out that the versioning mechanism is @context, we need to understand that. There are now 2 separate concerns being addressed by the same thing 17:31:20 ours is 17:31:53 PROPOSAL: @context is required (MUST) in the base media type; SUGGESTED in other media types 17:32:05 -1 17:32:07 -1 (only because "suggested" is not clear) 17:32:07 +1 17:32:09 -1 17:32:11 +1 17:32:12 +1 17:32:19 -1 SHOULD 17:32:22 +1 17:32:36 -1 17:32:36 PROPOSAL: @context is required (MUST) in the base media type; SHOULD in other media types 17:32:41 -1 17:32:43 +1 17:32:44 +1 17:32:46 -1 (SHOULD should be a MUST) 17:32:47 -1 17:32:47 +1 17:32:54 +1 if "other media types" MUST be able to losslessly transform to the base media type (i think that's implied) 17:33:00 +1 17:33:03 +1 17:33:05 +1 17:33:06 +1 17:33:08 -0.5 (base media type is the wrong lens to think about this. Advocating for lossless conversions instead.) 17:33:15 0 17:33:19 +1 w/dlongley's caveat 17:33:27 I would change to a +1 17:33:49 -1 17:34:20 PROPOSAL: @context is required (MUST) in the base media type; SHOULD in other media types and "other media types" MUST be able to losslessly transform to the base media type 17:34:30 -1 17:34:33 -1 17:34:37 -1 17:34:37 +1 17:34:38 -1 17:34:38 -1 17:34:39 +1 17:34:40 +1 17:34:40 -1 17:34:41 +1 17:34:42 +1 17:34:42 +1 17:34:43 +1 17:34:44 +1 17:34:44 +1 17:34:49 +1 17:34:50 0 17:34:50 +1 17:34:53 +0.5 17:34:56 -1 17:35:06 0 17:35:09 +1 17:35:23 (I don't know if I can be here this afternoon) 17:36:08 (I'm fine with -LD datatypes, not clear with others) 17:36:20 Lossless transformation to the VCDM effectively means that all representations are using a form of linked data 17:36:25 -1 17:36:25 +1 17:36:38 What is "base media type" now? 17:36:45 credential+ld+json 17:36:57 identitywoman has joined #vcwg 17:37:00 @selfissued - not sure that's accurate. Lossless transformation /just/ means that it /can/ be transformed to linked data. 17:37:18 @christophera It's a single representation that other representations can transform to. 17:37:19 +1 to dmitriz 17:39:23 I really want the current default media type to be in the proposal 17:40:01 Orie: eats popcorn and watches the fun 17:41:13 my DRAFT PROPOSAL: @context is required (MUST) in the credential+ld+json; other media types SHOULD be able to be losslessly transformed to the base media type. 17:42:03 POLL: @context is required (MUST) in credential+ld+json; other media types MUST be able to losslessly transform to the base media type. 17:42:06 -1 17:42:06 +1 17:42:09 -1 17:42:10 +1 17:42:11 +1 17:42:12 +1 17:42:21 +1 17:42:22 +1 17:42:23 +1 17:42:25 -1 17:42:25 +1 17:42:25 -1 17:42:25 -1 (other media SHOULD would be +1) 17:42:26 -1 17:42:28 -1 17:42:29 -1 17:42:32 +1 17:42:57 0 (+1 for media types SHOULD) 17:42:58 brentz: We do not have consensus on this poll 17:43:01 -1 17:43:10 0 17:43:37 It is *:43 17:43:39 POLL: Verifiable credentials define terms in a JSON-LD context at https://www.w3.org/ns/credentials/v2. Implementers SHOULD include the verifiable credential context in their object definitions. Implementers MAY include additional context as appropriate. Other serialization formats MUST provide a mechanism that maps terms used in that media type to provide semantics that are defined by the context in the core data model. 17:43:47 +1 17:43:48 +1 17:43:53 -1 17:43:57 -1 17:43:57 -1 17:43:59 -1 17:43:59 +1 17:44:00 -1 17:44:02 +1 17:44:02 -1 17:44:04 0 17:44:06 -1 17:44:07 -1 17:44:10 -1 17:44:13 -1 17:44:14 -1 17:44:15 -1 17:44:15 -1 17:44:15 -1 (only because I'm confused) :( 17:44:18 -1 17:44:21 0 17:44:40 q+ 17:44:40 my DRAFT PROPOSAL: @context is required (MUST) in the credential+ld+json; other media types SHOULD be able to be losslessly transformed to the base media type. 17:44:57 POLL: @context is required (MUST) in the credential+ld+json; other media types SHOULD be able to be losslessly transformed to the base media type. 17:45:02 +1 17:45:06 -1 17:45:06 +1 17:45:06 -1 because being able to transform is not a MUST 17:45:06 +1 17:45:07 +1 17:45:08 -1 17:45:09 +1 17:45:09 +1 17:45:09 +1 17:45:10 +1 17:45:11 +1 17:45:11 +1 17:45:12 shawnb has joined #vcwg 17:45:13 -1 (because it's easy to come up with very good reasons why you shouldn't do something) 17:45:14 +1 17:45:14 -1 17:45:16 +1 17:45:23 -1 17:45:26 It is closer 17:45:34 +1 17:45:35 -1 (due to the SHOULD instead of MUST) 17:45:59 +1 to manu; SHOULD is too much open ended here. What about just restricting it to specific cases like JWT? 17:46:06 @dmitriz my challenge is MUST isn't always possible. 17:46:09 Orie: It's like telling another media type that it has to be able to divide by zero 17:46:20 @ChristopherA - say more? Why is it not always possible? 17:46:27 @christophera then it isn't a good representation of a VC 17:46:47 e.g., I wouldn't recommend Haiku serialization 17:46:53 @ChristopherA - deterministic lossless mapping is fairly trivial. At the cost of only a few bytes. 17:46:54 this "SHOULD" is really just a "not really" 17:46:54 I would really like to say something very short before the lunch break - that is a a high level comment 17:46:59 (there are other graph models — it is a great SHOULD if you can, but I can't guarantee it) 17:47:05 it's not a real SHOULD :) 17:47:18 scribe- 17:47:29 13:50 local time 17:47:31 @ChristopherA - but again, it's pretty easy to add fields so that graph models are isomorphic 17:47:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:47:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-vcwg-minutes.html ivan 17:48:12 Can someone ping my on signal when you actually return from lunch? 17:48:22 ChristopherA: if the SHOULD were treated the way you're suggesting i think that could be ok, but that's not what the SHOULD we be used for here, it would be used to create totally different formats without bothering to have any transforms. 17:48:25 @ChristopherA - I'll try to ping you on signal. 17:48:35 Thanks! 