IRC log of voiceinteraction on 2023-01-25

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:51:58 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #voiceinteraction
15:52:03 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:52:34 [ddahl]
meeting: Voice Interaction
15:52:34 [ddahl]
chair: debbie
15:52:34 [ddahl]
scribe: ddah
15:52:34 [ddahl]
15:52:37 [ddahl]
16:11:19 [ddahl]
topic: 2. Continue discussion of implied requirements from our documents (updated)
16:13:35 [ddahl]
starting at Dialog Manager point 5
16:13:46 [ddahl]
5.The Dialog Manager MUST receive the next dialog move as output from the selected Dialog or the IPA Service
16:26:30 [ddahl]
stop at point 6 in Dialog Manager
16:26:47 [ddahl]
topic: github issues
16:27:59 [ddahl]
update readme
16:29:06 [ddahl]
we agree to close
16:29:44 [ddahl]
JSON samples -- currently working on
16:37:43 [ddahl]
enterprise agents?
16:37:54 [ddahl]
jim: what are they, we should have a list
16:38:40 [ddahl]
...most of them are text-based, like chatbots
16:42:14 [ddahl]
debbie: will add a comment about enterprise assistants
16:42:40 [ddahl]
...prefer one that's offered by a government
16:43:12 [ddahl]
jim: generic examples, like IVR, chatbots from web, or apps
16:46:41 [ddahl]
jim: standardization of components is not the same as interoperability
17:02:29 [ddahl]
rrsagent, format minutes
17:02:30 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ddahl
17:03:10 [ddahl]
rrsagent, make logs public
18:57:21 [ddahl]
ddahl has left #voiceinteraction