14:57:29 RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-test-method 14:57:29 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/10/14-wcag3-test-method-irc 14:57:51 zakim start meeting 14:57:58 Zakim, start meeting 14:57:58 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:57:59 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jaunita_george 14:58:29 Meeting: 10-14-22 Test Requirements as Methods Subgroup 14:59:28 Agenda+ Create Teams for Each Test Type 14:59:37 Agenda+ Plan Next Steps 14:59:50 Agenda+ Determine Target Check-In Date 14:59:55 zakim, take up first item 14:59:55 I don't understand 'take up first item', jaunita_george 15:00:01 zakim, take up item 1 15:00:01 agendum 1 -- Create Teams for Each Test Type -- taken up [from jaunita_george] 15:01:04 present+ 15:01:42 joweismantel has joined #wcag3-test-method 15:01:46 Rachael has joined #wcag3-test-method 15:01:56 present+ 15:02:06 present+ 15:02:22 wendyreid has joined #wcag3-test-method 15:02:25 Poornima has joined #wcag3-test-method 15:02:31 present+ 15:02:38 Regina has joined #wcag3-test-method 15:03:15 scribe: Poornima 15:03:24 Jason_Khurdan has joined #wcag3-test-method 15:03:31 Rain has joined #wcag3-test-method 15:03:38 present+ 15:04:10 Present+ 15:04:42 Jaunita: our first agenda will be 'which type of test types folks will be interested in'? 15:04:56 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KOk3iPXWzBYnNRPgzm6IvyIAiY-y8BjoZ50Aku0RxPk/edit#heading=h.unawrbqrgq5f 15:05:10 4.2.1 Computational tests 15:05:31 Correction: Prescriptive requirements 15:05:42 Adaptive requirements 15:05:53 Extensible requirements 15:06:04 Protocol-based requirements 15:06:33 Jaunita: Refresh of the types of requirements from the google doc link pasted above 15:06:42 ... reading through the document 15:08:06 ... section 4.3 Types of Requirements in the google doc 15:09:09 ... these are 4 types of requirements, will be creating Methods as examples 15:09:26 I'd like to continue working on adaptive 15:09:33 ... anyone interested to work on specific requirements? quick poll on chat 15:09:37 Would welcome a collaborator, though 15:09:41 I would be interested in Extensible or Protocol-based 15:09:44 Adaptive requirements 15:09:52 I would be happy to work on extensible or protocol - wherever you need someone 15:09:53 I'll continue working on Protocols and am happy to have collaborators 15:09:53 I'd be happy to help with the protocol based 15:10:10 Adaptive: Rain & Poornima 15:10:29 Prescriptive 15:10:37 That works for me 15:10:38 Sure 15:10:42 Protocol based: Jason, Jaunita, Rachel 15:11:02 +1 15:11:12 +1 15:11:25 Jaunita: I'm going to put together teams here, do +1 if you agree 15:11:33 +1 15:11:34 +1 (just note that I have may often have to step out at 30 minutes after) 15:12:06 Prescriptive: Regina; Adaptive: Rain and Poornima; Extensible: Rachael and Jo; Protocols: Jaunita and Jason 15:12:21 +1 15:12:22 +1 15:12:24 +1 15:12:26 +1 15:12:30 +1 15:13:10 zakim, take up item 2 15:13:10 agendum 2 -- Plan Next Steps -- taken up [from jaunita_george] 15:13:24 Jaunita: We need one more person for Prescriptive, may be whoever joins later or next call, Wendy may be interested 15:13:42 q+ 15:13:43 q+ 15:13:55 ack joweismantel 15:14:04 ... suggestion on meeting types or methods? asynchronous & same timing on friday 15:14:11 ack Rachael 15:14:34 Rachel: question: are we writing example methods or rewriting the methods templates or both? 15:15:00 Jaunita: it would make sense to do both, but let's take a poll 15:15:03 q+ 15:15:12 ack Poornima 15:15:31 I think this is the most recent one but I will take another moment to make sure https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KP6A9TmSkhgHvsTxu4FFGC9duzHKU-OBM_tcULC5Mew/edit#heading=h.qdnlzct1rivr 15:15:47 Jo: the same friday meeting for check-in looks great 15:15:58 q+ 15:16:08 ack Rachael 15:16:47 Rachel: this document was written for Prescriptive testing, i guess this needs to be modified for different types of test types 15:17:00 ... looking for more recent template now 15:17:33 Jaunita: Meanwhile let me write a draft resolution 1. Write example methods 2. Modify template 15:17:59 Most up to date template: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l8iM8QSfzSkeRwJ6X9iArakrlYRc7oPKVfg1GxvCJ6Y/edit#heading=h.1et5sb74qcgm 15:18:03 Draft RESOLUTION: Each team will write example methods and modify the method template for their requirement. Each team will work asynchronously and use the Friday calls as checkpoints. 