17:48:36 I was going to say - but not aknowledged - that there is a issue that we may not be considering - the lost of reputation if a breaking change of this magnitude is made. 17:49:09 is this now lunch? 17:49:15 @Phil_ASU - yes 17:49:26 plan is to reconvene 1:50pm eastern 17:50:37 :) 18:00:37 markus_sabadello_ has joined #vcwg 18:03:10 DavidC has joined #vcwg 18:07:52 TallTed has joined #vcwg 18:12:56 present+ 18:13:40 Jem has joined #vcwg 18:17:55 q? 18:26:53 markus_sabadello has joined #vcwg 18:28:22 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 18:30:48 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 18:36:50 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 18:40:28 Paul_Dietrich_GS1 has joined #vcwg 18:40:43 samsmith has joined #vcwg 18:41:38 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 18:42:03 brent has joined #vcwg 18:43:34 dwaite has joined #vcwg 18:43:50 Has the meeting started without the Zoom people? 18:44:03 manu_ has joined #vcwg 18:44:19 mprorock has joined #vcwg 18:47:21 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 18:47:49 PROPOSAL: 18:47:49 The base media type for Verifiable Credentials is credential+ld+json 18:47:49 @context is required (MUST) in the base media type; other media types MAY choose to include @context 18:47:51 You MUST be able to transform from the base media type to other representations with losslessly hold for exceptions to be specified by the working group such as where the transformation is not possible due to extenuating circumstances. 18:47:53 Message Brent Zundel (Gen), Kristina (msft/oidf) 18:48:24 will has joined #vcwg 18:48:40 sorry, ignore that last line 18:49:02 https://imgur.com/a/y15dqFg 18:49:34 kristina has joined #vcwg 18:49:41 PROPOSAL: 18:49:41 1. The base media type for Verifiable Credentials is credential+ld+json 18:49:41 2. @context is required (MUST) in the base media type; other media types MAY choose to include @context 18:49:43 3. You MUST be able to transform from the base media type to other representations with losslessly hold for exceptions to be specified by the working group such as where the transformation is not possible due to extenuating circumstances. 18:50:48 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 18:50:54 andres has joined #vcwg 18:51:55 Phil_F has joined #vcwg 18:52:04 scribe+ 18:52:43 KevinDeanGS1 has joined #vcwg 18:52:50 present+ 18:52:50 JoeAndrieu: VC Use Cases 2023. Deliverable by TPAC, Sept. 18:52:59 manjaroi3 has joined #vcwg 18:53:22 ... 3 Types of contributions we'll be asking for. 18:54:11 ...Use cases designed to help someone identify which ones they are interested in and ask for more information. Currently have 30. Open for more but not many 18:54:12 ... 18:54:50 ... Extant Use Cases. Examples of VCs in real world deployments. Asking for more, any and all welcome 18:55:54 ... Focal Use Cases: Deeper Dive on just a few use cases. Accessibility and Evidence are current weaknesses. 18:57:21 ... Currently only 3 and would welcome up to 2 more. 18:57:33 ... Of Focal use cases 18:58:09 https://ref.gs1.org/gs1/vc/ 18:59:00 ... Timeline of current and future work detailed in slide 18:59:34 ... Contribution deadline July 7th for this rev 18:59:55 q? 19:01:11 KevinDeanGS1: Extant Use Cases, considered to be informational only. If you want it to be use case to be mapped to requirements in devlerable, you have to expand it to Short Use case or Focal Use Case. 19:01:45 ... No promise that a use case will be definitively addressed, but the more information the easier to map 19:01:55 q+ 19:02:06 zakim, open the queue 19:02:06 ok, kristina, the speaker queue is open 19:02:13 q+ 19:02:15 Paul_Dietrich_GS1: Is there a link for the GitHub? 19:02:19 ack manu_ 19:02:27 https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/ 19:02:35 manu_: Any parts that need further review? What are we doing about reviewers 19:02:53 JoeAndrieu: Use cases could use a deep dive to help get features more represented in VCDM. 19:02:58 q? 19:03:20 scribe- 19:05:51 Is there interesting to talk about selective disclosure / correlation? 19:05:54 q? 19:06:48 q+ 19:07:43 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 19:09:24 q+ to talk about nist 19:13:18 q+ 19:17:28 q? 19:17:31 ack ChristopherA 19:18:01 Orie has joined #vcwg 19:18:38 q+ 19:19:53 I published https://www.blockchaincommons.com/musings/musings-data-minimization/ based a bits from #RWOT paper with @Brent on Selective Correlation https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot11-the-hague/blob/master/draft-documents/selective-correlation.md 19:23:57 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 19:25:26 ack mprorock 19:25:26 mprorock, you wanted to talk about nist 19:26:07 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 19:26:25 (BTW, link to the CBOR based Gordian Envelope intro is https://www.blockchaincommons.com/introduction/Envelope-Intro/ 19:27:55 (link to post in CCG about new deterministic CBOR library is https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2023Feb/0116.html ) 19:28:05 https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2023/02/nist-selects-lightweight-cryptography-algorithms-protect-small-devices - https://csrc.nist.gov/publications/detail/sp/800-63/4/draft 19:30:25 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 19:31:28 To be fair the NIST guidelines think that "identities are provisioned" by corporations contracted by government to figure out who citizens are who want to engage with a government agency - the model is just so different then VCs. 19:31:58 kevingriffin has joined #vcwg 19:32:51 q? 19:34:25 q? 19:34:48 q+ to ask about the path to publications in other languages 19:34:59 gkellogg_ has joined #vcwg 19:35:47 brentz has joined #vcwg 19:36:27 q? 19:36:31 What is the threat model if high value credentials are NOT bound to hardware? 