IRC log of miniapp on 2022-11-24
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 11:53:46 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #miniapp
- 11:53:46 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 11:53:53 [xfq]
- Meeting: MiniApps WG Teleconference
- 11:54:00 [xfq]
- present+ Dan_Zhou, xfq
- 11:54:07 [xfq]
- scribe: xfq
- 11:54:17 [xfq]
- rrsagent, make log public
- 11:54:20 [xfq]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 11:54:20 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate xfq
- 11:59:44 [QingAn]
- QingAn has joined #miniapp
- 11:59:54 [QingAn]
- present+
- 12:00:05 [xfq]
- present+ Xiaoping_Zhao
- 12:00:16 [xfq]
- present+ martin
- 12:00:44 [martin_]
- martin_ has joined #miniapp
- 12:00:51 [martin_]
- present+ martin_alvarez
- 12:01:02 [xfq]
- present+ Zitao_Wang
- 12:01:11 [xfq]
- present- martin
- 12:01:35 [xfq]
- Topic: Testing
- 12:01:45 [xfq]
- [Zitao shares his screen]
- 12:02:55 [xfq]
- zitao: we have developed several WG documents
- 12:03:29 [xfq]
- ... to advance to Proposed Recommendation, each specification must have two independent implementations of all defined features
- 12:03:53 [xfq]
- ... we can incubate an open source testing project
- 12:04:11 [xfq]
- ... called W3C MiniApps Platform Test
- 12:04:26 [xfq]
- ... W3C also has some existing testing projects, like wpt
- 12:04:40 [xfq]
- 12:04:55 [xfq]
- zitao: we set up this to discuss testing-related issues ^
- 12:05:03 [xfq]
- present+ xiaoqian
- 12:05:41 [xfq]
- zitao: we discussed testing in September's TPAC meeting
- 12:05:57 [xfq]
- ... most people support setting up a formal testing project
- 12:06:31 [xfq]
- ... it can help call for more participation
- 12:06:42 [xfq]
- ... so I prepared this set of slides
- 12:07:39 [xfq]
- ... before this, we need to discuss the community, project name, goal, members, functions, milestones, etc. of this project
- 12:08:27 [xfq]
- ... possible home for the testing project: Mulan, Open Atom Foundation, OW2
- 12:09:32 [xfq]
- ... Mulan is an open source community in China for incubating small- and medium-sized projects using GitHub/Gitee to host code
- 12:09:57 [xfq]
- ... naming: 芥子 (mustard) or MiniApps-platform-tests
- 12:10:20 [xfq]
- ... members: WG members and other interested orgs and individuals
- 12:10:51 [xfq]
- ... I'm no expert on the license
- 12:10:58 [xfq]
- ... would like to discuss with you
- 12:11:09 [xfq]
- ... I'll share the slides with you
- 12:11:10 [xueyuan]
- xueyuan has joined #miniapp
- 12:11:32 [xfq]
- martin_: I think it's a good idea
- 12:12:25 [xfq]
- ... it would also be useful to have a validator/checker, like the HTML/CSS/RDF validator/checker
- 12:12:37 [xfq]
- zitao: I like this final goal
- 12:12:57 [xiaoqian]
- xiaoqian has joined #miniapp
- 12:13:15 [xfq]
- ... if we can provide this validator, it can help the developers develop their projects
- 12:13:27 [xiaoqian]
- present+
- 12:14:17 [xfq]
- ... nothing is decided yet, want to discuss it with you
- 12:14:56 [xfq]
- dan: I don't know whether we should vote on the current options, or add other options
- 12:15:06 [xfq]
- zitao: I'd like to solicit more comments
- 12:15:18 [xfq]
- ... maybe file a GitHub issue to solicit comments
- 12:15:27 [xfq]
- dan: ok
- 12:17:05 [xfq]
- Topic: Lifecycle
- 12:17:57 [xfq]
- Subtopic:
- 12:18:14 [xfq]
- QingAn: I sent a PR
- 12:18:36 [xfq]
- 12:19:25 [xfq]
- 12:19:29 [xfq]
- QingAn: this is a simple one
- 12:19:43 [xfq]
- ... if there's no objections, I think we can merge this
- 12:20:03 [xfq]
- Subtopic:
- 12:20:29 [xfq]
- QingAn: I discussed this with @pes10k
- 12:21:01 [xfq]
- ... @pes10k suggested that we also need to define one more more Event types that get propagated when these events are triggered
- 12:22:05 [xfq]
- ... I'm not sure whether we should define this in our spec
- 12:22:31 [xfq]
- dan: I think it's somewhat different from events on the web
- 12:22:48 [xfq]
- ... the scope is not only for window
- 12:23:08 [xfq]
- ... I'm not sure if we can just extend the Event interface
- 12:23:53 [xfq]
- QingAn: since this is not a blocking issue, I think just defining EventHandler is ok for now
- 12:24:01 [xfq]
- zitao: I agree with QingAn
- 12:24:19 [xfq]
- ... maybe we cannot use the Event interface directly
- 12:24:57 [xfq]
- QingAn: I'll reply to @pes10k
- 12:25:04 [xfq]
- ... and move forward
- 12:26:28 [xfq]
- ... I'll submit a PR for #35 in one or two weeks
- 12:26:29 [Github]
- : editorial fix
- 12:27:05 [xfq]
- dan: I think we can merge
- 12:27:15 [xfq]
- Topic: Manifest
- 12:27:53 [xfq]
- Subtopic:
- 12:29:51 [xfq]
- Subtopic:
- 12:30:07 [xfq]
- martin: this is related to the PING review
- 12:31:21 [xfq]
- [martin introduces the various implementations]
- 12:31:44 [xfq]
- martin_: should I add a new section on when a miniapp is destroyed?
