15:01:32 RRSAgent has joined #publishingcg 15:01:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/10/12-publishingcg-irc 15:01:39 Zakim has joined #publishingcg 15:01:45 Meeting: Publishing CG 15:01:58 Chair: wolfgang 15:02:05 Date: 2022-10-12 15:02:30 Naomi_ has joined #publishingcg 15:02:34 Paul_B has joined #publishingcg 15:02:40 present+ 15:02:42 present+ 15:02:45 present+ Tzviya, wendyreid, wolfgang, Naomi_ 15:03:13 CharlesL has joined #publishingcg 15:03:22 CharlesL has left #publishingcg 15:03:29 CharlesL has joined #publishingcg 15:03:44 present+ 15:03:56 present+ 15:04:04 scribe+ 15:05:19 present+ 15:05:55 wolfgang: counterfeiting issues recap 15:06:37 AvneeshSingh has joined #publishingcg 15:06:38 present+ 15:06:49 …, ability to compare two books, perhaps blockchain technology. 15:08:17 AvneeshSingh: working on the same pieces, how to right good a11y summary. MARC/ONIX/Schema a Canadian group which was on holidays, should start back up in Oct. We will meet tomorrow to discuss. How to improve the user experience guide on a11y metadata. 15:09:21 document for a11y summary: 15:09:22 https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/w3c/publ-a11y/blob/main/drafts/schema-a11y-summary/index.html 15:09:41 Crosswalk for accessibility metadata: https://w3c.github.io/publ-a11y/drafts/a11y-crosswalk-MARC/index.html 15:09:50 George: the name accessibilitySummary, name is really accessibilityAddendum is more realistic. Within the next month we should be closer to having some guidance. enhances modifies clarifies other a11y metadata. Example if there was a hazard it will identify where it is. 15:12:01 …, not an overview anymore as this is covered by the accessibility metadata. with the EU A11y Act this other metadata will be surfaced. It would indicate it conforms to WCAG AA level, the summary would say something like this publication strives to reach WCAG AA as its difficult to 100% achieve perfection. We may look into a new schema term such as accessibilityAddendum. 15:12:04 q? 15:12:22 Avneesh: should not repeat the machine readable accessibility Metadata. 15:12:34 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #publishingcg 15:12:42 present+ 15:12:55 Topic: Education TF 15:13:29 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pvydL4nuZ2IZQFhbsxWZAlFyo6sBu14si3o0OAI34IY/edit 15:13:34 Paul: We go over draft of the Education TF Purpose document. who we want to work with for use cases 15:14:24 …, outlining goals, clear on how we will use the use cases. Review / determine issues raised are already addressable. maybe the solutions are not known. how to increase awareness. 15:15:16 …, determine which use cases we will fwd to the Working Groups. User profiles: publishers and various roles / ed-tech companies, students parents, authors. Vendors etc. 15:15:33 https://docs.google.com/document/d/16HOSP-WzZdbfwMx7MA9-7QyP9Dm0JCtFxBa_gizGJcE/edit 15:15:38 …, Sample use case as a guide given by Charles. 15:16:11 q? 15:17:07 …, give a rough template with just the headers. Susan Newhouse asked about a disclaimer, it may be necessary / reassuring that their responses will be anonymous etc. 15:17:12 q? 15:17:25 q+ 15:17:50 …, we have the pieces in place to start gathering the use-cases, most of our time should be spent reviewing these use-cases. 15:17:57 ack Avneesh 15:18:44 AvneeshSingh: discussed the Accessibility piece with DAISY, what ever we wanted to put into the Education we have put this in already in the Accessibility 1.1 15:19:09 q+ to comment on use case structure 15:19:22 Paul: as use cases come in that are addressing a11y issues we will send this to the accessibility TF to see if these have been already addressed or how we can move this forward. 15:19:31 ack tzviya 15:19:31 tzviya, you wanted to comment on use case structure 15:20:11 +1 Tzviya 15:20:28 q+ 15:20:37 tzviya: use case structure: proposed solutions might not be included, it might discourage writing a use-case. separate story and solution. 15:21:04 ack gautier 15:21:13 Paul: We have discussed this and there is no expectation of a solution and most cases there won't be a proposed solution. 15:22:28 gautier: I used a github proposed use-case template. I didn't follow the template exactly but I failed to find the Education TF template. I found difficult I had to rewrite many times, User story editorial. and a list of audience and benefit. 15:22:30 https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg/issues/46 15:22:46 … easier way to restate the same thing. 15:23:45 Paul: yes, we discussed this and not every section needs to be filled out. Important thing is to get the right information in there. 15:24:47 wolfgang: get precise stories from all kinds of publishers, what is the person we are listening too, scientific publisher, student, etc. 15:25:48 …, why are you asking this. so we can distinguish the stakeholders. we are looking for solution from our best practices documents. We can make experiments and what is our aim in doing this. 15:25:48 q+ 15:26:39 ack Paul_B 15:26:54 paul: most important is to define the persona, and specific information on the pain point, problem statement is as clear as possible. 15:27:16 q+ 15:27:38 q+ 15:27:43 wolfgang: we can refine this use-case document, should be flexible. to categorize these use-cases. 15:27:59 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:28:28 Bill_Kasdorf: adding couple more example just the example and the pain points. With one example could bias folks. We want to encourage as many use-cases. 15:28:38 +1 to that bill. 15:28:57 wolfgang: identifying the pain points without solutions. 15:29:08 …, I agree 15:29:15 q? 15:30:04 Paul: as we start getting use cases in and review with group we can modify the approach accordingly. I will create a blank template to guide the approach. 15:30:39 q+ 15:31:10 ack Paul_B 15:31:21 ack Bill_Kasdorf 15:31:52 Bill_Kasdorf: Redundancy is a feature not a bug. 10 use. cases for the same thing is important to know. should not make the use cases visible initially. 15:32:01 q+ 15:32:23 wolfgang: could get different views and additional information which would be good. 15:32:36 q? 15:32:53 ack wendyreid 15:33:14 q? 15:33:25 I like encouraging +1s as Wendy suggests 15:33:27 wendyreid: Less having 10 issues for the same thing, perhaps adding to the original use-case. people can vote on these issues 15:33:46 q? 15:34:08 …, those who can't articulate a use case they can +1 on the existing ones there which match their pain points and offer additional info they they wish. 15:34:13 +1 to wendyreid 15:34:26 +1 as well :) 15:34:34 q? 15:36:21 rrsagent, make logs public 15:36:40 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:36:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/12-publishingcg-minutes.html CharlesL 15:48:04 CharlesL has left #publishingcg