15:45:37 RRSAgent has joined #vcwg 15:45:41 logging to https://www.w3.org/2023/01/11-vcwg-irc 15:45:41 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:45:42 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 15:45:58 Meeting: Verifiable Credentials Working Group Telco 15:45:58 Date: 2023-01-11 15:45:58 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/mid/6b08c267153e3f8cf7be2d8f89ef365d@w3.org 15:45:58 chair: brent 15:45:58 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2023-01-11: https://www.w3.org/mid/6b08c267153e3f8cf7be2d8f89ef365d@w3.org 15:58:49 brent has joined #vcwg 15:58:52 cabernet has joined #vcwg 15:58:54 present+ 15:59:20 present+ 15:59:56 present+ 16:01:14 SebastianElfors has joined #vcwg 16:01:20 present+ elfors 16:01:20 present+ davidc 16:01:27 present+ abramson 16:01:40 present+ dlongley 16:01:49 present+ manu 16:02:46 dlongley has joined #vcwg 16:03:06 Will_Abramson has joined #vcwg 16:03:10 scribe+ 16:03:40 Brent kicked off the meeting. 16:03:43 present+ tallted 16:04:11 Agenda was reviewed: face to face meeting and open issues. 16:04:25 present+ phil 16:04:51 present+ JoeAndrieu 16:04:56 manu: Status list has been moved to the working group. 16:05:18 manu has joined #vcwg 16:05:26 present+ dlehn 16:05:26 q+ 16:05:28 brent: Any new participants? 16:05:33 ack ivan 16:05:39 JoeAndrieu has joined #vcwg 16:06:41 ivan: No changes in status, little less available than usual. 16:06:41 manu_ has joined #vcwg 16:06:41 Topic: F2F Meeting 16:06:41 present+ selfissued 16:06:41 brent: First topic is face to face meeting. The plan is a face to face meeting in February in Miami. 16:07:44 brent: Still unclear about travelling plans. Could postpone meeting. 16:07:44 present+ dmitri 16:07:44 dmitriz has joined #vcwg 16:07:44 present+ 16:08:20 selfissued: What are the dates? 16:09:06 q+ 16:09:06 brent: Dates to be decided still. 16:09:06 Topic: Work Item status updates/PRs 16:09:06 Phil has joined #vcwg 16:09:06 ack manu_ 16:09:06 selfissued has joined #vcwg 16:09:06 Karen has joined #vcwg 16:09:06 present+ 16:09:06 manu: Going through work items. Sharing the screen... 16:09:12 shawnb has joined #vcwg 16:09:31 https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/987 16:09:52 manu: A lot of topics for today. Asking David Chadwick for PR 987. 16:09:56 s/https/subtopic: https/ 16:10:30 oliver has joined #vcwg 16:10:30 present+ 16:10:33 present+ 16:10:54 davidC: Don't believe anyhting outstanding. 16:11:03 manu: Confirmed. Orie to confirm. 16:11:11 DavidC has joined #vcwg 16:11:17 present+ 16:11:17 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/999 16:11:22 manu: Next PR is to remove the ZKP section. 16:11:54 manu: PR 999 is the ZKP section. We need guidance what to do with the ZKP section. 16:12:13 manu: Brent has written most of the ZKP section. 16:12:31 manu: We need more commentary on this PR. 16:12:34 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1000 16:12:57 manu: Next PR 1000 is about media types registration. 16:13:12 q+ 16:13:14 manu: We need more reviewers what to do to with this. 16:13:18 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1001 16:13:48 manu: Next PR is 1001. It's about add vocabulary. We need more reviewers on this. 16:14:08 q? 16:14:10 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1003 16:14:24 manu: Next PR is 1003. This PR updates all examples to use JSON-LD context. 16:14:27 ack selfissued 16:15:14 selfissued: About PR 1000 on media types. There is an important distinction between the type that is signed versus the type that is the entire thing. 16:15:33 q+ to note media type suffixes thing 16:16:05 ack manu_ 16:16:05 manu_, you wanted to note media type suffixes thing 16:16:32 https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-mediaman-suffixes 16:16:36 manu: Mike's comments will be useful input to the PR. Mike will provide more info in writing. 16:17:26 selfissued: IETF may need multiple plus signs. 16:17:54 manu: This will have impact on the W3C VC efforts as well. 16:18:25 manu: PR 1003 updates the examples to use JSON-LD context. Updates all URLs. 16:18:37 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1004 16:19:20 q+ 16:19:22 manu: PR 1004 fixes an issue that Kyle found a year ago. Convey that a holder should present the VC in accordance with JSON-LD. Supposed to be a bug fix. 16:19:40 ivan: Is this term that should go to the vocab? 16:19:50 manu: It should already be there. 16:20:29 topic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1005 16:20:42 s/topic/subtopic/ 16:20:57 manu: Next PR is appropriate use of types. Kristina raised an issue about what is an appropriate VC/VP. 16:21:21 manu: DavidC and Manu have proposed edits what is appropriate use. That is PR 1005. 16:21:52 davidC: No problem with the text, there was a reference to an appendix without any further details on type. 16:22:02 manu: It points to the section on validations. 