16:03:14 RRSAgent has joined #vcwg-special 16:03:18 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/07-vcwg-special-irc 16:03:18 kristina has joined #vcwg-special 16:03:19 present+ 16:03:22 zakim, start the meeting 16:03:22 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:03:24 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), brentz 16:03:31 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg-special 16:03:40 present+ 16:03:43 Will has joined #vcwg-special 16:03:53 meeting: VCWG Special Topic Call 16:04:00 chair: kristina 16:04:25 present+ 16:05:15 scribe+ 16:05:30 present+ 16:05:34 samsmith has joined #vcwg-special 16:05:38 bumblefudge_ has joined #vcwg-special 16:05:41 Topic: use-cases document 16:05:44 https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues/ 16:05:47 present+ 16:05:48 present+ abernethy 16:05:50 kristina: Special Topic today is Implementation Guide and Use Cases document 16:05:51 present+ rgrant 16:05:56 present+ caballero 16:05:58 https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/pulls 16:06:00 present+ 16:06:01 present+ kaliya 16:06:05 Kerri_Lemoie has joined #vcwg-special 16:06:06 present+ Lemoie 16:06:08 present+ Long 16:06:11 ... there are three open PRs 16:06:19 present+ SamSmith 16:06:25 present+ Abramson 16:06:30 ... The holder Binding PR has three approvals, it was opened last week. 16:06:39 q+ on holder binding PR 16:06:44 ... do we want to have more discussion, or are we good here? 16:06:46 q? 16:07:17 JoeAndrieu: I can chime in. Kevin Dean and I have been looking at the structure of the document, but we haven't looked at these PRs. 16:07:27 kristina: so we need editor review to merge these? 16:07:41 JoeAndrieu: yes, I can look at them. 16:07:50 present+ 16:08:05 kristina: that would be good so we can move on these topics 16:08:25 JoeAndrieu: can we set up codeowners in this repo? that's why we weren't notified I think 16:08:34 kristina: yes, let's work on that offline 16:08:47 JoeAndrieu: we can certainly tag all of these for Kevin and I to review 16:08:49 ack manu 16:08:49 manu, you wanted to comment on holder binding PR 16:08:50 q? 16:09:10 manu: at a high level, we should have some holder binding use cases. I don't think this use case is realistic. 16:09:31 ... we think doing holder binding as part of age verification is problematic. 16:09:45 ... we should use a different use case that is far more realistic. 16:10:03 ... we have deliberately avoided holder binding in this use case, and this says the opposite. 16:10:24 ... maybe we can change it to something else. I'll add those comments to the PR 16:10:39 kristina: I think we need codeowners to look at the PRs, so let's look at issues. 16:10:41 jer has joined #vcwg-special 16:10:48 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues/132 16:11:37 Orie_ has joined #vcwg-special 16:11:42 present+ 16:11:45 so have an issue - use cases that requires holder binding 16:11:47 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues/128 16:11:49 PR exists 16:12:00 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues/126 16:12:03 PR needed 16:12:12 JoeAndrieu: definitely 16:12:16 identitywoman has joined #vcwg-special 16:12:27 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues/125 16:12:27 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg-special 16:12:32 present+ 16:12:53 q? 16:13:25 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues/124 16:13:31 section 4 diagram 16:14:10 JoeAndrieu: I proposed at TPAC that we get rid of it. There are use cases that require referring to a VC in a definitive way, and that is underspecified. A VC may not have an ID. 16:14:21 q+ to note "how to amend". 16:14:47 ack manu 16:14:47 manu, you wanted to note "how to amend". 16:14:49 ... There is a desire to amend things. you can't amend something that is signed, but issuing an amended VC that links to the VC being amended could be possible, but maybe we get rid of it. 16:15:04 manu: the data model currenlty supports amending today 16:15:21 ... the way you amend attributes about the subject is to re-issue. 16:15:53 q+ to say amending isn't stating new attributes about the subject 16:16:01 ... but what happens if you want to amend the whole credential, you can add the previous credential as one of the credential subjects of a new credential 16:16:19 ... changing what a previous VC says is troubling and much harder to do. 16:16:21 przemek has joined #vcwg-special 16:16:26 ack JoeAndrieu 16:16:26 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say amending isn't stating new attributes about the subject 16:17:02 JoeAndrieu: the first one, that's one way to interpret amending, I think it's just another statement. but the second method, including or referencing a VC to amend it is valid. 