Meeting minutes
ACTION-2325: Steven and Erik, check the new submit-ready text
Erik: Continues
ACTION-2326: Find out if iframe is deprecated.
Steven: It isn't.
… there is a follow up on communication with iframes
Steven: Where does it gets its data from?
Alain: From the browser.
Steven: My browser already autocompletes. What's the difference?
Alain: It doesn't work well with passwords for instance.
… the autocomplete attribute allows specification of what can be completed.
… there are many possible values
Steven: Couldn't we make autocomplete match the datatype (like credit card)?
Alain: Owen Ambur thought it could be interesting for his project.
Steven: Let's investigate further how to integrate into XForms.
Erik: Sounds like it's worth looking into.
ACTION-2328: Write an email proposing the use of <form/>
Alain: It could be an option.
Steven: You are suggesting moving all of XForms into a <form/> element in the body?
Alain: Yes
Erik: No opinion particularly.
Steven: The content model of <form/> already supports this.
Alain: The current <form/> is specified as a document element
ACTION: Steven to check the <form/> element
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2329 - Check the <form/> element [on Steven Pemberton - due 2022-12-23].
Alain: I read that a host element is required, but I don't see why.
Erik: Why is stylesheet a problem?
Alain: Not really a problem.
Erik: You want more than one?
Erik: In practice style elements are allowed anywhere by browsers.
ACTION-2327 - Write an email proposing a method for events
Steven: I don't see a huge difference in what we are proposing, just how to propose it.
Erik: There are 4 different things, dispatching in to out, out to in, listening on both sides.
… from out to in you can just use dispatch.
Steven: It would bubble on the outside
Erik: Right
… not in itself a problem.
… elements implement behaviour
… the control element could have a listener
Steven: It would have to listen to all events
… I would like to do an implementation-independent definition without new concepts if possible.
Erik: I agree
Steven: But you are suggesting new attributes or attribute concepts.
Steven: I think one way to solve this is to write forms to compare how they work.
ACTION: Steven to write some example forms communicating with each other
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2330 - Write some example forms communicating with each other [on Steven Pemberton - due 2022-12-23].
Steven: My tutorial on XForms got accepted for the Web conference in Texas next year.
… next call 6 January
… have a great holiday period!