12:03:56 RRSAgent has joined #wot-script 12:03:56 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/11/21-wot-script-irc 12:04:41 dape has joined #wot-script 12:05:45 Mizushima has joined #wot-script 12:07:20 JKRhb has joined #wot-script 12:07:26 cris_ has joined #wot-script 12:07:48 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Jan_Romann, Zoltan_Kis 12:08:10 agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/WG_WoT_Scripting_API_WebConf#November_21.2C_2022 12:08:40 scribenick: JKRhb 12:09:06 topic: Minutes Review 12:09:34 -> November-14 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/11/14-wot-script-minutes.html 12:09:57 dp: (Begins checking the last meeting's minutes) 12:10:38 ... minutes look fine to me, any objections to making them public? 12:10:45 No objections, minutes are approved 12:11:08 topic: Issues 12:11:25 present+ Cristiano_Aguzzi, Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:11:39 dp: Since there have been no updates to PRs, we will start with the issues 12:11:46 subtopic: Issue #364 12:11:51 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/364 12:12:26 dp: There have been some updates to the issue 12:12:44 ... my last comment was that the ThingFilter should be removed 12:13:13 ... the ThingDiscoveryProcess interface does not contain it anymore in Zoltan's latest proposal 12:13:29 ... it seems as if the latest proposal looked good to most of us 12:13:55 ... the new API contains three methods for different use cases 12:14:49 ... there have been more recent comments by Zoltan and Cristiano on the issue 12:15:06 zk: Tried to describe the use cases 12:16:00 ... was not convinced about the use-case of returning a single TD 12:18:06 ca: discover method should cover both cases, if the URL points to a directory, then it should return a list of TDs 12:18:35 ... otherwise we can choose what we want to return 12:18:49 q+ 12:18:52 ... for the TD of the directory, you could use the requestThingDescription method 12:19:28 zk: What is unclear to me is how to differentiate between regular TDs and TDs of TDDs 12:20:27 ... you could let the script try out discovering from a directory and handle the error case 12:20:45 ... I am wondering if we should let the script handle it or if the runtime should handle it 12:21:56 s/364/364 Issue 364 - Discovery API - Alternatives/ 12:22:09 ... 90 % of use cases will be Directory 12:22:53 ... if we encapsulate it in the runtime, then we need to make sure to cover all possible use cases 12:23:10 q? 12:23:18 ack dape 12:24:29 q+ 12:24:30 dp: If we have a method for requesting a Thing Description directly, then we could let the directory discover method fail if a URL is provided that does not point to a TDD 12:25:08 ... I did not really get the use case why we would need to cover both cases with one method 12:25:27 ca: It simplifies the API 12:26:08 ... however, I would prefer something that is more precise if we want to differentiate 12:26:59 zk: I would suggest introducing another method for directories with the same signature at a later point of time 12:27:10 ... could be name explore 12:27:28 ca: I would suggest exploreDirectory 12:27:33 zk: That sounds good to me 12:28:29 dp: We might also want to use explore instead of discoverAll 12:30:15 zk: We would introduce a generic discover method where the URL is optional 12:32:25 jr: Sounds good to me, however, I am wondering how the settings for the discoverAll method would be set 12:33:06 zk: Needs to be defined in the algorithms, needs to resolve links, e.g., pointing to TDDs 12:33:25 s/discoverAll/discoverAny/ 12:35:10 ca: I agree, we should start defining the algorithms, the context would be included in the servient, e.g. regarding how to use multicast DNS 12:36:38 zk: The ExtendedThingFilter for discoverAny would also contain a URL 12:36:55 ... I can provide the WebIDL in another comment, we can move on from that 12:37:29 dp: What would be the next step? 12:37:37 ... I think we can agree on the three methods 12:38:23 ... question to the group: I would wait until Zoltan has updated the WebIDL and others have given their thumbs up 12:38:43 ... who could try to update the document? 12:38:59 ca: I can try to update the document 12:39:05 ... until the end of december 12:40:01 jr: I will try to support you, Cristiano 12:40:20 dp: I will try my best as well 12:40:39 zk: Sounds good. We will need to define the algorithms 12:41:28 zk: Do we need a query string in the ThingFilter? 12:41:45 ... I will comment it out for now 12:42:13 ... (posts the new WebIDL proposal to the issue) 12:43:26 ... (makes a couple of edits) 12:43:37 ... it's updated now 12:44:20 ... we can leave the query out for now since it is really cimplex 12:44:29 s/cimplex/complex/ 12:45:17 ca: Funny thing is, that the exact query language is not defined by the Discovery Specification 12:45:36 zk: Should we include a generic string for query then? 12:45:49 ... might be a security problem 12:45:59 dp: I would leave it out for now 12:46:36 ... let's assume that a Directory supports both SPARQLE and JSON Path, how would you decide? 12:47:02 s/SPARQL/SPARQL 12:47:39 s/SPARQLE/SPARQL 12:48:49 zk: Needs to be decided client-side, specified in the algorithms, can be left out for now 12:49:01 dp: People could also specify their own filters 12:49:24 ... for filtering the obtained results 12:49:51 zk: fragment should be enough for now to narrow down the discovery process 12:52:19 dp: Discovery is a good addition for the remainder of the charter (until the end of January), we can refine the API and add other aspects like querying and cancelling actions in the next charter 12:54:10 zk: One thing we need to do is to adjust the algorithms to the async iterator 12:54:37 jr: A bit has been done in this regard, but there is still much to be done 12:55:12 zk: Based on the current discussions, we can close PR #434 12:55:20 dp: (closes #434) 12:55:58 dp: There is also PR #438 which we provides a simply fix for ReSpec errors 12:56:04 rrsagent, make log public 12:56:07 ... can we move on with that? 12:56:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:56:08 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/21-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 12:56:17 zk: Not sure if we still need the internal slot 12:56:32 i/Based on/topic: PRs/ 12:56:40 i/Based on/subtopic: PR 434/ 12:57:28 i|Based on|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/434 PR 434 - feat: adjust ThingFilter and ThingDiscovery interfaces| 12:57:47 i|There is also|subtopic: PR 438| 12:58:16 i|There is also|-> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/438 PR 438 - fix: remove mentioning of internal discovery results| 12:58:51 jr: Not really sure either if we need an internal slot either since from my understanding, async iterators pause the execution of the functions in questions 12:59:02 ... maybe we can build upon other examples 12:59:12 zk: Will have a look into this 12:59:33 ca: Sounds good for splitting up the work 13:00:07 zk: I will try to provide a PR with a skeleton for this thing, that we hopefully can review next time 13:00:35 [adjourned] 13:00:35 [adjourned] 13:00:42 s/[adjourned]// 13:00:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:00:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/21-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 13:09:49 Mizushima has left #wot-script 14:37:27 Zakim has left #wot-script