19:37:21 identitywoman: a good question -- and it's also good to ask whether "hardware bound" credentials really mitigate the threats people think they might 19:37:38 ack Phil_ASU 19:37:41 +1 19:37:51 that was to identitywoman and dlongley 19:39:14 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 19:39:19 @Phil_ASU: hit me up on the aid delivery - we have some overlapping stuff there 19:39:29 and we are happy to help on that 19:39:59 there's an easy trap to fall into when analyzing fraud threats... where fraud both with and without collusion are conflated ... but they are very different cases to consider. 19:41:00 +1 dlongley 19:41:32 @Phil_ASU - we are doing unstructured to knowledge graphs and happy to share on that 19:41:46 via LLMs and transformers 19:41:50 ack dmitriz 19:43:45 @mprorock - please lets follow up on your transformation experience to structured graphs. 19:44:11 q 19:44:28 ack JoeAndrieu 19:44:28 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to ask about the path to publications in other languages 19:47:22 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 19:48:17 ChristopherA_ has joined #vcwg 19:48:32 That's a domain that is of particular interest to 40% of workers who are uncredentialed and whose experience is on the job derived. 19:48:33 present+ 19:49:17 There is a lot of interesting work on ZKP that this community is not following. 19:50:04 I also recommend that people look at the Selective Disclosure use case for Education in the RWOT Selective Correlation draft 19:50:37 Lots of interesting privacy issues with educational credentials. 19:51:16 q? 19:51:33 @ChristopherA - there are important privacy and bias avoidance issues in credentials supporting job applications which selective disclosure could help with. 19:51:39 https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot11-the-hague/blob/master/draft-documents/selective-correlation.md#use-cases 19:51:51 We talk ALOT about that in that use case. 19:52:04 q+ 19:52:09 @Phil_ASU -- see, I think better VC design can be a lot more helpful to job applications than selective disclosure :) 19:54:03 ack identitywoman 19:54:28 What is rest of today's agenda? Is @context coming back to agenda? 19:56:00 1. The media type for the VCDM is credential+ld+json 19:56:00 2. @context is required (MUST) in the base media type; other media types MAY choose to include @context 19:56:00 3. You MUST be able to transform to the base media type from other representations 19:56:19 (spicy chilli peppers) 19:56:28 q 19:56:30 selfissued has joined #vcwg 19:56:35 dwaite has joined #vcwg 19:56:37 present+ 19:56:38 Phil_F has joined #vcwg 19:56:40 present+ 19:56:48 1. The media type for the VCDM is credential+ld+json 19:56:48 2. @context is required (MUST) in the base media type; other media types MAY choose to include @context 19:56:48 3. You MUST be able to transform to the base media type from other representations 19:56:52 -1 (1 & 2 are contradictory :) MAY include context means a MUST transform is not possible) 19:57:29 (I meant 2 & 3 contradictory, but yeah) 19:57:43 manjaroi3 has joined #vcwg 19:58:16 1. The base media type for the VCDM is credential+ld+json 19:58:20 -1 19:59:10 POLL: 1. The base media type for the VCDM is credential+ld+json 19:59:16 +1 19:59:16 +1 19:59:16 +1 19:59:17 +1 19:59:18 +1 19:59:20 +1 19:59:21 +1 19:59:23 +1 19:59:24 +1 19:59:27 +1 19:59:28 +1 19:59:30 0 It depends upon what we mean by VCDM 19:59:35 +0.5 19:59:38 +1 19:59:42 +1 20:00:12 I think it's confusing to combine "credential" with VC; we have a pending conversation on how we want to relate the two. 20:00:12 0 20:01:07 POLL: 2. @context is required (MUST) in the base media type; other media types MAY choose to include @context 20:01:10 kevingriffin_ has joined #vcwg 20:01:15 +1 20:01:15 +1 20:01:17 +1 20:01:18 +1 20:01:18 +1 20:01:20 +1 20:01:21 +1 20:01:22 +1 20:01:30 +1 20:01:42 +1 20:02:03 +1 20:02:04 +1 20:02:13 0 because it's dependent upon the ambiguous statement in item 1. It's not clear what effect 1 would have on which specs. 20:02:28 +1 20:02:29 +1 20:02:30 0 20:02:31 +1 IFF #3 passes 20:02:32 -0 (seems suspect, I think conflicts with item 3. but not blocking.) 20:02:40 hey, still 0, it's fine 20:02:46 +1 20:02:51 +1 20:03:09 3. You MUST be able to transform to the base media type from other representations 20:03:15 -1 20:03:15 +1 20:03:16 +1 20:03:17 +1 20:03:17 +1 20:03:17 +1 20:03:18 -1 20:03:18 -1 20:03:19 -1 20:03:29 +1 20:03:30 +1 20:03:35 -1 20:03:37 -1 20:03:43 Transformation is always possible but it's unnecessary for us to specify 20:03:47 +1 20:03:49 -1 (lossless is critical. without that, 3 is meaningless) 20:03:49 I really want that lossless... 20:03:55 When I look at future of various SD and ZK proofs, I can't see MUST. 20:03:57 (should be lossless ... but "VC birational equivalence" could possibly work depending on how we define it :) ) 20:03:58 -.8 20:04:07 0 20:04:09 nobody could agree to what "lossless" meant; needs to be clarified 20:04:18 If you can't transform to the VCDM, its out of scope for our current charter. =( 20:04:21 dlongley - what is birational equivalence? 20:04:46 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 20:05:03 if we are allowing lossless transforms, its really arbitrary transforms. 20:05:03 FWIW, what I think lossless is: t ( inverse_t ( VC ) ) == VC 20:05:24 to answer dmitriz in the minutes: "where VCs are equal almost always but except for a few cases where you can't represent credential+ld+json in another representation, so you don't have to be able to get back from it" 20:09:07 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 20:11:03 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 20:12:28 i think there may be some other distinctions we could draw to get to consensus (maybe?) ... 