16:22:19 davidC: This section does not contain the details. 16:22:32 davidC: Will propose changes to the section. 16:22:45 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1006 16:23:00 manu: Automatically generating vocabulary in PR 1006. 16:23:19 q+ 16:23:22 manu: Ivan wrote tools for autogenerating vocab. 16:23:34 ack ivan 16:23:45 ivan: It should not be merged until the repo is updated. 16:23:59 manu: Will fix the repo before merging. 16:24:33 ivan: There are details to be fixed manually. 16:24:49 manu: On VC Data Integrity, there are two PRs. 16:24:54 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-integrity/pull/75 16:25:04 manu: It's filling out the security considerations section. 16:25:16 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-integrity/pull/76 16:25:21 manu: Clarify that key is used for data integrity. PR 75. 16:25:38 manu: PR 76 is about canonicalization schemes. 16:25:45 manu: Both editorial changes. 16:25:54 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-status-list-2021/pulls 16:26:06 manu: Finally, VC status list is a thing. There are no pull requsts in it. 16:26:27 manu: We need to do some processing. There are some questions who are the editors. No PRs for this. 16:26:35 manu: And that's it. 16:26:43 present+ andres 16:26:51 brent: Are there any other editors to share info? 16:27:07 Topic: Issue Discussion 16:27:12 brent: Will move on to issues. Thanks manu for the PRs. 16:27:14 https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Adiscuss+sort%3Aupdated-asc 16:27:21 present+ bumblefudge 16:27:30 brent: We are working through the chat. 16:27:36 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/914 16:27:37 brent: Start with issue 914. 16:28:05 brent: Referencing relative issuer. When somebody looks at the issuer URL, what should they get back? 16:28:13 q+ 16:28:17 brent: No action taken since last time. Any updates? 16:28:19 ack manu_ 16:28:36 manu: There will be text in the VC Data Model who to reference this. 16:28:52 manu: We can keep it like this if it addresses Orie's concern. 16:29:07 manu: This text has to be written for the VC Data Integrity Model. 16:29:22 brent: When this PR has been written, it should be linked to the issue. 16:29:29 brent: Next issue is 846. 16:29:34 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/846 16:29:49 brent: Include date and time for the standard. 16:29:59 q+ 16:30:00 brent: No opposition to this proposal. 16:30:10 ack manu_ 16:30:24 brent: Any volunteers to write this? 16:30:56 manu: Terrified to get this wrong. A bug in the scheme. It's possible that the regx could be incorrect. 16:31:20 manu: There should be timezone in the date and time. We need regx experts to get it right. 16:31:24 q+ 16:31:30 ack ivan 16:31:33 brent: Any volunteers? 16:32:01 q+ 16:32:02 ivan: Do we have a decision to use the XSD date and time? 16:32:09 ack manu_ 16:32:39 manu: We have gone through three variants. XML schema 1, regx, ... 16:32:56 ivan: Not asking about regx. Asking for definition about daytime. 16:33:24 manu: We have looked into this. We are looking at XML schema for daytime, but it was wrong. 16:33:32 manu: You have to specify the timezone. 16:33:43 manu: Times are hard. :-) 16:33:58 manu: XML schema must specify timezone. 16:34:18 brent: Next issue is 709. 16:34:18 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/709 16:34:48 brent: Implementation issues. Lost track of what this means. Update the title. 16:35:11 brent: What is the shape of the document and VC? Related to the issue Orie has raised. 16:35:28 brent: Will be partially addressed based on Orie's issue. 16:35:33 brent: Any comments? 16:35:50 brent: Will change the title to something more useful. 16:36:13 manu: This is also related to the previous issue. It's the same question. It's a duplicate. 16:36:24 brent: Tony has requested this to remain open. 16:36:41 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/895 16:36:41 brent: Move to 895. 16:37:03 brent: Authentication changes raised by Tim Smith. Discussed at TPAC. 16:37:13 q+ 16:37:18 brent: Not much has happened since the TPAC. 16:37:20 ack manu_ 16:37:48 manu: Work has to happen. General meta-comment about challenges related to the big tens. 16:38:37 manu: Can we address this problem by calling them digital credentials. There are several different digital credentials. 16:39:07 q+ to say this isn't about the big tent 16:39:15 Orie has joined #vcwg 16:39:16 manu: Unless there is technical work, we can come to a resolution that the big tens are digital credentials. 16:39:18 present+ 16:39:21 ack JoeAndrieu 16:39:21 JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say this isn't about the big tent 16:39:24 q+ 16:39:36 JoeAndrieu: It's a conversion to be had. 16:40:16 I agree with Joe's take on the issue. 16:40:50 (that issue 895 requires work to be done -- PRs to VCDM -- and it's not about "big tent" discussion) 16:40:52 ... The specific request is adjustment to the VCDM as opposed to the request on big tens. 16:40:58 ... We have started the conversation. 