15:51:28 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:51:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/02/06-hcls-irc 15:51:33 rrsagent, make logs public 15:51:38 Meeting: FHIR RDF 15:51:42 Chair: David Booth 16:05:59 Topic: FHIR build 16:06:18 s/FHIR build/Playground/ 16:06:48 emily: James is creating and adding versions of R5 examples. 16:07:01 Topic: FHIR Build 16:07:27 emily: Jim thinks he's now on track to finish by Feb 22. 16:07:54 Topic: ShEx validation 16:08:37 deepak: Some of the tests only work for primitive types -- not object comparison. 16:09:15 ... Doesn't work for things like fhir:start should be less than fhir:end . 16:09:38 ... Jose Labra said that's not implemented. Eric: Right. 16:10:04 deepak: Add test cases are passing except percentage value things. Wondering if we need to set context for each shape. 16:10:31 eric: Those are supplied at validation time. 16:11:14 deepak: To resolve those constraints, they're specified in the constraints -- nothing wrong with the shape. But it needs to know the values. IDK how to supply that. 16:11:28 eric: Where are they used? deepak: In the structure defs. 16:12:09 deepak: fails for 168 shapes. 16:13:11 eric: Ruled out: meta resources; field comparison (like start before end). 16:13:24 deepak: The ones we cannot map are in a list of unmapped functions. 16:14:20 eric: also ruled out: where validation requires external context. We can go to print with that. That's already 100x more than you get w XML Schema, and 1000x more than you get w JSON schema. 16:14:45 ... If we're ambitious later, we can encode the ones we need as semantic actions. 16:16:08 ... We can create a semantic action language for that, but not high priority. Highest priority now is negative tests: look at the code you're using to encode this as shex, and look for neg tests that give complete coverge of that. 16:16:37 ... Having a small set of resources for those tests would be useful, even if they're not from FHIR. 16:17:03 .. Putting FHIRPath constraints on those, and then putting neg tests on them, would be a good way to show we have coverage. 16:17:43 Present: Emily Pfaff (briefly), EricP, Deepak Sharma, Daniel Stone, David Booth 16:18:14 eric: Would be nice to say that we have both positive and negative tests. 16:19:33 deepak: I don't want test cases for unimplemented features yet. 16:20:02 eric: Is there a convention for disabled tests? To make it clear what's done and what's not done. 16:21:14 deepak: I learned how to set context vars, but need to know how they should be set. 16:21:58 eric: Who knows what those values should be? 16:22:21 deepak: If we look, maybe we can figure it out. 16:22:45 eric: My first guess is that it's used in the FHIR validator. But don't want to guess. Ask first. 16:26:19 eric: Trying to understand: shape extensions to get from resource to domain resource, etc. When you work down the tree and have a datatype, then a Quantity, then an Age. But Age is not like the others: all the others add elements, but Age only adds constraints. 16:28:15 ... My guess is that we have some minor permissiveness in our schema: if you have a quentity and you allow any subtype of that quantity to validate as a quantity. But that might not be quite right, for things that are restrictions on quantities. They should be not be considered subtypes, because they're not substitutable. But not a show stopper, becuase w'e're still doing much better than other validation. "This shape uses the elements of another 16:28:15 shape, bu t is not substitutable". 16:29:42 dbooth: Sounds like it's going in the direction of modifier extensions: reusing the structure, but something has changed, so it is no longer substitutable. 16:30:38 eric: When you validate a BP w a quantity, and it conforms to an Age, you get back an Age of 110 instead of a Quanity of 110. Not a big deal, but still curious. Would be nice to reflect the intended semantics. 16:31:38 deepak: I'll do the min to get through the PR process. 16:31:47 ... And I'll add pos and neg tests. 16:32:25 Topic: Ont generation 16:32:56 dbooth: Good progress on gen tportions of the he ont selectively. Needed next? 16:33:09 daniel: Need to know what the Turtle should look like. 16:33:58 Topic: modifier extension 16:35:28 https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/93 16:36:20 eric: Tempted to say fhir:Obs fhir:modifierExtensionClass fhir:_Obs . 16:36:54 ... and fhir:status fhir:modifierExtensionProperty fhir:_status 16:38:03 Daniel has joined #hcls 16:38:48 dbooth: Sounds reasonable to me. 16:39:22 ... Will be rarely used, so it doesn't need to be terribly convenient. 16:40:38 eric: Long name seems unlikely to clash in the future. 16:41:53 AGREED use the properties EricP suggested. 16:42:24 Topic: Introductions 16:43:16 Phliippe: Working for AstraZeneca and Oxford. 16:44:51 s/Oxford/Oxford U/ 16:45:29 daniel: What would be the class of the modified Patient class? 16:45:44 dbooth: Underbar-patient: fhir:_Patient 16:47:31 Topic: OWL punning when shortening properties 16:51:45 dbooth: Propose Option 3: Change the class to start with an upper case: fhir:Code 16:52:10 daniel: Would case sensitivity cause problems? 16:52:26 dbooth: RDF is already case sensitive, so no new problem. 16:52:44 eric: Prefer Option 1: Use OWL punning. Have both a class fhir:code and a property fhir:code 16:53:32 philippe: This convention is followed by schema.org . Anyting starting w an upper case is a class, and anything starting w a lower case is a property. 16:54:17 eric: The primitive types would be an exception to that, becasue they chose lower case a while back. 16:54:37 ... In logical models we have no control over whether they use upper or lower case. 16:54:56 ... Want to be sure our code will continue to work on logical models. 16:55:20 dbooth: Wouldn't those be in a different namespace? 16:55:53 eric: Yes, but our code would probably do the wrong thing. 16:58:23 dbooth: Are there other practical issues, such as with SPARQL. 17:00:42 s/SPARQL./SPARQL?/ 17:00:51 (lost EricP) 17:01:05 dbooth: Let's finish deciding this one on Thursday. 17:01:09 ADJOURNED 17:02:21 Present+ Philippe Rocca-Serra 17:02:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:02:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/06-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 17:06:09 i/ADJOURNED/https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/69 17:06:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:06:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/06-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 17:06:55 i/Propose Option 3/https://github.com/w3c/hcls-fhir-rdf/issues/69 17:07:00 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:07:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/02/06-hcls-minutes.html dbooth