13:40:28 RRSAgent has joined #silver 13:40:28 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/10/21-silver-irc 13:40:30 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:40:31 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 13:40:54 present: 13:40:54 chair: jeanne 13:40:54 present+ 13:40:54 zakim, clear agenda 13:40:54 agenda cleared 13:40:55 rrsagent, make minutes 13:40:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/21-silver-minutes.html jeanne 13:40:55 q? 13:42:54 agenda+ Preview of Tuesday AG WG call 13:42:54 agenda+ Review asynchronously drafted user needs 13:57:32 janina has joined #silver 13:57:45 agenda? 13:58:52 Chuck has joined #silver 13:59:03 My mic is not working, trying to address. 14:01:19 Azlan has joined #silver 14:01:50 JenniferStrickland has joined #silver 14:01:55 present+ 14:01:56 Makoto has joined #silver 14:02:04 present+ 14:02:16 present+ 14:02:33 scribe: Rachael 14:02:53 present+ 14:03:14 sarahhorton has joined #silver 14:03:24 present+ 14:03:29 present+ 14:03:49 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 14:03:56 zakim, take up item 1 14:03:56 agendum 1 -- Preview of Tuesday AG WG call -- taken up [from jeanne] 14:04:08 Jeanne: Upcoming agenda for AGWG. Link to email: 14:04:12 present+ 14:04:12 Email with agenda -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2022Oct/0024.html 14:04:27 ...the major things. There is a survey on the WCAG 2.2 retrospective. 14:04:34 WCAG 2.2 retrospective -> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/wcag22_retro/ 14:04:47 q+ 14:04:51 Accessibility Supported Subgroup -> https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35422/access-support-subgroup-oct22/ 14:04:59 ...also a survey on standing up the accessibility supported subgroup. 14:05:32 Chuck: I do want to call attention to the retrospective as it includes some proposed tweaks to the decision policy that would apply. 14:06:22 present+ 14:06:22 ...we are putting in some tweaks where we have consensus with objections it would give people a chance to propose alternatives. https://github.com/w3c/wcag/pull/2739/files 14:06:48 ...It's not a significant tweak but codifies something that we think would be a good process. 14:06:57 q? 14:06:59 ack Ch 14:07:16 Jeanne: Thank you. Also going to have subgroup updates and reviewing possible conformance models. Questions on next week's AG meeting? 14:07:22 zakim, take up item 2 14:07:23 agendum 2 -- Review asynchronously drafted user needs -- taken up [from jeanne] 14:07:24 agenda? 14:07:35 Current work -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zLOSUWkXDkT_uyVVKpuidtOF_LLEhaAXJ8v88oM1Wn4/edit#heading=h.ieisu2k2o09e 14:08:22 Jeanne: To recap, we have been working on an assignment from TPAC. Acting as a subgroup on this issue. Is it viable to use clearly written, detailed user needs, instead of writing outcomes? 14:09:15 ...we are picking an example and working through creating detailed user needs. We are doing alternative text together. Then we will asynchronously do others and present them to AGWG. We are not debating whether or not we should do it. We are creating examples so AG can have the higher level discussions. 14:09:17 q+ 14:10:27 ...last week we looked at the document (link above) and brainstormed the first step. Get the examples of flows of images. Made a substantive list. We made one edit this week. We had a discussion of symbol fonts. I added an example as an image (can't paste in as text). For those who need a description of it, I typed a sentence and put it in a symbol font. 14:11:09 ...what you will see there is dots, brackets, semicircles, check marks, crosses, and a variety of other generally useful visual icons but anyone who was reading it with a screen reader would hear The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 14:12:11 scribe+ janina 14:12:15 ...There are 26 items on here. Homework was to pick 1-2 items on the list and start working through the rest of the steps. I didn't see anyone else who had done it. I started myself. I did the first 4 items. I did the list of disabilities and barriers they encounter. 14:12:33 +1 14:12:37 Rachael: Suggests capturing thoughts and insights from the process as we go 14:13:10 scribe: Rachael 14:14:10 Jeanne: If someone wants to add information related to the insight, we can put it somewhere else. I really like how the errors group did this in a spreadsheet. 14:14:42 ...I tried to keep it together but it rapidly gets unwieldy. Under the second step, I separated it into two high level categories. [reads work] 14:16:04 Images in a form control – especially error validation – encounter images that visually state their function (e.g. buttons like “edit”, “print”, “save”, etc). Sometimes these images have alt text, but the alt text does not describe the function, such as “pencil”, “printer”, “floppy disk”. 