20:12:34 there are a few different scenarios to consider: 20:13:39 1. you start with media type A and you MUST be able to losslessly transform it to the base media type, but you never transform from the base media type to A. 20:14:04 2. you have media type B which you can always do lossless transformation in either direction (base media type => B => base media type) 20:15:27 gkellogg_ has joined #vcwg 20:15:42 format A should be OK so long as there's no way to represent some credentials in format A ... but you can always go from format A to the base format. 20:16:27 gkellogg_ has joined #vcwg 20:18:52 in other words, we can probably say that you don't need to have "round tripability", but it's vital that you can always go from format A to the base media type -- provided that you started with format A, i.e., this isn't about a lossy transformation, but a formation that only goes in one direction, you can't go from the base media type to format A, you can only go from format A => base media type. 20:18:54 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 20:19:02 @dlongley - I'm not sure 1 & 2 will satisfy the "context must be optional" camp :) 20:19:53 two types of valid formats: one that is created natively and outputs the base media type (it does not ever convert from the base media type, it only outputs it) ... 20:20:00 and one that can translate to / from losslessly. 20:20:40 this is essentially how JWTs work today... you can't strip off the signature and then get it back, it's a one way process 20:20:42 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 20:22:19 manu_ has joined #vcwg 20:22:47 JoeAndrieu_ has joined #vcwg 20:24:13 kevingriffin has joined #vcwg 20:24:13 q+ to provide some background on 3 that might help? 20:24:14 Phil_F has joined #vcwg 20:24:16 samsmith has joined #vcwg 20:24:30 q 20:24:44 q+ to talk about two different alternative format types 20:24:57 "3. You MUST be able to transform to the base media type from other representations" 20:24:59 q+ 20:25:05 q+ 20:25:05 Paul_Dietrich_GS1 has joined #vcwg 20:25:12 Orie has joined #vcwg 20:26:12 will has joined #vcwg 20:26:16 scribe+ 20:26:22 ack manu_ 20:26:22 manu_, you wanted to provide some background on 3 that might help? 20:26:47 manu: samsmith and I talking in break. I think intention on third item is 20:27:06 ... need to be able to go losslessly back and forth between core data model to some other representation 20:27:16 ... this is a guiding principle 20:27:31 ... may be some cases were it is not possible to do losslessly 20:28:11 dwaite has joined #vcwg 20:28:12 ... the idea is most of the time - almost all of the time - you can get back to the cord DM 20:28:21 ... best effort lossless 20:28:31 ... 99.99% 20:28:39 selfissued has joined #vcwg 20:28:53 q+ 20:28:57 ... exceptions can be handled on case by case 20:29:06 "if it is possible to do lossless transformation, it MUST be possible" 20:29:10 "if it is possible to do lossless transformation, it MUST be done" 20:29:28 ... We very strongly encourage you to support round trip lossless conversion 20:29:46 q+ 20:30:04 q+ to say round-trip is not the important thing 20:30:28 ... There are some cases when additional properties added to some other representation. But that is a separate case 20:30:39 ack dlongley 20:30:39 dlongley, you wanted to talk about two different alternative format types 20:30:40 mprorock has joined #vcwg 20:30:55 dlongley: v similar to what I meant with birational equivalence 20:31:08 ... some exceptions, but these are outliers 20:31:20 ... can think of these other representations as falling into two categories 20:31:27 ... one that can losslessly transform 20:31:43 ack ChristopherA 20:31:50 ... another that doesn't start in the core VM, but can always output the core VCDM if required 20:32:06 ChristopherA_: three points, the first is to be careful where we use MUST in spec 20:32:29 ... governments are mandating use of standards 20:32:52 ... downstream risk where people can say we aren't conforming with standards cause didn't meet a MUST 20:33:21 ... second point, a credential should be able to transform losslessly when start with the core model. 20:33:33 ... but a lot less confident this will be possible with proofs 20:33:40 ... we should be starting to talk about proofs 20:33:52 q+ to note that we don't expect loss-less transforms around proofs 20:33:52 ... this will be harder for round trip conversion 20:34:19 ... We don't want to exclude folks from the market, because they don't tightly conform to the MUSTs 20:34:41 q+ 20:34:44 ... diff between these transforms in a pre SD and pre proofs is important 20:34:44 ack samsmith 20:34:46 forgot to put into the chat ealier, sorry, EUDIW ARF: https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/library/european-digital-identity-architecture-and-reference-framework-outline 20:35:09 samsmith: clarifying, if I have something in ACDC that came over the wire that didn't have a context in it 20:35:27 ... someone who recieves this should be able to add @context to get to the core data model 20:35:44 ... I dont want to be liable for sending the @context cause I have security concerns 20:36:04 ... I always vote for the SHOULD wiht lossless conversion 20:36:31 ... need to be careful with "language lawers", esp when we have best effort to have interop in our soln 20:36:57 ... this might open the door for lazy/malicious people to wiggle around this 20:37:02 brent has joined #vcwg 20:37:05 q? 20:37:14 ... if we have SHOULD some people will use this iimperfectly 20:37:18 q+ dlongley 20:37:18 can you pass the interop test? 20:37:26 ... lossless should be defined loosely 20:37:27 q? 20:37:30 ack Orie 20:38:03 Orie: I think this thread on transformaiton comparison has multiple pathways to get from were they are 20:38:17 ... some might work, some might have traps or time challenges 20:38:40 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 20:38:50 ... if we can agree to enough statements about the representations we protect 20:39:01 ... we should be careful when we say you need to end with JSONld 20:39:23 ... data integrity does not protect JSONLD, it protects the NQUADs tranformation of that 20:39:52 ... We can say you can try with lossless transformation, but there is always going to be cases where this fails. It is a security risk. 20:41:14 ... Every context you have changes the underlying graph. Changes whether we consider some opaque version to be equivalent to the underlying VCDM 20:41:35 q+ to note that we're comparing to JSON-LD, IIUC 20:41:55 ... Are we comparing to JSONLD with :context. Are we comparing to nquads produced from jsonld with one @context or to nquads with an unbounded number of contexts in it 20:42:02 ack selfissued 20:42:20 selfissued: key learning from 1.1 was that mappings and transformations was a bad idea 20:42:22 ... orie nods 20:42:43 ... 