16:41:12 ... If there are any concrete proposals we can proceed. 16:41:15 ack selfissued 16:41:40 Selfissued: Naming is hard. Digital credentials name leaves out the verifiable part. 16:41:51 ... You can call it digital verifiable credentials. 16:42:14 ... In the OpenID world we can call it credentials. Subtype is W3C VCs. 16:42:24 +1 selfissued 16:42:29 ... Prefer to keep the word VC. 16:42:32 q+ to note that OpenID Foundation shouldn't be doing that. 16:42:38 ack manu_ 16:42:38 manu_, you wanted to note that OpenID Foundation shouldn't be doing that. 16:42:41 manu: Strong -1. 16:42:56 q+ 16:42:56 q+ 16:43:07 ... Reusing terms is problematic. 16:43:08 There is no trademark on Verifiable Credentials, AFAIK. 16:43:33 ... This will lead to conflicts in the ecosystem. Please don't do that in OpenID. 16:43:53 selfissued: This is not only term for VC. 16:43:56 q+ 16:44:01 ack DavidC 16:44:30 DavidC: Support Manu. The title is W3C VC Data Model. We have claimed term VC in the W3C VC spec. 16:44:36 ack JoeAndrieu 16:44:37 Notice the search trends for "verifiable credentials"... https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=all&geo=US&q=verifiable%20credentials 16:44:42 JoeAndrieu: Agree with Manu. 16:45:14 +1 to Manu's and David'd comments VC is known and connected to W3C in the public's mind. 16:45:16 ... Inappropriate to reuse the term in other specs. 16:45:39 ack TallTed 16:45:52 TallTed: Agree that we cannot control other groups. 16:46:09 ... There are people that can influence other groups. We minted the term W3C VC. 16:46:37 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/948 16:46:40 s/term W3C VC/term VC/ 16:46:45 brent: Next issue is 948. Limit JSON-LD to enhance developer experience. 16:47:18 manu: There are other things we can do. 16:47:28 ... Only JSON-LD compact form could be allowed. 16:47:28 @Orie, you should talk with a lawyer. I would wager good money there is, in fact, a trademark. No doubt is unregistered, but that is not how trademarks are established in fact. 16:47:43 ... We are using vocab already. 16:47:55 ... Developer mode context has been taken over by the vocab. 16:48:21 ... Only thing to do is to raise PR to use JSON-LD compact. 16:48:35 See the related open PR: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1001 16:48:40 subtopic: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/758 16:48:42 brent: Next up is 758. 16:48:53 ... Fix the VC Data Model namespace. 16:49:01 q+ 16:49:05 ... Brought up by the previous WG. 16:49:07 ack manu_ 16:49:19 manu: We should not do this. The URL can be wrong. 16:49:41 This PR establishes a new JSON-LD context location: https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/1003 16:49:46 ... There is an open PR. It's 1003. 16:49:56 new URL is: https://www.w3.org/ns/credentials/v2 16:49:58 ... This PR specifies a new URL. 16:50:01 kristina has joined #vcwg 16:50:02 q+ 16:50:02 +1 to the PR that removes 2018 from the context URLs.... 16:50:11 present+ 16:50:52 ... NS/Credentials should be used. 16:50:53 ack ivan 16:51:23 q+ 16:51:32 ivan: We may mix up things. Are we talking about the URL for the context? 16:51:43 ... The PR is about the LD context. 16:51:45 I am in favor of removing 2018 from "both places". 16:51:51 ack manu_ 16:51:58 manu: There are three things. 16:52:10 ... One URL is about the LD context. No legacy there. 16:52:25 ... The other one is the human readable vocab. Should NS/credentials. 16:52:32 +1 Manu 16:52:40 q+ 16:53:07 Lets fix the easy ones first.... but I am in favor of fixing this __everywhere__ 16:53:10 mprorock has joined #vcwg 16:53:28 ... The next iissue is changing the term URLs. 16:53:36 ack ivan 16:53:56 -1 Ivan... I don't agree. 16:54:01 ivan: We should accept that there is a bad URL for the terms. 16:54:11 +1 Ivan, agree... no one but developers see those URLs and shouldn't care. 16:54:27 (there are also variations of what we could do here) 16:54:33 ... There has been ugly URLs in the past. We should be careful to change them. 16:54:46 +1 to what Ivan says above ^ 16:55:00 -1, and would like to discuss this in depth. 16:55:17 brent: Ending the meeting. 16:55:23 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:55:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/11-vcwg-minutes.html ivan 16:55:40 present+ 16:56:14 zakim, end meeting 16:56:14 As of this point the attendees have been cabernet, ivan, brent, elfors, davidc, abramson, dlongley, manu, tallted, phil, JoeAndrieu, dlehn, selfissued, dmitri, dmitriz, shawnb, 16:56:17 ... oliver, andres, bumblefudge, Orie, kristina 16:56:17 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:56:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2023/01/11-vcwg-minutes.html Zakim 16:56:26 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:56:26 rrsagent, bye 16:56:26 I see no action items 16:56:26 Zakim has left #vcwg