13:38:59 RRSAgent has joined #wcag2ict 13:38:59 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/10/13-wcag2ict-irc 13:39:01 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:39:02 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), maryjom 13:39:06 agenda? 13:39:37 chair: Mary Jo Mueller 13:39:48 meeting: WCAG2ICT Task Force Teleconference 13:40:06 agenda+ Announcements 13:40:20 Agenda+ Next steps for the WCAG2ICT Work Statement 13:40:36 agenda+ Begin learning GitHub 13:45:30 ThorstenKatzmann has joined #wcag2ict 13:55:00 zakim, clear topic 13:55:00 I don't understand 'clear topic', maryjom 13:58:31 LauraBMiller has joined #WCAG2ICT 13:59:22 present+ 13:59:47 present+ 13:59:57 present+ 14:00:14 present+ 14:00:41 ShawnT has joined #wcag2ict 14:00:43 bruce_bailey has joined #wcag2ict 14:00:49 present+ 14:00:58 FernandaBonnin has joined #WCAG2ICT 14:01:10 Devanshu has joined #wcag2ict 14:01:21 present+ 14:01:40 present+ 14:01:53 scribe:ChrisLoiselle 14:02:04 scribe: ChrisLoiselle 14:02:14 present+ 14:02:22 olivia-hogan-stark has joined #wcag2ict 14:02:24 present+ 14:02:31 shadi has joined #wcag2ict 14:02:35 present+ 14:02:36 agenda? 14:02:41 present+ 14:03:02 Zakim, take up next 14:03:02 agendum 1 -- Announcements -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:04:21 AnastasiaLanz has joined #wcag2ict 14:04:25 MaryJo : Talks to editor roles. We are going to have Phil Day, myself and Chris Loiselle as editors. Thanks Gregg for the ask and will call on as needed. 14:05:15 q+ 14:05:15 MaryJo : Tutorial about GitHub is major goal of this meeting. 14:05:17 q? 14:05:28 q? 14:05:29 BryanTrogdon has joined #wcag2ict 14:05:39 present+ 14:05:45 ack gregg 14:05:57 present+ 14:06:04 present+ 14:06:08 present+ Daniel 14:06:09 Gregg : For training, you may want to record the training session. I know we don't record the meetings in general. 14:06:26 present+ Daniel 14:06:42 pday_ has joined #wcag2ict 14:06:54 Judy: I want to make sure we can ask any question about GitHub during this call . 14:07:47 MaryJo : If questions are captured in meeting minutes, we can add those to wiki and point to GitHub help . We want people to be comfortable , no question to small , we want people to learn. 14:08:16 agenda? 14:08:30 present+ 14:08:46 Zakim, take up item 2 14:08:46 agendum 2 -- Next steps for the WCAG2ICT Work Statement -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:08:52 present+ 14:10:21 Mary Jo : Next steps for work statement. As a task force, it has to go to full review for AGWG . AGWG will review again . They may come back with comments. 14:10:34 Cara_Henderson_ has joined #wcag2ict 14:11:09 Just confirming it will be discussed at the October 18th meeting 14:11:17 Mary Jo : Will discover result of survey and call for consensus (CfC) will be sent out 14:11:59 Mary Jo : As task force members, you are also able to respond . 14:12:26 ... any questions? 14:12:35 Zakim, take up item 3 14:12:35 agendum 3 -- Begin learning GitHub -- taken up [from maryjom] 14:13:46 Mary Jo : shares her screen, showcasing url github.com/w3c/wcag2ict 14:14:12 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict 14:16:04 if you want to edit notifications , you want to find the unwatch element , notifications for participants and mentions vs. all activity is discussed. If you @ the person , they will be notified . As a facilitator , Mary Jo monitors all activity. You can restrict to your liking. Talks to ignore functionality but reviewing tasks individually. 14:16:56 q? 14:17:41 Shadi : talks to unwatch and custom functionality, one is pull request on changing text , the other is raising or commenting on an issue to check certain level of detail you want to receive 14:18:00 ... only issues mentioned on, etc. 14:18:40 ... might be useful for editors , pull requests and changes 14:19:18 +q to say something about discussions in Github 14:19:20 Mary Jo : I plan to use issues to track our work. 14:19:22 q? 14:19:44 Mary Jo : I will look to create project and define milestone within the tool 14:19:47 q? 14:19:55 ack shawn 14:19:55 ShawnT, you wanted to say something about discussions in Github 14:20:10 q+ 14:20:46 ShawnT : We have been using discussions , where discussions are topics or future additions . It is enabled within settings administratively. 14:21:17 typically found here https://github.com/discussions 14:21:57 MichaelC : We can review and set up outside of call if need be. I'd need user ids , etc. 14:22:15 Mary Jo : Please send user ids to me rather than Michael C. 14:22:25 q? 14:22:50 MichaelC : worthwhile to use in this group 14:23:10 Mary Jo : That would be helpful and agree. 