19:59:26 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 19:59:26 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/11/17-aria-at-irc 19:59:46 rrsagent, make log public 20:00:28 MEETING: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group 20:00:35 CHAIR: Matt King 20:00:48 rrsagent, make minutes 20:00:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/17-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 20:00:55 present+ 20:01:45 present+ 20:02:42 Matt_King_ has joined #aria-at 20:03:25 Sam_PAC has joined #aria-at 20:05:35 present+ 20:05:44 present+ Isabel 20:06:11 SethK has joined #aria-at 20:06:13 present+ Joe Humbert 20:06:24 present+ Seth Kovanic 20:06:36 present+ James Scholes 20:06:42 present+ Seth Thompson 20:07:23 TOPIC: App updates: New candidate test page and new Test Management page 20:08:22 Seth: We've been collecting feedback on new candidate test page. 20:08:26 s3ththompson has joined #aria-at 20:08:33 https://github.com/w3c/aria-at-app/issues/466 20:08:42 We have been working on some of the feedback. 20:08:56 We have changes to markup structure. 20:09:07 Working on updates to copy. 20:09:24 Implemented most of that feedback. 20:09:55 Also working on test management page is in review and is in sandbox. 20:10:15 Would like to discuss some of the copy. 20:11:11 Once we have ability to publish test plans as recommended, we need to be able to distinguish candidate from recommended in reports. 20:11:53 Question about splitting data into multiple columns. 20:12:17 zcorpan has joined #aria-at 20:12:28 Just want to confirm that it is preferable to navigate between columns when reading that information. 20:17:08 Matt: Overloading individual cells is only helpful in certain situations where it is important to be able to distinguish rows from one another 20:17:36 James: putting data into separate cells is important where you need to compare rows. 20:18:28 James: giving some specific examples of when it is difficult to compare rows when too much data is in one cell 20:19:22 Seth: Would like to talk about copy for distinguishing candidate from recommended test in reports. 20:20:05 Currentlly we have "Unapproved report" and a disclosure for candidate test results. 20:22:43 Matt: we could make a disclosure for recommended reports that mirrors the current language by calling recomended test results as "Approved Reports" 20:23:03 Seth: Should I open an issue to workshop the precise copy? 20:23:06 Matt: yes 20:24:34 Seth: Plan to deploy on Tues afternoon or Wed morning next week. 20:25:35 James: Seemed like vendors could see buttons for changing target date 20:26:14 Seth: The app might have been seeing you, James, as an admin even though you were testing as vendor. 20:26:44 James: Had difficult time getting the finish button to appear when on last test 20:26:59 Pressing it didn't open finish dialog. 20:27:38 James: We pressed not approved in the finish dialog, and the main page didn't update 20:27:51 Seth: Idea is that it is in review until not approved 20:28:47 Matt: What about showing view progress in the table 20:29:02 James: Maybe use copy like reviewed, not approved yet 20:29:13 Seth: will consider that 20:29:53 TOPIC: Update on feedback from screen reader vendors and consequent test changes 20:30:58 This morning Matt, James, and Sam met with Vispero to review updates to candidate test experience, discussed our plans for sharing data in apg, then discussed the three items of feedback they raised. 20:31:14 Vispero was happy to see the new candidate review experience 20:32:14 Vispero appreciated our approach of a process to not publish the data in the APG until the vendor has had a chance to review 20:32:56 We still need to share the updates to the candidate review experience with Apple 20:33:54 James: We discussed the following items of feedback. The alert role will not be specifically announced, JAWS will only announce the text. We discussed this in our CG meeting a few weeks ago and decided to downgrade this to optional 20:34:11 James: Vispero was happy to follow this solution. We will update the test soon 20:35:16 James: When a user is focused on an item in a menu, when they press up arrow to query their position, in our test we have an assertion that the screen reader must assert the position in the menu 20:37:09 James: Vispero agreed to consider providing this info in a menu. No changes required to our test 20:37:44 Matt: This fix will not make it into the