IRC log of wcag3-scoring on 2022-10-12

Timestamps are in UTC.

11:48:02 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wcag3-scoring
11:48:02 [RRSAgent]
logging to
11:48:10 [Francis_Storr]
zakim, start meeting
11:48:10 [Zakim]
RRSAgent, make logs Public
11:48:11 [Zakim]
please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Francis_Storr
11:48:41 [Francis_Storr]
meeting: Issue Severity 2, week 1
11:48:59 [Francis_Storr]
rrsagent, make logs world
11:59:26 [ShawnT]
ShawnT has joined #wcag3-scoring
12:04:18 [sarahhorton]
sarahhorton has joined #wcag3-scoring
12:04:18 [ShawnT]
12:04:23 [sarahhorton]
12:04:25 [Francis_Storr]
12:04:42 [Azlan]
Azlan has joined #wcag3-scoring
12:04:49 [Azlan]
12:08:14 [sarahhorton]
scribe: Sarah
12:08:19 [sarahhorton]
scribe: sarahhorton
12:09:16 [sarahhorton]
Tentative reschedule for 7am PT, 10am ET, 3pm BT
12:09:53 [sarahhorton]
Francis_Storr: Intros
12:11:08 [sarahhorton]
Azlan: Joined conformance subgroup, works for Just Giving, owned by Blackboard, fundraising for charities, front-end engineer, team lead
12:11:23 [sarahhorton]
... more exposure to people using AT, need awareness
12:12:54 [sarahhorton]
Francis_Storr: Works for Intel, accessibility, W3C for couple years
12:13:39 [sarahhorton]
ShawnT: Digital accessibility tech advisory for Canadian fed gov, 15 years, accessibility coding, publishing, advising, 18 months with AGWG
12:13:44 [sarahhorton]
... also COGA
12:15:05 [ShawnT]
12:15:42 [sarahhorton]
Francis_Storr: Goal, build off previous work
12:15:57 [sarahhorton]
... "The goal is to further explore the ideas of issue severity in context, and of defining issue severity at a test level."
12:16:32 [sarahhorton]
ShawnT: AGWG discussions about issue severity, test level, anyone going against that approach?
12:19:10 [Francis_Storr]
scribe: Francis_Storr
12:20:22 [Francis_Storr]
sarahhorton we're at a crossroads where we can look at the feedback we've got. we could assess and see if we need to reset, or we can just say let's keep going down the path we're on
12:20:57 [Francis_Storr]
... if this group has a hesitation on moving down the path, we should reset. where are we as a group?
12:22:07 [Francis_Storr]
... the direction where I think we're going is to pick up where we left off with looking at issue severity at the test level
12:22:31 [Francis_Storr]
... this is impacted at the user's context and how do we account for that?
12:22:44 [sarahhorton]
scribe: sarahhorton
12:23:09 [sarahhorton]
Azlan: Fair bit of room within scope, further explore ideas, leaves space to work in
12:23:37 [sarahhorton]
... goal is pretty clear, a lot of work gone into where we are
12:23:49 [sarahhorton]
... no cause for concern with what's there in goal statement
12:24:16 [Francis_Storr]
TPAC presentation:
12:25:35 [Francis_Storr]
Critical severity worksheet:
12:43:35 [Francis_Storr]
scribe: Francis_Storr
12:44:27 [Francis_Storr]
sarah walks through the critical severity worksheet, explaining the previous subgroup's work
12:46:59 [Francis_Storr]
sarahhorton : maybe we could approach this as to help people understand what's critical. it would help designers and developers focus on context, and the critical issues and to address them.
12:51:10 [sarahhorton]
scribe: sarahhorton
12:51:36 [sarahhorton]
Francis_Storr: Review questions that came out, questions in editor's note
12:52:10 [ShawnT]
12:54:15 [sarahhorton]
Francis_Storr: Not yet reviewed or published
12:58:29 [sarahhorton]
Francis_Storr: Critical severity issue worksheet, need to update the columns to incorporate all the functional needs
12:58:51 [sarahhorton]
ShawnT: Comes from Functional Needs worksheet, incomplete
12:59:27 [sarahhorton]
... In the columns, user needs, we need to be able to include multiple user needs
13:00:00 [ShawnT]
13:00:05 [sarahhorton]
... User needs worksheets, 2 worksheets, includes user needs from functional needs document
13:00:38 [sarahhorton]
... two sheets, one with names of user needs, second by main, secondary, and user need
13:01:00 [sarahhorton]
... gets detailed
13:01:30 [sarahhorton]
Francis_Storr: Next week?
13:01:44 [sarahhorton]
Azlan: Read through everything shared
13:03:38 [sarahhorton]
Francis_Storr: Working meeting before AGWG next week
13:04:34 [sarahhorton]
ShawnT: Survey responses from the AGWG survey, before TPAC
13:04:52 [sarahhorton]
... put in our Google doc to review
13:06:20 [Francis_Storr]
francis to book optional working meeting for next week, one hour before AGWG call
13:06:22 [Francis_Storr]
rrsagent, generate minutes
13:06:22 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Francis_Storr
14:16:04 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #wcag3-scoring
14:40:01 [Francis_Storr]
Francis_Storr has joined #wcag3-scoring
16:02:14 [Francis_Storr]
Francis_Storr has joined #wcag3-scoring
16:28:02 [ShawnT]
ShawnT has joined #wcag3-scoring
16:43:33 [ShawnT]
ShawnT has joined #wcag3-scoring