2.0 breakthrough enables jwts to be treated as there own objects with no mappings/transformatons required 20:42:48 IMO, that key learning is too broadly stated 20:42:51 I'm reasonably certain that Sam's ACDC and my Gordian triples could work, because context is not required to deministically order them… 20:42:51 ... fine with people using transformations 20:43:07 ... that is a individual deployment choice. Not something we should specify 20:43:13 but that is because we don't need context to order. 20:43:17 s/breakthrough enables jwts to be treated as there/breakthrough enables VC JWTs to be treated as their/ 20:43:25 ack JoeAndrieu 20:43:25 JoeAndrieu_, you wanted to say round-trip is not the important thing 20:43:33 q+ 20:43:37 JoeAndrieu_: +1 to Orie framing of data integrity 20:43:49 ... dont think roundtrip lossless is the right framining 20:43:53 +1 to JoeAndrieu 20:43:57 ... important that whatever you have, you can get to the VCDM 20:44:02 +1 to Joe 20:44:12 s/JSONLD/JSON-LD/ 20:44:13 +1 20:44:22 ... You can't recreate the JSON-LD from the nquads 20:44:36 ... if I can take a VC-JWT and get back to a VCDM then I am happy 20:45:32 +1 to: if you start with format X -- you must be able to output credential+ld+json 20:45:49 It is hard to do this with context and proof, but the non-V part credential could be the same. 20:45:51 * discussion about proposal language 20:46:48 q? 20:47:17 Are you saying the hashes are the same for both? 20:48:09 is the base media type credential+ld+json? 20:48:21 Phil_ASU: ^right now that is true 20:48:36 Thanks Dave 20:48:59 lost audio 20:49:05 gkellogg has joined #vcwg 20:49:08 me too 20:49:13 me also 20:49:49 sound off 20:50:08 q? 20:50:17 q? 20:50:22 selfissued_ has joined #vcwg 20:50:23 msporny__ has joined #vcwg 20:50:29 I logged and returned, and it works now. 20:50:29 audio back 20:50:34 present+ 20:51:12 Is that being written somewhere? 20:51:17 can we put the slide back in zoom please 20:51:24 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 20:51:45 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/128DHWSzVxPgAhB0mq-h23_iATnbVeA4Y-JhNLjpcXJE/edit#slide=id.g1f29416984d_38_0 20:52:03 decentra_ has joined #vcwg 20:52:04 q? 20:52:18 but please share on zoom again 20:52:52 RESHARE THE SLIDE PLEASE? 20:53:02 can we resume the queue, I am running out of time. 20:53:18 dwaite_ has joined #vcwg 20:53:22 present+ 20:53:25 q? 20:53:27 Thank you 20:53:39 +who 20:53:49 what does the exotic MUST/MAY directive mean? :) 20:53:57 decentralgabe_ has joined #vcwg 20:54:29 +1 to Dmitri's question - what is MUST/MAY mean? 20:54:55 i'm guessing we're going to run two different proposals on that ... maybe 20:55:02 ahh that makes sense 20:55:26 kristina has joined #vcwg 20:55:28 and perhaps don't call it a VC ... say it encodes a VC :) 20:55:29 one thread please 20:55:33 it is hard to hear with cross tock 20:55:49 yeah, we seemed to have lost transcript... 20:55:54 q+ 20:56:10 * scribing has paused when proposal being refined apologies 20:56:13 q+ 20:56:24 ack manu_ 20:56:24 manu_, you wanted to note that we don't expect loss-less transforms around proofs and to note that we're comparing to JSON-LD, IIUC 20:56:29 if you're intending to run both, do MAY first. 20:56:43 ack Paul_Dietrich_GS 20:56:47 q++ manu 20:56:55 I know that I should probably find a back_channel with Sam. I think ACDC<->Gordian can probably do this with each other, but we can't to JSON-LD because of context and proofs 20:57:01 brent has joined #vcwg 20:57:04 Paul_Dietrich_GS1: writing must/may language but it is not for the spec. We are just agreeing on what we want to do as a group 20:57:12 ... this is meaningless as spec language 20:57:22 this is not a spec language 20:57:25 ... if we agree on that, the workgroup has to do this 20:57:26 But I think we could probably have a way to have to have some level of conformance that we could do with JSON-LD. 20:57:40 ... the VCWG will define this transform 20:57:54 ... as a group we are agreeing that as a group we will define a transform 20:58:05 ... for every media type 20:58:56 "Other serializations identified by media types defined by the VCWG" -> "Serializations defined by the VCWG in other media types" ? 20:59:00 kristina: this proposal is about how strong the language in a PR must mandate this proposal 20:59:15 brentz has joined #vcwg 20:59:15 kristina: sticking with MUST in the proposal 20:59:32 q? 20:59:58 I can't understand when everyone is speaking at once 21:00:09 ack manu 21:00:13 ack + 21:00:22 manu: I dont think we are talking about nquads equivalence 21:00:36 ... I am trying to attack model the language 21:01:12 ... if I was evil, I could take a traceability VC, go into my format, strip out all the other contexts and transform back into the VCDM with the original context 21:01:15 ONE THREAD please 21:01:17 it is hard to hear 21:01:28 3. is necessary but not sufficient 21:01:35 Orie has joined #vcwg 21:01:37 q? 21:01:40 q+ 21:01:41 ... point being that I could strip out the contexts without anyone knowning 21:01:51 ... question is can you modify the context to be anything you want it io be 21:01:53 q+ to answer manu 21:01:56 q+ to cover if context preservation is required in the transformation. 