15:55:12 RRSAgent has joined #vcwg 15:55:17 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/01/25-vcwg-irc 15:55:17 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:55:18 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 15:55:25 Meeting: Verifiable Credentials Working Group Telco 15:55:25 Date: 2023-01-25 15:55:25 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/mid/bd400b8e603c3424609e27e9115eaa60@w3.org 15:55:25 chair: brent 15:55:25 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2023-01-25: https://www.w3.org/mid/bd400b8e603c3424609e27e9115eaa60@w3.org 15:57:07 TallTed has joined #vcwg 15:59:47 brentz has joined #vcwg 15:59:47 mprorock has joined #vcwg 15:59:48 present+ 15:59:48 present+ mprorock 15:59:48 present+ brent 15:59:52 present+ selfissued 15:59:56 present+ markus 16:00:26 present+ cabernet 16:00:42 present+ dmitriz 16:00:59 present+ orie 16:00:59 present+ shigeya 16:01:22 present+ shawn 16:01:29 present+ dlongley 16:02:27 present+ kerri 16:02:42 present+ manu 16:03:02 present+ abramson 16:03:13 present+ kristina 16:03:56 Kerri_Lemoie has joined #vcwg 16:03:56 scribe+ 16:04:07 present+ 16:04:15 present+ Phil-ASU 16:04:22 topic: agenda discussion 16:04:24 present+ TallTed 16:04:27 cabernet has joined #vcwg 16:04:29 will has joined #vcwg 16:04:30 present+ 16:04:34 present+ 16:04:37 brentz: ftf meeting, issues, etc 16:04:43 topic: introductions 16:04:55 brentz: calling for any intros or howdys 16:05:05 Phil has joined #vcwg 16:05:06 present+ bumblefudge 16:05:06 present+ dlehn1 16:05:13 present+ 16:05:14 Topic: F2F Meeting 16:05:15 topic: face to face meeting 16:05:18 Brian has joined #vcwg 16:05:35 brentz: Miami Feb 14-16, 9am-5pm local time 16:05:37 present+ mahmoud 16:05:49 mkhraisha has joined #vcwg 16:05:54 present+ jandrieu 16:05:54 ... independent dinners, breakfast on your own, lunches provided 16:06:09 present+ kdeangs1 16:06:11 ... possible activity wed afternoon 16:06:26 ... any questions on logistics, etc? 16:06:39 kristina has joined #vcwg 16:06:41 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IguLcaIn8vAo-XDwYXbJTfY2c5SAjA9rgDjo057kKlc/edit#gid=179611341 16:06:42 ivan: requests link for details on face to face 16:06:42 present+ 16:07:29 q+ 16:07:31 Topic: Work Item status updates/PRs 16:07:39 brentz: notes that adding rows to attendance list is fine 16:07:43 ack mprorock 16:07:50 ack manu 16:08:01 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/987 16:08:14 Orie has joined #vcwg 16:08:15 manu: Presentation PR - to add a presentationSchema - use cases and example requested 16:08:17 present+ 16:08:35 ... some feedback in the PR that is not well understood 16:08:45 q+ 16:08:58 ... not clear who (holder, verifier, issuer, someone else) should be handling the schema 16:08:59 ack Orie 16:09:12 Orie: appreciates example from David 16:09:19 oliver has joined #vcwg 16:09:23 present+ oliver_terbu 16:09:26 ... added a link to self describing JSON Schemas 16:09:53 ... believes that this example is almost identical to the use case here 16:10:17 ... wants to see clear consensus on whether or not this should be added to the core data model 16:10:32 decentralgabe has joined #vcwg 16:10:35 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/999 16:10:41 manu: looking for other folks to weigh in, otherwise just the folks conversing on the pr will contribute 16:11:13 manu: location or removal of ZKP section - might be some issues with moving to impl guide given normative language 16:11:19 q+ 16:11:27 present+ 16:11:27 present+ nadalin 16:11:28 ... don't know what to do with the PR yet 16:11:35 ack TallTed 16:11:44 q+ 16:11:51 TallTed: don't think normative language should be a blocker - could move and change to informative language 16:12:02 ack Orie 16:12:04 ... shouldn't necessarily throw away work 16:12:18 q+ 16:12:21 Orie: notes that the work done is preserved permenantly in 1.1 16:12:26 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 16:12:35 present+ 16:12:42 ... does believe that some of these items may get added back in to core data