IRC log of apa on 2022-11-02
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:54:12 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #apa
- 13:54:12 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:54:14 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 13:54:14 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #apa
- 13:54:16 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference
- 13:54:16 [trackbot]
- Date: 02 November 2022
- 13:54:59 [matatk]
- Chair: Matthew
- 13:55:00 [matatk]
- agenda+ Agenda Review & Announcements
- 13:55:00 [matatk]
- agenda+ New Charters Review
- 13:55:03 [matatk]
- agenda+ A11y Review Comment Tracker
- 13:55:06 [matatk]
- agenda+ New on TR
- 13:55:08 [matatk]
- agenda+ Dangling Spec Review Cleanup:
- 13:55:11 [matatk]
- agenda+ Spec Tracking Wiki Reminder
- 13:55:14 [matatk]
- agenda+ CSS Update (Paul)
- 13:55:17 [matatk]
- agenda+ Task Force & Deliverables Updates
- 13:55:19 [matatk]
- agenda+ Actions Checkin (Specs)
- 13:55:22 [matatk]
- agenda+ Other Business
- 13:55:24 [matatk]
- agenda+ be done
- 13:55:34 [matatk]
- agenda?
- 13:56:41 [Rachele]
- Rachele has joined #apa
- 13:58:50 [niklasegger]
- niklasegger has joined #apa
- 13:59:54 [PaulG]
- present+
- 14:00:42 [matatk]
- present+
- 14:00:52 [niklasegger]
- present+
- 14:04:57 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- Lionel_Wolberger has joined #apa
- 14:04:59 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- present+
- 14:05:02 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- scribe: Lionel_Wolberger
- 14:05:09 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- zakim, next item
- 14:05:09 [Zakim]
- agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Announcements -- taken up [from matatk]
- 14:05:16 [matatk]
- subtopic: WAI leadership transition
- 14:05:28 [kirkwood]
- kirkwood has joined #APA
- 14:06:15 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- matatk: WAI changes in progress, Judy moving on.
- 14:07:08 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... MichaelC our staff contact is assuming a bigger role in WAI and will update us further in future
- 14:07:13 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... see the Blog for more details
- 14:07:46 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... Janina returns next week.
- 14:07:54 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- zakim, next item
- 14:07:54 [Zakim]
- agendum 2 -- New Charters Review -- taken up [from matatk]
- 14:08:17 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- zakim, close this item
- 14:08:17 [Zakim]
- agendum 2 closed
- 14:08:18 [Zakim]
- I see 9 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 14:08:18 [Zakim]
- 3. A11y Review Comment Tracker [from matatk]
- 14:08:20 [Fazio]
- Fazio has joined #apa
- 14:08:20 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- zakim, next item
- 14:08:20 [Zakim]
- agendum 3 -- A11y Review Comment Tracker -- taken up [from matatk]
- 14:08:41 [Roy]
- subtopic: ElementInternals's ARIAMixin
- 14:08:41 [Roy]
- - issue:
- 14:08:41 [Roy]
- - tracking:
- 14:08:43 [matatk]
- regrets+ Gottfried
- 14:09:09 [Fazio]
- present+
- 14:09:52 [matatk]
- q?
- 14:10:12 [Roy]
- subtopic: [mediaqueries] Suggestion: "prefers-pointer-location"
- 14:10:12 [Roy]
- - issue:
- 14:10:12 [Roy]
- - tracking:
- 14:13:54 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- Lionel_Wolberger: This relates to i18n and LTR/RTL issues
- 14:14:04 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- matatk: I18n is tracking
- 14:14:33 [matatk]
- q?
- 14:15:01 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- Lionel_Wolberger: Handedness, right and/or left, has rarely come up as a digital accessibility issue. This seems to be a first
- 14:15:08 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... are there other handedness issues?
- 14:15:16 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- matatk: This did come up in XR
- 14:15:38 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- PaulG: The location of the controls on the page does seem significant
- 14:15:44 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- zakim, next item
- 14:15:44 [Zakim]
- agendum 4 -- New on TR -- taken up [from matatk]
- 14:15:56 [Roy]
- subtopic: Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Specification (Third Edition)
- 14:15:56 [Roy]
- - spec:
- 14:15:56 [Roy]
- - tracking:
- 14:15:56 [Roy]
- - Self review:
- 14:18:01 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- matatk: PNG did come up as prior art, as a method of incorporating meta-data, when we were looking at SVG native
- 14:18:22 [Roy]
- subtopic: CSS View Transitions Module Level 1
- 14:18:23 [Roy]
- - spec:
- 14:18:23 [Roy]
- - tracking:
- 14:19:02 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- matatk: This is the spec behind the new Chrome page transitions feature
- 14:19:13 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... pages move from one to another, without an obvious page load
- 14:20:27 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... reminding APA members, we have many CSS specs to review
- 14:21:33 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- Lionel_Wolberger: Since there is a page transition involved, we would need to pay close attention to the way the new page is experienced by a screen reader user
- 14:22:22 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- PaulG: The spec is mostly visual involving a screenshot (not certain): but I recall it is purely visual, and should not affect the underlying semantics that screen readers rely upon
- 14:23:29 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- Fazio: COGA is concerned with the doorway effect, regarding memory compartmentalization & boundary markers.
- 14:23:54 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... suddenly changing a page can trigger the Doorway Effect, so this spec may aid people who are sensitive to that effect
- 14:23:55 [Fazio]
- Good to minimize doorway effect and help cognitive accessibility
- 14:24:11 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... to minimize doorway effect and help cognitive accessibility
- 14:24:50 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- Action: Paul Review CSS View Transitions
- 14:24:50 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-2331 - Review css view transitions [on Paul Grenier - due 2022-11-09].
