13:20:04 RRSAgent has joined #epub 13:20:09 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/10-epub-irc 13:20:09 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:20:10 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), dauwhe 13:20:21 meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telecon 14:53:53 duga has joined #epub 14:58:17 wendyreid has joined #epub 14:58:32 AvneeshSingh has joined #epub 14:59:01 dhall has joined #epub 14:59:08 MattChan has joined #epub 14:59:18 tzviya has joined #epub 14:59:40 present+ 15:00:03 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 15:00:07 present+ 15:00:09 present+ 15:00:10 present+ 15:00:53 rickj has joined #epub 15:00:59 present+ 15:01:16 present+ 15:01:18 regrets+ 15:02:16 gpellegrino has joined #epub 15:02:47 present+ 15:02:51 present+ 15:02:56 CharlesL has joined #epub 15:03:02 JF has joined #epub 15:03:09 present+ 15:03:14 Present+ 15:04:24 scribe+ 15:04:28 agenda? 15:04:45 TOPIC: Update on publication process 15:04:58 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #epub 15:05:06 wendyreid: our PR transition got rejected because we had not made a new CR snapshot since May 2022 15:05:20 ... usual process is CR snapshot after substantive changes, which triggers wider review 15:05:42 ... we spoke with Phillipe yesterday, and all substantive changes in the last 8 months were because of wide review. Specifically security changes 15:05:49 ... which is why we didn't make the snapshot 15:05:54 ... but they want proof of that 15:06:08 ... i'm in the process of asking for new reviews from TAG and PING 15:06:12 JF: and APA? 15:06:27 wendyreid: nope, we got fresh ones from them in Feb. and from i18n 15:07:21 ... so we need to go into a new CR snapshop, which involves new 28 day review period, and 60 day patent-related wait 15:07:43 ... the current date structure is if we pub snapshot on 21st, barring required revision, we will transition to PR on apr 11th 15:07:48 ... will publish on may 16th 15:08:10 duga: good thing we got that long charter extension 15:08:16 wendyreid: yes, we're extended until aug 15:08:32 ... we are going ahead with that process. Just making everyone aware of it. 15:08:40 q? 15:09:58 q+ 15:10:02 ... we may need to change the copyright statement related to some ongoing legal actions 15:10:08 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:10:41 q+ 15:10:45 ack AvneeshSingh 15:10:47 Bill_Kasdorf: the 14 day period Overdrive had to appeal the related legal action may have just lapsed 15:12:48 wendyreid: thankfully we don't have to do anything for the snapshot 15:12:58 TOPIC: Charter discussion 15:13:13 wendyreid: while we are waiting on the publication process to proceed, there won't be much to talk about aside from the Charter 15:13:28 ... usual process is that when your spec goes to Rec status, the WG transitions to a Maintenance WG 15:13:43 ... if anyone comes up with errata, or there is additional work that needs to be done, the Maint. WG will do it 15:13:55 ... we did the same thing in the 2 years following Audiobook spec 15:14:02 ... we still need to write a charter for the Maint. WG 15:14:34 q+ 15:14:45 q- 15:14:57 ... there was a proposal that the Audiobooks Maint. WG charter expired, and that instead of having 2 Maint. WG running at the same time with overlap in membership, we wondered whether it would make sense to have a single Maint. WG that oversees epub, pub manifest, and audiobooks all together 15:15:48 ... Maint. WG only meets when something comes up. e.g. Audio books one met 2 times last year 15:15:57 ... most of the work is monitoring the github 15:16:06 q+ 15:16:09 ... and addressing issues that get raised 15:16:09 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:16:25 Bill_Kasdorf: do we know where pub manifest is being used? what it is being used for? 15:16:53 ... i've been co-chairing NISO working group that is promulgating new standard that uses pub manifest as part of our spec 15:17:19 wendyreid: unless someone announces they are using it, we don't know 15:17:26 If possible we should name it as Publishing maintenance WG, instead of Publishing WG. It would give an option open to have a new Publishing WG for further development 15:17:29 ... i've found out about implementations mostly by accident 15:17:43 ... i found out that Google uses Audiobook LPF format as one option for AI generated audiobooks 15:17:56 ... but no one said anything 15:18:24 Bill_Kasdorf: i brought it up because this seems to be another argument in favor of a consolidated maint WG 15:18:41 ... knowing that Audiobooks is being used and Pub Manifest is being used is related info 15:18:49 ... shouldn't be silo'ed 15:19:01 +1 to Avneesh's suggestion on the new name for the Maintenance WG 15:19:14 duga: makes scheduling for TPAC easier too, just avoids the possibility of conflicting meeting times 15:19:44 wendyreid: AvneeshSingh suggests calling it "Publishing Working Group". Sounds good to me. 15:20:02 ... epub will not be a standard that accepts new changes. So maint will only be errata and editorial fixes. 