14:16:20 ...Complex graphics provide necessary information for the purpose of the content, and the information is designed solely for visual comprehension. 14:16:27 ...chuck can you add to this? 14:16:41 ....Musical scores are a visual-only medium and require an embedded non-visual alternative, like MusicXML, Music Encoding Initiative (MEI), or MNX. Need more input from Janina 14:17:01 Janina: That is what is supposed to supplant Music XLM eventually. The last two are the same thing. Moving slowly. 14:17:16 Jeanne: Can you add a link to that so we have it? 14:17:19 Janina. Yes. 14:17:46 Jeanne: That was the list of disabilities and barriers they encounter. From that I started to write the user needs. Needs work but starting point. 14:18:03 ..[reads] Images in form controls: Users need to perceive form controls and understand their purpose. Visual indicators need a semantic equivalent that exposes the state of the control. (example of the error message with visual indicators) 14:18:19 ...[reads next point] Complex graphics: Users need a thorough textual description of the complex graphic that conveys equivalent information that is exposed to sighted users. 14:18:27 ...That is my starting point for conversation. 14:18:39 MNX CG: https://www.w3.org/community/music-notation/2016/05/19/introducing-mnx/ 14:18:48 ...What do you think about this as a process, particularly those from errors group who did this? 14:19:00 q+ 14:19:10 ack Rachael 14:19:17 ack suz 14:20:39 SuzanneTaylor : We did this a little more in a lengthier way. Sarah was fantastic at processing the information. We took each scenario. In this case each type of image. Then we put all the functional needs including intersectional needs. The for each functional needs we wrote thoughts on what the neds were. Many were well established known needs. Some cases it was more raising questions and speculation. Identified that as a risk - could 14:20:39 make an assumption and be difficult for the group to track. 14:20:58 ...was something resesarch based on an assumption. Important to mark assumptions/questions. 14:21:33 ...Suggest writing a question. Example: Would someone with diabiliitating anxiety find this error message troublesome. 14:21:41 ...Good to mark things that may be missed. 14:22:15 ...I note that you have html that has sound effects. Often those are forgotten in reviews because the current SC don't call it out. Going through the process is valuable. 14:23:01 q+ 14:23:10 ...We could provide a few methods to consolidate since there are options. That may make it more palatible. 14:23:16 ack Chuck 14:23:30 Chuck: You'd opened up that this is a lengthy process. How lengthy? 14:23:36 SuzanneTaylor: I wonder if Sarah could comment? 14:23:45 q+ 14:23:51 ack sarahhorton 14:23:58 you sound good 14:25:12 sarahhorton: It was a while ago but it definitely was lengthy. We started a few steps back from the list here. We went into very granular scenarios, almost use cases. 14:26:12 ...We made an inventory of different flows you might encounter a digital interface and building up from there. A long document: 14:26:17 Error flows document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1siHMdNk96v2DVY6sarjZCDt5-nvqvQq13bXOOYymNlw/edit#heading=h.uk0e1opoh642 14:26:20 Thank you Sarah! 14:27:04 ....very granular flows. How are people effected by these? Then move into looping 14:27:06 Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BEzSKUsoMQZAwLY5uM5T4Jk7vqKruQT8EaheijQJ7nk/edit#gid=14365122 14:27:28 ...weeks of working together to do an information archictecture exercise. A lot of sense making. 14:27:59 ...a lot of grouping. To Suzanne's point, we were a group of people, a lot of whom has done usability studies. Bringing expertise in. 14:28:19 ...a little snapshot based on a small group of people's experience when compared with the world of lived experiences. 14:28:35 ...helfpul in surfacing things that isn't accounted for. 14:28:50 q+ 14:28:56 ... about a year of work. A lot of work. 14:28:59 ack je 14:29:42 Jeanne: Trying to keep a balance. We aren't trying to write alt text. Errors was writing the guidelines. Our task here is to create examples that AGWG can look at. 14:29:44 +1 to focusing us on examples for WCAG 14:30:08 ...but I also know that when work gets done, even if an example, people tend to treat is as if its throrough. What would chairs like? 14:30:09 q+ 14:30:14 q+ 14:30:18 ack Rachael 14:30:32 scribe: janina 14:30:56 Rachael: My perspective is to keep this activity--but try for the 8 week time frame we've been using 14:31:06 +1 to Rachael's suggestion of keeping light for this exercise. 