15:58:34 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:58:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/11/10-hcls-irc 15:58:41 rrsagent, make logs public 15:58:45 Meeting: FHIR RDF 15:58:49 Chair: David Booth 16:02:49 Topic: Stem IRIs 16:03:27 chris: Talked w Peter. Seems to be personal preference to use underscore rather than colon. 16:03:47 jim: Sounds good. Underscore will be in the stem. 16:07:34 jim: Joe is incorporating them into his tool. 16:07:52 Topic: Getting Stem IRIs into terminology website 16:08:25 Present: Gaurav Vaidya, EricP, Chris Roeder, Rob Hausam, Jim Balhoff, David Booth 16:09:22 gaurav: I have a write-up for getting something into the website. An informative (non-normative) section. 16:09:32 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1e_g-sJCCbVIhbBdjoIYTCN4znwCCK2z7E-Oss2VqgrA/edit#heading=h.wch9s83t9l3r 16:10:10 gaurav: I think we should have an IRI Stem section in rdf.html 16:15:27 rob: Arent' we going to add a specific code for IRI stem? 16:15:46 gaurav: For NamingSystem yes. But didn't choose for Identifier. 16:17:20 rob: suggest using urn:ietf:rfc:3987 16:21:17 gaurav: Suppose there is an IRI with non-latin chars, then they might wnat to use the puny-code version for the URL. 16:22:42 rob: Instead of adding it to Identifier.system, add it to the type. 16:22:57 eric: The system identifies its form, and the type identifies its purpose. 16:24:55 rob: Need two UTG proposals: One to update the page, and one to add the code to the valueset. 16:28:38 rob: Process is to put the jira ticket our proposed resolution. 16:29:09 dbooth: Need to distinguish UTG proposal from changes that fall under our existing ballot comment issues. 16:34:40 ACTION: Gaurav to provide checklist for R5 checklist 16:35:05 Topic: FHIR build process 16:35:25 jim: Grahame fixed it. I will get back to it. 16:38:05 Topic: Conversion of FHIR R5 RDF to OWL friendly 16:38:11 dbooth: Have we done enough on this? 16:38:51 jim: I have not yet done performance test 16:39:42 eric: I think we have done enough. 16:40:26 ACTION: DBooth to clarify that we want community contributions. 16:40:41 AGREED: We have done enough on the OWL conversions. 16:41:40 Topic: FHIR RDF playground 16:42:11 dbooth: Wrote to James Champion , but have not yet heard back. 16:44:05 ADJOURNED 16:44:11 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:44:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/10-hcls-minutes.html dbooth 17:00:14 TallTed has joined #hcls