15:20:08 ... but other two do accept new changes 15:20:25 ... so the joint maint wg could work on new features 15:20:39 ... so we would have to make that clear in the charter 15:21:13 q+ 15:21:17 ack AvneeshSingh 15:21:26 s/"Publishing Working Group"/"Publishing maintenance WG" 15:21:46 AvneeshSingh: are the w3c staff okay with having this sort of dual purpose maint wg 15:22:13 wendyreid: before i proposed this I did ask Phillipe and Ralph, and they said it was okay 15:22:30 ... the major argument was that there is just so much overlap in membership 15:23:18 dhall: i like the idea of combining them. More bandwidth for other things 15:23:21 https://w3c.github.io/charter-drafts/charter-template.html 15:23:29 https://www.w3.org/2020/12/epub3-wg-charter.html 15:23:39 wendyreid: for reference, here is the template, and the current epub Charter 15:23:53 https://www.w3.org/2020/11/audiobooks-wg-charter.html 15:24:09 ... and this is maint Charter for Audiobooks 15:24:26 q+ 15:24:32 ack dhall 15:24:42 https://www.w3.org/TR/epub-33/#sec-pkg-metadata 15:25:14 dhall: we have a how to write an epub guide that we want to link to the actual spec. Suggested practices for linking to spec? What URL should we be using? 15:25:38 wendyreid: i don't believe the link will change. The one you provided will definitely not change. Doubt the anchors would change at this point 15:25:46 dhall: thanks! 15:26:17 wendyreid: especially as we enter CR snapshot and PR. Barring comment about something we must change, we will not be touching the document at all 15:26:25 q+ 15:26:30 ack CharlesL 15:27:23 CharlesL: brief update on NNELs Publishing A11y Summit. We were looking at certification and metadata. Sustainability of a11y ecosystem for publishers. Marrakesh treaty 15:27:43 wendyreid: it was pub on by NNEL (National Network for Equitable Library Services) 15:28:01 ... goal was to bring all players in publishing industry together to talk about born accessible publishing 15:28:27 ... Canadian based/Canadian govt funded, but we've had international guests over the years 15:29:05 ... biggest take away was that industry has made massive strides in producing front and backlist a11y content, but does a11y metadata appear in retail streams? 15:29:08 present+ 15:29:29 ... where is this info being surfaced? (Aside from a couple notable implementations like Redshelf and VST) 15:29:46 ... big questions about Marrakesh Treaty and what it means for copyright 15:29:51 q+ 15:30:23 ... and the sustainability of the a11y publishing ecosystem. In Canada, it is partly funded by the fed. govt. and those grants are ending next year. As far as we've heard there are no plans to continue past 2024, so how do we keep the momentum going? 15:30:34 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:30:34 ... how do we keep it going elsewhere (e.g. EAA) 15:31:20 Bill_Kasdorf: our general perception is that a11y metadata exists, but that its not being used in retail channels. To our retails in the call, do you have metrics about the epubs that are coming in to you, what percent have a11y metadata? 15:31:31 wendyreid: we have quite a bit (don't know exact number) 15:31:40 ... any GCA certified pub would have it 15:32:00 Bill_Kasdorf: its not optimism that people are supplying a11y metadata, its the truth 15:32:03 q+ 15:32:07 ack dhall 15:32:26 dhall: i imagine i could check it. If i'm allowed to share our stats I will 15:32:45 wendyreid: an interesting point that came up during the summit, was platform validation of a11y metadata 15:32:47 q+ 15:33:16 ... we getting a lot of a11y metadata, but we don't have good way to validate those claims about WCAG standard compliance, a11y features etc. 15:33:24 ack gpellegrino 15:33:25 ... some people are manually checking 15:33:31 ... certification helps with that 15:34:12 gpellegrino: a11y TF of publishing wg was discussing this. Maybe in publishing cg we will work on best practices for retailers, libraries, etc. on this topic 15:34:37 Bill_Kasdorf: for retailers, just provide it with a disclaimer saying "the following are the publisher's assertions about a11y" 15:34:48 plh has joined #epub 15:34:54 wendyreid: but at the end of the day the RS has to take on the burden of customer feedback, etc. etc. 15:35:18 q+ 15:35:26 ack rickj 15:36:03 [on Zoom screen] 15:36:47 CharlesL: its a bar graph, showing month over month improvement in epubs ingested with a11y data. Starts small, but grows to about 30-40% 15:38:17 wendyreid: okay thanks everyone for your feedback today 15:38:27 rrsagent, please draft minutes 15:38:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/10-epub-minutes.html wendyreid 15:38:35 CharlesL has left #epub 15:38:37 rrsagent, make logs public 15:38:45 zakim, end meeting 15:38:45 As of this point the attendees have been duga, wendyreid, dhall, MasakazuKitahara, rickj, MattChan, gpellegrino, AvneeshSingh, CharlesL, JF, dauwhe 15:38:48 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:38:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/10-epub-minutes.html Zakim 15:39:27 I am happy to have been of service, wendyreid; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:39:27 Zakim has left #epub 15:39:32 rrsagent, bye 15:39:32 I see no action items