December update 20:38:53 James: Tabing into a radio group. We asserted that when you move out of a radio group, that the Screen reader needs to say the name and the option. Vispero said when tabbing out of the list you don't need to hear the name and option again 20:39:23 James: Matt and I agreed that this isn't desirable behavior, so we agreed to remove the assertion from the test 20:39:45 Matt: This is exactly the kinds of things we want ARIA AT to do! 20:39:53 James: Yes it was a very productive call 20:41:09 JoeHumbert: How does this change the base output for JAWS vs VO? The changes that we agreed to make, will there be a difference in the base information different screen readers say? Like for alert, will different screen readers have different output? 20:41:14 James: Yes 20:42:03 There will be more consistency in what is conveyed, but it may sound different 20:42:48 Matt: With Vispero, we are closing many gaps! Vispero has agreed to make every single change we suggested expect for the ones we discussed today 20:44:01 Matt: Vispero would like to review almost every assertion we make 20:44:45 James: When vispero has encountered a failing assertions in a test, they have already turned all of those issues into bugs in there development system and they are working on implementing many of them in the next release of JAWS 20:44:53 TOPIC: Switch test conflicts (Issue 814) 20:45:29 https://github.com/w3c/aria-at/issues/814#issuecomment-1314276038 20:46:28 James: We also discussed this a few weeks ago in this meeting. We have a test plan that targets the switch design. It uses the aria checked attribute to indicate if its on or off 20:46:49 James: That caused some consternation even before we were a project 20:48:04 Previously the Switch was mapped to toggle button role in i accessable 2 20:48:29 Within the mapping of the states, it was mapped as checked and not checked 20:49:12 James: In essence, the SR is being told it is toggle button checked or not checked 20:49:47 James: For NVDA, they told us they made the decision to remap the role to checkbox 20:50:12 James: They could have changed the state instead, so that it was pressed or not pressed 20:50:41 James: Originally, there was some concern that users wouldn't know what a switch was, or how to operate it 20:51:49 James: Now its feasible to think that some users will hear checked or not checked, and know the switch is turned off. Its also feasible that another user would hear checked and not understand if it was on or off 20:52:24 James: We now have a situation, where we have a role that is being presented that we think is incorrect. 20:52:36 James: Should the test fail? or Pass? 20:53:21 James: in our tests, we noticed we had a lack of consensus and understanding 20:54:24 Matt: It is in iA2 the case that there is an expectation for the XML role property to be utilized, because we knew ia2 had limitations and getting changes to ia2 was very difficult. 20:54:46 Matt: One question I have is, whether or not, NVDA is using the XML role property ever? If so, why not here? 20:54:58 James: Technically they are using it here, just not for the purpose you want 20:55:12 James: Want you want is using it in a user facing way\ 20:55:59 James: I should note for completeness, depending on which API the screenreader is using the output does change. i.e UIA 20:57:55 Matt: Theres a part in me that wants to say its a switch and should be conveyed as such 20:58:17 JoeHumbert: I agree, I don't think it can be argued that switch is an unknown concept know 20:59:05 James: I'm less opinionated on that, I think there was some consensus that they would be better off if they called it a toggle button. Check box is the worst of all worlds 21:00:42 Matt: I think role semantics should take precedence over state semantics 21:01:12 Matt: Not conveying roles should fail. 21:01:32 Matt: We could note that toggle button and switch are equivalent. 21:02:34 James: Are we okay changing the test so that they align with failure? 21:02:37 Matt: yes 21:02:49 James: I will write all of this up 21:30:11 rrsagent, make minutes 21:30:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/17-aria-at-minutes.html Sam_PAC 21:34:10 Matt_King has joined #aria-at 21:36:15 rrsagent, make minutes 21:36:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/17-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 22:03:37 zcorpan has joined #aria-at 22:59:39 Matt_King has joined #aria-at