21:02:10 q+ to say this isn't about transforming VCs. It's about transforming media-types 21:02:11 are any of the people objecting to this planning on implementing non-base versions of the data model 21:02:12 ... therefore changing the semantics 21:02:14 q? 21:02:19 ack dlongley 21:02:22 q+ 21:03:12 dlongley: you either have a representation that must be able to do round trip. Or you must be able to tranform one way from another serialization into the base media type 21:03:42 ... important that you don;t do it halfway. Either do roundtrip all the way. Or you just define one way 21:03:43 ack mprorock 21:03:53 ... from another media type to the base type 21:04:05 mprorock: comfortable with proposal text 21:04:56 q? 21:04:57 q? 21:05:05 i expect to be forced to accept any of these if they get popular as a wallet implementer 21:05:16 to answer Mike Prorock directly ^ 21:05:19 ... How many of those objecting are actually planning to use these serialization formats 21:05:22 ack selfissued 21:05:26 q+ to note that we will be exposed to problems, not objecting, but concerned that we're still talking past each other. 21:05:42 Phil_F has joined #vcwg 21:05:42 selfissued_: not clear to me what effect this language is intending to have on us 21:05:58 ... is it attempting to compel us to verify such transformations, or define these transformations 21:06:00 gordian is deterministic cbor, so serialization is clearly different. It is sorted by the hash of the content. 21:06:06 ... or does it have no effect 21:06:17 ... want this to be clarified before running proposal 21:06:22 kristina: what text would help that 21:06:42 selfissued_: willing to say, this working gorup will not define transformations between serializations 21:06:52 q? 21:06:56 q 21:06:57 saying formats defined in the group MUST support transforms and then saying the WG won't define them is a big problem :) 21:07:01 ack DavidC 21:07:10 q+ 21:07:16 DavidC: I think that 3 in proposal is necessary but not sufficient 21:07:22 was selfissued original question "are we saying that the serializations must be able to be transformed _in general_, or are we saying we MUST transform every instance"? 21:07:39 ... what happens if you start with VCDM and it gets transferred into media type x via some intermediate wallet 21:07:52 ack Orie 21:07:52 Orie, you wanted to cover if context preservation is required in the transformation. 21:07:54 q+ to say that's not a thing 21:08:22 Orie: responding to DavidC, dlongley has asked this. You either define a safe round trip. Or you admit that this is a one way transformation to the data model 21:08:24 +1 to Orie 21:08:57 q- 21:09:15 ... responding to manu, whether context preservation is part of this scenario depends on the paths outlined by dlongley 21:09:22 ... for round trip, context is preserved 21:09:33 ... for one way mapping, context preservaton not a requirement 21:09:35 +1 to Orie 21:09:59 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 21:10:03 *kristina updating the proposal text 21:10:28 q? 21:11:34 other representations MUST be either uni-directional or bi-directional 21:12:08 @dlongley - but that's all the options? like, what else is there besides uni-directional or bi-directional? 21:12:22 q? 21:12:26 dmitriz: no other options! :) 21:12:27 ack JoeAndrieu 21:12:27 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say this isn't about transforming VCs. It's about transforming media-types 21:12:38 @dlongley - ok but that's reading as a tautology. you're saying it MUST be either A or !A. 21:12:47 JoeAndrieu: to manu's threat analysis stuff. This is not about data round tripping is not applicable 21:12:53 @dlongley - that can just be simplified to "it can be whatver" 21:12:54 ... these media types are integrity mechanisms 21:12:55 dmitriz: oh, you can't make something that's partially bi-directional 21:12:59 q+ 21:13:01 ... not going to be able to recreate the signed thing 21:13:04 q? 21:13:08 ... maybe I misunderstood 21:13:16 dmitriz: that accepts some credentials in the base media type and not others (lossy) 21:13:28 ... I also don;t like that we are not doing transformation rules, unless we state that transformability must be demonstrated 21:13:29 @dlongley - isn't partially bi-directional just mean uni-directional? 21:13:40 dmitriz: no, it's more than uni-directional. 21:13:40 ... like cryptosuites. We are not definining them, but you have to have them 21:13:50 dmitriz: it's between uni-directional and bi-directional. 21:13:51 ... maybe the WG doesnt need to come up with those rules 21:14:05 @dlongley - this is a subtlety that might be eluding me.. 21:14:21 q? 21:14:24 dmitriz: the key is it's all or nothing, it must be *lossless* if it's got any bidirectional feature at all 21:14:56 q? 21:15:05 ORie_ has joined #vcwg 21:15:08 q? 21:15:10 q+ 21:15:22 ack msporny__ 21:15:22 msporny__, you wanted to note that we will be exposed to problems, not objecting, but concerned that we're still talking past each other. 21:15:43 msporny__: making a meta comment, people are getting frustrated 21:15:54 <3 21:15:55 ... headed in a good direction, asking for calm 21:16:06 ... the more we add to this, the harder it is to agree on 21:16:07 progress is being made! 21:16:24 q 21:16:26 ... lets all chill 21:16:42 kristina: don;t expect to take this for a formal proposal 21:16:53 q? 21:17:07 q+ 21:17:13 mprorock: instead of running a poll, can we ask anyone listening if there is suggested changes to the proposal 21:17:19 I would really like to hear from Sam 21:17:26 Sam first? 