16:17:14 q+ to note how we might want to speak against the pattern? 16:17:17 Note the "extendsCredential" property of https://w3c-ccg.github.io/traceability-vocab/#GS1KeyCredential 16:17:36 ... I don't thik we have any language that uses that pattern. There is a desire to amend, and coming up with a way to sdo that in the implementation guide would be good 16:17:38 For the meeting notes: https://ref.gs1.org/gs1/vc 16:17:39 q+ 16:17:48 +1 16:17:50 ack manu 16:17:50 manu, you wanted to note how we might want to speak against the pattern? 16:17:54 to implementation guide rather than noramtive 16:18:40 manu: one thing that we may want to consider is speaking against certain types of amending because of the technical difficulty 16:19:36 q+ to comment on dispute 16:19:47 ... changing a previously issued VC in the right way could be very complex. Maybe we add language about re-issuing, that would be best, but issuing a credential that changes another one is harder. We should tell people this is a fraught path before they go too far. 16:19:54 ack Phil-ASU 16:19:54 ack Phil-ASU 16:20:21 q+ to bring up example of "extend lifetime of credentials" 16:20:22 Phil-ASU: I agree with Manu. Is this a back door for amending an expiry or revocation? Is there a circumstance where re-=issuing is not viable? 16:20:33 JoeAndrieu: 16:21:08 The best example I can think of is if you have a VC that is entered into an official record, but you needed to amend it. You can make a new VC that says I'm amending that thing and enter that into the record. 16:21:27 ... the ability to dispute is much broader. Amending is the same issuer. 16:21:57 restricting amending to the original issuer makes sense. 16:22:36 ... typos could be an easy amend, MS instead of BS degree. This is an interesting use case because it introduces a new party to the pantheon. not necessarily the issuer, holder, verifier, or even subject. I don't want to advocate for a dispute action, just wanted to point out it is different from amending. 16:22:52 ... It is confusing and we should add language to help that confusion. 16:22:53 q? 16:23:02 ack JoeAndrieu 16:23:02 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to comment on dispute 16:23:05 ack manu 16:23:05 manu, you wanted to bring up example of "extend lifetime of credentials" 16:23:44 q+ 16:24:08 Anthony Camilleri 16:24:11 ack Kerri_Lemoie 16:24:15 manu: +1 Joe and Phil. Something came up yesterday in VC-EDU. One of the use cases was they wanted the wallet providers to extend the lifetime of issued credentials. The VC would be issued, then wanted the wallet provider to add something to the diploma that would refresh it for the next 40 years. Maybe we can get the person who spoke about that involed. 16:24:50 Kerri_Lemoie: His name was ???? We shoudl talk to him. This is how they want to make sure the cache hasn't expired. We should talk to them more about it. 16:25:02 s/????/Anthony Camilleri/ 16:25:03 new tracking issue 16:25:08 for future use-case 16:25:20 (and Anthony's use case sounds more like `refreshService` than `amend` to me?) 16:25:26 kristina: in terms of this issue, could we remove amend claim from the diagram, but add some lanaguage about the considerations we've just discussed? 16:25:32 ... what do we do about this diagram 16:25:57 +1 to remove, and keep another issue around to document stuff around "amending" 16:26:03 +1 to remove 16:26:05 JoeAndrieu: I support removing, but we should put a proposal and put it in the minutes. It starts off on the wrong foot because you don't amend data integrity proofs. 16:26:08 name from EU Anthony Camilleri: https://github.com/anthonycamilleri 16:26:08 q+ 16:26:17 q- 16:26:24 kristina: any objections to removing, while opening another issue about disputes, etc.? 16:26:25 +1 to remove and new issue 16:26:42 ... I see +1 to remove and no objections. 16:26:55 ... we need multiple issues, for amending, disputing, etc. 16:27:04 manu: I'll do amending 16:27:12 JoeAndrieu: I'll do disputing 16:27:19 Kerri_Lemoie: I'll do the education use case 16:27:45 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues/122 16:27:46 kristina: things like terminology not defined, should we go one by one? 16:28:06 JoeAndrieu: are there a bunch of things not defined? 16:28:16 ... that's in the diagram, but not explained. 16:28:39 ... We could add that to terminology. It's terminology we borrowed from the web. 16:28:41 funny, i was just reading an article about agency being underdefined by robin berjon :D 16:28:47 kristina: I think basic definitions would work. 16:28:51 JoeAndrieu: assign that to me 16:29:10 kristina: skipping typo. 16:29:15 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues/109 16:29:30 q+ 16:29:41 kristina: which diagram does this involve? 16:29:49 ... the needs map. 16:30:19 ... in section 3? user needs? 