15:57:08 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:57:12 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-hcls-irc 15:57:14 rrsagent, make logs public 15:57:18 Meeting: FHIR RDF 15:57:22 Chair: David Booth 16:01:54 Topic: FHIR RDF Playground 16:04:59 (James does demo) 16:05:01 james: problem w some structure defs causing pre-processing errors 16:05:37 eric: For any version you should be able to get both the structure def and matching examples -- they're paired. 16:05:54 ... Look at 4.2 and 5-something. 16:06:23 rob: There's an R5 snapshot release that's more stable. 16:06:41 eric: Diff from snapshot vs CI build probably won't be much difference. 16:07:14 rob: Agreed. 16:09:07 james: I hid the Bundle example, but will add it back in. 16:10:48 eric: In manifest, Suggest making the version be an array 16:11:57 eric: You could group the examples under R4 vs R5. 16:12:55 dbooth: Request moving the R5 and Advanced buttons up, away from the example tabs. 16:15:08 dbooth: Houcemeddine, anything to ask James? 16:15:18 houcemeddine: Talk w James later this week. 16:16:04 eric: Suggest working out some workflow. We have input from FHIR JSON and from FHIR RDF, and the validator should operator on both of them. Somebody will want to figure out which input buttons to use. 16:18:30 dbooth: How about making the Turtle window be editable, and add a button below to validate. 16:18:57 james: I can do that 16:19:43 ... how about like this? https://jsonlint.com/ 16:20:51 houcemeddine: Need two types of validation: extensive vs not. Patient schema. 16:22:03 dbooth: It should be in the generated shex. 16:22:40 https://github.com/shexjs/shex.js/tree/main/packages/shex-validator 16:24:01 ACTION: James to send invite to houcemeddine to discuss playground 16:24:16 Topic: FHIR RDF validation 16:24:54 s/FHIR RDF validation/HAPI 16:25:59 eric: Done part of the job of converting HAPI back to use R5 RDF. 16:26:54 ... Did fhir:v, haven't yet done value[x], lists, or shortening property names. 16:27:12 Topic: FHIR build and FHIR RDF validation 16:28:51 dbooth: Turns out the special turtle parser is needed for FHIR validator. 16:29:00 jim: I'll work on that. 16:31:31 ... When does the validator run? In the build? 16:32:01 rob: Runs standalone. I thought it was run in the build. 16:32:40 ... On separate issue, someone posted an invalid code sys, but Grahame had disabled the validation so it wasn't caught. 16:37:30 ACTION: DBooth to create a jira ticket for FHIR RDF validator 16:37:47 Topic: Ontology generation 16:38:34 daniel: Need to know what we want to do in the code. Lots of edge cases. Some easy, some hard. 16:39:12 Present: David Booth, EricP, Houcemeddine Turki, Rob Hausam, Jim Balhoff, James Champion 16:40:08 daniel: How are properties defined? 16:40:59 jim: whatever's after the last period is the shortened property name. 16:42:49 rob: Just take the tail. Are they the same property? 16:43:06 dbooth: They're the same property by fiat. 16:43:34 eric: Some look wrong, but they reflect things that the pub process plans to address, to make them more consistent. 16:44:01 ... Any remaining that look wrong will be addressed eventually. 16:45:01 dbooth: They can always be distinguish by context in the resource. 16:45:42 daniel: Second issues is value[x] types, e.g., author[x] 16:47:44 ... Property becomes fhir:author 16:48:24 dbooth: And add a type arc also. 16:50:14 daniel: What about modified property names? 16:53:43 dbooth: Don't try to make disjointness statements about modified properties. 16:54:57 present+ Gaurav Vaidya 16:55:49 present+ Daniel Stone 16:56:33 eric: Don't confuse semantics w datatypes. Looks weird to use the same property w all these different datatypes. But in good reusaalbe properties, they're separated. 16:56:55 ... Good that we're not giving range constraints. 16:57:39 ... Might not even want to include range constraints on any properties. 16:58:00 daniel: Intend to not include any range constraints. 16:58:12 AGREED: Not include range constraints. 16:58:33 Topic: Concept IRIs and IRI stems 16:58:57 gaurav: Everything remaining is not needed for R5 deadline. 16:59:15 ... Re LOINC proposal, we're up to 8 positive points and need 15. 16:59:46 ... Reached out to Reuben. Who is Family requirement? 16:59:59 rob: Somebody doing v2 or v3 group. 17:00:27 ... Suggest Jean Detau(sp?) 17:01:44 ... One other thing: adding IRIs to known ID systems. The list was voted and approved, but then moved to IDs in THO. 17:02:03 ... Now a NamingSystem in terminology.hl7.org 17:03:05 ... I created an HTA ticket. SHould I create a third UTG ticket, to make the code change? 17:03:22 rob: Yes. Would be pro forma. 17:05:22 Topic: ITS meeting 17:06:21 dbooth: ITS Meeting 3pm Eastern US Feb 22 Wednesday 17:06:28 ... Who else can join? 17:23:55 Rob: i probably can 17:24:01 daniel: I can. 17:24:15 ADJOURNED 17:24:21 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:24:22 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 18:08:10 TallTed has joined #hcls