14:31:16 ack Ch 14:31:18 Rachael: My thought is that this work will go into the pertinent section; but will iterate further 14:31:27 Rachael: Would not to take too much time per area 14:31:34 Chuck: agrees 14:31:42 jeanne: So, two ways to go ... 14:31:54 jeanne: A sketchier version of the Errors process or 14:32:07 jeanne: Or pick a few and just work them through to outcomes 14:32:21 No disagreement, +1 to "narrow" and picking... 14:32:30 jeanne: so which ... 14:32:47 q+ 14:32:50 q+ 14:32:56 jeanne: form controls and complex graphix are essential. Are there others people feel strongly about? And will work on? 14:33:22 sarahhorton: suggest narrow and undisputed; that rules out complex images maybe 14:33:30 sarahhorton: that's a massive topic 14:33:43 sarahhorton: maybe functional images for buttons 14:34:32 sarahhorton: don't understand 'images in a form control,' could be various kinds of functions -- informative? function? 14:35:11 SuzanneTaylor: perhaps take existing wcag3 guidelines and use this process 14:35:53 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W7g9a5b3gQZ2aPEivl0KJ48K3sMg6eegtMiCwkw-eaU/edit?usp=sharing 14:36:01 SuzanneTaylor: i used this exercise as a guide working on conformance; and it was helpful even though I just followed it conceptually 14:36:19 SuzanneTaylor: i was working on captions ... 14:38:09 SuzanneTaylor: lays out specifics ... your scribe isn't quite tracking all the "ands" 14:38:45 SuzanneTaylor: point is i did the exercise in part without walking all the steps formally 14:39:11 Wow I'm absorbing... 14:39:21 jeanne: interesting example -- not quite what we're writing ... 14:39:50 SuzanneTaylor: regardless we have to figure out the format for the outcomes 14:39:52 sarahhorton_ has joined #silver 14:40:29 SuzanneTaylor: so user needs is alternative support for audio information 14:40:33 q+ 14:40:46 ack sar 14:40:48 ack Sar 14:40:48 s/audio/spoken audio/ 14:40:55 ack suz 14:41:00 ack ch 14:41:36 Chuck: am intrigued; but am still liking form controls and complex images approach 14:42:01 Chuck: chair hat off: concerned starting from wcag2 isn't helping us think more comprehensively 14:42:16 jeanne: wonders about a merged approach 14:43:14 jeanne: always happy to have people expiriment with approaches ... 14:43:34 +1...... billion 14:43:35 jeanne: jeanne picks one and works through to writing user needs 14:43:57 q+ 14:44:01 jeanne: others do their own; but document the process so can explain how the user needs were established 14:44:34 SuzanneTaylor: like the idea; wondering how far to go? do we go to outcome and maybe a method or two? 14:44:45 jeanne: no; a user need that can be tested. end there 14:44:58 zuaso not an outcome 14:45:06 q+ 14:45:13 jeanne: our task is to learn whether we can eliminate the outcome level 14:45:31 jeanne: maybe we can't; that's what we're trying to establish 14:45:37 q+ 14:45:59 q- 14:46:03 jeanne: philosophical idea is to keep things user oriented but testable 14:46:05 ack suz 14:46:08 ack sar 14:46:26 sarahhorton_: from a granularity perspective; we have the functional needs doc 14:47:02 q+ 14:47:35 jeanne: more detailed; so as to establish detail user need to address X -- digital representation of artwork; or comics; 14:48:10 jeanne: looks at form controls and reads her results ... 14:48:40 sarahhorton_: so functional needs describe a way to meet a user need? 14:48:42 jeanne: yes 14:49:09 sarahhorton_: so our exercise shows how to meet that need? 14:49:21 q+ to say this is our first observation :-) 14:49:52 For what is worth, I personally think that the granularity is the same as the current outcomes but written from the user perspective instead of the application perspective 14:49:53 q- 14:50:28 Chuck: reads Rachael's comment above ... 14:50:53 Chuck: believe that's our first observation re what sarah and suzanne are saying 14:51:08 jeanne: where to capture that? 14:51:36 jeanne: will put at the bottom to scroll ease 14:52:34 sarahhorton_: believe i was recapping a specific example from errors work; user focussed and contrasting with alt text; 14:52:44 I think that's it! 14:52:49 sarahhorton_: perhaps distinguishing between user needs and system requirements 14:53:55 jeanne: asking everyone to pick a flow and work on it as an example 14:54:03 jeanne: put your name next to it! 14:54:15 I will not be able to participate, I will be in conference prep all next week and in conference the following week. 14:54:28 janina: similar constraints too 14:55:01 jeanne: asking ... 14:55:05 [crickets] 14:57:07 present+ 14:57:10 rrsagent, make minutes 14:57:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/21-silver-minutes.html janina 15:01:41 jsun has joined #silver 15:53:10 kirkwood has joined #silver 16:00:51 jeanne2 has joined #silver 20:29:10 kirkwood has joined #silver 23:40:52 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver