19:51:18 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 19:51:23 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-aria-at-irc 19:51:39 MEETING: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group 19:51:44 present+ 19:51:49 rrsagent, make log public 19:52:03 CHAIR: Matt King 19:52:22 rrsagent, make minutes 19:52:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 20:06:56 TOPIC: Meeting pole update 20:06:59 Sam_Shaw has joined #aria-at 20:07:15 present+ Isabel 20:07:22 present+ James 20:07:43 present+ 20:07:49 regrets+ Michael 20:10:30 Matt gave Sam input for a pole. 20:10:35 Sam made draft. 20:10:54 SS: Sam sent Matt a draft of the poll 20:11:42 MK: How long should we keep the poll open? I propose we announce the poll on the mailing list 20:12:05 MK: I will add a reminder about the poll when I send out next weeks agenda for this meeting 20:13:18 MK: I propose keeping the poll open for two weeks, send it out tomorrow, a reminder next week and a final reminder Tuesday the 28th 20:13:30 JS: I concur 20:14:03 JG: We may also want to consider using a poll for people to volunteer for a specific pattern? 20:14:32 MK: We don't have a good way to train new people on testing. James what do you think about people testing who don't normally attend meetings? 20:15:44 JG: I was thinking you could ask people how confident they are when testing. 20:16:31 JS: I think there is something to be said about having more testing capacity, and would encourage more involvement and ownership. 20:16:57 JS: The lack of clear training material, and the time it takes to clear up conflicts are concerns 20:17:38 JS: It may be worth documenting the instructions I've recently sent David and Louis to get them on board and making it public 20:18:10 MK: I am working on some Wiki updates right now, I've put in some place holders related to getting started running tests 20:18:17 scribe+ 20:21:56 howard-e has joined #aria-at 20:22:00 Calendar for aria-at CG: https://www.w3.org/groups/cg/aria-at/calendar 20:24:05 MK: I've added this meeting to the ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group - Calendar 20:24:12 TOPIC: Test running status update 20:25:13 MK: It looks like all of the first 5 plans are marked with a status of ready for all three screen readers 20:25:57 MK: I think we are waiting on input from Howard as to when do we get to push the button to mark as in review 20:26:55 HE: This feature exists in the sandbox now, if anyone wants to test it 20:27:09 HE: We can duplicate this feature for the candidate test page 20:27:24 HE: I think monday afternoon or Tuesday morning we can push this update to PROD 20:27:43 HE: I would like if its possible, to confirm that we are seeing what we would expect in sandbox 20:27:53 MK: Is the latest data in the sandbox? 20:28:08 HE: No, but we can work on getting that data in today, so people can review Monday morning 20:28:48 MK: So for these, Alert, Command Button, Link, Toggle Button, and Radio Group with Active decsendent all look ready to go 20:28:59 JS: Yes Dylan completed the testing for Toggle button, any feedback? 20:29:19 DS: No, I found the testing instructions were easy to understand and run 20:29:37 DS: I use a virtual machine on a mac to test 20:29:43 MK: How well does that work? 20:30:15 DS: It works well, I had to remap a few key commands and add a delete key as one doesn't exist on macs 20:30:41 MK: Delete on a mac is FN+Option+Backspace 20:32:28 MK: Okay then those 5 are ready, and it looks like we are close on a few more. Dialog has one conflict, Alyssa it looks like you are almost done with that? 20:32:42 AG: Yes I'm about a third of the way done with that, there was one conflict 20:33:03 JS: Lets save the discussion for that conflict, I haven't read the issue yet 20:34:28 JS: Also a new version of JAWS was released this week, Alyssa have you updated? I would almost ask you not to 20:49:59 MK: James after slider and menu dialog, you have some other tests assigned to people correct? 20:50:13 JS: No, I don't think the Queue is accurate beyond the 8 20:50:40 JS: We don't have the next patterns prioritized, the spreadsheet of test plans is almost ready and we can review it next thursday 20:50:58 TOPIC: Status of Site Changes 20:51:31 MK: We already covered this, Howard said the new changes to the site will be ready Monday. James you and I should coordinate some testing on Monday 20:51:45 MK: We can decide which patterns we should each test with offline 20:52:06 TOPIC: Gathering pattern usage data for test plan prioritization 20:52:45 MK: Last week, one of the dimensions of prioritization that we discussed, that wont be in the spreadsheet that James is working on, is prioritization based on usage of a pattern 20:53:34 MK: We discussed using HTTP Archive and others. Can we make any of those ideas actionable? I personally don't have the time to query the data, and I also don't have much knowledge with HTTP Archive 20:53:53 MK: I don't know that we want to add it to the Bocoup or PAC agenda as they have so many things to do already 20:54:07 MK: Does anyone have advice on how to make these ideas actionable? 20:54:34 MK: The one thing I can do is get data from the w3C web masters, regarding the traffic and number of visits to the APG pages 20:55:25 JS: I think that there were alot of interesting ideas last thursday, many were fairly ambitious and make have a high signal to noise ratio that would make it hard to understand with the effort we have available 20:56:38 JS: In the interest of putting together a priority list ASAP, my feeling is that the APG visitor data will be extremely useful, and then we should canvas opinions from this group in this meeting and asynchronously, and then perhaps table the other ideas for now. 20:56:56 JS: We could also have people spend their time in different ways like documenting testing instructions 20:57:36 MK: You are suggesting if these ideas were easily actionable we could do them, but not if they are resource intensive 20:58:05 JS: The sooner we can prioritize the next few patterns, the better 20:58:19 JS: I would like the next priorities to be as stable as possible for the next 6 months 20:58:32 MK: I agree 20:59:18 MK: Does anyone else have thoughts or experience with this kind of research? 20:59:26 DS: Not really 20:59:58 AG: No not really, I could gather some opinions from the team of testers I work with to see what patterns then encounter the most and have the most issues 21:00:02 MK: Yeah that would be helpful 21:00:35 DS: I could also ask some of my collogues at Deque if we had some specific questions 21:00:46 AG: I see alot of badly done navigation 21:01:03 JG: Yeah Navigation stuff is really bad 21:01:39 MK: So it sounds like we think we will have enough input for prioritization without that kind of additional research 21:02:16 MK: The spreadsheet will allow us to take a first pass at prioritization, then we could ask people to rank a subset of the next priorities 21:02:47 AG: Yeah that would work 21:02:55 JG: I think that would be a good idea 21:03:30 rrsagent, make minutes 21:03:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 21:07:48 present+ Dillon 21:07:57 Present+ howard 21:10:44 rrsagent, make minutes 21:10:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 21:11:31 present+ Jon_gunderson 21:11:39 rrsagent, make minutes 21:11:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/16-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 21:16:47 jongund has joined #aria-at