14:49:03 RRSAgent has joined #maturity 14:49:03 logging to https://www.w3.org/2022/10/12-maturity-irc 14:49:05 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:49:06 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), Fazio_ 14:49:57 meeting: Maturity Model 14:50:08 chair: Fazio, SBH 14:52:03 Agenda+ Check in with Charles on Maturity Model Pilot project. 14:52:16 zakim, clear agenda 14:52:16 agenda cleared 14:52:23 Agenda+ Check in with Charles on Maturity Model Pilot project. 14:52:41 Agenda+ Continue discussion on whether or not to use Slack to provide feedback on Maturity Model FPWD 14:53:04 Agenda+ Explore expanding Maturity Model Subgroup into a task force for APA re-chartering next year 14:53:16 Agenda+ New business 14:54:56 present+ 14:59:23 nadine has joined #maturity 14:59:29 janina has joined #maturity 14:59:59 zakim, who's here? 14:59:59 Present: Fazio, nadine, sheri_b-h, janina, jlkline, maryjom, Lionel_Wolberger, JakeAbma, kline, Lionel_Wolberger_, CharlesL, present, Fazio_ 15:00:01 On IRC I see janina, nadine, RRSAgent, Fazio_, jspellman, Zakim 15:01:56 present+ 15:03:02 Sheri_B-H has joined #maturity 15:03:10 present+ 15:03:18 present+ 15:03:26 Scribe+ Sher_B-H 15:03:34 scribe+ Sheri_B-H 15:03:56 zakim, next item 15:03:56 agendum 1 -- Check in with Charles on Maturity Model Pilot project. -- taken up [from Fazio_] 15:04:07 JakeAbma has joined #Maturity 15:04:15 Present+ 15:04:47 David: Charles has regrets for the next two weeks, will give us an update on the 26th 15:05:11 zakim, next item 15:05:12 agendum 2 -- Continue discussion on whether or not to use Slack to provide feedback on Maturity Model FPWD -- taken up [from Fazio_] 15:07:12 Draft Resolution: Use Slack to communicate with the public for Q&A, which will be archived to Git by Michael 15:07:28 +0 15:07:34 0 15:07:36 +0 15:07:39 +0 15:07:41 0 15:08:34 -1 15:08:54 -1 15:10:21 Slack decision is tabled for now 15:10:29 zakim, next item 15:10:29 agendum 3 -- Explore expanding Maturity Model Subgroup into a task force for APA re-chartering next year -- taken up [from Fazio_] 15:10:37 Sheri and David: concerns over informal communications, the instantaneous nature of Slack might trigger a response that wouldn't occur in Git 15:10:38 1p' 15:11:21 Sheri: What's the difference between a subgroup and a task force 15:11:27 Janina: Task Forces have a work statement 15:11:41 Janina: more meetings for co-facilitators 15:11:56 Janina: takes away one level of bureaucracy 15:13:37 Janina: Thought about it quite a bit over the past week, doesn't think it works for MM because you can't use it to establish conformance 15:18:19 Janina: Doesn't think APA would oppose move to TF, but need to articulate a reason 15:22:03 Janina: Need to put together roadmap for circulating second wide draft and plan for HTML forms 15:22:18 Janina: MM will be specifically named in APAs next charter 15:22:29 Janina: as a deliverable 15:22:56 Janina and Sheri: Forms should be HTML interface only, there are many legal reasons (subpoenas, privacy, GDPR) that we don't want to host the data 15:23:27 Janina: next APA charter will last until July 31, 2025 15:25:33 Brian: will be providing feedback after filtering out internal questions 15:25:58 zakim, next item 15:25:58 agendum 4 -- New business -- taken up [from Fazio_] 15:27:10 Brian: Two questions: 1) With large companies, should this model be done dimension by dimension, or should it be done for the entire corporation? 15:28:34 Sheri: You can do it dimension by dimension if you have some who want to do it more quickly and some that are lagging 15:29:42 Sheri: Having some early wins might convince owners of the other dimensions to get on board 15:30:11 Brian: There is some overlap (for example, comms and executive support) 15:30:42 Brian: a dashboard will be helpful, so you can see the maturity for the entire organization 15:31:38 Sheri: right now, we have a simplified scoring mechanism - total points earned divided by available points 15:33:23 Sheri: Some organizations may want to weight the proof point values 15:39:27 Janina: we will start going through issues next week 15:39:57 rrsagent, make minutes 15:39:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2022/10/12-maturity-minutes.html Sheri_B-H 15:41:28 janina has left #maturity