model at a later date 16:12:53 ... supportive of documenting support 16:13:31 ... concerned that we may be holding onto something that may prevent clean definition of ZKPs in 2.0+ based on work in 1.1 16:13:37 selfissued has joined #vcwg 16:13:43 q+ 16:13:46 ack ivan 16:13:49 ... also concerned on testing / interop 16:14:10 ivan: the fact that it is part of 1.1 will be "hidden" when 2.0 gets published 16:14:45 present+ 16:14:45 +1 about the hiddenness (and forgettability) of 1.1 once 2.0 is out 16:14:56 ... question without knowing all tech details, is this urgent to do know? not at CR point, maybe a flag is better? other options noting potential removal? 16:15:10 s/to do know/to do now/ 16:15:11 ... not sure on urgency of removal 16:15:11 ack brentz 16:15:28 The text adds burden to reviews.... 16:15:34 dwaite has joined #vcwg 16:15:38 present+ 16:15:50 brentz: as author (not chair) - the section needs significant reworking, removal likely, but removal at this time may be premature 16:15:53 q+ to put an issue marker on it and tagging normative statements that should be removed. 16:16:01 no urgency does not mean not doing it... this topic has been up for discussion for a while. 16:16:12 ack manu 16:16:12 manu, you wanted to put an issue marker on it and tagging normative statements that should be removed. 16:16:16 ... don't think axing now is way to go, even if we are going to axe or rework later 16:16:24 q 16:16:26 manu: can try to put a warning in 16:16:26 q+ 16:16:37 ... clearly communicate that section is at risk 16:16:38 smccown has joined #vcwg 16:16:55 ... does want to audit normative statements that should probably be removed or modified 16:17:13 ... rework this section with a mind for future inclusion of BBS 16:17:13 present+ smccown 16:17:23 present+ gabe 16:17:25 present+ oliver 16:17:29 ... get things set up so that BBS can integrate when it is ready 16:17:39 ... is that a workable PR? 16:17:45 +1 Manu 16:17:46 +1 on manu's suggested plan 16:17:50 ack kristina 16:18:00 kristina: big fan of just a warning 16:18:12 ... may be an issue suggesting shorter text 16:18:15 s/big fan/not a big fan/ 16:18:15 s/big fan/not a big fan/ 16:18:26 q+ to modify the proposal to "create a new section" that "replaces this section" 16:18:29 ... /me thanks ted 16:18:55 ack manu 16:18:55 manu, you wanted to modify the proposal to "create a new section" that "replaces this section" 16:18:55 ... wants to avoid postponing problem 16:19:29 That suggestion seems good to me. 16:19:36 +1 manu 16:19:40 +1 16:19:40 +1 16:19:41 manu: new PR for a new section intending to replace this section, that is shorter and attempts to capture the "spirit" of things in advance of BBS, non-normative for now, that can become normative later if appropriate 16:19:42 +1 16:19:42 +1 16:19:44 +1 16:19:46 +1 works for me 16:19:50 +1 16:20:06 If you request changes, clearly, i will modify my PR. 16:20:17 manu: begs for other folks to help out because his stack is overflowing, otherwise will eventually get to it 16:20:22 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1011 16:20:33 smccown_ has joined #vcwg 16:20:36 manu: ref url in vocab template file 16:21:29 ivan: notes that official vocab points to 1.0, proposing that new version should be official version 16:22:00 manu: *back and forth with ivan to clarify* 16:22:09 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1013 16:22:10 ... straightforward 16:22:29 manu: terms of use PR, syncing with latest changes 16:22:47 ... follow on, mostly editorial 16:22:55 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1014 16:23:00 q+ 16:23:14 manu: normative requirements for media type and proof, follow on to PR from last week 16:23:45 ... media type "must not be used with embedded proof" is the discussion, as well as general media type discussion 16:24:05 ... please weign in 16:24:08 ack Orie 16:24:27 Orie: believe that intention has been made clear in comments, good exchange on intention of PR 16:24:51 ... if you feel intention is not clear, let's clarify that, then we can discuss and clarify text that reflects that intention 16:25:15 manu: moving on to data integrity PRs 16:25:21 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-integrity/pull/75 16:25:48 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-integrity/pull/76 16:25:53 ... 