14:23:25 MichaelC : I've made the change. 14:23:27 q? 14:24:24 Thanks to Sam Ogami https://docs.github.com/en/discussions/quickstart 14:24:55 Mary Jo : Issues is an option within GitHub. Creating an issue, tracking an issue, labeling issues, @'ing people . You can filter by author, label, projects , milestones, assignee 14:25:14 Thanks, Sam! 14:25:53 https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/issues is the main area that Mary Jo is highlighting on her screen 14:26:36 Sam has joined #wcag2ict 14:27:03 Mary Jo : You can open a new issue, it will not save unless you put in a title . Submit new issue button is disabled until you name the issue. Once titled, the submit new issue button is enabled. 14:27:15 q- 14:27:18 q? 14:28:12 Mary Jo : If you are adding an issue, you can assign yourself and choose labels as appropriate. Expect labels for new Success Criteria so we can filter by Success Criteria (SC) . 14:28:30 q+ can you setup notifications to filter only any issues that are assigned to you - to avoid missing any? 14:28:43 q+ 14:28:43 ... talks to label of internal , help wanted 14:28:45 q? 14:29:05 present+ 14:29:20 is there's a way to share labels between repositories? 14:29:21 Mary Jo : you can @ mention in the issue you are filing. 14:29:52 Mary Jo : you can preview what you wrote as well. 14:30:11 q+ to say should we do a survey for GH handles so its easier to know everyone's? 14:30:48 talks to square bracket around text , then parens around url string. displays list with hyphen and indent to showcase an unordered list 14:31:03 q? 14:31:22 ack pday_ 14:31:40 Phil : With assignees, can you filter notifications or do you have to log in and then filter? 14:32:19 q+ 14:32:37 Mary Jo : Watching or Unwatch , then when you are participating , you are assigned. Recommends trying out the participating and mentions vs. custom . Then talks to filters 14:33:14 q? 14:33:15 ack fernanda 14:33:15 FernandaBonnin, you wanted to say should we do a survey for GH handles so its easier to know everyone's? 14:33:37 Fernanda : How about we set up a survey and talk to our handles in GitHub there 14:33:53 Mary Jo : I will set up a survey to pursue that yes, great idea! 14:33:53 ack shadi 14:33:57 q? 14:34:54 q+ to speak on putting our github handles in our W3C profiles? 14:35:06 Shadi : If you click on one issue, then scroll down. There are notifications for this particular issue...so you can unsubscribe to particular issues. 14:35:26 this is only possible if you aren't watching ALL activity 14:35:52 Mary Jo : This is good for limited emails on these type of long threads. 14:35:57 q? 14:36:01 q+ 14:36:31 ack shawn 14:36:31 ShawnT, you wanted to speak on putting our github handles in our W3C profiles? 14:36:38 Mary Jo : You can also set up email rules to move to dedicated folders to manage W3C related emails . 14:36:39 q? 14:36:42 https://www.w3.org/groups/tf/wcag2ict/participants 14:37:09 Shawn T : We have our GitHub user names placed in participants off of wiki 14:37:11 q? 14:37:18 ack sam 14:37:59 github uses Markdown - here is a basic cheat sheet https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/ 14:38:01 Sam : If you are familiar with markdown, https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet/ is great resource 14:38:06 thanks , Sam! 14:38:46 Daniel : Talks to Toolbar as well . 14:40:16 Mary Jo : If you are writing in draft format , say in Word, you can drop the Word file in the issue and you can track issue there with file as part of issue. 14:40:22 q? 14:41:56 Mary Jo : You can also set up reference other issues, using the pound sign (#) then followed by the issue you want to include. This can be done in comment section on a given issue or when writing and creating the actual issue 14:42:12 Mary Jo : Any other questions about issues? Any other tips? 14:42:33 q? 14:42:56 Mary Jo : You can unassign or assign yourself as well on issues. 14:44:52 Mary Jo : talks to how we review code. There is a code link within the toolbar. There is a code dropdown select after the add file button. 14:45:11 Mary Jo : Recommends GitHub Desktop application in addition to the web version 14:45:23 q+ 14:45:33 Daniel : GitHub Desktop is not entirely screen reader accessible 14:46:14 Daniel : I have workarounds such as visual studio cloud, you can follow up with me if you have details on workarounds on desktop 14:46:16 Q? 14:46:16 ack judy 14:47:13 Judy : If you have barriers, please feel free to let us know so we know what parts have limitations . We can collect those known issues. 