IRC log of adapt on 2022-11-07
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 12:49:18 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #adapt
- 12:49:18 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 12:49:20 [Zakim]
- RRSAgent, make logs Public
- 12:49:21 [Zakim]
- please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Lionel_Wolberger
- 12:49:35 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- Meeting: Adapt Task Force Weekly Meeting Monday 7 November
- 12:49:55 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- agenda+ Adapt Symbols Module Status
- 12:50:01 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- agenda+ Janina draft for WHATWG reserve “adapt-“ prefix
- 12:50:04 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- agenda+ CSS (i.e., media-queries), Microformats, @autocomplete (Matthew)
- 12:50:08 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- agenda+ How do we show TAG the Next billion users. (Research related to AAC)
- 12:50:12 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- agenda+ BCI Registry Specification
- 12:50:16 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- agenda+ Review open issues
- 12:50:20 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- agenda+ Symbol Module Implementations Status, focus on new candidates
- 12:50:22 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- agenda?
- 12:50:30 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 12:50:30 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Lionel_Wolberger
- 13:29:40 [Roy_]
- Roy_ has joined #adapt
- 14:57:47 [matatk]
- matatk has joined #adapt
- 14:58:41 [matatk]
- agenda?
- 14:58:48 [matatk]
- present+
- 15:01:46 [mike_beganyi]
- mike_beganyi has joined #adapt
- 15:01:49 [mike_beganyi]
- present+
- 15:02:05 [Roy]
- present+
- 15:03:01 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- chair: Lionel Wolberger
- 15:03:05 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- present+
- 15:03:59 [janina]
- janina has joined #adapt
- 15:05:08 [matatk]
- regrets+ Sharon
- 15:05:48 [mike_beganyi]
- scribe+
- 15:06:44 [mike_beganyi]
- zakim, next item
- 15:06:44 [Zakim]
- agendum 1 -- Adapt Symbols Module Status -- taken up [from Lionel_Wolberger]
- 15:07:43 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: looking good. some discussion on the list re: naming the short name of the module
- 15:07:54 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: let's start with module and text itself
- 15:08:01 [Roy]
- 15:08:42 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: first read. nothing popped out. any comments?
- 15:08:48 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- q?
- 15:09:21 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: I think we're good on this. personally take an action to do one more read. if I approve, do we need any other approval?
- 15:09:28 [Roy]
- q+
- 15:09:32 [Roy]
- q-
- 15:10:03 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: timelines in the registry call, won't have the first public WD until the 7th of December (hopefully). we need a normative reference into that timeline, so ours is dependent on Registry moving forward
- 15:10:36 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: if there are problems we will have a week to fix. plan A is that we will make publication by the 15th
- 15:10:57 [mike_beganyi]
- Roy: correct, Janina.
- 15:11:06 [matatk]
- q+
- 15:11:22 [mike_beganyi]
- Roy: in our draft, we mention the BCI Index Value, we may need to update this paragraph
- 15:11:38 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: we should proceed as if this is happening. should re-write assuming we have a TR document for Registry
- 15:12:07 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: I'm comfortable with this. close connection between BCI Registry and Adapt Symbols CR
- 15:12:42 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- q?
- 15:12:46 [mike_beganyi]
- ack matatk
- 15:13:06 [mike_beganyi]
- matatk: I'm concerned about the publication dates. if we publish in mid-December there's no time to fix problems if found by TAAG
- 15:13:08 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- +1 to Matt's concern about delaying CR
- 15:13:35 [mike_beganyi]
- matatk: can we give TAAG a version and explain the situation so that we may be able to approve before end of year
- 15:13:46 [matatk]
- 15:13:47 [matatk]
- 15:14:24 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: a little more delay than we wanted, but this has been present for some time.
- 15:14:46 [mike_beganyi]
- Roy: Filipe booked for next Monday regarding this
- 15:15:09 [matatk]
- q+
- 15:15:59 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: suspect there will not be any major concerns as at TPAC positive thoughts were expressed regarding the finalization of the symbol set. Rossen was encouraging regarding the status
- 15:16:02 [mike_beganyi]
- ack matatk
- 15:16:15 [mike_beganyi]
- matatk: happy to help with Explainer.
- 15:16:35 [mike_beganyi]
- matatk: other action would be to update the reference to the PDF. we'll replace with a reference to the Registry
- 15:17:01 [Roy]
- 15:17:02 [matatk]
- ack me
- 15:17:08 [mike_beganyi]
- matatk: end note? we are putting to draft version, can point to final version once Registry is finalized
- 15:17:08 [matatk]
- s/Fillipe/Phillipe/
- 15:17:18 [janina]
- 15:17:28 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- q?