21:17:28 q+ to suggest "Other serializations identified by media types defined by the VCWG MUST be able to be transformed into the base media type." -> "Serializations in other media types identified by the VCWG MUST be able to be transformed into the base media type." 21:17:53 ack samsmith 21:18:02 q- 21:18:03 samsmith: comment is we should do the poll, who ever objects lets focus on their objection 21:18:08 +1 TallTed - really want to hear his clarifications since he is very good at language 21:18:10 ack ORie_ 21:18:26 much mo better than i is 21:18:42 ORie_: sometimes you have to write a lot to get it down to a clean sentence. This process is natural 21:18:54 q+ to run the poll 21:19:13 ... regarding the context interaction and round tripping behaviour, not sure how much we want to go into that here today 21:19:31 ... need to be aware of JSON-LD processors and how they will handle this 21:19:52 ... other thing to say is, this is about getting alignment here as a WG. Then we need to get consensus on a PR 21:19:59 ... dont worry too much about this proposal text 21:19:59 can we add a 4. that this is for group consensus to inform the specificaiton? 21:20:13 or to inform future PRs 21:20:18 ... PR is where this progresses 21:20:25 ack dlongley 21:20:37 dlongley: shakey on 3c, hard to make out the cross talk 21:20:48 ... need to define this transformation rules to get to compliance 21:20:57 ... may need tweaking as we go 21:21:03 q+m they must be defined, but not by necessarily by us (TOIP, DIF, IETF...) 21:21:06 ack TallTed 21:21:06 TallTed, you wanted to suggest "Other serializations identified by media types defined by the VCWG MUST be able to be transformed into the base media type." -> "Serializations in 21:21:09 ... other media types identified by the VCWG MUST be able to be transformed into the base media type." 21:21:14 q+ to say they must be defined, but not by necessarily by us (TOIP, DIF, IETF...) 21:21:28 TallTed: suggesting changes to number 3 of the proposal 21:22:13 "Other verifiable credential serializations" 21:22:28 q? 21:23:04 +1 brent 21:23:07 brentz: point of order, this text serves as normative guidance for our group 21:24:15 ack clownface 21:24:15 clownface, you wanted to run the poll 21:24:15 who is 'me'? :) 21:24:31 manu: wants to run the poll 21:24:39 ack JoeAndrieu 21:24:39 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say they must be defined, but not by necessarily by us (TOIP, DIF, IETF...) 21:24:47 Phil_F has joined #vcwg 21:24:54 JoeAndrieu: think define instead of identify in the text 21:25:10 ... want to answer dlongley, these transformations must be defined. But we don;t have to do it. 21:25:15 +1 to Joe 21:25:17 ... They have to be demonstratable 21:25:26 q 21:25:30 POLL: Serializations in other media types (defined by the VCWG) MUST be able to be transformed into the base media type. 21:25:48 -1 Transformations are a demonstrated bad idea 21:25:50 Orie has joined #vcwg 21:25:52 +1 21:25:53 +1 21:25:54 +1 21:25:55 +1 21:25:57 +1 21:25:59 +1 21:26:10 +1 21:26:17 +1 21:26:18 poll is 3a-c 21:26:20 +1 21:26:20 +1 21:26:21 +1 21:26:22 +1 21:26:28 +0 21:26:31 +0.5 (because I think we're going to be defining some rules, folks) 21:26:31 +1 21:26:32 +1 21:26:52 q+ 21:26:52 +0 (concerned about able to be transformed) 21:26:55 +0 (I'm stunned at this turn of events, but certainly won't hold it back) 21:27:40 Orie__ has joined #vcwg 21:27:44 ack ChristopherA 21:27:52 ChristopherA_: I moved my vote to 0, because of samsmith's +1 21:28:02 ... we have similar concerns about context security issues and serialization 21:28:23 ... my gut is, this is going to end up on me and samsmith to puzzle this out 21:28:35 ... don't know of anyone else trying to do this in another graph world 21:28:48 *waves* I'm working on RDF-star. 21:29:00 q+ 21:29:08 ... feel there are some edges here due to the @context stuff 21:29:11 Another media type MUST identify if this transformation is one-directional or bi-directional. Bi-directional transformation MUST preserve @context. Transformation rules MUST be defined, but not necessarily by this WG. 21:29:19 posted 1-c 21:29:36 ... Think these could be resolved, just need to figure it out 21:29:49 q+ to ask clarification question 21:30:00 selfissued_: my point is that its always possible to define transformation, but these are mostly not useful 21:30:30 ... without making it clear what we are trying to achieve, I don't think we should create more work for ourselves 21:30:37 q+ 21:30:40 ... want this to be substantive 21:30:47 q+ to usefulness of the transform 21:30:58 ... I am -1 to 3a-c, it doesn;t define meaningful work for us to do that is useful 21:31:18 kristina: selfissued_ what we are trying to achieve is very clear 21:31:29 ... we are trying to achieve serializations in other media types 21:31:37 ack samsmith 21:31:53 samsmith: to ChristopherA_ I voted +1 because as of today, this is the best compromise that we are going to see 21:32:11 ... probably going to propose to recharter WG to include other graph models 21:32:37 ... not ready to propose that today 21:32:39 ack dmitriz 21:32:39 dmitriz, you wanted to ask clarification question 21:32:40 +1 Yes! Was talking to author of Blake3 on zk-hash tree that does that. 21:32:56 +1 chris absolutely 21:33:14 dmitriz: asking clarification Q - is it must be able to be transformed in general, or for every instance 21:33:16 q+ to note for ChristopherA_ that I'm in the RDF-star WG. Just a point of data about other graph worlds. 21:33:33 every instance (which is what i consider 'in general' to mean) :) 21:33:39 ack dwaite_ 21:34:18 by 'in general' I meant 'in theory' 21:34:23 dwaite_: speaking to my +0, the transformation is about what a media type does to express itself interms of the vcdm base media type. I am supportive of this 21:34:31 because I suspect different parties are reading this in completely opposite ways 21:34:34 ... we can demonstrate that those types of transformation are possible 21:34:35 ok.. 21:34:46 q+ 21:34:53 ... share concerns about defining a programatic way of doing these transformation 21:35:08 ack TallTed 21:35:08 TallTed, you wanted to note for ChristopherA_ that I'm in the RDF-star WG. Just a point of data about other graph worlds. 