12:01:48 RRSAgent has joined #wot-script 12:01:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/11/14-wot-script-irc 12:03:07 dape has joined #wot-script 12:04:32 Mizushima has joined #wot-script 12:04:44 meeting: WoT Scripting API 12:05:08 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Zoltan_Kis 12:06:15 scribenick: cris_ 12:06:22 topic: Previous Minutes 12:06:27 -> https://www.w3.org/2022/11/07-wot-script-minutes.html 12:06:57 daniel: names are correct 12:07:02 ... content looks fine 12:07:07 ... any objections? 12:07:11 JKRhb has joined #wot-script 12:07:27 ... hearing none, the minutes are accepted 12:07:41 topic: Quick updates 12:08:08 daniel: skipping, just be aware that the current charter ends next January 12:08:22 ... any other quick updates? 12:08:29 ... ok moving on 12:08:40 topic: Pull Requests 12:08:51 daniel: first a minor PR 12:09:01 subtopic: PR 440 12:09:05 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/pull/440 12:09:09 daniel: no issues 12:09:26 ... we can revert it later if we find any 12:09:50 cris: ok to merge 12:10:46 topic: Issues 12:11:02 daniel: I'd like to skip PRs and focusing on related issues 12:11:17 subtopic: Issue 264 12:11:20 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/364 12:11:26 s/264/364/ 12:11:42 daniel: we discussed a lot about Discovery APIs alternatives 12:12:11 ... proposed a new API 12:12:18 ... zoltan revised it 12:12:33 zoltan: let's move to the end of the discussion 12:12:45 ... there is a blended API proposed by Cristiano 12:13:11 ... essentially the same but with some fixes 12:13:21 ... we need to discuss the use cases 12:14:19 daniel: I've started with the discover method and then multiple functions 12:14:38 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:14:39 ... now we split in different places 12:14:56 zoltan: it should be fine, cause we have the constructor 12:15:25 present+ Jan_Romann 12:15:38 s/minutes.html/minutes.html Nov-7/ 12:15:43 ... also queryAll method should not contain query URLs 12:15:54 cris: I agree 12:15:57 s|pull/440|pull/440 PR 440 - chore(deps): bump minimatch from 3.0.4 to 3.1.2 in /typescript| 12:16:38 s|issues/364|issues/364 Issue 364 - Discovery API - Alternatives| 12:16:44 zoltan: I'm satisfied 12:16:45 rrsagent, make log public 12:16:49 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:16:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/14-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 12:17:54 q+ 12:18:02 q+ 12:20:19 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-scripting-api/issues/364#issuecomment-1313534760 Cristiano's recent comment 12:22:24 cris: I reviewed Discovery Spec, the proposal covers the requirements there 12:22:24 q+ 12:22:37 ... there might a be a corner case that I'd like to support 12:24:12 ack k 12:24:15 kaz: if we would like to cover DID requirements in the scripting API we need more discussion with the relevant W3C group 12:24:27 s/might a be/might be/ 12:24:41 ... moreover I don't think we have to support that use case our selves 12:24:44 cris: I agree 12:25:01 s/corner case/corner case, e.g., DID,/ 12:25:12 jan: how can core-link format be supported? 12:25:32 ... a discovery method for constrained devices 12:25:36 zkis has joined #wot-script 12:25:38 ... also core resource directory 12:25:47 q+ 12:26:27 ... do we need the promise in queryDirectory ? 12:26:40 zoltan: it might take some time to answer 12:26:51 s/we have to support that use case our selves/we, the WoT WG, have to implement potential implementations for DID capability by ourselves (should be done collaboratively with the DID WG)/ 12:27:01 ... it simplier to figure it out errors 12:27:05 q? 12:27:11 ack JK 12:27:57 zoltan: when we write the algorithms we could review it 12:29:08 cris: to add on that it is similar to fetch API, async to send and async to read the response 12:29:34 daniel: the requestThingDescription method can return a TDD or TD 12:30:12 ... I can check if it is a TDD after the method 12:30:45 zoltan: do we want the application to take care of this checking and following the graph of the linked TDDs? 12:31:04 ... queryAll should trasverse the graph 12:31:14 ... we should be exact 12:32:02 ... if you want the runtime to handle such automatic mechanism you can use queryAll 12:32:21 daniel: the signatures of the methods will look very similar 12:32:38 ... it might get confusing 12:33:23 ... I would opt to not add URL parameter 12:33:34 ... to queryALL 12:33:42 zoltan: but it is an use case 12:33:52 daniel: ok but I would to it manually 12:34:15 zoltan: that's why I propose to add the URL in thing filter 12:34:25 ... this would allow us to guide the query all mechanism 12:34:47 ... I don't like to allow the manual only 12:35:38 q? 12:35:41 ack d 12:35:58 ack dape 12:38:27 q+ 12:39:32 ack cris_ 12:39:47 cris: about core-link format I think it can be implemented in another library 12:40:07 ... about the queryAll it starts to became a big container of all introductions 12:40:17 ... it might be complex to describe and implement 12:40:33 daniel: in that case queryAll needs more than one url 12:41:25 zoltan: right now we have only one way: manually 12:41:50 ... the automatic way should handle that 12:42:28 daniel: query all should be a best effort method 12:43:07 zoltan: what about having a generic query method that takes an array of urls 12:44:48 cris: don't forget that a single TDD might return multiple list of TDs that need to be merge 12:45:04 zoltan: currently the queryDirectory stops to one single Dir 12:45:31 daniel: what about error handling? 12:45:40 ... what if a TDD fails? 12:45:56 zoltan: best effort 12:48:12 ... don't need to automatically stop for errors 12:48:40 ... we don't have to report every single error 12:49:09 daniel: I'm fine, but I see that we are putting too much on a single method 12:49:21 zoltan: they are two different use cases 12:50:08 ... other specs use context objects that can be configured accordingly to the use case 12:50:13 ... manual or automatic 12:50:31 ... the context can be controller by the script or the runtime 12:50:46 daniel: ok, but the manual is needed in any case 12:52:09 zoltan: let's continue on the issue 12:52:12 s/can be controller/can be controlled 12:52:43 cris: may ask to write down the use case? 12:56:50 cris: there is the case where the introduction returns a list of opaque String list 12:57:05 zoltan: that's why I'd like to have it as a filter 12:57:13 ... rather than input 12:57:23 q+ 12:57:28 ack d 12:57:45 daniel: does the list on the issue looks fine? 12:57:47 cris: ok 12:57:49 zoltan: ok 12:58:10 ack k 12:58:11 kaz: it might a nice start, but we should ask developers for their priorities 12:58:37 zoltan: from the API point of view we can start using Cristiano's proposal 12:59:05 ... we can introduce new methods if we feel like the queryAll method gets complex 13:01:18 daniel: notice that we will need two different option types 13:01:21 zoltan: I agree 13:01:32 ... usally the options belows to the method 13:01:41 ... if they are not the same they can be different 13:01:51 daniel: good starting point 13:01:59 s/belows/belongs 13:02:25 s/not the same/not the same options, the definitions can be separate 13:03:29 daniel: time adjourn the call, thank you for time 13:10:04 [adjourned] 13:10:15 rrsagent, make log public 13:10:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:10:19 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/14-wot-script-minutes.html kaz 13:10:52 chair: Daniel 13:10:53 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:10:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/14-wot-script-minutes.html kaz