14:22:07 RRSAgent has joined #aac 14:22:07 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/11/07-aac-irc 14:22:22 Meeting: Symbol Registry 14:22:28 Date 7 Nov 2022 14:22:40 Chair: Michaelc 14:22:48 rrsagent, make log public 14:23:59 Roy has joined #aac 14:25:21 present+ 14:25:30 regrets: Lionel, Matthew 14:25:36 scribe: janina 14:27:24 MichaelC has joined #aac 14:28:26 present+ Russell 14:28:34 present+ michaelc 14:29:00 michaelc: Notes good conversation last week with Shirley; how best to build for our current use case 14:29:11 michaelc: dropped notion of subset 14:29:16 russell: I like that idea! 14:29:22 russell: makes life easier 14:29:30 michaelc: We have a draft dfoc ready for review 14:29:56 https://w3c.github.io/adapt-registry/ 14:30:18 michaelc: Roy working on removing the derivation column 14:30:52 michaelc: reviews proposed table structure 14:31:20 Derivation removed here -> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/adapt-registry/removeDrivation/index.html 14:32:38 michaelc: Next big question: How to keep this sync'd? 14:33:11 russell: we periodically update website; your version more up to date than website; but have an even newer version for you 14:33:23 michaelc: Agrees should sync with pub'd web version 14:33:35 russell: doing q/a on latest greatest 14:33:41 michaelc: also google sheet? 14:33:43 russell: yes 14:34:04 michaelc: can help set up export in sheet; 14:34:17 michaelc: will need an agreed on process 14:34:43 russell: not that frequent; but some want more frequent going forward 14:34:58 russell: will keep posted 14:35:15 michaelc: notes W3C has lots of variety about update frequency 14:36:02 michaelc: suggests auto script; e.g. generates json and pushes to w3.org; will want date for tracking 14:36:23 michaelc: Another question: How to do the joint publication? 14:36:45 michaelc: Suggests verbiage in SOTD 14:37:12 michaelc: PLH agrees for BCI logo; if desired by BCI 14:37:22 russell: good with all that 14:37:42 russell: have standard templates for such 14:38:07 michaelc: asks roy to take on first cut on SOTD; logo, etc. 14:38:16 michaelc: will probably take a couple weeks 14:38:26 russell: will be on vacation 2nd of November 14:39:51 roy: updates on Adapt CR plan; by 15 December 14:40:02 roy: need registry fpwd for normative ref 14:40:36 michaelc: If we can version for review by Monday, then we can resujme Dec 7 and review for pub 14:41:18 roy: Need also to review Symbols CR with PLH 14:41:41 rrsagent, make minutes 14:41:41 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/07-aac-minutes.html janina 14:42:39 roy: asks about draft wording? 14:42:43 russell: Yes 14:42:51 russell: Dec 15 no problem from BCI 14:43:28 michaelc: So, checkin again next Monday! 14:44:46 zakim, bye 14:44:46 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been janina, Russell, michaelc 14:44:46 Zakim has left #aac 14:45:03 rrsagent, make minutes 14:45:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/11/07-aac-minutes.html janina 15:03:56 janina has left #aac