21:35:28 ack mprorock 21:35:28 mprorock, you wanted to usefulness of the transform 21:35:30 Thanks TallTed 21:35:31 TallTed: note for ChristopherA_ I am involved in the RDF * work. Other graphs are represented here 21:35:43 mprorock: speaking to the value of core basic transformation 21:35:45 s/RDF * work/RDF-star work/ 21:36:13 ... about intersecting VC data with other large data sets 21:36:16 ack selfissued_ 21:36:38 selfissued_: if we are looking at all of three, I strongly disagree with transformation rules must be defined 21:36:51 ... fine for people to define them, but I don't want to put that burden on this WG 21:37:07 audio poof 21:37:10 Lost audio again 21:37:18 ditto 21:37:25 me to 21:38:11 kristina: if they are going to call themselves VC they will have to 21:38:11 q? 21:38:11 ... for instance is an iso mdoc going to define there transformation rules 21:38:17 q? 21:38:21 Back with audio 21:38:22 msporny__ has joined #vcwg 21:38:26 samsmith_ has joined #vcwg 21:38:26 kevin_ has joined #vcwg 21:38:30 But slide needs resharing. 21:38:40 Orie has joined #vcwg 21:38:42 q+ 21:38:44 ChristopherA has joined #vcwg 21:38:47 kristina_ has joined #vcwg 21:38:52 present+ 21:38:56 Can we put the slide back in Zoom please 21:39:02 JoeAndrieu_ has joined #vcwg 21:39:08 quitting and returning fixed audio again. 21:39:11 q? 21:39:12 dwaite has joined #vcwg 21:39:30 q? 21:39:36 slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/128DHWSzVxPgAhB0mq-h23_iATnbVeA4Y-JhNLjpcXJE/edit#slide=id.g1f29416984d_38_0 21:39:45 Orie: want to say, this gives anyone who is willing to do the time an opportunity to make a compact opaque representation of a VC 21:39:59 ... if they are skilled it might be great, if not it could be sad 21:40:07 q+ to run a proposal 21:40:12 ack Orie 21:40:15 ... this relates to what is called a VC 21:40:50 q+ 21:40:57 ... gives people tools a guidance for how to create valid representations of VCs 21:41:07 present+ 21:41:13 ack Phil_F 21:41:37 Phil_F: wanted to emphasise what Orie said. Gives us the opportunity to do that. It is way we came to this WG 21:42:03 voice isn't audible 21:42:16 wayne has joined #vcwg 21:42:31 No it was the last mumbling 21:42:33 Orie_ has joined #vcwg 21:42:36 I can hear except when you speak at same time 21:42:42 brentz: running the proposal on the slide 21:42:53 What word(s) changed? 21:43:22 q 21:43:25 I see that, but what is diff from last? 21:43:45 ok. 21:43:50 PROPOSAL: The base media type for the VCDM is credential+ld+json. 21:44:03 @context is required (MUST) in the base media type; other media types MAY choose to include @context. 21:44:16 Serializations in other media types (defined by the VCWG) MUST be able to be transformed into the base media type. 21:44:25 Another media type MUST identify if this transformation is one-directional or bi-directional. 21:44:30 samsmith has joined #vcwg 21:44:39 Bi-directional transformation MUST preserve @context. 21:44:47 Transformation rules MUST be defined, but not necessarily by this WG. 21:44:53 +0.75 (this is so much more difficult than just preserving @context) 21:44:54 +1 21:44:55 +1 21:44:55 +1 21:44:57 +1 21:44:57 +1 21:44:57 +1 21:44:58 +1 21:44:59 I got forced out of irc and had to rely. 21:45:02 +1 (although, mythical Cassandra-like, I highly suspect people are interpreting item 3 in diametrically opposite manners). 21:45:03 +1 21:45:08 +1 21:45:14 +1 21:45:15 +1 21:45:17 +1 21:45:20 +.75 21:45:21 +1 21:45:30 +0.5 21:45:40 -1 This imposes unnecessary work for VC-JWT, since it would force us to define (and argue about) transformation rules 21:45:42 +1 21:46:13 @selfissued_ -- note that it says 'rules do not need to be defined by this WG' 21:47:05 dmitriz: while true, if the WG defines the serialization, it must also define the rules ... if we just point to some other spec that defines it, that's fine, provided that it also defines the rules 21:47:14 +1 from gabe 21:47:15 I do worry 3) will be like DID:IPSF, only one person will do it and thus no inclusion. 21:47:21 @dlongley - that's not what that language says, exactly :) 21:47:27 brentz: chair asks if selfissued_ would formally object if this is resolved over his -1 21:47:38 selfissued_: he would not FO, and is greatful for peoples work today 21:48:01 s/he would/I would/ 21:48:09 RESOLVED: The base media type for the VCDM is credential+ld+json. @context is required (MUST) in the base media type; other media types MAY choose to include @context. Serializations in other media types (defined by the VCWG) MUST be able to be transformed into the base media type. Another media type MUST identify if this transformation is one-directional or bi-directional. Bi-directional transformation MUST preserve @context. 21:48:19 Transformation rules MUST be defined, but not necessarily by this WG. 21:48:35 yeah! 21:48:43 can we close that huge issue? :) 21:48:44 +1 to Merkle-Proof 21:48:50 Bye - 21:48:55 maybe we'll just take that win later. 21:48:58 But the WG will have to do the work to check out the other work if the WG is to define this media type 21:48:59 Is there more on agenda, or are we done? 21:49:51 Thanks everyone. I'm available on Signal at +1-510-908-1066. 21:50:10 Ciao! 22:00:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 22:00:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-vcwg-minutes.html kristina_ 22:00:23 zakim, end meeting 22:00:23 As of this point the attendees have been Phil_ASU, TallTed, ChristopherA, ivan, markus, identitywoman, dmitriz, campbell, dlongley, decentralgabe, andres, GeunHyung_Kim, manu_, 22:00:24 ... shigeya, brent, mprorock, dwaite, kristina, orie, selfissued, mkhraisha, Will, Phil_F, JoeAndrieu, markus_sabadello, oliver, DavidC, KevinDeanGS, ChristopherA_, selfissued_, 22:00:24 ... dwaite_, who, .75 22:00:24 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 22:00:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-vcwg-minutes.html Zakim 22:00:31 I am happy to have been of service, kristina_; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 22:00:31 Zakim has left #vcwg 22:00:33 rrsagent, bye 22:00:33 I see no action items