- 15:17:32 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- q+
- 15:17:49 [mike_beganyi]
- ack Lionel_Wolberger
- 15:18:03 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: Mat concerned about putting off CR. I +1'ed that.
- 15:18:03 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- Why is it not sufficient-- this reference
- 15:18:06 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- "Until such time as a W3C BCI Registry specification is available with standardized realtime URI referencing, here is a link to the BCI numbers (PDF) [BCI-AV] and additional language translations (PDF) [BCI-AV-additional-language] at the time of this publication and the copyright licensing from BCI. "
- 15:18:38 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: what changed in the TAG feedback that caused this to be insufficient
- 15:18:50 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: we can't go to CR with that reference. it has to be normative.
- 15:19:38 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: weren't worried about non-normative nature of the sentence before.
- 15:19:50 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: we were referring to the PDF before. we are dropping the PDF.
- 15:19:58 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: must we drop the PDF to go to CR?
- 15:20:18 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: yes. we don't want technology built from a PDF. we want people to use the Registry
- 15:20:53 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: want to publish in 2022. I have no issues pointing to a PDF
- 15:21:16 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- q?
- 15:21:45 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: don't think this will carry approval upstream, as non-normative. to try to shoehorn based on the PDF because there may be an issue with the Regsitry may look a little iffy
- 15:23:12 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: a couple of things have happened since September. first, they found this to be architecturally sound. second, the BCI Registry has been looked at and the direction and messaging is correct. the only thing delaying is one of the key participants is on vacation for two weeks
- 15:23:28 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: we can still make the timeline but I'm not going to prevent vacation for this.
- 15:23:51 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: secondly, we have WHATWG saying don't publish with data dash, publish with adapt dash
- 15:24:13 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: updates from Becky and/or Matthew on this.
- 15:24:21 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- q?
- 15:24:26 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: Matthew, any progress on getting adapt-?
- 15:25:07 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: in the minutes from Vancouver that they would prefer we would use adapt dash (adapt-)
- 15:25:55 [matatk]
- 15:31:46 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- q?
- 15:38:06 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: when can we send the draft message? does it depend on using fixing up the Registry reference?
- 15:38:18 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: no.
- 15:39:12 [matatk]
- 15:39:19 [janina]
- 15:39:29 [matatk]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 15:39:29 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate matatk
- 15:39:58 [matatk]
- q+
- 15:40:25 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: CR depends on Registry spec first public working draft and our formalized request pursuant to our conversation with WHATWG at TPAC
- 15:51:21 [mike_beganyi]
- matatk: should get this done as soon as possible (reviewing draft message). I haven't finished sending the research on the list. looking at things like "do we need to look at other things besides rel?" we may decide to use rel and may not.
- 15:52:16 [mike_beganyi]
- matatk: did some looking into other things. sent some research and will send to list as soon as I can. I do think that there is a strong likelihood that there will be other prefixes. will send more information to the list as soon as possible
- 15:52:25 [mike_beganyi]
- matatk: don't think we're blocked on that path
- 15:52:26 [mike_beganyi]
- ack mat
- 15:53:16 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: if the list is short, does the question of having a prefix at all come up again?
- 15:53:25 [mike_beganyi]
- matatk: not sure. possibility to be done in a lot of ways. hard to say at the moment
- 15:54:05 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: safer path may be to indicate we're highly confident that the prefix will be more than one attribute pair. we will find some uses for it, even if we do other things with CSS and rel
- 15:55:06 [mike_beganyi]
- matatk: will be easier to add new things with appropriate names if we don't need to worry about interfering with other HTML attributes
- 15:55:31 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: we still believe a prefix is important
- 15:55:48 [mike_beganyi]
- janina: and we have a rationale for the adapt- prefix
- 15:56:33 [mike_beganyi]
- Lionel_Wolberger: now have clear dependencies on publication. can have everything else wait until next time
- 15:56:50 [mike_beganyi]
- all: thanks for your efforts Roy
- 15:57:11 [matatk]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 15:57:11 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate matatk
- 15:57:44 [mike_beganyi]
- zakim, bye
- 15:57:44 [Zakim]
- leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Roy, mike_beganyi, CharlesL, matatk, janina, Becky, MichaelC, sharon, Lionel_Wolberger, Spiderman
- 15:57:44 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #adapt