- 14:25:23 [Roy]
- 14:25:30 [Roy]
- subtopic: Scroll-linked Animations
- 14:25:30 [Roy]
- - spec:
- 14:25:30 [Roy]
- - tracking:
- 14:26:59 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- matatk: We likely want to ensure that this conforms with 'prefers reduced motion'
- 14:28:36 [nadine]
- nadine has joined #apa
- 14:28:44 [nadine]
- present+
- 14:29:42 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- PaulG: This type of scroll may have originated with the Infographics trend of a while ago, where scrolling advanced the (animated) on-screen story
- 14:30:13 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... This technology is not new, just enabling what happened before via JavaScript, can now happen by scrolling
- 14:31:52 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... all accessibility considerations such as parallax effect (a background moving faster than a foreground) which have adverse effect on people with vestibular disorders
- 14:31:54 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... will still apply when scroll controls the animation
- 14:32:10 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- matatk: Agree. And CSS has its own accessibility considerations section
- 14:32:57 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- matatk: The overall trend of migrating things that were previously scripted, into the CSS world
- 14:34:00 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- PaulG: This may improve things for developers, as scripting can cause elements to not be present in the DOM and AX tree
- 14:34:10 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... while with this CSS method the elements would be present
- 14:34:20 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- zakim, next item
- 14:34:20 [Zakim]
- agendum 5 -- Dangling Spec Review Cleanup: -- taken up [from matatk]
- 14:34:46 [matatk]
- Also:
- 14:38:32 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- matatk: Reminding APA members, you don't need to be an expert in the spec, you just to have an eye for the A11Y potential issues.
- 14:38:41 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... You can always ask questions of the spec author
- 14:39:26 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... we would like to focus on the Web of Things architecture
- 14:39:27 [matatk]
- subtopic: WoT Architecture 1.1
- 14:39:28 [matatk]
- URL:
- 14:39:43 [niklasegger]
- q+
- 14:40:09 [Roy]
- 14:41:27 [Roy]
- - TR:
- 14:41:28 [Roy]
- - issue:
- 14:41:28 [Roy]
- - tracking:
- 14:41:28 [Roy]
- - ping: Horizontal Review for CR
- 14:41:59 [matatk]
- TPAC conversation:
- 14:42:51 [matatk]
- subtopic: WebXR Augmented Reality Module - Level 1
- 14:42:52 [matatk]
- URL:
- 14:42:54 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- matatk: The TPAC meeting aligned our vocabulary with them very well, e.g., they accepted the 'middleware' term
- 14:43:13 [niklasegger]
- ack me
- 14:44:44 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- ... WebXR CG and WG are aware of XAUR, so this just needs a quick looking over
- 14:44:54 [matatk]
- q?
- 14:44:59 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- zakim, next item
- 14:45:00 [Zakim]
- agendum 6 -- Spec Tracking Wiki Reminder -- taken up [from matatk]
- 14:45:17 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- zakim, close this item
- 14:45:17 [Zakim]
- agendum 6 closed
- 14:45:18 [Zakim]
- I see 5 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is
- 14:45:18 [Zakim]
- 7. CSS Update (Paul) [from matatk]
- 14:45:18 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- zakim, next item
- 14:45:19 [Zakim]
- agendum 7 -- CSS Update (Paul) -- taken up [from matatk]
- 14:46:39 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- PaulG: No updates, nothing stands out as needing APA attention
- 14:46:41 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- zakim, next item
- 14:46:41 [Zakim]
- agendum 8 -- Task Force & Deliverables Updates -- taken up [from matatk]
- 14:48:54 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- zakim, next item
- 14:48:54 [Zakim]
- agendum 9 -- Actions Checkin (Specs) -- taken up [from matatk]
- 14:49:17 [matatk]
- To check your own actions:
- 14:49:54 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- zakim, next item
- 14:49:54 [Zakim]
- agendum 10 -- Other Business -- taken up [from matatk]
- 14:51:36 [PaulG]
- PaulG has left #apa
- 14:51:44 [Roy]
- 14:52:49 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- zakim, next item
- 14:52:49 [Zakim]
- agendum 11 -- be done -- taken up [from matatk]
- 14:53:05 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- matatk: Next week Janina is chair, thanks everyone for attending!@
- 14:53:16 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- rrsagent make minutes
- 14:53:24 [Lionel_Wolberger]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:53:24 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Lionel_Wolberger
- 14:55:54 [matatk]
- regrets+ Becky
- 14:56:01 [matatk]
- regrets+ Alisa
- 14:56:06 [matatk]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:56:06 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate matatk
- 14:58:52 [matatk]
- regrets+ Mike_Beganyi
- 14:58:57 [matatk]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:59:00 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate matatk
- 14:59:51 [matatk]
- regrets+ Todd
- 14:59:52 [matatk]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:59:52 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate matatk
- 15:59:51 [Francis_Storr]
- Francis_Storr has joined #apa
- 17:39:39 [Francis_Storr]
- Francis_Storr has joined #apa
- 18:07:18 [spectranaut]
- spectranaut has joined #apa
- 18:07:40 [spectranaut_]
- spectranaut_ has joined #apa
- 18:19:41 [Francis_Storr]
- Francis_Storr has joined #apa
- 18:59:32 [kirkwood]
- kirkwood has joined #APA
- 19:08:56 [kirkwood]
- kirkwood has joined #APA
- 19:32:04 [Francis_Storr]
- Francis_Storr has joined #apa
- 23:01:13 [PaulG]
- PaulG has joined #apa
- 23:01:20 [PaulG]
- PaulG has left #apa