Charter for the Governance Committee — W3C Inc Board of Directors


The Governance Committee ensures that the governance structures and processes for the Consortium (including the Board) are appropriate and documented. It oversees the governance of the W3C as a global collaboration between Members, Partners, and other contributors.

Responsibilities and Duties


The Committee consists of at least three Directors appointed by the Board.

Officers are standing guests of the Committee. Any Director may attend meetings.

Delegated powers



The Committee will operate according to the Bylaws and all applicable Board-established policies, including (but not limited to) the Guest, Communications, Transparency, Confidentiality, and Conflict of Interest policies.


The Committee will meet at least quarterly, or more often as determined by the Chair(s). The minutes of any Committee meeting shall be promptly provided to the full Board.

Approved 20 October 2022, Revision approved 18 July 2024.