75 is text around verification of relationships, 76 is about canonicaliztion methods for clarity 16:26:12 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-integrity/pull/79 16:26:32 ... 79 is taken sec vocab and refactored to match VC data model 16:26:57 ... would be first revision, won't have all details right on first pass, but is a good first step 16:27:06 ... does not belive anything provacative 16:27:10 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-integrity/pull/80 16:27:33 manu: new section around proof purpose, and why you want validation 16:27:48 manu: onto status list 16:28:06 subtopic: status list pr-s 16:28:09 ... looking forward to PRs rolling in 16:28:11 +1 to PRs in StatusList :) 16:28:21 ... many issues ready for pr 16:28:39 brentz: ask re VC JWT 16:28:48 https://github.com/w3c/vc-jwt/pull/40 16:28:55 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-jwt/pull/40 16:28:58 selfissued: would like to discuss extensive review on PR 40 16:29:13 ... follows onto data model PR re media types 16:29:40 ... creates a second media type for teh 1.1 VC JWT claimset 16:29:53 markus_sabadello has joined #vcwg 16:29:56 present+ 16:30:13 ... just like OIDC tokens, a credential is much more specific that just a general claimset 16:30:38 q+ 16:30:45 scribe+ 16:30:52 scribe- 16:30:57 q+ to note misrepresentation on where we are wrt. consensus 16:30:59 selfissued: I think we're good to go, and should merge this, can always wordsmith later 16:31:12 ack TallTed 16:31:25 TallTed: I think it needs a bit more than wordsmithing; I'm generally not in favor of merging a thing that needs smithing, since that might never happen 16:31:41 ... as I commented on the thread there, there are a number of comments that dont appear to understand how media types actually work, which is not useful 16:31:56 ... I'm not sure people are processing this right 16:32:02 ... it's frustrating to not have that last comment mentioned 16:32:04 q+ 16:32:06 q+ 16:32:06 ack manu 16:32:09 manu, you wanted to note misrepresentation on where we are wrt. consensus 16:32:09 manu: I don't think we have consensus here 16:32:19 ... I think there's consensus that we might need a media type for this 16:32:35 ... I think this thing should exist -- that's not under debate. it's "what should this thing be called" - that's what under debate 16:32:43 ... what we're talking about is a Claims Set 16:33:03 ... however, the media type makes it sound like the claims set is the credential, in the VC Data Model sense of the word 16:33:16 ... so the concern is that people will think that it's In VC format, whereas it's in JWT format 16:33:18 decentra_ has joined #vcwg 16:33:30 ... so the suggestion is - let's call it what it is. the current name is confusing, let's pick a more indicative name 16:33:41 ... as Ted said, there's a number of comments that confuse how media types work 16:34:05 ... this is not a popularity contest; concrete changes have been requested. there's big concern about media type confusion; the group needs to talk about that 16:34:19 ack Orie 16:34:19 Orie: I think, like Manu said, there's consensus that this needs to exist 16:34:28 ... there needs to be SOMETHING. there's debate over the specific name 16:34:52 ... in the interest of acknowledging that we're definitely intending to add a name, I think we have a couple paths forward 16:35:04 ... we can file an issue next to the name in the spec, saying WG is considering the name, then we can continue to bikeshed 16:35:20 ... but at least we can refer to the entity consistently; that's my primary interest, as editor -- we need to be able to refer to this object 16:35:34 ... and the specific name is less important than it being addressable 16:35:34 ... the comments regarding the claimset 16:35:47 placeholder name should be something that's blatently not meant to persist, e.g., george/harry+fred 16:35:47 q+ to object to merging the PR until the name is chosen 16:35:48 andres_ has joined #vcwg 16:35:56 ... and whether or not this is really a credential -- I think in the interpretation of v1.1, this is actually a credential 16:35:56 ... so I think it's named correctly and clearly 16:36:07 ... I think if we want to change the specific media type that's being registered, we can continue to bikeshed. 