18:59:14 RRSAgent has joined #aria-at 18:59:14 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/10/27-aria-at-irc 18:59:44 rrsagent, make log public 18:59:50 present+ 18:59:57 CHAIR: Matt King 19:00:14 MEETING: ARIA and Assistive Technologies Community Group 19:00:23 rrsagent, make minutes 19:00:23 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/27-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King 19:02:54 Sam_PAC has joined #aria-at 19:07:56 scribe+ 19:08:05 TOPIC: Candidate test queue 19:08:52 Matt: Are we on track to test the Canidate Test queue next week? 19:09:46 Seth: We are still track to test this next week, Louis is scheduled to perform some testing next Monday. 19:10:24 Bocoup will send out a email on Tuesday to let the community know the Canidate Test queue is ready for review 19:10:48 We will plan to discuss any issues in next weeks Community Group meeting 19:11:27 Seth: As a reminder, most of the features are for the vendor or Admin roles 19:12:14 The CG group should review the public view 19:13:41 JoeHumbert has joined #aria-at 19:14:08 Seth: When the email goes out to instruct people to review the Canidate Test Queue, it will include a definition of where people should provide feedback 19:14:51 present+ 19:14:58 TOPIC: Plan for sharing test results in APG 19:15:23 Planning for the sharing of our results in the APG 19:15:41 Matt_King: This is a big deal! 19:16:19 Isaac Durazo let us know that Next week, the APG task force will be discussing the idea of having ARIA-AT Test Reports embedded in APG’s Pattern Example pages . 19:16:40 APG GitHub issue for design: https://github.com/w3c/aria-practices/issues/2520 19:17:06 He created the issue linked above to share mockups of this idea. If anyone in this group wishes to participate in the discussion, please join next week’s APG meeting or comment on the issue. 19:18:25 Matt_King: This will drastically increase the visibility of the ARIA AT Project 19:19:25 Matt_King: Our side of this is making sure we have the data ready, our goal was to get the first 8 plans we've been working on by the end of the year 19:19:57 Matt_King: We got some feedback that may push this date back a little bit 19:21:59 In addition, Vispero is working on some fixes based on the existing test results, that will be released in next version of JAWS in the second or third week of December 19:22:33 Matt_King: I still want to try to release the test results for one or two tests by the end of the year 19:22:49 Matt_King: but that will be a tight window 19:24:37 JoeHumbert: I would love to help test at the end of the year, but I no longer have a JAWS License that I can use. 19:27:38 JoeHumbert: Could the results just be published and updated in the future based on newer releases? Do we need to wait for the new version of JAWS? 19:28:23 Matt_King: We are timing the release of the first set of results in an effort to increase and encourage collaboration with our partners 19:29:41 JoeHumbert: In the future, we want to avoid situations where we delay the results of tests to wait for updates from a vendor. As we haven't released any data yet, this is okay, but is worth discussing for the future 19:35:09 Matt_King: When you go to the reports page now, the URL seems to change, I want to understand the constraints of how to label the data in the APG, and when linking to test results will the test reports page have a static URL? 19:36:12 Seth: Currently the Test Queue does create a URL for a specific test result. My understanding is we would want a URL that reflects the most recent test data 19:36:45 Matt_King: For sties that reference these test results, The calling site will need to know the status of the test plan 19:37:43 Seth: The fact that we both author ARIA AT and APG, might be a distraction. If this was MDM, wouldnt we want to update the content on our end? 19:38:20 James: I think there are two questions. Are we pulling in a UI in the traditional fashion of a embed, or are using a API? 19:39:04 James: Does the calling site need to know the status? 19:39:27 Matt_King: There a part of me that thinks we need to send the data and the presentation 19:39:54 Seth the easiest thing is to deliver an iframe that includes data and presentation 19:40:18 Seth: If we control all of this, we could offer a second API the request this kind of data 19:40:44 Seth: I think we would want the iFrame first, before we work on a custom presentation 19:41:17 Seth: It also takes a customized website experience to manage the API calls and deal with errors etc 19:41:40 James: The iframe allows people to embed in non web based ways like a spreadsheet 19:41:57 Seth: We can expose Query parameters that customize the way we format the data in the iframe 19:42:19 Seth: These could help match CSS on the calling site 19:43:17 Matt: On the APG side, I'm thinking what we will do is by default we will put on every page the heading that says there is no data available, and on the ones we want to expose it we will use the iframe and change the content accordingly 19:43:55 Matt_King: I want to include Roxanna and James Craig in the review of these pages and the way the results are presented and get their feedback 19:44:33 Matt_King: Where do we want to have all of these discussions on how this will be built and architected? 19:44:51 Matt_King: The Design is up tp the APG Task force 19:45:05 Seth: Yes they are the first client to this data, so we will tailor it to their needs 19:45:33 Seth: There are some more questions that relate to the ARIA AT App, like what the URLs look like and how do they show the most recent data 19:45:45 Seth: Could you expound on what those conversations would include? 19:46:55 Matt_King: Basically spec-ing out what are the basic requirements for URL parameters, what does the Query need to do. The requirements come from the APG side, but for our project we need to think about this in a way that we aren't just targeting the APG 19:47:50 Matt: There is a technical implementation question of how to respond to querys. 19:47:54 Seth: I will start an issue 19:48:22 Matt_King: I'm most concerned about the concept of pulling in the latest results 19:48:46 Matt_King: For now thats what we need in the APG, but we need to design that in a way we could pull in something other than the latest 19:48:55 Matt_King: But that is a future requirement 19:49:27 Seth: Is there a use case for embedding a data from a certain point in time? 19:50:02 Matt_King: Yes when we get to experimental stuff in the APG, we may need this to version test plans 19:50:34 Matt_King: I'm thinking about when we add support for touch screen readers, and we may want to not necessarily pull in the most recent tests. 19:50:52 Matt_King: What the latest test result means is still a little murky 19:52:00 TOPIC: Additional upcoming testing 19:52:48 Matt_King: I am looking to get updated test results based on the JAWS release in December 19:52:57 Matt_King: We aren't sure of the exact date 19:53:20 James: PAC will be closed after Friday December 16th 19:53:47 Seth: Bocoup is closed from December 26th to the 30th 19:54:09 Seth: I will check on Louis's availability to test after the JAWS release in december 19:54:20 James: The mixed state check box is ready to be assigned for testing 19:54:48 James: The disclosure navigation is in a good place, hopefully by Monday we can get this merged and ready for testing 19:55:29 James: There is some additional retesting that needs to occur for Breadcrumb 19:55:52 James: I'm not sure on the exact details of whether we just need to rerun a certain command or rerun the whole test 19:56:12 Isa: People just need to run the test with the additional command as soon as its updated 19:56:31 James: Two plans that need testing from scratch, and one that just needs some retesting 19:57:06 Matt_King: For Breadcrumb we will have to go into the admin test panel and update the test plan, theoretically this should retain the test data 19:57:18 Matt_King: This will be a good test for the result site 19:58:11 James: There are no results for the breadcrumbs because its currently in the queue not in the report page 19:58:59 James: There is one test result published, that we need Seth to look into deleting 19:59:13 JoeHumbert: When is the timing for the retesting of breadcrumb? 19:59:34 James: We will look at who did the original testing and decide next week who needs to retest 20:02:11 Seth: We will unpublished the disclosure navigation report. We will try to soft delete this and report back 20:03:13 Seth: Could you send a heads up when you are ready to update the Breadcrumb? I want to do a final check internally to make sure this feature is ready 20:03:14 rrsagent, make minutes 20:03:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/27-aria-at-minutes.html Matt_King