16:30:28 JoeAndrieu: not sure what needs to be updated there. 16:30:51 JoeAndrieu: if that diagram is out of sync with the following text, but it looks like a general review 16:30:58 kristina: this is from 2019 16:31:12 JoeAndrieu: not clear if this identifies specific issues. 16:31:22 kristina: do we need to update or cabn we close? 16:31:34 JoeAndrieu: let's mark pending close and ask Matt 16:31:52 kristina: I'll mark pending close 16:31:53 ack manu 16:32:09 manu: just cross linking to the terminology discussions, but I'm fine with this being closed. 16:32:26 ... we're talking terminology in the main use case 16:32:36 kristina: maybe we need an issue to align terminology 16:32:46 manu: unless this is actionable, we should close it 16:33:05 ... an open issue to always keep the terminology in sync will never close 16:33:14 +1 to depending on Kevin, rather than a Github issue :P 16:33:24 JoeAndrieu: Kevin has been closely reviewing the Use Cases document and I think we'll catch things. 16:33:35 kristina: let's close it in a week or so 16:33:38 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues/107 16:33:43 kristina: Is this outdated? 16:33:55 ... need to review editor author section? 16:34:40 JoeAndrieu: I don't think it is. As opposed to how we handle the normative specs, who should be an editor or author, this is somewhat leftover. I don't have a good sense of how we should change this. 16:34:49 q+ 16:34:59 ... the new version editors is just Kevin and me 16:35:07 ack manu 16:35:10 steve_mccown has joined #vcwg-special 16:35:12 ... I defer toManu for how to clean it up 16:35:42 manu: we have people on here who haven't been involved in years. We can add the version they worked on next to their names. 16:36:11 ... I need to change the respec so we can list all the people who have been involved without it taking up a whole page. 16:36:38 ... It is important to acknowledge all of the people who have contributed, but it should be easier to read. 16:36:48 kristina: can I assign you? 16:36:58 manu: yes, I have a similar action on vc data model 16:37:42 kristina: Joe, can you give a quick look to see if any of these should be discussed, or we can shift to other doc? 16:37:50 https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues 16:38:00 ... people, take a look at the issues to see if there's anything folks want to talk about 16:38:01 q+ 16:38:06 ack manu 16:38:30 manu: we have a number of VC systems going into production, it would be good to list them in the use cases doc. 16:38:40 ... whatever public gossip we can talk about 16:39:00 JoeAndrieu: we are going to put out a call for input, new short use cases, extant use cases 16:39:29 ... we do want to have a section that is current uses of VCs. It will be short. a way to look at signals of market adoption for the technology 16:39:38 kristina: that sounds like a great next step 16:40:02 JoeAndrieu: not sure how much time is set aside in the F2F, but the call will probably go out after that. 16:40:16 kristina: we can take some time during F2F 16:40:25 topic: vc-imp-guide 16:40:26 ... and mark some issues as pending close if they are outdated 16:40:29 https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues 16:40:40 q+ 16:40:46 ack manu 16:40:49 kristina: Manu, there are 4 issues from May 2022, will you go through those? 16:40:59 manu: yes 16:41:36 ... just as a heads up, the implementation guide has typically been the place where we put things that are important for implementors to know, or where we put disagreements. 16:41:52 ... we ask each side to write up an opionion and put those side by side. 16:42:08 ... it's een a good way to handle disagreements in the past 16:42:08 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/67 16:42:46 manu: this issue has to do with a compormise with Australia's digital drivers license. The app wasn't even checking the digitasl signtature 16:43:20 ... the app was showing a QR code that wasn't signed. This was to add language to say make sure you've actually checked a digital signature. 16:43:27 q? 16:43:36 q+ 16:43:44 ... next steps here is prettyy straightofrward - add guidance to actually check digital signatures. 16:43:59 ack kristina 16:44:00 kristina: that australia implementation made some waves, it would be good to add this. 16:44:02 Isn't best practice the QR code should have a signature? 16:44:13 Yes, but it's mroe difficult to do than it sounds :) 16:44:25 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/66 16:44:35 kristina: verifier must not trust indicators on apps they do not control 16:44:39 q+ 16:44:48 ack manu 16:45:20 manu: people were being trained to look for visual indicators that the proper app was being used. 16:45:34 ... it's fairly easy to throw an app together that looks right. 