- 12:32:08 [xfq]
- ... this is an open question
- 12:34:51 [xfq]
- zitao: I think some implementations may have some differences on this
- 12:35:06 [xfq]
- ... maybe we can make this an optional event
- 12:35:47 [xfq]
- martin_: thank you
- 12:35:50 [xfq]
- ... if you have concrete comments, please comment on the issue
- 12:36:25 [xfq]
- ... I think we should at least add a note on how miniapp implementations handle this
- 12:36:54 [xfq]
- QingAn: I think this is related to Lifecycle as well
- 12:36:59 [xfq]
- ... I'm working on a PR
- 12:38:20 [xfq]
- ... about the naming of this event, should it be 'destroy' or 'unload'
- 12:38:29 [xfq]
- ... for me, 'unload' would be easier to understand
- 12:38:36 [xfq]
- martin_: I don't have a preference
- 12:39:07 [xfq]
- ... the most important thing is being consistent
- 12:39:49 [xfq]
- ... any other comments?
- 12:40:15 [xfq]
- Topic: Packaging
- 12:41:04 [xfq]
- Subtopic:
- 12:41:58 [xfq]
- martin_: one of their recommendations is to include information on how to handle manage storage
- 12:42:11 [xfq]
- ... if you have anything in mind, please let me know
- 12:42:28 [xfq]
- ... on how you delete the user information in the system
- 12:42:41 [xfq]
- ... do you have any information?
- 12:43:07 [xfq]
- dan: I need to collect some information
- 12:44:07 [xfq]
- Subtopic:
- 12:44:15 [xfq]
- martin_: this is a very important issue
- 12:44:44 [xfq]
- ... the TAG reviewed our spec
- 12:44:54 [xfq]
- ... I think we need to have a discussion with them
- 12:45:42 [xfq]
- ... about how we can handle this problem
- 12:46:21 [xfq]
- ... I would be glad to arrange this meeting
- 12:46:29 [xfq]
- ... any suggestions?
- 12:47:08 [xfq]
- zitao: most WG members implement it using zip
- 12:47:23 [xfq]
- ... but I know some other vendors use non-zip formats
- 12:49:25 [xfq]
- xfq: we can discuss it within the WG before discussing with the TAG or Web Bundles folks
- 12:50:16 [xfq]
- Topic: Addressing
- 12:50:19 [xfq]
- dan: no progress
- 12:50:24 [xfq]
- Topic: Widget
- 12:51:22 [xfq]
- [Xiaoping shares his screen about the scope of the widget work]
- 12:52:54 [xfq]
- [Discuss the new charter draft ]
- 12:54:14 [xfq]
- xiaoping: where should we add the widget spec to the charter?
- 12:54:34 [xfq]
- xfq: if there's consensus, I can add it to the Normative Specifications section
- 12:55:07 [xfq]
- zitao: maybe we can find a better way to describe the work
- 12:55:46 [xfq]
- xiaoping: we'll come up with a better way to describe this
- 12:56:17 [xfq]
- Topic: Components
- 12:56:50 [xfq]
- Subtopic:
- 12:57:01 [xfq]
- 12:57:11 [xfq]
- martin_: this is an outline
- 12:57:41 [xfq]
- [martin introduces the PR]
- 12:58:25 [xfq]
- martin_: open to comments
- 12:58:43 [xfq]
- ... I also raised
- 12:59:29 [xfq]
- ... the work is not for replacing the Web Component mechanisms
- 13:01:49 [xfq]
- Subtopic:
- 13:01:58 [xfq]
- martin_: if there's no comments, I would like to merge this
- 13:05:20 [xfq]
- Topic: AOB
- 13:05:48 [xfq]
- Next meeting, December 22
- 13:06:17 [xfq]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 13:06:17 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate xfq