15:18:22 +1 15:18:25 +1 15:18:26 +1 15:18:31 +1 15:18:33 +1 15:18:38 +1 15:18:50 +1 15:18:56 RESOLUTION: Each team will write example methods and modify the method template for their requirement. Each team will work asynchronously and use the Friday calls as checkpoints. 15:19:08 zakim, take up item 3 15:19:08 agendum 3 -- Determine Target Check-In Date -- taken up [from jaunita_george] 15:19:13 Jaunita: we are on the last agenda item 15:19:30 ... fridays are check-ins, when do we want our first deliverable, thoughts? 15:19:57 ... to see how methods, templates are coming, or any help needed? 15:20:33 ... the method template written for Prescriptive requirements, the rest of the team might have to change the template and also author the method 15:21:37 ... typing in the draft resolution 15:21:51 q+ to ask if creating a folder in the silver work and copying over the templates would help get us started 15:21:53 Draft RESOLUTION: Each team will come prepared to share their work in two weeks on the 10/28 meeting. 15:22:00 ac Rachael 15:22:24 Rachel: Would it be useful to create template in Silver folder? 15:22:44 Jaunita: We may require Main folder & Sub folders for each draft methods 15:23:03 ack Rachael 15:23:03 Rachael, you wanted to ask if creating a folder in the silver work and copying over the templates would help get us started 15:23:08 +1 15:23:10 +1 15:23:12 +1 15:23:17 +1 15:23:24 +1 15:23:29 +1 15:23:44 +1 15:23:50 RESOLUTION: Each team will come prepared to share their work in two weeks on the 10/28 meeting. 15:24:08 q+ 15:24:14 ack Poornima 15:25:00 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KOk3iPXWzBYnNRPgzm6IvyIAiY-y8BjoZ50Aku0RxPk/edit#heading=h.unawrbqrgq5f 15:28:34 ... the comment I added as a question in the google doc for adaptable or extensible? 15:28:41 https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1aFgAUS8Rbizokf5ah9PFKM-1KA1WRwns 15:29:12 Jaunita: The example Poornima pointed out is adaptable requirement.. as the extensible means there are one more than specifications but both will be valid 15:30:22 khurdan@gmail.com 15:30:35 Jaunita: Rachel had created the folder structure for each requirement team.. require edit access 15:31:01 s/khurdan@gmail.com/ 15:31:13 s/rainb@google.com (yes, it's a gmail)/ 15:32:12 s/regiasanwebdev@gmail.com/ 15:33:24 Rachel: I had given permissions to everyone 15:33:42 rrsagent, make minutes 15:33:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/14-wcag3-test-method-minutes.html jaunita_george 15:33:59 zakim, end meeting 15:33:59 As of this point the attendees have been jaunita_george, joweismantel, Rachael, Poornima, Rain, Jason_Khurdan 15:34:01 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:34:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/14-wcag3-test-method-minutes.html Zakim 15:34:04 I am happy to have been of service, jaunita_george; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:34:09 Zakim has left #wcag3-test-method 15:34:47 s/regiasanwebdev@gmail.com/ 15:34:52 s/rainb@google.com 15:34:57 s/rainb@google.com (yes, it's a gmail)/ 15:35:14 rrsagent, make minutes 15:35:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/14-wcag3-test-method-minutes.html jaunita_george 15:35:25 it's okay 15:35:40 Thank you for organizing, Juanita!!! 17:05:45 Poornima has joined #wcag3-test-method 17:06:05 rrsagent, make minutes 17:06:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/14-wcag3-test-method-minutes.html Poornima 19:14:48 rrsagent, make minutes 19:14:48 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/14-wcag3-test-method-minutes.html Poornima