16:36:18 ... but this is blocking additional refinement, not being able to reference 16:36:26 ... if the name changes after it's merged, it won't change our ability to work 16:36:34 +1 to agility 16:36:38 q+ to note that the specific name is going to find its way into code, and in the average case, confuse things about the "make @context optional" discussion, propose a way forward. 16:36:39 ... so, I request we file an issue registering that there's no name consensus, but merge this PR 16:36:49 ack selfissued 16:36:56 q+ 16:36:59 there's already "credential" in 1.1 in JSON format that is NOT a JWT Claim Set much more prominent in the spec (the one specifically called that in the spec) that is easily confused with the media type name "application/credential-1.1+json" 16:37:05 selfissued: I want to agree with something that Ted said, which is - there IS some confusion among some people who commented about how media types are used 16:37:26 ... as I said in a private conversation with Orie, we do have an education task in front of us, to get people used to thinking about declaring the types of things 16:37:45 ... deep background: one of the things that changed in the JWT world, in the 10 years since we invented it, is that IETF and others realized that explicitly typing things has a lot of value 16:37:56 ... it can prevent confusion between two things 16:38:04 ... that are intended for different purposes, which is the root for a number of security flaws 16:38:08 ... which this can prevent 16:38:15 ... so, I'm happy for the WG to continue the education task 16:38:38 ... I think that's important; we need to get people used to typing things. And this is part of an initiative of the editors of the JWT spec, and I'd like you to support that 16:38:50 ... if we want to continue bikeshedding the name, we should file an issue saying we want to rename it 16:39:15 ... Dave Longley expressed concern in a comment that maybe people won't read the spec and won't understand the definition that it's a claim set. But if people don't read the spec, we have a different world of problems 16:39:20 +1 selfissued 16:39:28 ... I think it's time to merge this, so we can strongly type things. and continue bikeshedding 16:39:30 -1 to "merge this" 16:39:43 dlongley: I'm a strong -1 to merging this without just changing the name 16:39:57 ... I've said a lot more on the PR regarding what I think the mistakes we're making, around the usage, around assumptions 16:40:05 q+ 16:40:17 ... that if we use a media type in one place, it'll be used differently in other places, that doesn't match what developers tend to do 16:40:27 ... so, if we can avoid that kind of confusion, we should do so in the name 16:40:34 q+ to say naming is hard, but important 16:40:59 ... I've responded to comments about redundancy, and pointed out that the RFCs today talk about using the 'cty' claim in JWTs, talking about things that are /not/ in the claimsets 16:41:31 https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8725#name-use-explicit-typing 16:41:32 ... I'm less concerned about that, than I am concerned about calling something jwt 1.1 credential, whereas the spec has it as something different 16:41:47 ... I responded to Mike's comment, about explicit typing, and here's the link to that 16:41:58 ... about using the 'typ' claim vs use of 'cty', and what the specs say today, 16:42:22 ... if there's an argument that people will not read the spec (which is what I said about naming of this), I think it's even more concerning that we DO have a spec that specifically warns against what this spec is proposing 16:42:25 +1 dlongley 16:42:31 -1 merge now 16:42:31 kristina has joined #vcwg 16:42:40 ... it seems very inconsistent that people will go read /that/ spec, ignore the text, then go read our spec, and listen to it 16:42:49 ... so, I'm really confused, generally, about the approach we're taking 16:42:50 but jwt bcp does not prevent specific typing of `cty` 16:43:04 -1 I feel there is effort to confuse the issue in the comments, and its leading to confusion... the only problem is the "name".... we can bike shed on an issue. 16:43:11 ... but all that aside. the main concern is with the name that confuses a JWT Claimset, which is very different from a credential in JWT 1.1 format. 16:43:16 ... it's easily avoidable confusion 16:43:24 ... if we change the name, I won't block this PR 16:43:45 brentz_ has joined #vcwg 16:43:46 manu: I find it troubling that we've repeatedly brought up technical issues on this PR, and they're being ignored 16:43:46 q+ 16:43:52 I see no effort to confuse the issue in the comments, only confirmation that there is confusion about the issue 16:43:54 ack dlongley 16:43:54 dlongley, you wanted to object to merging the PR until the name is chosen 16:43:57 ack manu 16:43:57 manu, you wanted to note that the specific name is going to find its way into code, and in the average case, confuse things about the "make @context optional" discussion, propose a 16:44:01 ... way forward. 16:44:03 ... one could argue that this is a continuation of the 'make context optional' conversation 16:44:11 ... I'm concerned about fairly simple questions not being answered 16:44:21 ... that said, if people are saying that names don't really matter, let's just merge the PR, 16:44:28 ... it would be fine if we changed the name to something like 16:44:30 `application/credential-1.1+TOBEDETERMINED+json` 16:44:39 several CEPC issues have already occurred... assuming folks are not aware of the background, or assuming bad faith... let's not do that please. 16:44:48 `application/credential-1.1+SOME-KIND-OF-JOSE-CLAIM-SET+json` 16:44:51 ... so that people don't start shipping it in software 16:45:06 ... since people are asserting that name doesn't matter. so if we rename it to something like this, I won't block the PR 16:45:09 or even `TEMPORARY/application/credential-1.1+json` 16:45:09 ack brentz_ 16:45:21 brentz: I want to run a straw poll, see where consensus lies 16:45:26 which is an invalid media type, but can be used to refer to the specific thing 16:45:36 ... I've got the text of a proposal I think a lot of people will hate, and we can run it a few different ways 16:45:41 PROPOSAL: The WG will merge https://github.com/w3c/vc-jwt/pull/40 with the name 'application/credential-1.1+jwt' and raise an issue to track further bikeshedding of the name 16:45:44 ... so let's see what happens, and iterate 16:45:52 -1 16:45:58 -1 16:45:58 -1 that's not what the PR is about, IMHO. 16:45:59 -1 16:46:08 -1 16:46:10 ... and... people all ahte it, wow 16:46:11 -1 16:46:19 manu: it's not about a JWT, it's about a claims set 16:46:23 -1 16:46:25 -1 16:46:26 brentz: ok! well, at least we have consensus on that 16:46:27 -1 16:46:32 -1 16:46:35 -1 16:46:40 -1 16:46:41 kristina: I think you should run the same proposal about application.credential json 16:46:49 selfissued: yeah, that's what's in the PR 16:46:55 PROPOSAL: The WG will merge https://github.com/w3c/vc-jwt/pull/40 and raise an issue to track further bikeshedding of the name 16:46:59 +1 16:47:00 +1 16:47:00 -1 16:47:00 +1 16:47:02 +1 16:47:03 -1 16:47:03 +1 16:47:03 -1 16:47:05 +1 16:47:05 +1 16:47:06 -1 there are significant technical concerns that have not been addressed. 16:47:07 +1 16:47:11 +1 16:47:13 +1 16:47:20 -1 16:47:33 tony says +1 16:47:36 -1 16:47:44 +0 16:47:48 0 16:47:53 q+ 16:47:56 brentz: we have 6 '-1s', which is more opposition than I was hoping 16:48:02 ... let's go back to the queue, but I want to know what the path forward is, for the -1s 16:48:02 q+ to propose something else. 16:48:03 ack brentz_ 16:48:13 ... what changes are being required, and is there further conversation to be had 16:48:17 ack brentz 16:48:23 ack brentz_ 16:48:48 selfissued: manu, I don't find it's helpful when you say that technical issues have not been addressed. this is a pattern that you have. if you read the comments, you'll find issues are addressed 16:48:57 no, they were not addressed, "explicit typing" uses the `typ` field, this was ignored 16:48:58 ... I find it unhelpful to cast aspersions on people operating in good faith 16:49:02 ack selfissued 16:49:18 ... secondly, if it provides a path forward, it's not the end of the world if we add 'claimset' to the name; I'll run a proposal for that 16:49:26 ... it is redundant, but if it unblocks, I can live with it 16:49:41 or application/credential-claimset-1.1+json 16:49:45 PROPOSAL: We should merge the PR after changing the name to application/credential-claims-set-1.1+json 16:49:50 +1 16:49:55 +1 16:49:56 +1 16:49:57 +1 16:50:04 +1 16:50:06 -1 16:50:07 +1.1 16:50:07 +0.7 -- better... feel like we can improve from here, though. 16:50:09 brentz: the proposal is in, is the 1.1. part necessary? 16:50:12 1.1 is critical 16:50:12 +1 16:50:12 +1 can we do application/credential-claimset-1.1+json MikeP is proposing? 16:50:15 +1 16:50:15 +1 16:50:17 ... ok, seems to be a feeling that it's critical 16:50:18 +1 16:50:29 +1 16:50:34 media types rarely if ever include version numbers, for good reasons 16:50:36 ... all right, in general, this is way more consensus 16:50:39 +1 16:50:40 -0.8 16:50:46 ... I'm only seeing one -1 at this point -- Joe, would you like to speak to it? 16:50:52 ack JoeAndrieu 16:50:52 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say naming is hard, but important 16:50:56 JoeAndrieu: I think we all know that naming is hard, 16:51:20 ... my concern with the term 'credential' at all is that we have significant and deep confusion in the marketplace between a VC as a digital object, and the real world credentials/claims that are modeled 16:51:31 "Credential" is the term that this WG defined and uses 16:51:32 ... since it seems like I'm a lone voice, I won't block it, but I wish we had a better name 16:51:37 `application/claimset+json` MIGHT work 16:51:44 q- 16:51:50 agree with joe's comment, but I believe its best resolved by merging the PR, so we can define the requirements associated with the name. 16:51:56 TallTed: media types rarely if ever include a version number in them, for very good reasons. I dont think it should be included 16:52:00 q+ 16:52:02 q+ 16:52:03 we could file an issue to revisit this naming before CR to incorporate JoeAndrieu's comment 16:52:03 q- 16:52:03 ... if that's vital, I want to know exactly why, in the technical sense 16:52:21 +1 to TallTed, the technical needs are confusing here 16:52:22 q+ 16:52:39 ... as I've said here and in the issue, I really want the people who are approving this to demonstrate they understand the technical aspect of how media types work, since I still don't think everyone who is participating/voting has that understanding, which is I think why the naming is not proceeding well 16:52:49 ... if you do the naming wrong, it's difficult to fix stuff in the wild 16:53:04 brentz: the question for you, Ted, is -- if the issue is raised to continue working on the name, would you still be opposed to the PR 16:53:54 +1 to TallTed, I'm not convinced that the people voting for one approach understand the ramifications at depth (though, it's always difficult to understand if people truly understand). 16:53:54 TallTed: yes, because if the thing we settle on is going to continue to percolate, tracking it down to change it again might be difficult 16:54:01 ... unless we do something drastic like adding 'TEMPORARY' to the media type 16:54:01 from my observation we rarely have the same level of "technical understanding" in many issues... 16:54:01 ... so that it's clearly named, but clearly wrong and temporary 16:54:22 brentz: before we go back to the queue, Ted, I don't appreciate your assertions that those involved do not have the expertise necessary to have the opiniion 16:54:33 TallTed: I'm basing my assertion on the comments in the issue, that demonstrate the lack of understanding 16:54:41 ... I'm sorry if that hurts feelings, but that's how it is 16:54:48 ... I feel it's a technical point, not a personality poi8nt 16:54:55 brentz: going back to the queue.. 16:55:05 kristina: I'm sorry Brent, I'm still not OK with the language used... 16:55:07 s/poi8nt/point/ 16:55:38 TallTed: that's very different language, and I'm sorry, we should have an offline conversation 16:55:53 other options can include application/1_1.credential-claimset+json 16:55:56 q- 16:55:56 kristina: thank you, yes, let's have it offline 16:55:56 brentz: we are over time 16:56:02 Orie: I was queued to comment on the specific binding to 1.1 16:56:14 ... it is important, because we have need to describe the requirements associated with this object 16:56:40 ... based on teh way the conversation has gone here, it does seem that with the sole exception of Ted, it would be possible to merge the PR, and continue to bikeshedding the name 16:56:47 ... but I'm not sure I'm interpreting Joe's comments fully 16:56:56 ack Orie 16:57:00 I see people's typed comments concurring with my spoken words 16:57:00 ack dlongley 16:57:06 dlongley: just quickly, I appreciate people moving to change the name to address my concern. I''m no longer blocking the PR on those grounds 16:57:13 q+ 16:57:18 +1 dlongley 16:57:18 ack manu 16:57:25 ... I want to caution people that I made a number of technical arguments quoting different specs, I want to make sure you do the right thing 16:57:31 Thanks dave, indeed I have read your comments and appreciate them. 16:57:35 manu: to echo Dave, I also am no longer blocking the PR 16:57:57 ... I do want to point out this media type discussion is way deeper than what it seems 16:57:57 ... I'm not sure what the rush is 16:58:13 ... and explore the things that have been raised multiple types with regard to media type discussion 16:58:17 would consider having a special topic call wrt bringing everyone on the same page wrt media types 16:58:24 ... so this is a request to the chairs to maybe have a special topic call on media types 16:58:28 We can have a bigger discussion on Media Types during the F2F, if the chairs think that would be valuable 16:58:28 yes, manu, was typing exactly thay 16:58:29 ... so that we can all get on the same page 16:58:35 s/thay/that 16:58:37 brentz: thank you Manu 16:58:48 ... we are over time, and can have a special topic call 16:58:54 ... we do need a decision on the proposal though 16:59:09 ... my inclination as chair is to say - we are raising an issue to handle it, we hear the objections, and will work on addressing those concerns 16:59:16 ... but I don't want to block the PR 17:00:07 kristina: Ted, would you prefer a special topic call before merging 17:00:23 Ted: no, go ahead and merge, if it goes wrong in deployment, I'll wave my 'told you so' hat 17:00:44 see this comment https://github.com/w3c/vc-jwt/pull/40#issuecomment-1403934090 17:00:51 RESOLVED: We should merge the PR after changing the name to application/credential-claims-set-1.1+json and raise an issue to track further bikeshedding of the name 17:01:05 periods can cause issues with some processors 17:01:06 s/Ted:/Tallted:/ 17:01:09 brentz: thank you all for attending and for your comments 17:01:23 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:01:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/25-vcwg-minutes.html ivan 17:02:28 zakim, bye 17:02:28 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been ivan, mprorock, brent, selfissued, markus, cabernet, dmitriz, orie, shigeya, shawn, dlongley, kerri, manu, abramson, kristina, 17:02:28 Zakim has left #vcwg 17:03:02 ... Kerri_Lemoie, Phil-ASU, TallTed, will, bumblefudge, dlehn1, Phil, mahmoud, jandrieu, kdeangs1, oliver_terbu, decentralgabe, nadalin, JoeAndrieu, dwaite, smccown, gabe, 17:03:02 ... markus_sabadello 17:03:10 rrsagent, bye 17:03:10 I see no action items