14:47:38 We can approach and work with GitHub on those items as we've been engaged in past 14:48:23 I'm surprised no one from Github / Microsoft is part of the W3C 14:48:27 s/engaged in past/engaged with some other vendors in the past, occasionally with bits of success/ 14:49:13 Mary Jo : We will definitely pursue these as they come up. 14:49:34 ChrisLoiselle : In general, https://docs.github.com/en is a great resource to learn more on all of these items discussed 14:49:58 q+ to clarify the differences between documents and code 14:49:59 Mary Jo : Showcases https://github.com/w3c/wcag2ict/projects?query=is%3Aopen 14:50:06 q+ 14:50:40 Apologies, https://github.com/orgs/w3c/projects/13 is the correct URL for Note Update Project 14:50:47 talks to status, assignee , etc. 14:50:49 q? 14:50:50 ack pday_ 14:50:51 pday_, you wanted to clarify the differences between documents and code 14:50:54 q? 14:51:45 Phil D: Can you clarify on GitHub web vs. desktop version ? Is there a need to use one or the other or both? 14:53:01 q- 14:53:04 q+ to speak on using Github's web browser UI to make changes 14:53:07 Mary Jo : Most of what we are doing is within index.html and it is all in mark up with basic HTML for code editing...that is why we are using the edits in GitHub. Talks to branches and editing , then talks to copy of code that you'd edit and then once changes are made , pull request is made 14:53:16 q+ 14:53:38 q+ 14:53:41 ... before pull is put in to main, opportunity to review is available, then we can merge into main branch after the content has been updated. 14:54:11 Mary Jo : We have a published draft (2013) then an editor's draft. We will continue in the editor's draft. 14:54:55 Mary Jo : There is an entire process on the editor's draft commenting process , so on and so forth. Then we publish again. Iteratively. 14:54:59 q? 14:55:03 ack shawn 14:55:04 ShawnT, you wanted to speak on using Github's web browser UI to make changes 14:55:58 Shawn T : I am wondering if we could do another session about web based UI and not pulling to machine. We are looking into that as a process within web interface 14:56:13 Mary Jo : Note to try that moving forward , perhaps next meeting. 14:56:19 q? 14:56:48 q+ 14:57:02 Shawn T : I'd be willing to pursue with Mary Jo to talk to this topic 14:57:07 ack GreggVan 14:57:08 Mary Jo : Great. 14:57:10 q? 14:57:44 +1 to what @ShawnT says about positive experience with GitHub 14:57:45 Gregg : I agree, recording to fall back on is great. 14:58:32 GreggVan I think that's only if we are using markdown 14:58:35 Gregg : I'm asking how to view non HTML version ? 14:58:37 +1 to what Gregg is askin 14:58:59 q+ to say option for MarkDown is important 14:59:21 * if you go to edit it allows you to preview too 14:59:30 MichaelC : Go to raw view of source, then change rawgit.com 15:00:17 MichaelC: I will follow up with Mary Jo. You can edit in your editor of choice also, but we can talk to push and pull options. 15:00:39 q+ 15:00:41 There are more ways to contribute than updating the content 15:00:56 Gregg : talks to technical aspects of this vs. non technical aspects of updating , etc. 15:01:11 q+ to say I'm not technical and I can manage this (with assistance if needed) 15:01:17 Mary Jo : other teams have used Google docs then converting later... 15:01:24 q? 15:02:17 I lost the connection 15:02:25 @mary Jo , can you make minutes? 15:02:29 so did I - but have to leave for another meeting. Thanks all 15:02:43 zakim, make minutes 15:02:43 I don't understand 'make minutes', ChrisLoiselle 15:02:52 rrsagent, make minutes 15:02:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/13-wcag2ict-minutes.html maryjom 15:02:58 thanks! 15:03:12 I'd like a tutorial on push , pull etc. as we were covering 15:03:14 thanks so much ! 15:03:22 will you send out minutes?" 15:03:47 My connection dropped at the hour from Zoom. 15:10:53 This came up in the COGA meeting today: Collaboration Tool Accessibility https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/task-forces/research-questions/wiki/Collaboration_Tool_Accessibility 15:25:08 maryjom has joined #wcag2ict 15:55:57 maryjom has joined #wcag2ict 16:36:12 Sam has joined #wcag2ict 17:36:09 maryjom has joined #wcag2ict 17:37:36 ShawnT has joined #wcag2ict 18:23:36 maryjom has joined #wcag2ict 19:42:41 regrets: Chuck Adams 19:42:50 rrsagent, make minutes 19:42:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/13-wcag2ict-minutes.html maryjom 20:40:47 maryjom has joined #wcag2ict 21:11:37 maryjom has joined #wcag2ict 21:59:36 maryjom has joined #wcag2ict 22:50:10 ShawnT has joined #wcag2ict 23:36:38 maryjom has joined #wcag2ict