16:46:04 ... we should say - do not look for indicators in the application that the proper app is being used. This should be used in conjunction with other checks. 16:46:12 @orie_ i think you mixed up your [] and () in that demo link 16:46:14 ... digital signatures really should always be checked. 16:46:26 kristina: what are the visual indicators? 16:46:48 manu: those could be a tilt sensor that produces a hologram. but given enough time and money you can recreate that. 16:47:36 ... we want people to think that as long as the biometric is being checked you need to make sure you received that portrait inside of a secured mechanism 16:47:45 ... can't just receive the payload. 16:47:59 kristina: what is the line between vc data model security considerations and this? 16:48:22 manu: this is at the application layer. the data model should support these mechanisms, but this is many layers above. 16:48:43 ... physical systems that protect the interatcion is what moves it into the implementation guide. 16:48:46 there is disputes section in the imp-guide btw.. https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-imp-guide/#disputes 16:48:54 ... it is a but of a gray area. 16:49:08 kristina: would be good to have a securty section in the implementation guide 16:49:15 q+ 16:49:16 manu: +1 16:49:39 +1 security implications in the implementation guide 16:49:39 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/65 16:49:55 kristina: related to another issue, make sure credential storage is encrypted using entropy from strong sources. 16:50:03 +1 to "security implications" term 16:50:53 manu: one of the reasons compromise of the australian DL was possible, they were just using a 4 digit pin to encrypt the data in the app. decryption was easy so modification was easy. they legitimate app could be made to show whatever the atteckers wanted. 16:51:05 q? 16:51:10 ... this would be implementation guidance for wallet vendors to not do that. 16:51:20 ... 256 bit key vs 4 digit pin 16:51:26 ack steve_mccown 16:51:32 ... apps need to be protected in legit ways 16:52:12 steve_mccown: I have a lot of background in this area. Manu, you mention something. I wonder what the solution is. We shouldn't train people to look for indicators inside the app. 16:52:25 q+ 16:52:52 ... form an ordinary user perspective, what should they look for. they open their app and open a credential fro the government. Everything that displays on the screen can be forged, what can they do instead? 16:52:54 ack manu 16:53:59 manu: we don't have a compltete answer. It depends on the use. If the individual is working for an organisation andd their job is to receive credentilas, they need to always use the proper app. In a retail environment, trust the PoS system, not the thing the customer has. In theory your app is trusted. 16:54:40 ... the other question is harder, how can you know the app itself can be trusted? Ifs the app store trustable? Is there some supply chain integrity controls? 16:54:44 +1 ... you have to use your own trusted apps and devices -- never rely on someone else's ... establishing trust in your own apps and devices is a harder problem. 16:54:51 ... that is a much harder problem. 16:55:09 ... we are depending on the people checking the credentials to determine legitimacy 16:55:14 ... not the users 16:55:25 steve_mccown: I volunteer to help write those things up 16:56:03 ... This issius is going to get bigger. the EU has sued apple to allow alternative app stores. 16:56:15 ... all of the goodness of android may be coming to apple. 16:57:12 ... I can also hold private keys outside of an enclave. We are moving into a world where it is fairly reasonable to download the government app for the vetted app store, but that might be harder moving forward. 16:57:29 ... what is the average user to do. what can we tell them? 16:58:06 kristina: we are a bit over time. This is what is happening in Use cases and Implementation Guide. Please go through these before the face to face. 16:58:16 ... please review the holder binding PRs. 16:58:27 ... see everyone tomorrw tomorrow at this same time. 16:58:44 zakim, close the meeting 16:58:44 I don't understand 'close the meeting', brentz 16:58:50 zakim, end the meeting 16:58:50 As of this point the attendees have been kristina, cabernet, JoeAndrieu, manu, rgrant, abernethy, caballero, brentz, kaliya, Lemoie, Long, SamSmith, Abramson, dlongley, Orie_, 16:58:53 ... decentralgabe 16:58:53 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:58:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/07-vcwg-special-minutes.html Zakim 16:59:03 I am happy to have been of service, brentz; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:59:03 Zakim has left #vcwg-special 16:59:08 rrsagent, bye 16:59:08 I see no action items